True Immortal Fate

Volume 3: Lingguang Lake Fairy Meeting Volume 5: Chapter 453: Return to the Ancient City in the Sout

In fact, it was nothing. His partner Li Xiangxiang had already reached the Golden Core Stage and was preparing to advance to the Nascent Soul Stage. She might not be able to leave at that time. Li Xiaoya thought about it and didn't make it difficult. However, he agreed that if he caught up with Li Xiangxiang's Nascent Soul Stage, he would have to help. Huang Hua naturally agreed. *.

The last thing was to cultivate a magical power that was more powerful than the current God-eating Fire Dragon Wave. Although the God-eating Fire Dragon Wave was powerful, it took too long to chant the spell. He had to find a way to improve it. Otherwise, it would be useless against those speed-transmitting cultivators with amazing magical powers.

Although the black skeleton of Kuntian Demon Sect may have fallen, after listening to Liu Xianer's talk about the attack of the God-transmitting cultivator on Tiandao Sect, he felt that there seemed to be many unknown high-level cultivators in Tianyuan Continent. In this case, it was naturally better to be cautious and cultivate some magical powers first. After all, strength was the most important thing to ensure safety.

Another thing is to get everyone ready to go at any time. After all, although this ancient city in the southwest is opened once every two hundred years, there is a slight deviation in the time. Sometimes it is a few years earlier, and sometimes a few years later.

After finishing these things, Li Xiaoya continued to practice. As mentioned earlier, in the days that followed, Li Xiaoya's main time was to practice the so-called tricks that were more powerful than the God-eating Fire Dragon Wave.

In a place where the sky was full of yellow mist, a series of cliff-like mountains stood in the mist, looming. Many cultivators flew around these mountains. Except for the color of the mist, it was somewhat similar to the mountains near the Shendao Mountain.

More importantly, in the distance, there was a wall-like thing looming, separating the entire mountain range. The mist inside was thicker, and it was actually impossible to see the situation inside clearly.

Many temporary caves have been opened up by monks on the surrounding mountains, and some small restrictions have been set up to prevent other monks from approaching. It is worth studying that this place is divided into three areas. The middle is where the scattered monks gather, the left is where the righteous monks gather, and the right is where the demons gather. In this way, the three parties are at peace.

Looking at this familiar scene, everyone knows that this is the periphery of the Southwest Ancient City. After two hundred years, the Southwest Ancient City is finally about to open. .

However, no monk dared to approach around one of the hills. Many monks even turned around and left after seeing the monks on the hill, and did not want to go to the Southwest Ancient City again.

Just because all the cultivators on the hilltop can fly in the sky without using magic tools, it means that these cultivators are all above the Jindan stage. The first day these cultivators came, they caused a big sensation, but no one knew what these Jindan stage cultivators were doing in the southwest ancient city, let alone which sect they belonged to. It was because they clearly said when they came that all cultivators were strictly prohibited from approaching them, otherwise they would bear the consequences. Once this was said, who would dare to go forward to disturb them?

It was precisely because of the arrival of this group of cultivators that these Ningdan stage cultivators who were about to enter the southwest ancient city had the intention to retreat, especially those who were ready to make a bad plan, and they ran away first. Most of those who stayed behind were just trying their luck and were unwilling to go back like this.

These cultivators were suspicious of what these Jindan stage cultivators were doing? Most of the cultivators guessed that they were going to the extremely dangerous Ancient Demon Mountain, right? Because for Jindan-stage cultivators, the spiritual medicine at the gate of the ancient city and the magic tools in the maze are not suitable for them, so there are few Jindan-stage cultivators visiting this place. The only place they can go is the Ancient Demon Mountain. However, it is said that the Ancient Demon Mountain is forbidden to enter by all major sects, which makes those cultivators even more strange.

If these cultivators knew that it was not a group of Jindan-stage cultivators who came, but a group of Yuanying-stage cultivators, I am afraid that more cultivators would retreat, and there might not be many cultivators left.

The Yuanying-stage cultivators who are interested in coming to this ancient city in the southwest are naturally Li Xiaoya and his group who need to enter the ancient city in the southwest to use the super teleportation array to go to Tianyuan Continent.

They were discussing things in the belly of the mountain. There were nine people in the group, including Liu Xianer, Zhang Hong, Dong Santong, Li Mu, Huang Hua, Li Xiangxiang, Dongfang Yi, and Liu Yulan. There were nine Yuanying-stage cultivators in the group. This lineup was unprecedentedly large, comparable to the lineup in the battle of Fire Dragon Palace. However, although there were two more people than in the battle of Fire Dragon Palace, the overall number of cultivators was a little worse than that of the year. Among Li Xiaoya and others, except for Li Xiaoya who had the fastest progress in cultivation and magical powers, the benefits he gained from the infusion of the five-element colored Ganoderma lucidum were unimaginable. Most of the others advanced to the next level or did not advance at all. Only Liu Xianer and Dong Sanjie advanced to the next level, both of them were cultivators in the middle stage of Yuanying.

Li Xiaoya and others came to the outskirts of the ancient city in the southwest again, and they couldn't help but feel a little emotional, especially Zhang Hong, Huang Hua, and Li Xiangxiang who were with them back then.

"Although we are all Yuanying-stage cultivators, there is a 10th-level demon beast Black Qilin in the ancient city in the southwest. We should keep a low profile. I have something to do in the maze, so when you go in, wait for me outside the Ancient Demon Mountain!" Li Xiaoya told everyone his plan and said, "But you don't need the 10th-level demon beast Black Qilin. We also know Senior Hei. As long as there is no accident, it will not attack us!"

"Yes! Okay!" Everyone answered hurriedly after hearing this.

"By the way! Junior Brother Li, what do you want us to do in Tianyuan Continent? Can you tell me now?" The third senior brother Dongfang Yi asked Li Xiaoya.

"One!" Li Xiaoya hesitated for a moment after hearing this, and suddenly glanced at Li's mother. Seeing that the latter also looked at him with a strange look in her eyes, he couldn't help but feel moved. He hadn't told them the purpose of going to Tianyuan Continent before. Seeing that Dongfang Yi and others were a little hesitant, he decided to tell them about this matter to avoid their suspicion. Thinking so in his heart, he said something about his family in a picky way: "It's like this, one!"

In the next few days, everyone exchanged their cultivation experiences and talked about everything. Soon it was time for the opening of the Southwest Ancient City. The opening of the Southwest Ancient City was still as arrogant as before, not only spinning out tornadoes and shock waves.

In the past, Li Xiaoya was only in the Condensation Dan stage and didn't know how the tornado and shock wave were formed. Later, he learned that this was because the Southwest Ancient City was too big, and when it appeared in this place from the edge of the Demon Realm, it caused the fluctuation of space compression.

However, with everyone's cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage, they were naturally not afraid of the tornado and shock wave. Even without anyone taking action, Li's mother's formation alone blocked the tornado and shock wave that had caused everyone a headache.

Finally, when the tornado and shock wave passed, the yellow fog inside the city wall had completely disappeared, and a strange building that stretched as far as the eye could see appeared in front of them. There were also high mountains in the distance, and there were several buildings on the mountains, but because they were too far away, they could only see the looming black shadows. A large area of ​​open buildings was dozens of times larger than the largest city Li Xiaoya had ever seen, and those buildings were surprisingly large. Black hell lightning flashed from time to time over the ancient city.

"Let's go!" Li Xiaoya hurriedly called out to everyone, and his figure was the first to rush out of the restriction. Everyone followed one after another. The slowest one was Li's mother, because she had to take back the formation equipment, which delayed her for a while.

As for the other cultivators in the Condensation Dan stage, they arrived before they even set out. In a blink of an eye, they flew over the sky of the Southwest Ancient City. Looking at the Nirvana of the Southwest Ancient City from the sky above, they were even more shocked. The huge black buildings looked extremely spectacular, and they did not dare to fly too high. The black hell lightning in the sky was no joke. Even if they were cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage, they could not touch it casually. The black skeleton did not dare to resist it back then. Obviously, this lightning was not ordinary.

Li Xiaoya and his group would not be idle to pick the spiritual medicine on the city gate. For them, these spiritual medicines were useless at all, so they would not waste time picking them.

"That's right!" Li Xiaoya suddenly seemed to remember something, and turned to Zhang Hong and said, "Senior sister! Senior Black Kirin should know us. If he comes to see you, give him this bottle of ten thousand year old spiritual milk. This is what my master promised him before!" After that, he patted the Qiankun bag, took out a bottle of ten thousand year old spiritual milk, and handed it to Zhang Hong. This ten thousand year old spiritual milk was naturally the reward promised to Black Kirin by Daoling Tianzun and Black Kirin when they asked for help from Li Xiaoya and others. Li Xiaoya was going to this ancient city in the southwest, so he naturally asked Li Xiaoya to bring it with him and do him a favor.

"Yes! OK!" Zhang Hong hurriedly replied and took it. The others were a little surprised when they heard this, but they didn't ask more questions.

"Then I'll go to the maze first! You wait for me outside the ancient demon mountain!" Li Xiaoya said, and flew down.

"Roar!!" When Li Xiaoya and his group entered the ancient city in the southwest, a huge blood-red copper bell suddenly opened its eyes in a dark secret room.

{Piaotian Literature

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