True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1878: Lair

And Li Xiaoya did not delay...

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!" Li Xiaoya's figure returned to its original form, a gray light surged on his figure, and the mist shadow robe appeared on his body. Then, Li Xiaoya flew silently towards the huge ice mountain that was stagnant in the void and chaotic space...

Why did Li Xiaoya come to this place...?

When Li Xiaoya entered the boundless and huge ice mountain, several hours later...


"Ah!" The roar of the monster that shook the world roared out from the huge iceberg that was millions of miles in size...


"Boom!" A roar that shook the world exploded from the huge iceberg. In the corner of the iceberg, an extremely shocking piece of iceberg ice debris and snowflakes exploded everywhere...


"Ah!" A shrill and extremely miserable scream roared, and a huge iceberg-like mountain that was millions of miles in size was directly blown away... It kept hitting Xuan'er in the void and chaotic space... The shaking void and chaotic space was rippling...

What's more amazing is...

"Boom!" A boundless roar explosion, only a million-mile-large, golden-red sword light, only this sword light is boundless golden light The dragon spun crazily in it, like a sky-shaking light wave, directly breaking the boundless iceberg storm, directly cutting the void chaotic space into two pieces of space cracks tens of thousands of miles long, millions of miles long, and the boundless space light wave crack storm shook... The entire void chaotic space seemed to be cut in half...

In an instant...

It seemed that the entire void chaotic space was stagnant...

"Puff!" With an extremely shocking muffled explosion, the huge giant mountain figure that was directly splashed by the shock and impact was directly cut in two...

In an instant...

"Hua La La!" The boundless crystal clear blue light liquid splashed and exploded everywhere...

I saw that where the incomparable stage of the rock was broken, an incomparably huge head splashed up...

Look at it!

It turned out to be the head of the mythical beast Xuanwu...


"Bang!" There was a shocking explosion, and an extremely amazing blue light ball burst out from the head of the mythical beast Xuanwu. The shadow of a giant beast Xuanwu was spinning in the blue light ball...

I only heard...

"Damn monk! How could you find me?" From the blue light ball, there was a roar that shook the world, as if it was roaring from hell. It sounded like the voice of the demon beast Xuanwu...

However, the answer to the beast Xuanwu was...

"Boom boom boom!" A series of earth-shaking roars and explosions rushed directly, and countless golden red sword lights rushed out from the iceberg. Countless golden red sword lights of tens of thousands of miles were wrapped in countless breaths of earth-shaking law power, and madly shot towards the blue light ball...

"Damn it! Damn monk! Remember this!!" The figure of the beast Xuanwu in the blue light ball shook out boundless blue light ripples, and directly turned into a blue light wave rushing out. Directly drilled into the void chaotic space...


"Puff! Boom boom boom!" Countless golden and red sword beams directly chopped the void chaotic space into pieces, and it was pierced with countless black space cracks, rushing towards the distance frantically, and in a blink of an eye, it pierced the void chaotic space even more amazingly...


The figure of the mythical beast Xuanwu wrapped in the blue light bead disappeared... I don't know where it went...

And at this time...

"Boom!" A burst of amazing colorful spiritual light burst out from the extremely amazing iceberg, and Li Xiaoya was seen holding the Five Elements Immortal Sword and flew out from there. After a few flashes, he stopped in the void chaotic space...

"Tsk! Let the mythical beast Xuanwu's mythical beast pill and soul run away!" Li Xiaoya was seen muttering in annoyance...

"Swish!" Li Xiaoya swung the Five Elements Immortal Sword in his hand... No! That is not the Five Elements Immortal Slaying Sword, but the Bloodthirsty God Dragon Slaying Sword! From the spiritual light that burst out, it is obviously the Bloodthirsty God Dragon Slaying Sword. Only the Bloodthirsty God Dragon Slaying Sword has such great power that it can cut off the head of the mythical beast Xuanwu with one sword...


What is going on? How did Li Xiaoya know that the mythical beast Xuanwu is still here?

I saw it!

"Hehe! But! I will take the body of the mythical beast Xuanwu!" Li Xiaoya looked at the huge body of the mythical beast Xuanwu that was broken by Li Xiaoya with the Bloodthirsty God Dragon Slaying Sword, muttered, and looked extremely excited...

And at this time...

"Swish!" Two spiritual lights flashed. One blue and one green spiritual lights flashed, and they drilled into Li Xiaoya's body in a few seconds...

Look at the appearance, it is exactly the appearance of Li Xiaoya's clone...

What is going on?

So it turned out!

That day, Li Xiaoya was caught off guard when he encountered the mysterious beast Xuanwu that was injured by the demon monks. Although he tried his best, he still let the mysterious beast Xuanwu escape, which made Li Xiaoya very angry...


Li Xiaoya was not very anxious...


At the beginning, when Li Xiaoya was swallowed by the beast Xuanwu, Li Xiaoya released his remaining two clones into it... The original intention was to disturb the beast Xuanwu in its mouth...

This clone did play a role...

At the critical moment, it helped a lot...

More importantly...

When the beast Xuanwu escaped, the clone was not spit out, but was taken away directly with the beast Xuanwu...

Li Xiaoya's clone had a very amazing connection with Li Xiaoya, especially after Li Xiaoya's cultivation and the clone's cultivation increased by an unknown amount, the connection was even more amazing...

Even at such a long distance, it can be barely sensed...

Li Xiaoya took advantage of the situation and hid his clone in the huge mouth of the mythical beast Xuanwu, allowing it to sense... So Li Xiaoya was not panicked or annoyed, but looked confident...

What surprised Li Xiaoya was that the ability of the mythical beast Xuanwu to drill into the void and chaotic space was so amazing that it could go so far away in an instant, which was unexpected for Li Xiaoya...

In order to be on the safe side, Li Xiaoya did not delay and flew all the way to the hiding place of the mythical beast Xuanwu... This is super Divine beast, with Li Xiaoya's current magical power, he is no match for this Divine Beast Xuanwu. This injury is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Li Xiaoya will not miss it...

From the feedback from the clone...

After the Divine Beast Xuanwu escaped from Li Xiaoya's hands, he first used some unknown method to forcibly pull out the Cone Heart Demon Drill on his body and threw it directly into the void chaotic space...

Then he flew all the way to this huge iceberg...Obviously, this huge iceberg is the appearance of the Divine Beast Xuanwu's nest...

To As for why the Piercing Demonic Diamond was removed first, it is not difficult to guess that the Piercing Demonic Diamond is a treasure of the Demon Immortal, and it naturally has the breath left by the Demon Immortal. The Divine Beast Xuanwu carried this thing, and naturally knew that it would be easily tracked and discovered by the Demon Cultivator... Originally, when the Divine Beast Xuanwu escaped from the Demon Cultivator, it should have removed the Piercing Demonic Diamond...

Who knew that it would be such a coincidence that it ran into Li Xiaoya, and there was no time to take off the thing, and they started fighting... And they were completely at a disadvantage...

The only way was to escape again... Of course, this time the Piercing Demonic Diamond was removed...

But! The beast Xuanwu never thought that Li Xiaoya's clone was still in his mouth. This was also an accident for the beast Xuanwu himself. Although his big mouth magical power was extremely amazing, in order to isolate prey or cultivators from escaping in his mouth, the beast Xuanwu had already cultivated many restrictions on his big mouth. Unless he deliberately used his spiritual sense to sense, otherwise, it would be a completely empty and chaotic space...

It was shattered by Li Xiaoya and hidden in it, and he made a lot of use of it...

And Li Xiaoya tracked the beast Xuanwu all the way to this iceberg mountain range...He went in directly and quietly found the seriously injured beast Xuanwu hiding in the cave to heal his wounds. At that time, the beast Xuanwu was lying in the huge cave. If Li Xiaoya hadn't had a clone in it, it would have been difficult for Li Xiaoya to find the whereabouts of the beast Xuanwu...


This beast Xuanwu is indeed a super beast. Even if it was seriously injured, it was still discovered by the beast Xuanwu at the moment when Li Xiaoya attacked...


This divine beast Xuanwu was still seriously injured, so it could not defeat Li Xiaoya, and just wanted to escape again...

Li Xiaoya had suffered a loss once, so he would give this divine beast Xuanwu a second chance, so he directly used the bloodthirsty Tongshen Zhanlong Sword, a killer move, to directly break the defense of this divine beast Xuanwu and kill it...

It can't be considered a kill...

This divine beast Xuanwu is indeed a super divine beast, and in the end, this guy's demon pill and soul escaped, which is naturally a big loss... From the tone of this divine beast Xuanwu, it seems that he wants revenge...


"Huh huh!? Come back? It will take tens of thousands of years for you to recover this body, and by then, I don't know who will be finished!" Li Xiaoya put away the bloodthirsty Tongshen Zhanlong Sword and murmured...


"Indeed! The body of this divine beast Xuanwu is so big, it's not easy to deal with...!" Li Xiaoya looked at the huge body of the divine beast Xuanwu that was cut into a head, and murmured to himself...

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