True Immortal Fate

Volume 3 Lingguang Lake Fairy Meeting Volume 4 Chapter 101 Discovery?

Congratulations on getting rich!!! Hehehe!!!

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" A heavy sound of footsteps came from far away, accompanied by a loud sound of trees falling to the ground.

"Huff! Huff!" Finally, the thing walked in front of everyone. This time, everyone could see the true appearance of the monster. Except for the six huge fiery red eyes that were the symbol of the monster at the beginning, the monster was pitch black all over, about three or four feet tall, with its head embedded in the head, and no neck at all. In addition to the six huge eyes, there was a protruding, flat and wide bloody mouth with serrated fangs. There were two empty spaces above the mouth, which seemed to be nostrils, constantly spewing out rough air. There were a pair of big furry ears on both sides of the head, and a huge silver arc-shaped sharp horn on the head. The two feet were thick and short, standing straight, and the two forelimbs were large and long, constantly climbing trees. The whole body was covered with rough black thick armor. As the body moved, bursts of black air were constantly sprayed out of the body.

"Huh?! This seems to be a six-eyed sharp-horned beast!?" Li Xiaoya was secretly shocked when he saw the appearance of this monster. He thought to himself: "But isn't the six-eyed sharp-horned beast just a third-level monster? Its whole body is not black, but green, and its body is not so huge, and there is not so much black air on its body. How come this looks like an enlarged version of the six-eyed sharp-horned beast? Could it be that it has mutated because of the special environment of this ancient monster mountain? Is this a mutated six-eyed sharp-horned beast?" Although Li Xiaoya did not guess it completely correctly, he was almost right.

"Huff! Huff!" In a blink of an eye, the mutated six-eyed sharp-horned beast walked to the vicinity of the hiding place. Its huge nostrils sniffed twice, and its huge eyeballs looked around. An unpleasant smell spread out, as if it was looking for something.

"Roar!" The six-eyed sharp-horned beast walked around and seemed to find nothing unusual. Suddenly, all six eyes closed, and with a low roar, the black air in the body swirled, and the red light from the closed eyes suddenly shone out from the corners of the eyes.

"Oops! How could I forget the unique skill of the six-eyed sharp-horned beast! Even if the wood element disguised as a forest can't stop its magical power!" Li Xiaoya was shocked when he saw this, and immediately remembered the unique skill of the six-eyed sharp-horned beast. After thinking about it, he was about to reach out to touch his storage bag.

At this moment, something strange happened.

"Roar!!!!!!!!!!" Suddenly, there was another roar of a monster in the distance, and it seemed to be the voice of the six-eyed sharp-horned beast.

"Roar?" The red light in the corner of the eyes of the six-eyed sharp-horned beast next to Li Xiaoya and others converged, and suddenly opened the corner of the eye, turned around and looked in the direction of the sound.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" There were three more roars that seemed very urgent in the distance, and then suddenly stopped.

"Roar!!!!" The six-eyed sharp-horned beast naturally heard the three roars, and suddenly roared, and flew in the direction of the roar.

"Hurry up and grab my hand! You guys hold it too!" As soon as the six-eyed sharp-horned beast walked away, Li Xiaoya suddenly appeared, and he didn't know when there was another invisible talisman on his hand, and he urgently sent a message to everyone.

"!" Everyone naturally knew what he meant, and hurriedly held each other. Zhang Hong seemed to be used to it, but she stretched out her hand very obediently and pulled it over. Liu Qingshan was also naturally not slow, although he was very surprised that this junior brother Li actually had this invisible talisman, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: It's good to worship a good master!

"Pah!" Everyone's figures disappeared in the air.

"Roar!" When Li Xiaoya and others disappeared in the air, the direction where the six-eyed sharp-horned beast began to roar suddenly heard another roar of the six-eyed sharp-horned beast.

"Fellow Daoist Jin! How did you alarm them?" Sun Xing and Jinzhan showed up at some point, confronting a six-eyed sharp-horned beast. There was another six-eyed sharp-horned beast lying far away from them. Sun Xing asked Jinzhan anxiously.

"Don't mention it! Just when I was about to use the immortality, the blood-bone sword suddenly made a sound, as if the people of the Tiandao Sect were not far ahead, but I didn't expect to alarm this guy. Fortunately, I acted quickly and fascinated that one!" Jinzhan answered with a smile.

"So that's it!" Sun Xing smiled faintly, "But! There is only this one left, I will attract him, you do it!" After Sun Xing said that, he flashed and rushed towards the six-eyed sharp-horned beast.

"Roar!" The six-eyed sharp-horned beast roared angrily, its six eyes turned red, and it swung its huge forearm and slammed Sun Xing who was flying towards it.

"Pah!" Sun Xing was very fast, dodging the six-eyed sharp-horned beast's blow in one go, and appeared in the six-eyed sharp-horned beast's belly in a flash.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Sun Xing made hand gestures repeatedly, and suddenly purple fire burst out from his hands, and he punched the six-eyed sharp-horned beast's belly fiercely.

"Roar!" The six-eyed sharp-horned beast obviously didn't expect that this little thing, which was the size of an ant in his eyes, was so powerful that it was hit and bent down.

"Swish!" When the six-eyed sharp-horned beast bent down, the golden cup suddenly appeared in front of the six-eyed sharp-horned beast.

"Go!" The golden cup grabbed a round green ball in his hand and threw it towards the six-eyed sharp-horned beast like lightning.

"Pah!" The green ball just shot into the huge nostril of the six-eyed sharp-horned beast and exploded immediately.

"Roar!" The six-eyed sharp-horned beast was stunned, roared, and his feet softened, and suddenly fell to the ground.

"Bang!" The six-eyed sharp-horned beast fell to the ground with a dull sound, stirring up dust all over the sky.

"Haha! The immortality of the Five Poison Sect is really powerful!" The Golden Candle clapped his hands and laughed.

"That's it!" Sun Xing was also very satisfied with the effect. He said with some complacency, and said with some regret: "It's a pity that it doesn't work well for cultivators, otherwise we would have saved a lot of trouble!"

"Sun Daoyou, this is wrong. If this immortality is so powerful for cultivators, the Five Poison Sect would have dominated the world of immortal cultivation long ago!" The Golden Candle said with a shake of his head.

When Sun Xing and Golden Candle were complacent, they naturally didn't know that they just happened to help Li Xiaoya and the others a big favor, otherwise they wouldn't be able to laugh now.

"Fellow Daoist Sun! Let's quickly call the people behind us... Eh?" Jinzhan was halfway through her words when she suddenly cried out in confusion.

{Piaotia Literature

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