True Immortal Fate

Volume 3 Lingguang Lake Fairy Meeting Volume 5 Chapter 56 Fighting

[Main text] Volume 5, Chapter 56 Fighting

Volume 5, Chapter 56 Fighting

"Don't worry," Dong Santong said loudly. 0_3w意_想^文_学书友整理提供的 Suddenly, the stabbed figure was blurred, and turned into dots of white light and dissipated.

The next moment, Dong Santong flashed out more than ten feet away. It was the clone move that he had competed with Li Xiaoya. Naturally, he didn't hurt him, but Dong Santong's face didn't look good. It turned out that Li Xiaoya could re-condense and restore the clone even if he broke it up, but he couldn't restore it after being hit by the scorpion tail of the thorn demon general. As everyone saw, he was directly broken up.

"Hey, good," Li Xiaoya didn't know, and shouted good.

"Good, you head" Zhang Cai stabilized his body at this time, his face was very bad, and he cursed when he heard Li Xiaoya's loud cheers.

"Ah, brother, are you okay?" Li Xiaoya saw that he seemed to be normal, and he was not angry but happy and concerned.

"Go" Before Zhang Cai could speak, suddenly the Fudi Grandma let out a strange cry, and suddenly a red bead magic weapon appeared, and it smashed towards the Thorn Demon General fiercely. The bead emitted a dazzling red light, and it grew in the wind. When it reached the top of the Thorn Demon General's head, it was already bigger than his body. It smashed down fiercely at him.

"Roar" The Thorn Demon General roared, and the black air under his body was surging. Suddenly, a large black cloud-like black air wrapped up his lower body. Suddenly, such a huge body was suspended in the air, and his hands were not slow. He stabbed the huge bead on his head fiercely with a knife and a spear.

"Boom" Suddenly, the giant knife and the long spear hit the bead, and there was a loud noise. Suddenly, the Thorn Demon General's figure was smashed down, and he retreated quickly, and the giant bead made a bang and did not bounce away.

"Let's kill this guy together," Zhang Cai shouted in surprise. His hands were not slow, and he made a series of gestures. Suddenly, the dragon head in front of him flashed with golden light. The dragon heads on all four sides seemed to be alive. Suddenly, they opened their mouths and moved. Suddenly, the four dragon heads gathered at the bottom of the dragon head ingot, opened their mouths, and faced the falling demon general like a cannon.

Then the dragon head ingot passed through Da Sheng, and the dragon mouth made a long "咻" sound, and suddenly golden light flashed.

"Roar" The demon general seemed to feel the amazing spiritual energy coming out of the dragon head ingot, roared, and his body stabilized in the air, and said angrily: "You are really a difficult guy, go away." After that, the long spear in one hand flashed with black lightning, and it was heavily pointed in the direction of Zhang Cai.

"Snap" Suddenly, a black lightning burst out. It was really lightning-fast and arrived in front of Zhang Cai.

"Go!" Zhang Cai was prepared this time. He suddenly slapped his storage bag and a golden shield flew out and blocked in front of him. The front of the shield was as smooth as a mirror and formed a semi-arc, while the other side was inlaid with fist-sized spiritual stones of various colors. All of them were rare high-level spiritual stones. When the shield came out, it was radiant and dazzling.

"Boom" In an instant, the black lightning hit the golden shield, but something surprising happened. The black lightning bounced to one side with a bang.

"Boom" It hit the mountain wall on one side, and suddenly a big pit was hit on the mountain wall, and countless rocks fell one after another.

"Swish, swish, swish" Suddenly, a sharp sound of breaking through the air was heard, and a large whirlwind of green light swept towards the figure of the Thorn Demon General. The Fairy Qinglian took out the magic fan at some point and attacked him.

"Hmph" The Thorn Demon General snorted coldly, and suddenly his whole body was covered with black light. The large green light whirlwind, although the momentum was amazing, swept over the black light. There was a series of clanging and clanging noises, but it could not break the defense of the black light.

"Go" However, there was another roar, and a rotating golden light rushed up from under the Thorn Demon General. It turned out to be Solo's convenient shovel that was bounced away.

"Damn it!" The Thorn Demon General didn't expect that although these monks were not highly skilled, they were all very cunning and specialized in sneak attacks. He was furious and cursed. Suddenly, the three scorpion tails closed and turned into one, which fiercely hit the flying shovel.

"Clang" with a loud noise, the convenient shovel magic weapon was knocked out.

"Swish" just after the convenient shovel magic weapon was knocked out, suddenly there was a sharp sound of breaking through the air, and a dark green light burst out. It turned out that an arrow was surrounded by a dark green light and flew towards the Thorn Demon General's eyes. The speed was amazing, and it almost instantly reached the Thorn Demon General's eyes. If it didn't hit, the Thorn Demon General would become a one-eyed general.

"Roar" The Thorn Demon General roared and opened his mouth, and actually bit the arrow in one bite. With a ping, the arrow was bitten to pieces.

"Tsk" General Lingzi smacked his lips and felt sorry in his heart. He didn't know when a green bow and arrow magic weapon appeared in his hand.

"You bastards!" The Thorn Demon General was attacked by the crowd one after another, and he was furious. The giant eyes that were already glowing red became even redder, as if he was completely enraged. Suddenly, his body flashed and his body suddenly increased. The whole space caused a gust of wind, and he rushed towards the nearest Fudi Grandma in front of him. The giant knife in his hand was shining black, and he slashed at the Fudi Grandma fiercely. Although this attack was simple, it was very effective.

The Thorn Demon's body was huge. This knife slashed over, and it covered the space of four or five feet, leaving the Fudi Grandma nowhere to hide. The breath emitted by the giant knife made the Fudi Grandma tremble with fear.

"Return" Fudi Grandma roared a word of return, and the bead that was knocked away flashed red, and immediately appeared in front of her, blocking the attacking giant knife. She also did not forget to release a small bell with red light, which covered her entire body.

"Bang" the giant knife slashed at the bead fiercely, and the bead was broken into a long fine line, which actually injured the magic weapon, and the bead flew out again.

"Boom" it smashed into the mountain wall, and the whole bead was visible, and I don't know how deep it was hit.

"Puff" the Fudi grandma felt a sudden shock in her chest. Her magic weapon was connected to her mind, and this blow broke the magic weapon. How could she not be injured? She immediately spit out a large mouthful of blood with a puff.

"Hide quickly" The attack of the giant knife was not over. Although it was blocked by the Fudi grandma's bead magic weapon, it only paused for a moment, and still slashed towards her waist fiercely. The people in the distance couldn't help but shout in shock.

"Not good" Grandma Fudi shouted in her heart. The small bell on her body was just a top-grade spiritual weapon. How could it resist the giant sword that could be broken by magic weapons? She immediately dodged desperately.

"Bang bang bang bang" Suddenly four loud explosions sounded in the distance. The dragon head of the dragon head in front of Zhang Cai took turns to spray four golden beams, which instantly flew to the back of the thorn demon general. If he didn't dodge, he would definitely be hit. Look at the flying beams, even the void has drawn a dark wave, the power is not small.

"Damn it" the thorn demon general cursed angrily, a black light flashed under his feet, and he moved violently, dodging the four beams. The direction of the long sword in his hand was deviated, and the back of the knife hit the Grandma Fudi who was dodging desperately.

With a loud "clang", the small bell spirit weapon covered by the Fudi Grandma made a loud noise, and immediately screamed and was knocked out.

"Boom boom boom boom" The four beams of light sprayed by Zhang Cai's dragon head ingot hit the opposite mountain wall, making a burst of explosions, and suddenly there were four bottomless holes on the mountain wall, emitting wisps of hot air.

Although this is a long story, it only took a few breaths to fight. Li Xiaoya, Dong Santong, and Lan Bing were unable to make a move in this level of fighting. Although the three of them seemed to have the same magic power as the Jindan stage cultivators, they did not have the magic weapons that the Jindan stage had, so they could not break through the defense of the Thorn Demon General at all, and could not help but hesitate.

"Let's take action to contain this guy." The three of them gathered together unconsciously. Li Xiaoya suddenly said in a deep voice. After that, he slapped his storage bag, and the Fire Dragon Sword appeared in his hand. He pinched his fingers repeatedly, and a Fire Dragon spitted out a bead.

"Okay" Dong Santong and Lan Bing were both very bold. Seeing Li Xiaoya take action, they naturally did not want to fall behind.

"Swish, swish, swish" Dong Santong slapped his storage bag and a crescent shovel with white light appeared in his hand. His body suddenly turned into dozens of clones and rushed towards the thorn demon general.

"Ding" Lan Bing slapped his storage bag, and a spiritual weapon in the shape of a semi-transparent ice sword with blue light appeared in his hand. The blue light was strong, and a burst of cold air spread out in all directions, pointing at the ice sword. The ice sword turned into a blue light and attacked the side of the thorn demon general.

"Boom" Sure enough, the huge fireball spit out by Li Xiaoya's fire dragon was blown up by the general of the thorn demon. Dong Santong was even worse. Although the figure in the sky looked scary, it was all shattered by the general of the thorn demon's roar, and turned into dots of white light and dissipated. Instead, the ice sword of Lan Bing caused a little trouble to the thorn demon. The ice sword hit the thigh of the general of the thorn demon, and a large piece of ice froze one of his thighs, causing his body to slow down a little. He was almost shot in the eye by the poison arrow of the general Lingzi, and the general of the thorn demon screamed in anger.

"Not good! These little bastards" Zhang Cai saw this and shouted in his heart, "You three! Hurry..."

"Ah" Before the word retreat came out, a scream suddenly came from the side, and it sounded like the voice of the old lady on the ground.

I saw that the Fudi Grandma who was knocked out had a huge voice behind her. A giant hand had pierced through her chest.

"Hehehe" the monster laughed strangely, and an old voice said: "Hehe, you seem to have forgotten my little baby" (Book friends compiled the latest updates of Zhenxian Qiyuan and the full text of Zhenxian Qiyuan.

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