True Immortal Fate

Volume 3 Lingguang Lake Fairy Meeting Volume 5 Chapter 396 Incredible Changes

Volume 5, Chapter 396: Incredible Changes (Update 3)

At this time, in a valley hundreds of miles away.

"Swish, swish, swish!!!"

"Boom, boom, boom!!!!"

I saw huge white beams of light chasing a monk, and the monk's body emitted a dazzling green light at an astonishingly fast speed. A giant long fan in his hand emitted a dazzling green light, and suddenly he swung it vigorously at a flashing white light figure!

"Huh, swish, swish!!!!" I saw the fan flash vigorously, countless green lights burst up, forming a tornado nearly a hundred feet high. Wherever the storm passed, countless rocks and sand were rolled up, and swept towards the white light figure, and in a blink of an eye it was about to roll over the white light figure.

"Ha!!!!" I saw the white light figure roared, and the whole body flashed with white light, swish, swish, swish! ! There was a dazzling flash on the ground, and it flew to the other side in a few seconds. In the white light, there was a fat monk dressed as a monk. It was naturally Dong Santong, and his opponent was actually the late Yuanying cultivator from the Fire Dragon Palace. When these two met, they fought for an unknown amount of time, but there was still no sign of a winner.

A few miles away from the two men, Zhang Facai was seen using the Dragon Head Ingot to fight with another Nascent Soul cultivator. Although Zhang Facai had great magical powers, it was still quite difficult for him to defeat this Nascent Soul cultivator. Originally, it was Dong Santong who first encountered this group of Fire Dragon Palace cultivators. Dong Santong was so bold that he actually killed the other Jindan cultivator. The two leading Nascent Soul cultivators naturally refused to do so and chased and fought with Dong Santong. For a while, they were deadlocked, but Dong Santong couldn't escape. Fortunately, Zhang Facai helped Dong Santong fight with the two Fire Dragon Palace cultivators. However, the four of them looked a little absent-minded while fighting. Although they were too far away and couldn't see the huge colorful light column, the occasional violent vibrations from the ground indicated that there were cultivators fighting in front of them. But now it was naturally impossible to escape.

On the other side, a female monk in revealing clothes and four monks were standing next to a huge pit. The pit was still emitting wisps of hot air, and the surface was unusually smooth. They all looked shocked. These people were none other than Li Yuer and the Hehuan Sect who were looking for the earth dragon beast.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Bang! Bang!"

More than a dozen miles away from the crowd, bursts of explosions continued to sound, and red and black lights continued to splash up. Even at such a long distance, everyone could sense the powerful fluctuations of magic power, which made everyone even more frightened.

"Saintess!" A male cultivator said to Li Yu'er, "It seems that the colorful spiritual light you just got must be the light of the Five Elements Colored Ganoderma! I guess this pit is the damage caused by the Five Elements Colored Ganoderma?"

"No!" Li Yu'er shook her head and said, "The Five Elements Colored Ganoderma should have burst out with the Five Elements spiritual energy, but this pit is scorching hot, obviously containing extremely strong fire spiritual energy, it should be some kind of fire-based skills!"

"Uh!!!" The male cultivator was stunned when he heard the words, and then asked, "Should we intervene now?"

"Humph! Do you think we can intervene in this situation now?" Li Yu'er snorted and asked back.

"What does the saintess mean?" A female cultivator asked on the side.

"I'm going back! It's good to get that thing!" Li Yu'er looked at the situation over there for a few times and suddenly said so.

The female cultivator's eyes flashed with disappointment, and she had to answer, "Oh! Then........."


"BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The female cultivator hadn't finished her words when suddenly there was a earth-shaking explosion in the distance, and a dazzling red light and blue-purple light burst out, shining so brightly that everyone couldn't open their eyes.

"Let's go! This kind of fight is not something we can participate in!" Li Yu'er said to everyone in a decisive manner, and then turned around and ran away. The four people from the Hehuan Sect looked at each other and hurriedly ran away.

On the other side, in the battle group of Daoling Tianzun and others, the two sides suddenly stopped fighting for a short time. Li Xiaoya was seen emitting a burst of colorful light all over his body and was actually floating in the sky with a forbidden air ban. He was looking at his hand with an unbelievable look on his face, and the others were also looking at him in amazement.

Just now, Sun Xing and Sun Xing were using their newly cultivated combined attack magic to attack the colorful spiritual light where Li Xiaoya was, but they were blocked by a colorful light shield. When the two were about to use more powerful magic, suddenly! Li Xiaoya opened his eyes in the colorful spiritual light, and his eyes emitted colorful spiritual light.

"Bang!!" With a sound, the colorful light shield was suddenly broken at the moment Li Xiaoya woke up, and the blue-purple flame light column rushed towards Li Xiaoya.

"Go!!!!" Li Xiaoya looked at the roaring blue-purple flame light column, felt the surging mana in his body, and suddenly a red light burst out on his hand, and he pushed hard at the oncoming blue-purple flame light column.

"Bear!!!!!!!" With a loud bang, a huge red flame column rushed towards the blue-purple flame light column.

“BOOM!!!!!!!!!” The extremely huge red flame column rushed towards the blue-purple flame column at an astonishing speed!!! With a loud bang that shook the earth, countless blue-purple-red flames rushed around, forming a three-color light ball several feet in size in the air and stalemated.

Seeing this, Sun Xing and Sun Xing's faces changed drastically. Suddenly, they looked at each other, as if they had telepathy, and roared in unison, hitting Li Xiaoya harder. Boom!!!!!!!!! The blue-purple flames grew stronger, and they forcibly resisted the red flames erupting from Li Xiaoya's hand and rushed towards Li Xiaoya.

“Hmm?” Li Xiaoya saw this, his eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and he looked unhurried, thinking that he still had some strength to spare. He roared, and the red light on his hand burst out, hitting the blue-purple flame column harder, boom boom boom!!! The red flames surged three times in a row, boom!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! There was a loud explosion, and he blasted towards Sun Xing and Sun Xing with the blue-purple flames.

"Hand!!!!!" Sun Xing and Sun Xing's faces changed when they saw this, and suddenly Sun Xing stretched out his hand towards Sun Xing and shouted.

"Tsk!!" Sun Xing smacked his lips when he saw this, and knew that it was not the time to hesitate, so he had to stretch out his hand.

When the two of them grabbed their hands together, a blue-purple light burst out with a "bang!" sound, and a blue-purple light circle was seen spinning around Sun Xing and Sun Xing.

"Bang!!" The blue-purple light on the two of them was bright, and they shouted in unison, and at the same time pointed at the blue-purple flame light column, boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! With a loud explosion, the blue-purple flame light column was bright, and it blasted towards Li Xiaoya with the fiery red flames.

"Ha!!!" Li Xiaoya was stunned when he saw this, and shouted angrily. He pushed hard, and the fiery red flame light column became stronger, but he still couldn't withstand the blue-purple flame light column, and it blasted down in front of him in a blink of an eye.

"Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Li Xiaoya suddenly felt that although the blue-purple flame light column contained extremely amazing spiritual power fluctuations, it seemed that it could not cause any harm to him. He opened his eyes and roared. Suddenly, golden light burst out from his hands, followed by a layer of colorful light shield. He punched the blue-purple flame light column with both hands, and a large area of ​​red light burst out.

"Boom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" In an instant, the blue-purple flame light column hit Li Xiaoya, and countless flames swept in all directions, countless rocks were flying everywhere, and the blue-purple-red flames were rolling in a range of nearly 100 feet. The combined attack of Sun Xing and Sun Xing was not less powerful than his Dragon-eating Wave.

"Hahaha!! You deserve it!!!" Sun Xing laughed excitedly when he saw this.

"Xiaoya!" The face of the Taoist Spiritual Master changed when he saw this. He exclaimed and was about to rush towards Li Xiaoya, but a black light flashed in front of him, and the figure of the black skeleton appeared in front of him, which made him very upset. Even if Li Xiaoya was now fully powered, the two of them were still no match for the five black skeletons. He was hesitating whether to ask Li Xiaoya to run first,


"Ah!!!!!!" A deafening roar came from the blue, purple and red flames, followed by a rumble! ! ! The flames kept rolling, and the center of the flames was full of colorful light. The purple flames were bounced away by the colorful light, and Li Xiaoya's figure appeared in the void! More importantly! He was surrounded by a colorful spiritual light, and he didn't seem to be injured at all.

"Impossible!!!" Sun Xing's laughter suddenly stopped when he saw this, and his face changed drastically as he exclaimed. Even the Black Skull and Daoling Tianzun were shocked by this strange scene.

Others were fine, but the most shocked was the Black Skull. You know, in this Great Wilderness Valley, even with his cultivation in the Spiritual Stage, he couldn't resist the prohibition of the Great Wilderness Valley to fly in this Great Wilderness Valley, but Li Xiaoya can now.

"It's the Five Elements Colored Ganoderma! It must be the Five Elements Colored Ganoderma!" The Black Skull looked at the colorful spiritual light on Li Xiaoya's body, and suddenly a light flashed in his mind. He shouted in his heart, and suddenly his eyes narrowed. This time he didn't just want the Immortal Chain. With the magical effects and functions of the Five Elements Colored Ganoderma, as long as he got this treasure, he could go to that place.

Li Xiaoya also looked at his hands in disbelief. When he was hit by the flames just now, the colorful spiritual light on his body seemed to have a special defensive effect. The power of the flames was greatly reduced by 60% to 70%, and the remaining 30% was resisted by himself.

And at this time!

"Whoosh whoosh!!!!" A gust of wind came from the distance, and Li Xiaoya could see it clearly in the sky! A large area of ​​black fog suddenly appeared on the horizon!

"What? What is that?"

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{Piaotia Literature

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