True Immortal Fate

Volume 3 Lingguang Lake Fairy Meeting Volume 5 Chapter 64 Escape

[Main text] Volume 5, Chapter 64, Escape

Volume 5, Chapter 64, Escape

"Run? Who wants to run?" Everyone heard Dong Santong's loud shout. They were stunned and looked in the direction of Dong Santong.

The appearance of Ximie Demon Lord could only be described as miserable. His aura was weaker than before, and his whole body was covered with blood. His fiery red hair seemed to be plucked out, and his whole body was blue and purple, as if he was frostbitten. However, the blue ice on his body disappeared, and his figure was flying towards the sky quickly.

"Xiaoya" Zhang Cai suddenly shouted to Li Xiaoya: "Go and help Santong kill the old demon, I'm here." Zhang Cai said, his hands were pinching the seal quickly, and it was dazzling that people could not see his movements clearly, and the formation followed his movements, and the sound of wind, rain, thunder and lightning became more intense.

"What's going on?" The Thorn Demon General was shocked by the situation in front of him. He suddenly appeared in a sea of ​​violent storms, thunder and lightning. Below him was a turbulent and rolling wave. The sky was covered with dark clouds. Countless lightning flashed in the air. Countless cold rain mixed with hail fell one after another. The strong wind kept whistling, making his figure stagnant and unstable in the air.

"Is this a formation?" The Thorn Demon General suddenly reacted. Isn't this the formation that gives the devil the most headache? Suddenly, the Thorn Demon General was a little flustered. But he was an old demon with profound cultivation. He calmed down his mind and began to sweep around with his consciousness, trying to find the flaws of the formation.

The people outside the formation only saw that it was a large white misty light cover that covered the Thorn Demon General. Zhang Cai outside kept pinching his fingers and chanting spells, and rays of light shot into the formation.

It turned out that Zhang Cai was severely injured when he was hit hard on the ground by the Thorn Demon General. He also saw that many of his cultivators had fallen one after another. When Li Xiaoya succeeded in sneak attacking the Thorn Demon General, he immediately found an opportunity and quickly deployed his most powerful Five Elements Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning Formation. However, the disadvantage of this formation was that the range was not large and it was impossible to completely trap the Thorn Demon General in the sky. As everyone saw, he deliberately used the spiritual treasure to lure the old demon over. The Thorn Demon General had long been angered by Li Xiaoya and Jiang Lingzi, so he had no time to notice these details, so he succeeded in one fell swoop.

"This useless guy," the Demon Lord Ximie cursed while running, without looking back. He had tasted the power of this human formation. He had not been trapped for tens of thousands of years, so it was naturally the best policy to run away. These few little ghosts made him so embarrassed. If Zhang Cai could deal with the Thorn Demon General, he would be doomed.

"We can't let this old demon run away." Dong Santong and Lan Bing would not let this guy run away easily, and they cast ice cones one after another. Guangren chased the old demon and chased after him with loud shouts.

"Don't worry, he can't run away because he is blocked from above." "Bear" Li Xiaoya started late, and could only chase after him by slapping his hands to use the thrust, shouting while chasing. Anyway, there was the formation of Senior Brother Zhang Cai below, so even if they couldn't do anything to the Thorn Demon General for a while, they could still trap him for a few days.

"Be careful," the general Lingzi shouted when he saw this, and chased after him. Although the assassin general was much more powerful than the demon king, the demon king was the real murderer, so he had to take him down first. When the time came, he would have many benefits when he returned to the sect. He thought so in his heart. With such a good opportunity to beat the drowning dog, he should hurry up and pull the bowstring to shoot green arrows while chasing. It was a pity that the special arrows were used up, otherwise he would shoot an arrow at the old demon. This is a great achievement.

However, although he was not injured, he could be said to be the luckiest among the crowd, but his mana was almost consumed, and the speed was not much faster.

For a while, ice cones, light blades, and arrows kept chasing the demon king, and the demon king was also cunning, constantly changing directions, and he was about to hit him, but he forced him to dodge.

"This old thing is too slippery," Li Xiaoya, who was the last one to fall, cursed in his heart, and his figure flashed, and he suddenly flew towards the mountain wall.

"Bang" Li Xiaoya suddenly put away the flying spiritual weapon, stepped heavily on the mountain wall with his feet, and his feet flashed with golden light. With a bang, the mountain wall was stepped out with his huge force, and a big hole was suddenly created. Suddenly, rocks were splashed everywhere, and Li Xiaoya's figure shot up into the sky, and in the air, he also shot out a fire with his backhand, and his speed suddenly soared, and he caught up with everyone in a moment.

"Not good," the Ximie Demon Lord was stunned, and shouted in his heart, and suddenly a flash of inspiration came to his mind, and his figure also rushed towards the mountain wall.

"Boom" Ximie Demon Lord's feet were full of black light, and he also borrowed the force from the mountain wall, and the mountain wall suddenly exploded, and the speed also soared. He actually learned this trick of Li Xiaoya on the spot.

Although Xi Mie Mo Jun was not as powerful as Li Xiaoya, his cultivation was much higher than Li Xiaoya's, and his speed was fast, so he naturally left everyone behind.

"What a shameless old thing!" Li Xiaoya cursed at him, and once again used the cliff to gain leverage, this time grabbing two large rocks in his hands.

"Go!" Li Xiaoya's arm was shining with golden light. With a loud shout, he threw the stone with all his strength. Suddenly, the big stone was wrapped in a layer of golden light, and with a sharp sound of breaking through the air, it was thrown towards the back of the Demon Lord Ximie like lightning. The speed was much faster than the light blades, arrows, and ice cones of Dong Santong and others.

"Huh?" The Demon Lord Ximie was stunned when he saw this, and his face changed immediately. He punched the mountain wall hard, and the whole thing bounced back immediately, just avoiding the attack of the stone.

"Bang" The stone hit the foot of the Demon Lord Ximie fiercely. With a bang, a huge hole was smashed out of the mountain wall. Countless stone chips flew everywhere, constantly hitting the Demon Lord Ximie, making his body slow down.

"Swish" Then another stone burst out.

"This cunning little devil" the Demon Lord Ximie cursed angrily. He dodged by dodging. He had never thought that a cultivator in the Condensation Pill Stage could throw an ordinary stone with such great force. This was the power of the sixth level of the Demon God Technique.

"Swish, swish, swish" He dodged the stone shot by Li Xiaoya twice, and Jiang Lingzi, Dong Santong, and Lan Bing also caught up. Suddenly, there were ice cones, light blades, and arrows flying towards him.

The Ximie Demon Lord suddenly flashed in his hand. Suddenly, a small bottle appeared in his hand. He threw the bottle into his mouth and bit it hard. Suddenly, the small bottle broke. I don’t know what he swallowed. Suddenly, the Ximie Demon Lord was full of black light, and his strength was restored.

"Roar" The Ximie Demon Lord roared, and his whole body was immediately wrapped in a black light shield. He flew quickly into the sky, and his speed was nearly doubled.

"What is that?" Everyone suddenly realized that as they chased the Demon Lord Ximie, they had already reached the top of the space. They saw a dark cloud-like thing rolling and flowing on the top, with bursts of black lightning flashing inside, and a layer of blood-like thing flashing on the surface. Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Hahahaha" The Demon Lord Ximie saw his destination and laughed wildly. Suddenly, he made hand gestures repeatedly, and a difficult-to-understand spell came out of his mouth. Suddenly, the dark cloud rushed towards him, and in a few breaths, it wrapped his whole body.

"Boom boom boom" At this time, everyone saw that he suddenly stopped, but they didn't know that the scenes above were his masterpieces. They attacked the Demon Lord Ximie who was wrapped in the dark cloud. They didn't want their ice cones, light blades, arrows, and even Li Xiaoya's powerful stone attacks to be bounced back by the strange red light.

"Restriction?" Everyone exclaimed when they saw this. They all saw that there was a restriction on the top.

"Not good, this guy has already prepared the restriction, which is the restriction that caused the landslide." The general Lingzi shouted loudly, his whole body was full of green light, and all his magic power rushed towards the bow and arrow.


"You damn humans, wait until my cultivation is restored, and then I will settle accounts with you humans. You wait for our demon army to descend on the human world again." The voice of the Demon Lord Ximie came out in the dark clouds, and the voice was full of hatred.

"Boom boom boom" As soon as the Demon Lord Ximie finished speaking, the dark clouds began to roll non-stop, making a rumbling sound, as if something was going to happen.

"Not good, this guy is going to open the restriction and we can't get out." Jiang Lingzi saw this and his face changed. He exclaimed: "I'll go down to find Senior Brother Zhang, you wait here." After that, his figure flew down quickly.

"Hey wait..." Dong Santong shouted at him, and when he saw him flying down, he suddenly said to Li Xiaoya: "Brother Li, give me your hand"

"What?" Li Xiaoya was stunned and asked in confusion.

"Don't ask so many questions. I can go out and can't let this old devil run away." Dong Santong said quickly, and without saying a word, he pulled Li Xiaoya's hand.

"Swish" Dong Santong's whole body was suddenly full of white light, which wrapped up the two of them.

"Wait, I want to go too," Lan Bing on the other side suddenly said, and his figure flashed and he actually stretched out his hand to pull Li Xiaoya's hand, making Dong Santong's outstretched hand stiff.

Li Xiaoya only felt that Lan Bing's hand was soft and slender, and he didn't have time to say anything.

"Let's go" Dong Santong shouted angrily, and the white light was bright, pulling the two people to rush towards the restriction, and suddenly the white light flashed and disappeared into the air. (Book friends have compiled the latest updates of Zhenxian Qiyuan and the full text of Zhenxian Qiyuan.

{Piaotian Literature

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