True Immortal Fate

Volume 1 Five Elements Colored Ganoderma Lucidum Chapter 5 The Turbulence in the Fighting Field (Ple

"Haha! As for the reason of this matter, we just came here not long ago, and we don't know what's going on. Junior Brother Li, you should ask other senior brothers!" The short disciple said with a twinkling eye, and then winked at the tall and thin disciple and walked aside. He looked like he was avoiding Li Xiaoya.

"Uh!" Li Xiaoya hit a nail that was neither soft nor hard. He touched his nose and was extremely angry. What? When I succeed in cultivation, I will teach you two a lesson. Li Xiaoya could only think about it in his heart. This world of immortal cultivation is much more snobbish than the secular world. The cultivators with high cultivation are high above, and the cultivators with low cultivation are servile. Mortals like Li Xiaoya, those so-called immortal cultivators are almost unwilling to talk to him, and they look like they are self-righteous to stand with a mortal like him and talk. This is also one of the reasons why Li Xiaoya is very unhappy in Tiandu Peak.

"Senior Sister Zhang! I admit defeat!"

Suddenly, the male cultivator in the field shouted loudly.

Li Xiaoya looked back and saw that the blue light shield on the male cultivator surnamed Liu had disappeared. He dodged the fireball attack of Senior Sister Zhang while shouting loudly.

"Humph! You want to beg for mercy now! It's too late!" Senior Sister Zhang snorted coldly and dodged the lightning talisman released by the disciple surnamed Liu. The red light on her body was brighter. The fire whip released more fireballs and attacked more urgently, as if she wanted to burn the male cultivator surnamed Liu to ashes.

"Oh! Senior Sister Zhang, you have such a hot temper, no cultivator is willing to practice dual cultivation with you!" The disciple surnamed Liu laughed loudly, and suddenly jumped a few times and jumped out of the fighting field. His true face was revealed. He looked like a young man of eighteen or seventeen years old. He was handsome, but the smirk on his face was very annoying. The disciple surnamed Liu laughed loudly.

"Looking for death!" Senior Sister Zhang shouted and chased after him. The fire whip sprayed a string of fireballs at the man surnamed Liu.

"Hey! Senior Sister Zhang! What do you want to do? This is outside the fighting field!" The man surnamed Liu did not dodge or avoid, but shouted loudly.

When the string of fireballs flew to the edge of the fighting field, suddenly colorful light appeared in the air, and the fireballs hit the colorful light, as if hitting a transparent cover, and a series of explosions were heard. No wonder the young man surnamed Liu was so calm.

"Restriction?" Li Xiaoya was surprised to see this. He had been in Tiandu Peak for some time now. Although he didn't know many things, Yang Sanfan and Liu Hang had told him about the restriction. It was the restriction array set up by the cultivators when they cast the restriction spells or used the treasure array.

In layman's terms, it was to prohibit the cultivators from doing certain things, such as the forbidden sky restriction in Tiandao City, which prevented the cultivators from flying, and the soundproof restriction, which prevented the cultivators from hearing people talking. However, the restriction was not omnipotent. If the cultivator who broke into the restriction had a much higher cultivation level than the caster, he would not be restricted by the restriction. If he wanted to destroy the restriction, he could find the weak point of the restriction and break it, or he could use powerful attacks to break it.

Because the ban is a one-time means used by the caster, if the attack continues, unless the caster constantly casts spells to strengthen the ban, the ban will be broken by force. Therefore, general bans use treasures and formations as the functions of replenishing spiritual power and counterattack, etc., making the ban more difficult to break. Generally, the caves of immortal cultivators or important places of sects use formations and treasures as bans to prevent outsiders from invading.

It is worth mentioning that the ancient monks' ruins have such bans. If the ban is still intact when the ruins of ancient monks are found, it means that the cave has not been invaded by anyone. Then congratulations, you can go inside to hunt for treasures, but if the ban is too easy to break, there is no benefit, and there is no big harvest when entering, because the owner has no good things to suppress the cave, and the owner cannot have any treasures for you to harvest. If the ban is too powerful, it is possible that the monk will not get the treasure but lose his life.

The restriction of this fighting field is a formation restriction. The power of the magic of the immortal cultivators is so powerful that it can destroy the surrounding environment or hurt others. In order to prevent the cultivators from fighting with too much power or hitting the wrong target, a protective shield is set up around to prevent the magic from being released. It is said that it can withstand the attack of the Jindan stage cultivators. It can be seen that this restriction is powerful. The cultivators fighting in this fighting field are basically cultivators in the cultivation stage, and it is impossible to break the restriction. So the young man surnamed Liu stood outside the fighting field calmly without dodging or avoiding. He also ridiculed the senior sister Zhang.

Senior Sister Zhang was blocked by the explosion and her movements could not help but stop. A slender, charming and plump woman in her twenties stood in the middle of the fighting field. Her waist was so slender that it could be held in one hand, her breasts were much plumper than those of ordinary women, her skin was whiter than snow, and her stunning appearance became the focus of the whole field. However, her eyebrows were raised and her breasts were rising and falling with her breathing. The male cultivators present were uneasy and had lustful thoughts.

Although Li Xiaoya was young, he could not help but secretly smack his lips, thinking that this Senior Sister Zhang was not good enough.

"Don't think that I will let you go just because you are outside the field. Even if you violate the rules of the sect, I will kill you..." After the explosion, Senior Sister Zhang waved the flame whip and rushed to the disciple surnamed Liu outside the field.

"Ouch! Senior Sister, spare me," the disciple surnamed Liu screamed, and a short spear appeared in front of him with a flash of green light. He actually drove the short spear into the sky and wanted to fly away.

"Where are you running!" Senior Sister Zhang also shouted unwillingly, and slapped her waist. A small sword with golden light appeared in front of her. Her white and tender fingers pointed at the flying disciple surnamed Liu and said, "Go!" The golden light shot towards the flying disciple surnamed Liu like lightning.

The disciple surnamed Liu looked back and was shocked: "No! Sword Talisman!" He quickly dodged to the side, but it was too late. Although the golden light did not penetrate the disciple surnamed Liu, it penetrated his shoulder, and blood gushed out. The disciple surnamed Liu staggered and the flying spear he was driving was shaking and about to fall. After the flash of green light, it stabilized again. But the speed was obviously much slower.

When Senior Sister Zhang saw the golden light penetrate, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes, but she seemed to remember something, gritted her teeth, and pointed her finger again, and the golden light made a sharp turn and flew behind the disciple surnamed Liu in the air.


Suddenly, a roar broke out outside the venue, and the sound was so loud that the ears of the cultivators present were buzzing.

(Please recommend it in the early morning! I hope I can get a good ranking tomorrow! Thank you all!)

{Piaotian Literature

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