True Immortal Fate

Volume 1 Five Elements Colored Ganoderma Lucidum Volume 2 Chapter 43 Healing

Li Xiaoya didn't care about the pain all over his body, and actually turned around and ran away, racing with the ground squirrel in the woods. However, although he used the blast technique, his speed was obviously not as fast as the ground squirrel, and he saw that he was getting closer step by step.

"Five feet!"

"Three feet"

"one foot"

"Five feet"

"Three feet"

"Chi!" Seeing that the ground squirrel was about to catch Li Xiaoya, it kicked off its limbs, screamed strangely, and clawed hard at Li Xiaoya's back. If caught, it would definitely penetrate Li Xiaoya's back!

"It's now!"

Li Xiaoya roared loudly, his feet tilted, and his body suddenly fell to the left. The ground squirrel jumped into the air, twisted its calf-like body in the air, swung its slender tail, and hit Li Xiaoya on the ground.

Li Xiaoya, who was still lying on the ground in mid-air, suddenly turned around and shouted, "Die!" He raised his hands and seven or eight talismans flew out, turning into fireballs and shooting towards the belly of the ground squirrel in the air.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!" A series of explosions hit the belly of the ground squirrel. With a bang, Li Xiaoya was shaken three feet away by the aftermath of the explosion, and then he fell to the ground. He was stunned by the fall. Crispy.

The belly of the ground squirrel was blown to pieces, and its tail, which had been blown into two pieces, whizzed several times in the air and fell to the ground. A large piece of blood mist sprayed down, and the air was filled with a disgusting smell of blood. It also has a hint of burnt smell.

Li Xiaoya was lying on the ground, breathing heavily. Although he had planned it for a long time, the moment of life and death still made his nerves tense. His heart was still pounding, and he was close to death. A sense of escape.

"Hehehehe~~! Hahahahahaha! Oh my! Let's see if you die or not! Damn monster! Disgusting! Ouch!!" Li Xiaoya lay down for a while, and saw the ground squirrel being killed by the explosion, lying on the ground laughing. He cursed loudly, but it caused internal pain in his body, making him scream out in pain. Only then did he realize that although he had killed the ground squirrel, he himself was not much better.

Li Xiaoya struggled to get up and looked at the sky. He saw that the sky was completely dark, but it was okay. The eyesight of immortal cultivators was much better than that of ordinary people. He could barely see clearly, but there was also a smell of blood. This monster There are so many beasts in the Beast Valley. The beasts are fine, but they may attract other monsters. He is not sure that he can kill another monster. The top priority was that he still had to find a safe place to heal.

Seeing the corpses of ground squirrels all over the ground, Li Xiaoya secretly lamented that it was a pity that he had not obtained any materials and used so many talismans. This was a huge loss. He sighed softly, shook his head and walked away. Suddenly he saw a slender thing in the distance. His heart couldn't help but move. He walked over and picked it up. It was the tail of the ground squirrel. He looked at it carefully and realized He said to himself: "This tail is so powerful, it should be a good material that can be exchanged for some spiritual stones." With this thought in mind, he stuffed the tail into his storage bag and walked into the deep forest.

A pair of bright eyes looked at his retreating back, and followed him slowly and silently.

He didn't know how long he had been walking, but Li Xiaoya felt that he was far enough away from the place where he killed the ground squirrel, so he stopped walking forward. He didn't dare to go any further in case he encountered another monster. The body cannot bear it. He casually found a relatively large tree and sat down under a towering tree where three people hugged each other. He took off the tattered clothes on his body and carefully wiped the wound on his shoulder. The pain made him grit his teeth. After finally wiping it clean, he took it from the storage bag. He took out a packet of medicinal powder and sprinkled it on his shoulder. A refreshing feeling spread over the wound on his shoulder, and the pain immediately disappeared.

"Hey! Fortunately, the healing medicine prepared by Senior Brother Liu Hang was in the storage bag, otherwise we would have been in big trouble." Li Xiaoya said to himself, and then took out a bottle of elixir from the storage bag. He took out a red pill and was about to put it into his mouth, but he immediately stopped, looked around, and then listened, only to feel a rustling in the distance, as if there was something there.

"There aren't monsters around here, are there? I really shouldn't have come to the Valley of Monsters. It's so reckless. Meditating here to heal your wounds, isn't it courting death?" Li Xiaoya murmured with some worry and fear. He was being raped. I was a little frightened by what I had just encountered.

"No! It's too dangerous to spend the night like this. I don't know how other classmates spend the night. If I had known, I would have asked!" Li Xiaoya looked around and said.

"That's right! I went up to the tree. Although it is more uncomfortable, it should be much safer than on the ground. There is an air restriction here, and there should be no flying monsters!" Li Xiaoya looked at the towering trees around him and suddenly thought A flash of inspiration occurred and he made up his mind. He cast a Wind Control Technique on Shenshan and leaned up. "Uh!" There was a pain in his back and inner abdomen, which made him almost unable to lift his breath. He took a strong breath and moved his toes closer to the tree trunk. He climbed up another ten feet and continued to count on the tree trunk before he reached a huge cross and stood on it. He was already sweating profusely and almost lost his balance when he stumbled. He was so frightened that he hurried Stand holding on to the tree trunk.

"Eh? There's something wrong with this tree trunk." Li Xiaoya only felt that the tree trunk he was touching was a little strange, as if there was a crack in the trunk, and his hand was a bit like holding a corner. He couldn't help but said with a surprised voice, and followed Looking with his own hands, he saw what kind of cracks this was. It was clearly a round tree hole, and it was so dark inside that nothing could be seen.

"Tree hole! This is a good place to rest." Li Xiaoya said in surprise. To be on the safe side, he took out a spiritual stone from his arms. It emitted a faint yellow light in the dark. It was a low-level earth-attributed spiritual stone. He threw it into the tree hole, and the inside of the tree hole was immediately seen clearly. There was a lot of hay inside, and there was a cushion in the middle, which was just enough for an adult to sit.

Li Xiaoya climbed into the tree hole carefully, looked at it for a while, and said with sudden realization: "Ah! It looks like this is a tree hole carved out by other disciples with magic tools to rest. It turns out that other people also spend the night on this tree trunk! This is a good place!"

However, the tree trunk is not very spacious. There is only enough space for one person to meditate. It is impossible to lie down and rest. However, Li Xiaoya originally planned to find a place on the tree to meditate and heal his wounds, so he didn't care about these. He took out a pill from the storage bag, put it into his mouth, and swallowed it. He used the True Yang Jue to catalyze the medicinal power of the healing medicine. I just felt the elixir in my stomach slowly emitting a warmth, which slowly flowed along the tendons and veins. The medicinal power passed through the places injured by the ground yellow rat, causing some pain and numbness. Li Xiaoya knew that the medicinal power was repairing the internal organs and meridians injured by the ground yellow rat.

{Piaotia Literature

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