True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1881 Don’t even think about escaping

"What's going on?" Li Xiaoya's face changed when he heard the voice, and he exclaimed in astonishment... He hurriedly looked in the direction of the empty chaotic space where the shocking explosion came from...


"Boom boom boom!" One of the eight steel beetles that were in a stalemate was torn into seven or eight pieces by the other seven steel beetles... An extremely shocking red and blue light burst out, and the void and chaotic space was blasted into a huge hole of tens of thousands of miles...

"Chiji jiji...!" The other seven steel beetles rushed forward and instantly tore the torn steel beetle madly, tearing it into powder...

"Hua la la...!" They devoured it madly...

"Tsk...!" Li Xiaoya saw this scene, smacked his mouth and was about to take the next step... Suddenly he found that the strange black light ripple disappeared again... He was stunned and thought to himself: "Why did it disappear again?"

And at this time...

"Chiji!" The seven steel beetles instantly devoured the torn steel beetle's corpse, and the whole thing was flashing with extremely shocking red and blue light ripples... Suddenly, they chirped... …It was very painful in that empty and chaotic space…


“Crack, crack, crack!” All the steel beetles’ eyes trembled, and suddenly countless blue and red light crisscrossed filaments gushed out, and the whole body was wrapped up by countless filaments crazily…

After a while…

It actually condensed into a cocoon of thousands of feet, like a huge egg with blue and red light surging like a giant…

“Hahaha! Success!” Li Xiaoya exclaimed with some excitement when he saw this scene. Li Xiaoya, who had seen the steel beetle advance several times, naturally knew what was going on…It seemed that after these steel beetles directly swallowed the steel beetle, they finally accumulated enough mana and some of the whiskers and meat…naturally, Li Xiaoya was a little excited…and the extremely violent aura of the remaining steel beetles gradually disappeared, and they returned to a calm appearance…

“The aura just now was a bit weird, let’s leave this ghost place first!” Li Xiaoya remembered the black light and looked at the seven giant eggs with blue and red light crisscrossing thousands of feet. He thought to himself, and then...

"Go!" Li Xiaoya made a gesture with his fingers at a very fast speed, and with a flick of his finger, seven golden threads flew towards the huge steel beetle egg, instantly wrapping the seven steel beetle eggs in it. Then, Li Xiaoya's body was filled with golden light, and his body shape changed rapidly. In a blink of an eye, he turned into the appearance of the ten thousand feet long blue thunder roc...

"Boom boom boom!" Li Xiaoya flapped his huge wings and flew forward at an astonishing speed. The golden threads behind him directly dragged the huge steel beetle egg. It shook out a shocking wave of air... After a few flashes, it disappeared into the depths of the void and chaotic space...

If there was still space in Li Xiaoya's secret space, there would be no need to go through so much trouble, but now it is full, so there is no extra space... However, dragging seven giant eggs like this does not affect Li Xiaoya's speed very much...

Of course...

Li Xiaoya will not drag it all the time. When the two clones in the secret necklace refine part of the flesh and blood of the mythical beast Xuanwu, there will naturally be space...

After all...

Who knows when this steel beetle will fully evolve successfully?

However... Although it didn't evolve tens of thousands of Immortal Tribulation Steel Beetles at once as Li Xiaoya expected, it looked like it should be able to evolve up to seven Immortal Tribulation Steel Beetles... Seven Steel Beetles plus Li Xiaoya's five Immortal Tribulation clones...

Li Xiaoya has gathered the combat power of twelve Immortal Tribulation... Naturally it is very amazing... With Li Xiaoya... This strength is enough to compete with the Human Race Alliance of the Thirty-Three Star Realm...


The four major races of the Thirty-Three Star Realm all have hidden power. They are much stronger than on the surface, and there are more than one or two True Immortals...

Especially the three races of dragons, insects, and monsters are supported by a race of cultivators from a large star realm. Naturally it is not that simple...

Li Xiaoya would not be so optimistic. Now the human race plus himself and the power of the human world and star realm can turn the tide to deal with the three races, especially the Great Brahma Immortal Emperor and Dragon Ancestor alone are not something he can deal with now...

After seeing his master, Daode Daozu, Li Xiaoya felt vaguely. This Daozu should also be a True Immortal, and not an ordinary True Immortal. Although he is a little bit different from Dragon Ancestor and Great Brahma Immortal Emperor, the difference is not that big... But his aura is a little different from that of ordinary True Immortals, which naturally makes Li Xiaoya a little strange...

However... Daozu concealed his aura when he saw him, and the details are not very clear...

So no matter what... Li Xiaoya needs to be stronger, and the human world and the star world to be stronger... Then he needs the power of the immortal world...

Li Xiaoya will naturally continue to move towards the immortal world...


When Li Xiaoya flew away from the huge space of the void chaos space for several hours...


"Buzz buzz buzz!" Circles of extremely shocking black light swirled out in the void chaos space, and a shocking demonic energy gushed out from it, and a huge black shadow covered by black light appeared in the void chaos space...


"Huh?" I saw that huge figure covered with black light appearing in the sky above this huge iceberg mountain range. Looking at this huge iceberg mountain range just suspended in the sky... I muttered to myself. Yu said: "It's strange! There is actually a ban on this place?" After saying that... suddenly there was a ripple of black light... flying into the extremely huge iceberg mountains...


In a short while...

"Boom!" A heaven-shaking roar exploded, and countless black spikes tens of thousands of miles in size exploded crazily, instantly piercing the entire huge iceberg mountain with countless holes. Hundreds of dark holes came out...


"Ouch!" A harsh roar surged out from the iceberg mountains...

An amazing scene appeared...

"Rumble! Crash...!" I saw that this super iceberg tens of millions of miles in size instantly exploded with countless black light demonic energy... The rumble of the shock caused the entire iceberg to explode. It actually exploded into pieces... Countless black light waves shook the void and chaotic space tens of millions of miles around with ripples...


"Boom!" There was a shocking roar and explosion, and the huge black light figure instantly flew out of the void and chaotic space, shaking the entire void and chaotic space into a dark vortex of black light...

"Damn it! Damn it!" I saw a giant horned figure in the black light whirlpool getting angry and shouting: "Who is it?! It was that bastard who got ahead of me... I will never let you go. "The sound was so roaring that the evil spirits of hell vibrated, causing ripples in the boundless void and chaotic space. It spread out for thousands of miles...

This black light figure seems to have vented enough...

"Buzz!" I didn't believe it! You can escape from the palm of my hand! "The figure with black light and black energy muttered to himself. After saying this, he muttered a terrifying mantra. Countless black light ripples appeared in the void and chaotic space, and figures of demons and monsters flew out of the sky...

And this so-called hateful guy... was already flying all the way through the void and chaotic space of unknown distance...

I saw...

"Boom, boom, boom...!" There were only four steel beetle eggs dragged behind Li Xiaoya's transformed golden-green Thunder Peng bird... It flew all the way and shook out boundless air waves...

"It seems that if there are more than ten hours... I can completely put the steel beetle's egg into the secret realm necklace..." Li Xiaoya flew away in an astonishing and suffocating way, muttering to himself...


Through the secret realm necklace, the two clones were accelerating the refining of the flesh, blood, essence and blood of the mythical beast Xuanwu, and some space had been gradually vacated... just in time to stuff a few of the eggs in...

Although the steel beetle's egg does not affect his speed, it does consume more mana, so naturally it is best to deal with it first...


"Huh?" Li Xiaoya's body suddenly shook, and a hint of shock suddenly flashed through his heart. He felt an inexplicable palpitation in his heart... It seemed that his soul was a little uncomfortable... He couldn't help but murmured: "What's going on? What? This feeling is so strange...!" I thought in my heart, and an astonishing amount of mana shook out of my body, and my entire body swirled with a wave of boundless golden and blue-green light, which actually directly followed the law of power. The Law of Life was activated at the same time, covering the whole body, as if to prevent something...

"Inner demon? Why would the inner demon be affected at this time!? This is impossible!" Li Xiaoya had already sensed what was going on, and while flying away, he thought to himself, another bad situation flashed through his mind : "Damn! Could it be that the demons discovered me...!"


"Buzz! Buzz!" The boundless golden blue-green light waves covered the whole body, and the wings of the huge blue thunder roc bird flapped continuously, boom boom... the figure suddenly accelerated and rushed forward. ...with a few flashes, he flew forward and disappeared into the void and chaotic space in the blink of an eye...

More than an hour later...

"Buzz!" Circles of astonishing black light swirled out in the chaotic space of the void, and a shocking wave of demonic energy surged out from it. Directly, a huge black shadow covered by black light appeared here. In a void and chaotic space...

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