True Immortal Fate

Volume 3 Lingguang Lake Fairy Meeting Volume 5 Chapter 95 Three Channels to Make the Pill

[Text] Chapter 95 of Volume Five

Volume 5, Chapter 95: Three Links to the Pill

"Senior Jiuxuan, please speak." Everyone looked at each other in shock when they heard this. Compiled and provided by Ideal Literature Book Friends ~ 0_3w_ Then Qi Haitian hurriedly spoke respectfully, and after a pause in his voice, he hurriedly asked: "By the way, Senior Jiuxuan, is this Du family really going to become the core family of Xuan Tiandao?"

"You must know that the Du family has obtained the management rights of Tianhu City three times, so they are naturally qualified to participate." Fairy Jiuxuan glanced at him and said lightly. Seeing everyone's disdain, she continued. "The Du family in the past would not have been able to do this, but now that the Du family has Li Xiaoya and Dong Santong, they will be very confident." At this point, his voice paused and he said coldly: "This is what I am here for. Regarding the matter of Dong Santong and Li Xiaoya, these two monks are still of great use to our Xuantian Dao. You seven families are not allowed to attack these two people."

"Haha, senior, you are joking." Everyone's expressions changed greatly when they heard this. Qi Haitian chuckled and said, "How could we..."

"That's all I said, I don't care what you think." Fairy Jiuxuan interrupted what Qi Haitian was about to say, and disappeared into the air in a flash.

"..." Everyone looked ugly for a while. If the Du family really became the core family, it would have three hundred years of management rights, which would be fatal to the seven families. Come on, three hundred years is enough for the Du family, which was originally only a middle-lower family, to grow into a big family.

"Hey, regardless of whether the Du family can become a core family, it seems that Tianhu City is not so easy to stay in today." The head of the Bai family suddenly said. The voice paused and said to everyone: "Everyone, I have something else to do, so I'll take my leave first." After that, he left without waiting for everyone to return.

"..." When the others saw this, they were also greatly traumatized, and they also said goodbye and left one by one. After a while, everyone was gone, leaving only Qi Haitian with a livid face.

In the days that followed, the Du family was in an atmosphere of joy. Many families from the city came to visit one by one, seeking cooperation in the next thirty years. What is strange is that among the seven monks who participated in the competition, Four other families also came to visit him, but no one knew what the conversation was about.

In the following years, the Du family has maintained its original style of managing the city. For ordinary mortals, there has been no change. However, the immortal cultivating family has undergone great changes. The seven families that participated in the competition at the beginning were actually Three families moved away from Tianhu City, including the Na Qi family.

However, Li Xiaoya and Dong Santong, who helped the Du family win the management of Tianhu City, have not shown up again. Some monks said that these two people have left the Du family and gone to other places. Some people say that they were captured by the Jiu Xuan. The fairy took Xuantian Dao, and the most talked about thing was that both of them entered seclusion, attacked the golden elixir stage, and condensed the golden elixir.

But something big happened at the Tiandu Peak of the Liang Kingdom's Tiandao Sect in the Great Fantasy Continent. Just a few days ago, a strange scene happened at the Tiandu Peak. According to the monks who witnessed it, that afternoon, suddenly there was a burst of strange multicolored rays of light swarming from all directions towards one place at the top of Tiandu Peak. However, because that place was the cave of Liu Yulan, a monk in the Jindan period, there was no one there. Dare to disturb, and this strange scene lasted for several hours, but the onlookers were driven away by several golden elixir monks who came after hearing the news.

Three days later, this matter spread in Tiandu Peak. It turned out that a monk in Tiandu Peak had successfully condensed the golden elixir, and this monk was none other than Senior Sister Zhang Hong.

It actually only took more than thirty years to go from the Condensing Core Stage to the Golden Core Stage. For a time, the entire Liang Kingdom's immortal cultivation world was shocked. This level of cultivation can be envied by monks all over the world. Sighing, Tiandao Sect now has another genius, but the strange thing is that although Zhang Hong is quite famous, he is not a monk with extraordinary qualifications who can condense into golden elixir in such a short time. It seems that chance and luck are also quite good.

"Oh, this little enemy has actually gone down the mountain." But at this time, the person involved was not happy, but was sitting in a small room with a depressed look on his face, holding a long red whip in his hand, which was left by Li Xiaoya. The magic weapon given to her, and this room was no other place, but Li Xiaoya's cabin.

"Forget it, wait until your cultivation is stable, let's go down the mountain and look for it." After sitting for a while, Zhang Hong said quietly, supporting his chin with his hand, looking out the window, looking like he didn't know what he was thinking...

In the Demon-Suppressing Mountains thousands of miles away, in a cave, a figure was sitting cross-legged on the ground. The ground was filled with various books, bamboo slips, papers, etc., and sitting on the pile of books The person in the bamboo slips is not a scholar, but a big man who looks like an old farmer. He is looking at the numbers and dark pillars with all his concentration, as if he is doing some extraordinary research, which makes people feel a little bit confused. It's strange that you, an old farmer, still want to be the number one scholar.

And this Demon-Suppressing Mountain Range has gradually become famous after the battle between everyone and the Demon-thorn General, but in fact there are still not many monks here, but the ruins have been completely destroyed by that battle, and the entire mountain peak has collapsed More than half of it.

And this person was naturally none other than Zhang Cai, who was driven down the mountain by Daoling Tianzun to look for Li Xiaoya and Dong Santong. When he came out, he was a little depressed and went to find Li Xiaoya and Dong Santong. But I had no clue, so I just wandered around for a while. Later I remembered that Li Xiaoya and Dong Santong were transported away by this strange teleportation array. The best way was to start with the teleportation array, so they returned to this demon-suppressing array. Shan Shan began to study the runes on this dark pillar, and a few years passed after this study.

"Hey, this text is too strange. Could it be the text of the demon world?" I don't know how long it took, but Zhang Cai finally moved, sighed and said, moved his shoulders, and suddenly started rummaging on the ground while searching. Ye Bian murmured: "It seems that I still have to study the writings of this demon clan." After that, he was drowned in the boundless sea of ​​books. He was indeed a farmer, and he had never been exposed to knowledge in his life, but He unexpectedly entered the world of immortality, and from then on studying and studying was what he longed for most. It could be said that it was his infinite desire for knowledge that led to his breakthrough research in the knowledge of formations.

And now, a strange thing happened in Tianhu City. Countless mortals gathered around the lake in the center of Tianhu City to watch a strange scene.

I saw that the restriction in the lake was now open. Ordinary mortals are naturally not allowed to enter the Du family and can only watch by the lake.

Just at noon today, when most mortals were still having lunch, suddenly a colorful halo flashed over the entire Tianhu City, as if it were flowing water. It was really beautiful, so everyone came out to watch it. Later, they discovered that this colorful halo The halo landed in the direction of the Du family.

As everyone can see now, all they see is a vortex composed of colorful halos that are constantly absorbing the colorful light in the sky, and it is constantly flowing towards a building inside the restriction.

But now the colorful halo was surrounded by monks from the Du family. Even Du Chengfeng and Iron Lady came out in person, seeming to be on guard.

"I didn't expect that Dong Santong would condense into the golden elixir first. I always thought that Xiaoya would condense into the golden elixir first." Du Chengfeng said to the Iron Lady.

"Well! I also feel a little strange, but I can't say for sure. Condensing it into a golden elixir depends on luck and chance. Maybe Xiaoya hasn't had the chance yet," Iron Lady said hurriedly, and continued after a pause. : "However, the three links were condensed into golden elixir in one go. This opportunity and qualification are indeed not small."

"It seems that En is about to give up." At this time, Du Chengfeng suddenly shouted.

"Whoosh!" As Du Chengfeng fell down with a sound, a dazzling white light suddenly shot out from the building into space. In an instant, it disappeared into the air. The strange thing is that the building, including the ban, was intact.

"Click" I saw the door of the building suddenly opened, and I saw a ray of white light flying out. I saw a chubby body flying up. There was no flying treasure under him, but it was heading towards the Iron Lady and Du Flying away in the direction of the wind.

"Haha, congratulations to the Three Tongs for condensing into a golden elixir and having a thousand years of life." When she saw the Dong Santong flying towards her, the Iron Lady smiled happily.

"Haha, I still need two seniors' fixing pills and a large number of auxiliary pills. Otherwise, it would be so easy." The person who came was Dong Santong, and he laughed and said with a solemn look on his face.

"Santong is now a Golden Core monk and a member of our Du family. From now on, we can just call him senior brother and senior sister." Du Chengfeng said hurriedly.

"By the way, talking about senior brother! How is my senior brother Li? Has he condensed into golden elixir?" Dong Santong thought of Li Xiaoya and said hurriedly when he heard this.

"Xiaoya is still in the process of passing the test, and he will probably do it soon," Du Chengfeng said hurriedly.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I succeeded first. I will give him a hard scolding when the time comes." Dong Santong said proudly after hearing this.

"Hahahaha" Iron Lady and Du Chengfeng were also very happy and burst into laughter after hearing this.

"By the way, I have to let those people disperse." Du Chengfeng said suddenly, turned around and flew out, shouting loudly: "Dear residents of Tianhu City, today Dong Santong, a monk from the Du family, successfully condensed the golden elixir. To celebrate Dong Santong The golden elixir has been successfully condensed. From today on, the entire city will be exempted from taxes for one month."

"Long live Lord Wadu City!" The people around him suddenly cheered...

"Okay San Tong, you have just condensed into a golden elixir, and you still need to stabilize your cultivation. We can also give you some pointers on things that monks in the golden elixir stage should pay attention to. Let's go down first." And the iron lady said to Dong San Tong said.

"Okay, then thank you two senior brothers and sisters." Dong Santong said, and took the two of them to fly towards his cave...

However, Li Xiaoya's cave was always closed.

A month has passed, and Li Xiaoya still has no sign of condensing into golden elixir.

Half a year has passed. Li Xiaoya still showed no sign of condensing into golden elixir.

A year has passed, and Li Xiaoya still has no sign of condensing into a golden elixir.

Two years have passed... (Book friends have compiled and uploaded the latest update of True Immortal Romance and read the full text of True Immortal Romance.

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