True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6: Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1923: So Close Yet So Far Away

What is amazing is...

After receiving such an amazing blow from the white tiger beast...

"Boom!" After the golden figure flew millions of miles away... Boom, a burst of golden light surged, and it seemed to be fine. It shook out an amazing golden light and shot towards the void chaotic space...

"Roar!" The white tiger beast blasted out this blow, and it seemed that it had consumed too much spiritual energy due to childbirth. It wanted to catch up but staggered for a while... It was a little slow...

"You tigress! I just touched the tiger cub! Is it that serious?" A word came from the space... In a blink of an eye, the golden light disappeared in the void chaotic space...

"Roar!" The huge white tiger beast roared and roared, shaking the void chaotic space of tens of millions of miles... But seeing the little white tiger struggling... The white tiger beast's eyes flashed with tenderness, and stretched out its huge tongue towards The little white tiger rolled over...


At this the void and chaotic space that was unknown how far away...

"This tigress! She almost broke my skeleton apart...!" A golden light instantly broke through the void and chaotic space and disappeared at the end of the void and chaotic space. A cursing voice came out of the golden light...In the golden light, there was an extremely handsome monk, who looked exactly like Li Xiaoya...There were five huge wounds on Li Xiaoya's back, and a trace of blue-green spiritual light was slowly repairing the wounds...


The little white tiger that just flew out of the body of the white tiger beast...The figure that was blown away was exactly like Li Xiaoya...

I saw...

"Ninety-nine-nine-nine percent...just a little short!" Li Xiaoya flew for a long time, looked back, frowned and muttered to himself: "Even the beast can't do it?"


It took only more than a thousand years for Li Xiaoya to follow the method of cultivating the law of life that the Supreme Immortal Emperor asked Dong Santong to teach him, and he almost drilled into all the creatures that gave birth to life in the Immortal Spirit World to comprehend them once... After thousands of years of comprehending, he only cultivated the law of life to the level of 99.9%...

Li Xiaoya had no choice but to leave the Immortal Spirit World and look for the comprehended creatures that could possess them...

But the progress was getting slower and slower, and there had been no progress for more than a thousand years...

The time for the World Tree to reappear was getting closer and closer... Although Li Xiaoya was not in a hurry, he also knew that time was running out...

During these thousands of years... Li Xiaoya's other law power also improved dramatically...

First of all, the law of power, which was originally more than 80%. Because of the refining of a large amount of divine beasts' essence and blood, it has already grown to about 93 or 94 percent... However, as early as more than two thousand years ago, Li Xiaoya had already used up the essence and blood of divine beasts... Although Li Xiaoya also killed some divine beasts to replenish his essence and blood when he was traveling in the void chaotic space... But that is also a drop in the bucket if he wants to make the law of power return to its original state. That is basically hopeless...

And the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth have reached more than 70%... Although the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth are easier to practice, Li Xiaoya has almost reached this level without spending too much time. Among the true immortals, the most are the true immortals who practice the five elements to reach the true immortal level...


Li Xiaoya's special situation is... No matter which of the five elements is practiced alone... it will break the five elements balance he has finally achieved with the five elements balance pill... Not to mention that the power is small, it also suppresses Li Xiaoya's future achievements as a true immortal...

Li Xiaoya doesn't just want immortality... He also wants the power to protect all these precious things...

Naturally, it is impossible to practice only one of the laws... Of course, unless the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth are comprehended together... Then the cultivation of the five elements of immortal is also extremely amazing... It will definitely not be worse than the immortal who has fully comprehended the law of life...


If the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth are practiced together and fully comprehended It is more difficult than to fully comprehend the law of life, because there is no way or place that can comprehend the five elements law together in the place that Li Xiaoya knows...

It is naturally impossible to practice the five elements law together... It is a pure waste of time...

Although Li Xiaoya has made some progress in the sword law, it is only a little progress. The sword law has only been cultivated to less than 20%. Obviously, it is even more a pipe dream to practice the sword law...


The recovery law, Li Xiaoya was injured in the battle and recovered. The understanding of the law of life has become more and more profound. The law with the greatest progress has actually reached more than 70%... But the recovery law has always been an auxiliary law. If you practice it to the last step, you must completely destroy the physical body and the infant, and it will take tens of thousands of years to recover before you can fully comprehend the true immortal... That is even more troublesome...

In this way, not to mention that too much time is wasted... This also destroys the physical body, wouldn't it be that all the monster blood that Li Xiaoya worked hard to refine was refined in vain? Naturally, the recovery law cannot be practiced...


After all, this Law of Life is the most reliable... After all, the Law of Life is one of the three supreme laws. Not to mention the power of becoming a true immortal after successful cultivation. This vitality is the most powerful among the true immortals. When combined with the law of strength and the law of recovery, it is almost comparable to that of a super true immortal who has obtained the immortal position...

If it is really successful... it will definitely not be worse than the super true immortal beast at the level of Immortal Emperor, Demon Emperor Long Zu...

That’s why Li Xiaoya has been so persistent in cultivating the law of life and becoming a true immortal...

But this is the highest law of life after all... Although Li Xiaoya has the inheritance of the Immortal Ancestor, the cultivation experience given by the Immortal Emperor Supreme, and countless divine beast essence and blood. But there is still a slight difference...


This last time, I want to understand the brewing composition of life of the mythical beast White Tiger...

Speaking of this mythical beast, the white tiger...

The fact that Li Xiaoya was able to invade the embryo of the mythical white tiger was both a matter of luck to Li Xiaoya and also a result of Li Xiaoya's deliberate...

Li Xiaoya has made no progress in practicing the law of life these years. Li Xiaoya paid attention to the mythical beast, thinking about invading the embryonic life structure of the mythical beast...

Li Xiaoya is also an expert in art and bold... Lard has blinded his heart... He quietly returned to the place where the fairy world was where the mythical beasts lived... to find the mythical beasts that were about to give birth, in an attempt to invade the place where the mythical beasts were enlightened. The composition of life... to fully understand the law of life...


Rao is so...

This divine beast is no better than ordinary monsters. The growth of divine beasts is inherently slow, and it only takes tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years to conceive offspring... Li Xiaoya has been wandering in that void and chaotic space for thousands of years. I have killed more than a dozen mythical beasts, but I have not met a single one that will give birth to the next generation of life...


Li Xiaoya’s luck is not too bad...

Being besieged by several mythical beasts at one time... Li Xiaoya was chased into this void and chaotic space... and he happened to encounter this mythical beast, the white tiger, actually giving birth to life...

That made Li Xiaoya extremely happy... It felt like he had great luck... But this mythical beast, the white tiger, is a super mythical beast. The power of its magical power is not worse than that of the mythical beast Xuanwu back then. Fortunately, it is not as good as the old Xuanwu... But That would be enough to embarrass Li Xiaoya...

Not to mention intruding into the belly of the mythical white tiger, even if it is close to tens of millions of miles away, it will be easily discovered...


Li Xiaoya's progress in cultivation over the years is not in vain... His body has been smelted with the essence and blood of hundreds of divine beasts...

Li Xiaoya spent several years getting closer to the mythical white tiger step by step. Preventing it from being discovered... Fortunately, it is not that simple for this divine beast to give birth to offspring. It takes hundreds of years to gestate. Although it is already in the late stage, Li Xiaoya still fought against the invisible invasion of the law of life and successfully entered that place. On the little white tiger conceived by the mythical beast White Tiger...

Naturally... This result surprised and disappointed Li Xiaoya... The surprise was. The law of life, which has never made any decent progress, has finally made a big step forward, reaching a level of 99.999%... What is extremely disappointing is... this is 99.9%. Ninety-nine, it was just that little bit missing...a tiny bit that could hardly be described in words... This really disappointed Li Xiaoya...

So much so that Li Xiaoya's mind was shaken, and the mythical beast White Tiger discovered it and gave him such a claw...


Li Xiaoya's physical body is now strong enough. Li Xiaoya's physical defense, which has been completely refined from the essence and blood of the mythical beast Xuanwu, is comparable to that of the mythical beast Xuanwu... No! It should be even more amazing than the mythical beast Xuanwu... because Li Xiaoya also refined countless other ancient mythical beasts and strengthened the essence and blood of the mythical beasts. Naturally, it is more powerful than the mythical beast Xuanwu...

However, he was still blown away by the extremely furious blow of the white tiger... Fortunately, Li Xiaoya's recovery law was strong enough. Although Li Xiaoya was seriously injured... he could still recover within a few years by relying on the recovery law...

As for killing the white tiger, it’s not like Li Xiaoya is out of his mind to do such stupid things... Although the white tiger gave birth to a white tiger, the energy of the little white tiger was greatly exhausted, but don’t forget, a tigress can give birth to a little white tiger. Is the white tiger coming out? There is still a male tiger, not to mention the existence of an old white tiger similar to the old Xuanwu. Once the female white tiger and the little white tiger are injured... even Li Xiaoya will be chased when he runs into the fairy world. Killed...

Naturally, Li Xiaoya would not cause such trouble...


I heard that the Three Emperors Supreme provoked old Xuanwu back then, and he is still chasing him all these years... He has never dared to return to the Demon Clan...

"It seems that this is the last step! I can only rely on this last move... I don't know if Xian'er and Senior Sister will agree...!" Li Xiaoya flew into the void and chaotic space, murmuring to himself. ...seems to have some idea... (To be continued. If you like this work. You are welcome to come to to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to m. read.)

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