True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6: Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1897: Star Realm Transmission

"Who!?" Hearing this sudden voice, all the monks were shocked... shouted in unison... All the monks looked a little nervous, and some even prepared to cast spells and magic weapons to attack...


"Buzz buzz buzz!" A burst of amazing law power vibrated in the air above the monks, vibrating circles of mana ripples...


"Swoosh!" A blue-green spiritual figure flashed out from the space ripples, and appeared in the air in a few flashes... Who else could it be but Li Xiaoya?

See this scene!

"!" The cultivators were stunned at first...

"Greetings to the Immortal Ancestor!" Zhen Ningzi and Princess Chuchu were stunned, and their eyes instantly showed ecstasy. They hurriedly bowed to Li Xiaoya with great respect, bowed and said... and bowed down...

"!" The cultivators were stunned when they heard this, and they hurriedly bowed and said with great respect: "Greetings to the Immortal Ancestor..." It was a uniform look...

"No need to be polite!" Li Xiaoya looked at the cultivators, and first saw Zhen Ningzi, showing a trace of satisfaction. This Zhen Ningzi is indeed talented. Amazing, he has already reached the second level of the early stage of the Immortal Tribulation... Princess Chuchu seems to be at the peak of the Great Power Stage... But when he glanced at the other cultivators, Li Xiaoya frowned...

"Thank you, Immortal Ancestor!" Upon hearing this, the cultivators hurriedly replied respectfully. Not to mention Li Xiaoya's identity, just the dangerous pressure from Li Xiaoya's body, it is clear that he is not a cultivator in the Immortal Tribulation Stage...

"Zhen Ningzi!" Li Xiaoya was not polite and said directly to Zhen Ningzi: "What's going on? It seems that a lot of people are missing... …!”

“This…!” Zhen Ningzi was choked when he heard this. Although Li Xiaoya did not reveal his cultivation level, it was obvious that his aura had surpassed that of a cultivator in the Immortal Tribulation Stage, but it seemed to be a little worse than that of a True Immortal. He understood that Li Xiaoya seemed to have not yet advanced to the True Immortal stage… Hearing this, he said with great respect: “Report to the Immortal Ancestor. Since you left… this Demon Marshal Saint King seems to have gone crazy… everywhere…!”

As Zhen Ningzi spoke… Li Xiaoya knew that after he left, this Demon Marshal Saint King really did not let everyone go The Immortal Ancestor Clan's plan, frantically mobilized the race cultivators under his control, and came to the Wandao Continent to search for the Immortal Ancestor Clan cultivators...

Although there is the protection of the Immortal Clan's prohibition, many cultivators have been killed over the past thousands of years, especially the high-level powerful cultivators, more than half of whom have been killed...


"...But Immortal Ancestor! Now that you are back...we can revive the glory of the Immortal Spirit Clan (the Immortal Ancestor Clan calls itself the Immortal Spirit Clan, but it is actually a branch of the ancient Immortal Clan)!" said here. That Zhenningzi suddenly changed the topic and said...

"Don't worry!" Li Xiaoya saw that many cultivators were whispering to each other... He was moved and said in a deep voice. His voice paused, and suddenly his voice became high-pitched, and he said in a deep voice: "All of you clansmen!"

"!" Hearing Li Xiaoya's sudden righteous words, the cultivators naturally knew that Li Xiaoya had something to say, and they all looked at Li Xiaoya...

"I am very happy to announce it to everyone!" Li Xiaoya looked around at the cultivators and said in a deep voice: "This Saint King and the Four Kings have been killed by this Immortal Ancestor!"

"What? The Saint King is dead?" Hearing this sudden good news , all the cultivators, including Zhenningzi and Princess Chuchu, exclaimed in disbelief... The cultivators started to discuss...

"What happened? I didn't feel a big battle anywhere...!"

"That Saint King is a True Immortal. Was he killed just like that?"

"Did the Immortal Ancestor do it?"

"Is this true...really?"

"Will our Immortal Clan take back the Immortal World after this?"


"Everyone, please be quiet!" Seeing the cultivators discussing, Zhenningzi frowned and spoke in a deep voice...

"!" Obviously, Zhenningzi's previous words were not taken seriously by other cultivators because he was not a direct descendant of the Immortal Clan. But after the Immortal Tribulation Period, his reputation was naturally not comparable to before... After these words came out, all the cultivators quieted down...

"Immortal Ancestor! Is this news true? Did you kill the Saint King?" Zhenningzi said respectfully to Li Xiaoya... He looked neither arrogant nor humble, but there was a hint of hope in his eyes. Obviously, he hoped that this was true...

"Do I need to lie to you?" Li Xiaoya asked calmly after hearing this, but he was quite satisfied with Zhen Ningzi in his heart. From Zhen Ningzi's attitude, it can be seen that Zhen Ningzi is sincere for the immortal world, and he is not lacking in righteousness and state of mind... Naturally, he is a good successor... Thinking so in my heart, I naturally don't say it out loud...

"The divine power of the immortal ancestor! The immortal spirit is reborn! Protect our clan!" Zhen Ningzi was shocked when he heard this, and suddenly knelt down with great respect, with his hands facing the sky, and shouted to Li Xiaoya in a deep voice, with an excited look, obviously believing in Li Xiaoya...

"The divine power of the immortal ancestor! Kill the saint king! The immortal spirit is reborn! Protect our clan!!" Seeing this scene, all the cultivators knelt down to Li Xiaoya in unison, with the same posture, and shouted in unison...

"The divine power of the immortal ancestor! Kill the saint king! The immortal spirit is reborn! Protect our clan!"

"The divine power of the immortal ancestor! Kill the saint king! The immortal spirit is reborn! Protect our clan!!"

The echoes resounded over the entire island... Countless cultivators flew out and saw this scene... Each of them was shocked... They were horrified by the person in the sky... Especially those words...

Everyone started to discuss...

"What's going on?"

"It seems that the Immortal Ancestor has returned!"


"Of course it's true!"

"From the looks of it... it seems that the Saint King has been killed!"

"The Saint King is dead? Impossible?"

"How can it be impossible? The Immortal Ancestor is a great cultivator who has inherited the ancient Immortal Ancestor's legacy!"

"I also heard that it was the Immortal Ancestor who "The Immortal Ancestor's inheritance that was snatched from under the eyes of the Saint Lord...!"

"Yes! It's been said for a long time...!"


It seemed as if he heard the monks talking...

"Huh! Immortal Ancestor! Allow me to announce this good news to the tribe!" Zhen Ningzi recovered from his excitement... and said respectfully to Li Xiaoya...

"No need to be polite! Everyone get up!" Li Xiaoya heard this and hurriedly said to the monks...

"It's the Immortal Ancestor!"

"All tribesmen!" But Zhen Ningzi flew up and shouted to the monks, and the voice spread throughout the island. The voice paused and continued: "Our Immortal Ancestor is back! Immortal Ancestor! He has killed the Demon Marshal Saint King with his supreme magical power! The Four Kings! God bless our Immortal Clan!"

As soon as these words came out...

"Oh!!" Countless cultivators shouted in unison with extreme excitement...

I don't know which cultivator followed suit and shouted: "The Immortal Ancestor's divine power! Kill the Saint King! The immortals are reborn! Protect our clan!!"

Someone took the lead... Countless cultivators followed and shouted: "The Immortal Ancestor's divine power! Kill the Saint King! The immortals are reborn! Protect our clan!!" The voice soared into the sky, shaking people's hearts and lungs...

"..."Li Xiaoya calmly watched the countless immortal monks shouting enthusiastically...but he secretly thought in his heart: "The immortal world...if they knew that the demon monk army was coming...oh...never mind..." Li Xiaoya naturally did not forget that the demon monk army was about to attack...but it was really not easy to mention it now...and there were still many things to do...


In a vast and boundless void and chaotic space...

A beam of golden light rushed forward at an astonishing speed, followed by a vast and boundless black thing. Wherever it passed, it created a circle of extremely amazing storm ripples...

The golden beam of light was the appearance of the Sword Light Flying Boat...

In the Sword Light Flying Boat, Zhang Hong was in it, holding a piece of shining talisman, and his consciousness was immersed in it...


"Stop!" Zhang Hong opened his eyes suddenly and shouted in a deep voice... The golden ball in his hand that controlled the Sword Light Flying Boat was surging with golden light... The Sword Light Flying Boat also followed a burst of golden light runes and blasted out tens of thousands of miles before it stopped...

At the same time...

The The human world and the star world behind them also slowly stagnated in the void and chaotic space, shaking out an endless space storm that rushed in all directions... It seemed that it would not calm down for a long time...

Without waiting for Zhang Hong to give any order...

"Buzz buzz buzz!" A burst of extremely amazing colorful spiritual light surged and stirred from the dark sea of ​​stars, a burst of colorful spiritual light surged, and the star sea of ​​the human world and the star world disappeared into the void and chaotic space together...

And at this time...

In the sword light flying boat...

"The location that Ya said. It should be this area! I can only wait for Ya here. !" Zhang Hong looked at the boundless void and chaotic space, muttering, and his consciousness also seemed to be withdrawn from the jade slip at the same time...

The sword light flying boat did not go anywhere, just stagnated in the void and chaotic space without moving...

The days passed one by one...

Zhang Hong would receive a communication talisman from Li Xiaoya every ten days... It seemed to make Zhang Hong feel a lot more at ease...


After waiting for four or five months...

On this day...Zhang Hong was practicing meditation in the cabin...


"Boom!" A series of shocking The extremely loud roar and vibration suddenly surged in the void chaotic space...

"What's going on?" Zhang Hong opened his eyes suddenly and looked at the light screen of the sword light flying boat in front of him... He exclaimed...


"Boom!" At the end of the void chaotic space in front, waves of extremely amazing space fluctuations rippled out, and waves of extremely amazing blue-green lightning flashed faintly at the end of the void chaotic space...

Seeing this scene...

"Ya! Success!" Zhang Hong shouted in surprise when he saw this scene, and then he stood up suddenly with great joy. Looking at the extremely amazing roar and vibration at the end of the void chaotic space in front...

A scene that Zhang Hong will never forget in his life appeared...


At the end of the void chaotic space, the rumbling space fluctuations became more and more amazing, and a blue-green light appeared at the edge of the void chaotic space, and it became brighter and brighter at the end of the void chaotic space...

Blue lightning bolts were rushing around. At the end of the void chaotic space, an extremely shocking void chaotic space fluctuation was formed. The void chaotic space gradually opened up an extremely huge, indescribable black space hole...

Zhang Hong's location was actually a day or two away from the void chaotic space hole... It was at least tens of millions of miles away... But even at such a long distance, the huge hole could be seen...

It can be seen how big the black light surged... How big the range of the space hole was...

And at this moment...

"Buzz buzz buzz!" The shocking blue-green spiritual light surged out of the space hole. The spiritual light became more and more shocking, as if a huge blue-green spiritual light sun appeared at the end of the void chaotic space...

Circles of blue-green light kept shaking and shining like the sun, and the void chaotic space shook with shocking ripples. It looked more and more shocking...


"Boom boom boom" The space storm that was shaken by the boundless void and chaotic space was then transmitted and rushed to the location of the sword light flying boat, shaking the sword light flying boat and making it spin continuously...

"Tsk! Start!" Zhang Hong's figure was flashing with a red light and stabilized in the flying boat. The golden light ball in his hand surged with a shocking spiritual light rune, and vibrated out a shocking golden light...

"Buzz buzz!" The sword light flying boat flashed with a golden light curtain, forming a protective shield to block the extremely shocking space storm... This is much better...

And at the end of the void and chaotic space...

"Boom boom!" A shocking black light storm shook, and the entire void and chaotic space was agitated with circles of boundless ripples, and a huge and incomparable Something like a black sphere vibrated out of the dazzling blue-green spiritual light...

In the extremely amazing blue-green spiritual light of the void chaotic space, the appearance of it getting bigger and bigger gradually obscured the appearance of countless void chaotic spaces... Countless blue-green spiritual lights shone from the edge of this black light sphere... It seemed to block the appearance of the blue-green spiritual light...


Just when this happened in the void chaotic space...

In the sky above the boundless black star sea of ​​a large star realm that was unknown how far away from this void chaotic space area, in an extremely huge black castle building...

"Buzz!" Four pairs of extremely huge blood-red giant eyes suddenly opened, revealing a trace of surprise, and murmured: "What's going on? This familiar space fluctuation... Fairy Spirit Realm...?"

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