True Immortal Fate

Volume 3 Lingguang Lake Fairy Meeting Volume 4 Chapter 177 Dragon Tendon (Dear! Have you collected i

[Text] Volume 4, Chapter 177 Dragon Tendon (Dear! Have you collected it today?)

Volume 4 Chapter 177 Dragon Tendon (Dear! Have you collected it today?)

"Would it be a shame not to take this treasure that is right in front of you?" After thinking this, Li Xiaoya suddenly stopped untying it, patted the storage bag, and the Fire Dragon Sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Um, I don't know if this fire dragon sword can cut this thing." Li Xiaoya said to himself as he found a suitable length, which was about a little over ten feet long. He didn't dare to cut too much, and he was so black. Qilin appeared, but he couldn't eat it and walked away.

"That's all good," Li Xiaoya thought, and put the dragon tendon on the ground. With the fire dragon sword in his hand, golden light flashed on his arm, a flash of red and yellow light, and he struck the dragon tendon on the ground with a fierce sword. Cut through.

"Pah!" Looking at the dragon tendons of the fire dragon sword, Li Xiaoya felt that there was no force in his hand, and the dragon tendons just popped open.

"What? It keeps cutting?" Li Xiaoya was shocked. This was the first time he encountered something that kept cutting since he had this fire dragon sword.

"It's really a dragon's tendon. It's really a good treasure." After carefully looking at the cut area, he saw that there was only a white mark on the cut area. Li Xiaoya murmured in surprise when he saw this, and he was determined to win it.

"When I cut it down just now, the dragon's tendons were bounced away... That's right." Li Xiaoya thought for a moment, murmured to himself, and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Li Xiaoya suddenly stepped on both sides of the dragon tendon to prevent it from being bounced away while cutting, and then he clenched the Fire Dragon Sword with both hands. The Fire Dragon Sword glowed with red and yellow light, and his whole body seemed to glow with golden light. He roared, It was just a sword that cut hard into the middle of the dragon's tendon that was stepped on.

"Bounce" Li Xiaoya only felt that the fire dragon sword in his hand was bounced away, and he almost lost his footing and staggered.

"No way?" Li Xiaoya's expression changed a little. He looked at the dragon tendon on the ground and was immediately happy again. He saw that a small gap was cut out on the dragon tendon, which probably cut into the hole. It looks like one-tenth the thickness of dragon tendons.

"Well, it's good that it's useful. This dragon tendon is indeed well-deserved." Li Xiaoya sighed in relief, stepped on it again, raised the fire dragon sword again, and slashed at the gap with the sword again.

"Bang" The Fire Dragon Sword hit the gap without missing a beat, and immediately cut in another tenth of it.

"Bang bang! Bang..."

Li Xiaoya didn't stop, just slashing at the gap with his sword one after another. The sword must hit the gap, and finally, with a muffled sound, the dragon tendon was cut off.

"Haha, it's really a good baby. It's hard to see how many times he slashed with the Fire Dragon Sword with all his strength." Li Xiaoya picked up the piece of dragon tendon with great joy and couldn't put it down, playing with it. No matter what he uses in the future, he will use this heaven-defying material. It's a bad thing, just don't let that black cultivator show up.

With this thought in his mind, Li Xiaoya tied up the dragon tendon carefully, then patted the storage bag, took out a talisman and spoke plausibly. The talisman flashed with white light and stuck to the dragon tendon, and suddenly the dragon tendon disappeared in a blur. It disappeared, and then Li Xiaoya was a little empty and threw it into the storage bag.

"Whoosh!" Li Xiaoya quickly untied the other tied cauldrons, spun around quickly and wrapped the dragon tendons around his waist. Then he jumped up, grabbed the rope, and climbed up quickly.

Without the cauldron below to hold the dragon's tendon, it would have been painful for Li Xiaoya to go up this time. Fortunately, Zhang Hong was less of a burden, otherwise he wouldn't be as good as he is now.

"Hey, senior, I'm almost...almost...dead." When Li Xiaoya passed through the golden whirlpool and was pulled up by the black cultivator, he already seemed to have lost half his life, lying on the ground constantly. He was panting heavily and said in unclear words. He came up much faster this time, mainly because Hei Xiu was on top to help pull him up. He climbed up quickly. The bad thing was that there was no cauldron puller below. Straight up the dragon's tendons, when he came up, the golden vortex kept rolling him around in the air, rolling irregularly, how could he not feel uncomfortable.

"Humph, who told you to tie such heavy things on your own initiative? You deserve it." Hei Xiushi said coldly, opened his mouth, and immediately swallowed the dragon tendons on the ground and the stick and bell into his mouth.

"Hey, he didn't show up." Li Xiaoya was overjoyed when he saw this, and secretly shouted in his heart.

"Junior Brother Li, are you okay?" Zhang Hong knelt down and carefully massaged his temples, saying with concern.

"Yes, there was something wrong, but if I let Senior Sister touch it like this, it will be fine." Li Xiaoya chuckled, his body suddenly glowed with red light, and he suppressed the dizzy feeling and got up from the ground.

"Look how dirty you are," Zhang Hong said with a frown, a red light flashed on his hand, and he patted Li Xiaoya's body. Suddenly, a red light flashed on Li Xiaoya's body, and he was immediately clean.

"Okay, okay, you guys don't have to be quarrelsome with each other in front of me. Go to my cave first." The black cultivator couldn't stand it anymore and pretended to cough and said.

"Yes, senior." Li Xiaoya suddenly heard the black cultivator coughing like a human being, and felt funny in his heart, but he said respectfully.

"Then let's go." Heixiuna knew what he was thinking. After saying that, there was a flash of black light on his body. Zhang Hong and Li Xiaoya rolled up and flew away in the direction of the pagoda on the back mountain.

"Ah? It recovered so quickly down here?" Li Xiaoya flew into the air with the black light, and looked down at the ground. He couldn't help but exclaimed. He saw that the ancient demon mountain that was ravaged by the black lightning had recovered its original appearance, and the trees had grown. I don't know why I didn't see a demon beast.

"Of course, it has been more than ten years. The growth rate of trees here is several times that of the human world." Hei Xiu said coldly.

"Human world? Then what is this place... Hey, why is the sky dark red?" Li Xiaoya was shocked when he heard this, and couldn't help but exclaimed. He was about to ask where this place was, but suddenly he looked up at the sky and found that the sky here was actually dark red. He didn't notice this just now because of the golden light at the edge of the golden vortex.

"Why is the sky dark red?" The black cultivator suddenly asked back, revealing a strange sneer: "Hehe, because this is the edge of the demon world, the red alert area is the junction of the demon world and the human world"

"What? This is the junction of the demon world and the human world? Then how do we get back?" Li Xiaoya couldn't help but exclaimed when he heard it.

{Piaotian Literature

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