True Immortal Fate

Volume 3 Lingguang Lake Fairy Meeting Volume 4 Chapter 99 No Solution

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment when they heard this, but because of their trust in Li Xiaoya's success in resolving crises several times, they chose not to ask and followed Li Xiaoya carefully and quickly.

What they didn't know was that a few dozen feet away, a small red dot-like thing was following everyone slowly forward...

After running forward for another dozen feet, everyone's spiritual senses all sensed the monsters blocking the way in front of them. Li Xiaoya stopped first and signaled everyone to stop as well.

"Hush!" Li Xiaoya made a gesture to silence everyone, then patted his storage bag and took out a white talisman, which was the invisibility talisman.

"Huh?" As soon as Li Xiaoya took out the talisman, Liu Qingshan cried out, which made everyone stare at him fiercely, fearing that he would alarm the monster inside.

Liu Qingshan smiled apologetically at everyone, and with a slight movement of his lips, he sent a voice message to Li Xiaoya, saying, "Junior Brother Li, how did you get this invisibility talisman? This is a fourth-level talisman, and I can't even refine it now!" His words were full of yearning and envy.

"This is what my master gave me for self-defense!" Li Xiaoya replied, and then sent a message to everyone: "Everyone stand on both sides of me and hold hands, then give me your hands, I have an invisibility talisman, we will hide our breath and pass by."


"What's wrong?" Suddenly, no one made any move, but looked a little embarrassed. He sent a message in a depressed voice to urge: "Hurry up, we are running out of time!"

"........!" Liu Qingshan looked at him, then looked at the faces of everyone, and sighed: "This Junior Brother Li still doesn't understand the ways of the world!" He took the lead in reaching out and holding his right wrist so that his hand could be free to make a gesture to cast the talisman. After all, his attainments in talisman refining are also well-known in Tiandao Sect. He then reached out to Huang Hua, who was stunned and pulled over with a wry smile. Ma Weiqi held Huang Hua without any meaning.

"Yeah!" Li Xiaoya finally realized that although there was no problem with the man, there were some problems with the female cultivator. Although immortal cultivators did not have as many rigid rules as ordinary mortals about not touching each other, the Tiandao Sect was a more traditional and conservative sect, unlike the Hehuan Sect and other demonic cultivators who were so promiscuous. It was usually difficult for cultivators to form pairs in the Tiandao Sect.

"Come here, sister Xiangxiang!" Li Xiaoya looked at the three female cultivators and thought that Li Xiangxiang was the best to start with, so he sent a voice message to him.

"!" Li Xiangxiang smiled and suddenly grabbed the Donggu girl and hid behind her.

"Haha!" Li Xiaoya had to smile bitterly and reached out to the Donggu girl.

"Hmph!" The Donggu girl turned her head away and ignored him. Although she had a better impression of Li Xiaoya, it was also quite embarrassing for him to let her touch a man.

When Li Xiaoya stretched out his hand in the air with an awkward expression, Zhang Hong suddenly stretched out her white and tender jade hand and gently held his hand. With the other hand, she held the Donggu girl with a very indifferent expression.

"Yeah!" As soon as Zhang Hong's hand entered Li Xiaoya's hand, Li Xiaoya felt that the hand was slender and smooth, and it felt very good, but his heart suddenly jumped. He quickly looked at Ma Weiqi secretly, but found that he looked at him expressionlessly, and he couldn't see anything. The reason why he didn't hold Zhang Hong's hand was also for this reason. He didn't expect that Zhang Hong would reach out to him by herself, which made him feel a little emotional about Zhang Hong's understanding. It was really a fairy flower inserted in the mortal world.

"Swish!" Li Xiaoya said something convincingly, and the invisibility talisman emitted a burst of white light. Then Li Xiaoya bumped his head against the invisibility talisman in his hand, and it immediately stuck to his forehead. Suddenly, the whole person disappeared into the air, and Huang Hua and others also disappeared into the air, which concealed his embarrassment very well.

However, there was no other way, because the invisibility talisman would only work better if it was centered on him.

Although they could not see each other, everyone was very tacit, slowly following Li Xiaoya's footsteps and moving forward. When they approached the closest of the monsters, which was about 70 to 80 feet away, they saw a huge black shadow lying on the ground from the gap in the woods. However, whether it was because of the lack of light in the dense forest or the monster itself was black, everyone did not see clearly what kind of monster it was, but they all sensed from the powerful breath of the monster that it was at least a peak level 5 monster, and with the breathing of the monster, a large amount of black mist rushed into the monster, and it was obvious that it was not an easy monster to deal with.

When Li Xiaoya and others slowed down their steps and were about to pass by, the monster suddenly moved, and three pairs of blood-red eyes appeared on his head at the same time.

"!!!" The sudden action of the monster made everyone nervous. Li Xiaoya felt that the hands holding his sides were shaking. If a fight broke out here, it would attract many monsters to attack everyone.

"Huff! Huff!" The monster took a few deep breaths, looked around, and listened with its huge ears. It seemed that it didn't find anything unusual, so it closed its eyes again and lay down again.

"........!" Li Xiaoya and others didn't dare to move. After waiting for a long time, they shook their hands and moved in slowly.

After finally leaving the monster's immediate range, Li Xiaoya slowly quickened his pace and moved forward, but he still couldn't relax, because there was another huge monster not far away. Judging from its size, it seemed to be of the same type as the monster in front. Otherwise, they wouldn't fight each other if they were so close. You know, once the monster's territory is invaded, it will definitely be a fight to the death.

"Not far away! They are not far ahead!" When Li Xiaoya and others were slowly moving forward, Sun Xing and others were getting closer and closer under the tracking of the Jinzhan Blood Bone Sword. When Jinzhan was less than a mile away from Li Xiaoya, the information from the blood light was much stronger, which made him excited and said to everyone.

"Huh?" When they just moved forward a few dozen feet, Sun Xing and Jinzhan actually cried out at the same time. The two sides couldn't help but look at each other and felt a little surprised by each other.

"Ahem!" Jinzhan coughed lightly and said, "Daoyou Sun has sensed it, right? There seem to be several high-level monsters ahead!"

"Well! I think Li Xiaoya has a good idea and is heading that way on purpose!" Sun Xing guessed all of Li Xiaoya's plans this time, and laughed, "If it weren't for Daoyou Jin's guidance, I would have been tricked by this cunning guy!"

{Piaotia Literature

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