True Immortal Fate

Volume 3 Lingguang Lake Fairy Meeting Volume 4 Chapter 171 Strange Stories (Please add to collection

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" The thin old man saw the strange attire of these two people. He was stunned and shouted coldly, but his heart was pounding. Although the monk dressed as an old farmer did not look amazing, the aura coming out of him was not surprising. It is actually much deeper than him. Could it be that he is still a monk in the late stage of Jindan?

The other three people also looked shocked. The three of them were all monks in the early stage of the Golden Core, and the thin old man was only a monk in the middle stage of the Golden Core. If they really competed, they might not be this monk's opponent, but look at this monk. His aura and aura of awe-inspiring righteousness made him obviously not a monk practicing demonic arts, but he was tentatively convinced.

"Hey, fellow Taoist, I have misunderstood." The monk dressed as an old farmer raised his hands and said, "I am Zhang Cai, a monk from Tiandao Sect Tiandu Peak. This is my nephew Dong Santong. Everyone is polite!"

"You are Zhang Cai." The skinny old man's face changed when he heard this. If he mentioned it to others, he might not know him, but Zhang Cai's name is easy to remember. It only takes a few days in the world of cultivating immortals in Liang Kingdom. The monks all know that Dao Ling Tianzun of the Three Immortals of Tiandao Sect has a disciple named Zhang Cai, who is one of the best formation masters in the Liang Kingdom.

"Haha, I'm so sorry." Although Zhang Cai, a real old farmer, looks a bit ridiculous, in this world of immortality that values ​​strength, no one dares to laugh.

With a flash of light, everyone fell in front of Zhang Cai, and they all saw Li La. Although these monks are not monks from the twelve major sects, they are also large-scale monks. The thin old man is Liu Zhengran from the Qi Yu Sect. , the monk dressed as a monk is the monk Suoluo from the Shilian Sect, the middle-aged woman is the Qinglian Fairy from the Qinglian Sect, and the old woman is Grandma Fudi from the Diba Sect. They are all famous monks in the Liang Kingdom. Zhang Cai met them one by one. After that, they also introduced Dong Santong. Speaking of Dong Santong, several people actually knew that although Lingguang Lake had nothing to do with these sects, word spread that Dong Santong ranked third in the Lingguang Lake trial. Seeing that these are all monks who have reached the Great Perfection in the late stage of Ningdan, how could they not surprise everyone?

And how come Zhang Cai and Dong Santong, who were originally in the Arctic Mountains, are here?

It turned out that Zhang Cai and Dong Santong had been searching for several years in the Arctic Mountains but could not find the so-called Bing Ling Huang Hua. As soon as the two of them gathered together, they sent a message back to the sect to inquire and asked the third senior brother Dongfang Yi, who was in charge of the sect, for help. , then they knew that no one in Dongfang Yi Sect had heard of this thing. Only then did the two of them know that there was no such thing as Bing Ling Huang Hua at all. It was obviously Dao Ling Tianzun who deliberately drove them out. Zhang Cai and the two were extremely depressed. , but those who dared to question the master had no choice but to ask Third Brother Dongfang Yi to help intercede. It happened that something happened to these six families. Dongfang Yi happened to suggest to Dao Ling Tianzun that two people should investigate the matter. Dao Ling Tianzun’s original intention was to chase these two people away. Those who came out to practice thought that these two guys were brainless and insisted on looking for them, so they pretended to agree, so they came to Lujiafang City to investigate the matter.

Everyone was worried and didn't expect reinforcements to come here. They happily invited the two of them in, knowing that they were just trying to catch up.

Not to mention how Zhang Cai and the monks discussed the matter of the six families, in a huge cave in a low-lying place, I don’t know how deep it is, the whole space is filled with the unpleasant smell of blood, and there are bursts of strange things. The sound of bubbling water.

I saw that there were many spiritual stones inlaid around the cave for lighting purposes, and in the middle of the cave floor was a huge blood-red pool. All the smell of blood came from this blood pool, and the blood-red water surface Not only were blood bubbles rolling on the blood pool, but around the blood pool were black pillars that looked like stone tablets. Strange blood-red runes were drawn on them, and bursts of black gas were constantly coming out. The entire stone tablet pillars were It was shrouded in a black translucent light curtain.

However, in the middle of the blood pool, there was a huge figure floating on the water of the blood pool. I saw that this figure was far taller than the average person, almost a foot tall. Half of the body was immersed in the blood water. The whole body was black and purple, and the muscles all over the body were high. The bulge is high, the veins are popping out, it is beating vaguely, and bursts of black air are floating vaguely from the whole body. This is still a human being, it is just a humanoid monster.

"Huchihuchi" I saw this weird man suddenly gasping for breath, the muscles all over his body began to squirm continuously, and the purple veins were beating crazily.

"Ah" suddenly the monster opened its bloodshot eyes, even the pupils of its eyes turned red-purple, and opened its mouth to roar.

"Ahhh, it hurts me so much." The monster roared in pain, grabbed its head tightly with both hands, and screamed in human language.

"Calm down" suddenly an old voice roared in the air.

"Master, my head hurts so much," the monster cried in pain.

"This is a sign that a breakthrough is about to happen. As long as you refine the golden elixirs of those six old men, you will have a breakthrough. You will be a monk in the elixir formation stage, my good disciple, hehe." The old voice persuaded loudly, but that No matter how you listen to a strange laugh, it sounds like you are gloating over one's misfortune.

"Master, please recite that analgesic spell. I can't bear it anymore." The monster kept asking as if he didn't hear anything.

"Hey, hey, well, good disciple, prepare yourself," the old voice said with a chuckle.

"Ah" the monster roared, and its two huge arms suddenly moved. It stretched out its fingers and pointed them randomly on its head. Suddenly, the squirming muscles and hopping veins all over its body stopped. But the whole body was full of black energy, spurting out.

"Go get ready," the old voice shouted loudly.

"Okay... okay," the monster replied painfully, holding his head tightly with both hands, still in great pain.

Suddenly, the old voice changed, and a strange sound and tone sounded in the air. This sound was a strange rhythm. The monster lying in the blood pool heard the sound and gradually calmed down, and his hands began to relax slowly.

"Swish" The black air released by the monster was constantly changing in the air. It seemed that because of the strange spell, black rune-like things were formed in the air, which kept flying into the monster's head. The body of the monster floating above the blood pool slowly sank into the blood. After a while, the monster was completely submerged in the blood, and the strange tone stopped chanting.

"Hehe, my dear disciple, you will soon become my slave, hahahaha." The old voice laughed, and then couldn't help laughing, which seemed particularly weird in this empty cave. (Book friends compiled the latest updates of Zhenxian Qiyuan and the full text of Zhenxian Qiyuan.

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