True Immortal Fate

The Romance of the True Immortals Volume 6: Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1754: The True Yang Fai

See you!

"Whoosh!" A burst of astonishing white light spewed out from the boundless sun flowers like a fountain, and continued to gather in the sky. In the void, a huge and slender figure appeared in the air. …

See you! This figure looks like a beautiful girl. She is wearing a long skirt made of green sun flowers and leaves. She looks like a beautiful girl...

But one look at the appearance of this beauty shocked everyone...

I saw this huge figure, but the skin exposed was like the buds of the yellow sun flower, with a bumpy appearance. The hair of the sun flower drooped down, and the face also looked bumpy. Two suns The buds of the flower look like two eyes, blinking...

A burst of astonishing and suffocating mana fluctuations erupted, causing the entire air in the void to tremble...

"Damn it, it turns out to be a distraction technique! No wonder I can't find him!" Seeing this scene, a cold light flashed in the eyes of Li Xiaoya, who turned into a giant tiger with two wings of flames, and thought to himself...

This art of soul splitting can only be performed by some monster beasts with extraordinary talents. Only monsters with special physiques can perform it...

To put it simply...

That is, the physical body is split by the soul, and the physical body can be divided into countless parts. However, after the split, the cultivation level of the clone will be divided into equal parts of strength according to the number of clones. For example, if it is divided into ten, each split The clone has one-tenth of the strength of the main body... After splitting, the strength of the main body will also decrease...

And this True Yang Fairy has divided her body into countless equal parts, which is truly amazing. If you magnify the light spots flying out from the Flower of the Sun dozens of times, you will see every single light spot. The appearance of Fairy Yang’s figure…

The reason why the monks couldn't find the True Yang Fairy was because of this. What the True Yang now relies on is not the art of concealment at all, but dividing the body into too many equal parts. Each of these powers is actually like an ant. The flower of the sun absorbs spiritual energy...

How could the monks care about this? The monks always thought that it was the breath of the Flower of the Sun itself...

If Li Xiaoya hadn't used this plan, it would have been really difficult to force Fairy Zhenyang to come out. No wonder this guy is not afraid of monks and monsters coming to trouble him...

And this time!

See you!

"Call out the source of life!" The true body of Fairy Yang has completely appeared in the air. He said coldly to Li Xiaoya, who was trapped by the shining white flower of life, that voice was so pleasant that if you didn't look at her true appearance, you would have thought she was some kind of beautiful woman...

"This...are you Senior Fairy Zhenyang?" Seeing this scene, Li Xiaoya pretended to be frightened. He asked hurriedly...but he thought secretly in his heart: "Fat Xiaoqian and the others should know how to break this soul splitting technique, right?"

"That's right! Call out the source of life and spare your life!" Fairy Zhenyang said coldly with an expressionless face, looking like she was determined to win... In an instant, she had fallen hundreds of miles in front of Li Xiaoya... That body The shape is extremely large and astonishing, with a height of tens of thousands of feet... An astonishing aura burst out...

And just then...


"Buzz buzz!" A burst of astonishing power of law buzzed and vibrated...


"Boom, boom, boom!" Three astonishing explosions, two white and one green, three thousand-foot-long light pillars instantly burst into the sky thousands of miles away, centered on the True Yang Fairy...

"Not good!" Fairy Zhenyang reacted instantly and exclaimed. The huge hand burst out with white light, and his body shook, turning into countless white light spots that dispersed instantly...


"Buzz!" The astonishing three light pillars rippled directly into a triangle of light in the sky thousands of miles away, instantly forming a three-sided light curtain that successfully covered an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles...

And among the three light pillars, there was a figure of a monk flying away. As he muttered words, the astonishing power of law rippled out, instantly forming an incomparable aura that vibrated, causing the whole world to tremble crazily...

And this time...

"Damn it!" Fairy Zhenyang turned into countless white light threads. There was an extremely angry curse from Fairy Zhenyang, causing the entire sky to vibrate with a wave of light. Countless light filaments gathered together, and the True Yang Fairy's true body appeared in the air again. With a grab of his big hand, a treasure that was thousands of feet long was like a bud of the flower of the sun, with sharp blades of light on both sides. Appears on hand...

"Go!" I saw Fairy Zhenyang murmuring for a while, and the shocking white light runes burst out from the flower bud light blade treasure in Fairy Zhenyang's hand, forming an astonishing and suffocating mana wave, as Fairy Zhenyang moved forward. A little heavier...

"Rumble!" A burst of dazzling white light bloomed, and the flower bud light blade suddenly transformed into countless light blade shadows, spinning countless white light vortexes, and charged towards the light...

And this time...




Xiao Qian, Dong Santong, and Fu Yuchen, who were controlling the light shield and light column, shouted in a deep voice and tapped their fingers... Dong Santong released the moonlight scimitar treasure, Xiao Qian released countless green light whirlwinds, and Fu Yuchen released the white light long sword treasure to block the attack from the True Yang Fairy...


"Clang clang clang!"

"Clang!" The sound of endless metal colliding and clashing, the crazy collision and explosion, the whole sky was filled with dazzling white light and blade wind, the whole space seemed to be exploding... the attack of the True Yang Fairy was blocked...

Just as Li Xiaoya thought, Dong Santong, Xiaoqian, and Fu Yuchen were all great cultivators of the Immortal Tribulation Stage with amazing cultivation. Their rich experience in fighting was not comparable to that of a cultivator. Although they did not agree with Li Xiaoya to discuss anything, they all recognized that the True Yang Fairy was using the Soul Splitting Technique...

Instantly arranged a defensive ban to deal with this move...

The main thing is! This soul splitting technique is too convenient for escaping. As long as the True Yang Fairy's split body drills into the countless sunflowers, it will be impossible for the cultivators to find the True Yang Fairy again...

And this soul splitting technique also has a great weakness. After the split, the magical power will plummet and there will be not much strength...

Therefore, the three cultivators only need to set up an ordinary defensive ban, and the clones split from the True Yang Fairy will not have enough strength to blast open those defenses. If the True Yang Fairy is one step slower, she will be instantly trapped by the clone that is about to split. In desperation, the True Yang Fairy can only re-merge the body to release the treasure and use the magical power to blast open the defensive ban first...

And this defensive ban can block the True Yang Fairy's countless clones, but it is difficult to release it to block the attack of the True Yang Fairy's body in the Immortal Tribulation Period...

So... Dong Santong, Xiaoqian, and Fu Yuchen instantly released the magic weapon and magical power to blast open the forbidden light curtain first...

It didn't succeed...


"Go!" The True Yang Fairy was no fool. She knew she was no match for the three great cultivators in the Immortal Tribulation Period. She was entangled with the three cultivators here. She roared loudly, and countless white light runes on her body burst out. The flower buds of the sun flower behind her suddenly surged with white light. All her hands stood up, like a peacock spreading its tail, forming a light curtain behind her. Circles of extremely shocking white light vibrated... It looked like she was attacking the other two light curtains at the same time...

"Boom boom boom!" With the earth-shaking roar of the True Yang Fairy, those flower buds suddenly burst out with a white light beam thousands of feet long, directly bombarding countless space ripples... Instantly rushed out thousands of miles...

"Not good!" Dong Santong and the three cultivators all used their magical powers to absorb and block...


"Boom boom boom!" "Clang clang clang" a chaotic explosion, white light burst wildly, Dong Santong, Xiaoqian, Fu Yuchen only blocked most of the white light beams...

There are still more than a dozen beams that directly hit the light curtain set up by the three monks...


"Clang!! Clang!" A burst of white light roared and exploded directly, and two light curtains thousands of miles in size were blasted with more than a dozen huge holes... Two big holes were revealed at once...

"!" The True Yang Fairy showed a look of ecstasy, and the whole huge figure was full of white light, and she was about to rush towards one of the light curtains...


At this moment!

"Die!" With a roar that shook the earth, a shocking blue-green light wave burst into the sky, and a swirling arm of colorful spiritual light that was thousands of feet long grabbed the chest of the True Yang Fairy...

The True Yang Fairy miscalculated, not just because of the miscalculation of the Source of Life...

But the True Yang Fairy simply overlooked one point, that Li Xiaoya, who was trapped in the cage of the Sunflower, was not a powerful demon beast, but a great cultivator in the Immortal Tribulation Period...

Li Xiaoya also saw it clearly, concealed his breath, and bombarded this fatal blow, in order to prevent the damned True Yang Fairy from having a chance to escape, Li Xiaoya even used the life shock...

This punch and strike broke through the barrier of the void, as if the void had stagnated...

In an instant...

"Bang!" With a shocking explosion, the huge and incomparable five-colored spiritual light hand instantly broke through the defense of the spiritual light shield of the True Yang Fairy, and the dozens of protective shields released from its body instantly pierced through the chest of the True Yang Fairy...


And at this moment...

Outside the Sun Valley... four huge monsters appeared on the horizon... Suddenly, they all seemed to have discovered something, and exclaimed in unison: "Not good! True Yang Fairy...!"

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