True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1884: Mistakes are not without their

"Ouch!" With a thundering roar that shook the earth, this super-huge divine beast Xuanwu opened its mouth to inhale... A rumble of boundless blue light storm surged out, and wherever it passed, the void and chaotic space condensed crazily. Countless ice storms arose, and the void and chaotic space froze crazily...

In an instant...

The void and chaotic space with a radius of millions of miles is frozen in an extremely huge iceberg... The green light figure is also visible in it... Look at the appearance in the green light, it's not Li Xiaoya's wood-type clone. What?


"Huh? Not the original body?" The super huge mythical beast Xuanwu instantly froze Li Xiaoya's wooden clone, and instantly recognized it. It was not the appearance of Li Xiaoya's original body... His eyes looked a little surprised, and his voice paused, and suddenly it was A shocking cold light appeared, and he said coldly: "Huh! With your clone, I'm afraid I won't be able to find your true body?" He said this, and suddenly opened his mouth and took a breath...

"Boom, boom, boom...!" The ice peaks that froze Li Xiaoya's wood clone roared and shook violently. The countless iceberg peaks splashed and scattered, and the iceberg directly turned into a cold light and shot towards the super huge The mythical beast Xuanwu flew through the million-mile-wide maw...


At this accident happened...


"Buzz!" The eyes of Li Xiaoya's wood-type clone surged with fierce green light, and green light surged crazily all over his body, as if he was about to break free...

"Huh? Not good...!" Seeing this scene, the super huge divine beast Xuanwu showed a trace of surprise. His eyes moved, and a burst of ice burst out, and Li Xiaoya's wooden clone in the iceberg continued to The appearance of being frozen in it...


"Boom!" A heaven-shaking roar exploded, and boundless green light surged and exploded. Li Xiaoya's wood-type clone actually self-destructed, exploding into a huge green light wave tens of thousands of miles away... The wrapped iceberg was also exploded and scattered into pieces...

"Asshole! He actually self-destructed?" This super huge divine beast Xuanwu cursed in an extremely furious manner. The vibrating void and chaotic space rippled and cracked open with countless space cracks... I really didn't expect it. As soon as Li Xiaoya's clone was caught, it exploded into countless pieces...


This was Li Xiaoya's original plan. If the clone is captured alive by the demon true immortal, he will definitely take advantage of the inseparable relationship between the wood clone and his own body and rely on the clone to find him. Not only is the wood clone actually The same goes for the water clone...

The same situation happened when the demon true immortal caught the water clone...

This is what Li Xiaoya prevented in advance...

On the other hand, what Li Xiaoya didn't expect, and what he didn't know, was that... before the Demon Clan True Immortal could catch up with him, this wood-type clone, which was so immortal, actually broke into the territory of the super-huge divine beast Xuanwu. Even more amazing. It seems that this super huge mythical beast Xuanwu is the mother of Xuanwu who was killed and only escaped from the demon pill...

Li Xiaoya's wooden clone hit the muzzle of the gun...but Li Xiaoya was just a little unlucky...

"Tsk! He actually self-destructed!" The super-huge divine beast Xuanwu muttered speechlessly... watching the green light from the self-destruction of the wood clone disappear into the void and chaotic space...

And this time...

In the void and chaotic space, a ray of golden light flew across the void and chaotic space in a flash, rushing at an astonishing speed... It was Li Xiaoya's true body...


"Huh?" Li Xiaoya's face suddenly changed, as if he sensed something, and muttered to himself: "Damn! Got caught so soon? Isn't that guy too fast?"

Li Xiaoya naturally did not expect that the wood clone was not killed by the demon true immortal, but hit the muzzle of the super huge mythical beast Xuanwu...

"It's too late...!" Li Xiaoya said with a somewhat ugly face, his voice paused, and he said in a deep voice: "Tsk! Damn it! No matter what, the pioneer has nothing to do except the inner demons!" Li Xiaoya said in his mouth. With a click of a finger, dozens of formation flags flew out from Li Xiaoya's hand, turning into countless colorful auras in the void and chaotic space to form an extremely huge formation...


"Go!" Li Xiaoya's fingers were making frantic and continuous movements, and he took out seven or eight bottles and cans in his hand. With a click of a finger, dozens or twenty pills of different colors and amazing spiritual energy came out, and flew directly into Li Xiaoya's mouth...

And Li Xiaoya had a flash of inspiration. The bloodthirsty divine dragon-slaying sword appeared in Li Xiaoya's hand...

"Buzz!" A burst of golden and red light surged... Li Xiaoya's figure flew into the formation of the void and chaotic sky... Boundless light waves poured into Li Xiaoya's body, causing an astonishing surge of energy to surge through Li Xiaoya's body. The aura made Li Xiaoya's figure become more and more powerful, sending out ripples of light... Countless golden runes surged crazily from the formation. Wrapped up Li Xiaoya's entire figure...

Naturally, this formation was not refined by Li Xiaoya, but one of the protective formations given to him by Liu Xianer... It is naturally extremely easy to use...

As Li Xiaoya muttered something extremely fast, waves of light surged in his mouth, and the skin of Li Xiaoya's body emitted an astonishing golden light...


An amazing scene appeared...


"Puff!" Li Xiaoya suddenly picked up the bloodthirsty Tongshen Zhanlong sword in his hand and stabbed it directly at his heart, piercing his chest instantly...


Li Xiaoya thought he couldn't escape, so he committed suicide?


Not to mention that Li Xiaoya suddenly seemed to be self-harming...

When the wood clone was caught by the super huge beast Xuanwu and exploded...

In another empty chaotic space...

"Boom!" A shocking black light wave ripple rushed out, and the empty chaotic space vibrated out boundless space gale, rippling out a piece of extremely amazing ripples, chasing the direction where Li Xiaoya's wood clone flew away...


"Boom!" A shocking black light surged, and the huge black light figure suddenly stopped in the void and chaotic space...

"What's going on? That damn immortal guy is gone?" The huge black light figure murmured in surprise... He looked a little confused... Suddenly he turned his head and looked in the direction of Li Xiaoya's body... He murmured: "Could that be the real one? No! No! This guy must have driven away his inner demon! The one that disappeared is the real one!"

"Damn it! I can only use it once more!" The black light figure murmured like this, and then a mysterious and extremely difficult formula was chanted. And out, circles of black light ripples rippled in the void chaotic space, and directly exploded an incomparable stage of black light hole in the void chaotic space...


"Boom!" With an extremely shocking roar, the black light figure directly drilled into the void chaotic space and disappeared...


In the void chaotic space with endless glacier cold wind ripples in the unknown distance...

"Tsk! What a pity! But you can't run away!" The super huge mythical beast Xuanwu watched the green light of Li Xiaoya's wood clone self-explosion dissipate, smacked his mouth, muttered unhappily, and was about to turn around and fly back...


"Buzz buzz buzz!" Circles of amazing black light ripples vibrated and burst out in the void chaotic space, and soon a huge black space hole was vibrated in the void chaotic space...

"Hmm?" Seeing this scene, the super huge mythical beast Xuanwu was stunned...

And at this time...

"Buzz buzz buzz!" Circles of extremely amazing black light swirled out in the void chaotic space, and a shocking demonic energy gushed out from it, and directly a huge black shadow with a black light cover appeared in this void chaotic space...

"Hmm?" As soon as the huge black light cover appeared in the void chaotic space, it immediately sensed an extremely shocking breath surging out, and an extremely shocking murderous aura surged out, shaking the earth. ...The figure covered by the black light suddenly felt a palpitation...

"Old Xuanwu!" The figure covered by the black light suddenly exclaimed involuntarily... Suddenly, a shocking black light wave rushed out... It turned around and wanted to go back to the void chaotic space...

And at this moment...

"It is you who hurt my son! Three Emperors!!" The super huge beast Xuanwu seemed to recognize the person in an instant, and roared with an extremely shocking roar. The void chaotic space was directly shaken to open countless space cracks, rippling like water ripples... There was endless frost surging in a radius of tens of millions of miles, and the entire void chaotic space was rippling with endless blue light... It seemed that a large area was included in it...


"Boom boom boom!" The boundless blue light storm erupted, and hundreds of thousands of miles of ice pillars vibrated in the void chaotic space, shaking the void chaotic space into boundless ripples and surging winds. The void chaotic space of tens of millions of miles was imprisoned in a cage of ice pillars. The entire void chaotic space of tens of millions of miles suddenly stagnated...

And at this time...

"Bang!" An extremely shocking roar exploded, and the black light figure had already drilled into the black light vortex in most of the void chaotic space, but it was like hitting an iron plate and was directly ejected... The black light on the body was shaken apart, revealing the true face of Mount Lu...

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