True Immortal Fate

Volume 3 Lingguang Lake Fairy Meeting Volume 5 Chapter 526 Haitang Yuling Ginseng (2nd update)

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) "Damn it!! It seems that it must be done by the people of Tianling Sect!!" Elder Lu listened to Elder Liu's explanation and said angrily: "Damn it! I worked so hard for a long time and let others pick up the peaches!! I'm so angry!" He paused and said to Elder Liu: "Elder Liu!! Let's chase them! They must not have gone far!! "After that, Elder Lu soared into the sky and didn't notice the fierce light flashing in Elder Liu's eyes. Seeing that Elder Liu didn't come, Elder Lu looked back and shouted to Elder Liu: "What's wrong? Go! If you don't chase them, they will run away!"

"Uh!! Elder Lu!! They can break our ban, they must have more people than us, right?" Elder Liu said to Elder Lu with a wry smile. e^看

"Hey!!!" Elder Lu's face changed when he heard this, and he suddenly cursed angrily: "Damn it!! Tianling Sect!! See how I deal with you!"

"Ah?!!" Elder Liu suddenly remembered something and shuddered. He suddenly thought, this man can take the golden fire fruit silently beside him, what if he attacks him? ? I'm afraid I'm a corpse now, right? Thinking so in my heart, I feel that the Tianling Sect doesn't seem to be that powerful, right? Thinking so in my heart, I hurriedly looked at Elder Lu, and suddenly found that Elder Lu was still looking at me with some suspicion in his eyes. My heart couldn't help but skip a beat, and I was too lazy to tell the suspicious Elder Lu one by one.


Li Xiaoya and Dong Santong's plan was very simple. Li Xiaoya pretended to be the voice of Zhou Xiaoya, the holy woman of Tianling Sect, outside the restriction to attract the attention of the two. First, he really wanted to put the blame on Tianling Sect. Although he and Zhou Xiaoya were good friends and there was a difference between good and evil, he did not want Tianling Sect to get too close to Fire Dragon Palace. Second, he did not want to reveal his identity. After all, the constraints of the Heavenly Tribulation Contract were there, and they could not really fight.

Li Xiaoya was proficient in ventriloquism since he was a child, so he naturally learned Zhou Xiaoya's voice very well - slightly tilted. Dong Santong quietly used his magical power to ignore the restriction and went in. With Dong Santong's light and shadow body skills, how could these two cultivators find him? In fact, just now he was a little excited when he saw the movement of the golden fire fruit, and he just let out a little breath. Fortunately, the two people habitually thought that there was a restriction anyway, and there could be no one inside.

When the golden fire fruit matured, Li Xiaoya broke through the restriction and attracted the attention of the two. When Dong Santong picked the golden fire fruit in an instant, it really didn't attract the attention of the two. Naturally, the silver cloth bag used by Dong Santong was a special cloth bag for picking the golden fire fruit!

When the two elders were suspicious, Dong Santong had already run away, and the two people also thought that only Zhou Xiaoya of the Tianling Sect knew about this place. In addition, Li Xiaoya imitated Zhou Xiaoya's voice and shouted outside, so they didn't count this matter on Zhou Xiaoya, because Zhou Xiaoya and the Fire Dragon Palace had a lot of disputes about this matter. However, with Zhou Xiaoya's identity and the two spiritual tools given by Li Xiaoya recently, how could she be afraid of the Fire Dragon Palace?

Above the endless sea, the sky was cloudless, and the sea was blue and rippling, which was a good scenery.

"Swoosh!!!!" In the sky, two figures were flying forward like lightning. .

"Hey! Senior brother!! We have been looking for several months, but there is no trace of the Haitang Yu Lingshen! In this vast sea, how long will it take to find it?" A chubby monk dressed like a monk said to a handsome male monk.

These two people were none other than Li Xiaoya and Dong Santong, who were looking for Haitang Yu Lingshen, one of the five herbs needed to refine the exorcist pill.

After the two stole the golden fire fruit and the thousand-year-old white-shouwu from the two elders of the Fire Dragon Palace in the Ten Thousand Fire Mountains, Zhou Xiaoya gave them, they decided to go to the sea to find the Haitang Yu Lingshen first.

But this time, the two were not so lucky. They had been wandering around the sea for several months, and they killed a lot of monsters, but there was no news about the so-called Haitang Yu Lingshen, which made the two anxious.

"Hey! This Haitang Yu Ling Shen originally has no fixed growing area, we can only look for it in the sea area with abundant spiritual energy! Be patient!" Li Xiaoya said this after hearing Dong Santong's complaints.

"Uh! Okay!" Dong Santong frowned and spread his spiritual sense in all directions, hoping to find some clues. After flying for a long time, Dong Santong suddenly remembered something and shouted: "By the way! Senior brother! You said that the more abundant the spiritual energy, the easier it is to find Haitang Yu Ling Shen. How about we go to Wanzhang Sea?"

"Wanzhang Sea?" Li Xiaoya was stunned and said in surprise after hearing this. He looked at Dong Santong in confusion. Seeing that Dong Santong looked a little hopeful, he shook his head and said: "No! That's too dangerous! Let's look for it in the ordinary sea area first! Otherwise, let's go to the deep sea to look for it!"

"Uh! That's a pity!" Dong Santong said with some disappointment after hearing this.

"Well? What's a pity?" Li Xiaoya was stunned and asked in surprise.

"Hey! I'm almost running out of the alien stones! I was thinking that the alien stones are still in the vast ocean, so I might as well go and get some of them back!" Dong Santong said.

"Are you almost running out of extraterrestrial stones?" Li Xiaoya was stunned when he heard this, and said in surprise: "Did you also use it for body training?"

"Well! Not only did I use it to refine my body, but I also used it to strengthen my magic weapon! So this is not enough!" Dong Santong said with some embarrassment.

"Uh! That's it!" Li Xiaoya was stunned when he heard the words, and said with sudden realization. Suddenly his consciousness moved, and he seemed to have discovered something: "Huh? There seem to be a few monsters of high level in front, let's go over and take a look!" The natural aura of high-level monsters to resist this would be much more abundant than the aura of ordinary sea areas.


"Ha!!!!!!" Li Xiaoya roared angrily, golden light burst out from his whole body, he punched with his backhand, and a golden blade dozens of feet long flew out. One with three huge tails, one with one The shark-headed monster, which was dozens of feet long, was cut into half at once. It was too late to scream, and countless blood spattered out. The corpse hit the sea and splashed countless water, and it was immediately stained. The sea area within a few hundred feet turned red.

"Bang!!!!" At this time, there was also a splash of water in the distance, and a giant two-headed turtle-like monster nearly a hundred feet long was blasted into the sea by Dong Santong, and it seemed that it was no longer alive.

"Fat man! Have you solved everything?" Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoya hurriedly shouted to Dong Santong in the distance.

"Haha! It's solved!" Dong Santong exclaimed proudly.

"Okay! Let's go down separately and take a look!! See you here in half an hour!" Li Xiaoya nodded and shouted after hearing this. After that, he jumped up and rushed into the water with a pop, without picking up any water. stand up.

"Poof!!" Dong Santong also jumped into the water. His posture was far worse than that of Li Xiaoya, as if a weight was entering the water, splashing countless water spray, and dived quickly to the bottom of the water.

And Li Xiaoya's figure kept diving downwards. Although the surface of the water was stained red by the blood of the monster, the water dozens of feet below was very clear. Li Xiaoya's consciousness spread in all directions, detecting the Haitang Yuling Ginseng. where.

This Hai Tang Yu Ling Ginseng is not a very rare elixir, but it is not easy to pick this thing because it only grows on the seabed hundreds of feet. Looking for the elixir in this sea is a thankless task. Not only is it difficult to find, but more importantly, you may encounter those high-level monsters at any time, so without a certain level of cultivation, few monks dare to go out to sea to look for them easily. After all, the risk is too great.

Moreover, there are many monsters who also like to eat this kind of spiritual ginseng. What is more important is to refine the exorcism pill. The age requirements of this Haitangyu spiritual ginseng are not low, so it is not easy to pick. In addition, monks generally use it for refining elixirs. This Haitang Yu Lingshen is not available, so it is really difficult to find this thing in ordinary markets.

Li Xiaoya finally dived to the bottom of the sea. The scenery on the bottom of the sea was a bit dim, but it couldn't stop Li Xiaoya's consciousness from detecting in all directions. Li Xiaoya swam forward quickly.

"Huh?!" After swimming hundreds of feet, Li Xiaoya suddenly discovered something, exclaimed with a trace of excitement, turned around and swam quickly to one side.

Half an hour later! ! !

Wow! ! ! With a sound, Dong Santong burst out of the làng and flew out. He quickly looked to one side and saw that Li Xiaoya was suspended in the sky. It was obvious that Li Xiaoya came out first. He hurriedly flew towards Li Xiaoya and shouted excitedly: "Brother!! I found it!!" After saying that, he flew towards Li Xiaoya quickly.

"Ah! You found it!? Let me see!!" Li Xiaoya was stunned when he heard this and said hurriedly.

"Look!" Dong Santong patted the storage bag, took out a silver metal box, and hurriedly opened the box. A strong spiritual energy emanated from the metal box, accompanied by a strange... There was a fishy smell, and I saw that there were several palm-sized plants in the box, which looked like Ganoderma lucidum with fish tails on it. There were dots of patterns on them that looked like crabapple flowers, emitting bursts of light blue light. The appearance is strange, but the fishy smell makes people feel dizzy after smelling it.

"Sure enough, it's Haitangyu Lingshen!" Li Xiaoya said in surprise when he saw this thing. He quickly took it out of Dong Santong's hand, and suddenly said with a look of disappointment: "Hey! What a pity! No! This can't be done! Although it is Haitangyu Lingshen, it is only more than three hundred years old, so it must be eight hundred years old!" After Li Xiaoya said this, he patted the Qiankun bag and suddenly took out a similar silver metal box and opened it. A burst of spiritual energy and fishy smell came out, and I saw that there were several plants that were similar to those in Dong Santong's box, but it seemed that Dong Santong's spiritual energy was more abundant and smellier, and the color was more vivid. The light was a lighter blue light. After taking out this thing, Li Xiaoya said to Dong Santong: "I went down and found something, but the year is worse than yours!"

"Uh! That's such a pity!!" Dong Santong said in disappointment when he saw this. Seeing Li Xiaoya handing him the box, he shook his head and said, "Hey! This thing stinks so much that I don't want it anymore! Brother, please take it. Come on!"

"Oh!! Haha! Although this thing stinks, if it is used to brew spiritual wine, it can brew good spiritual wine!" Li Xiaoya smiled as if he suddenly remembered something after hearing this.

"Can you brew spiritual wine?" Dong Santong was stunned when he heard this. Suddenly he patted his storage bag and several small wine jars flew out. He smiled and said, "Senior brother! I happen to have some good wine here! Let's try brewing it?"

"Uh!!! Okay!" Li Xiaoya was a little speechless when he saw this. The fat man still couldn't get rid of that delicious disease. After that, he gave Dong Santong the Haitang Yulingshen that was not old enough.

"Whoops!!!" After Dong Santong finished playing with the Haitangyu Lingshen wine, the two of them continued to fly away into the distance into the sea.

"Eh??" Dong Santong exclaimed as if he suddenly discovered something.

"What's wrong?" Li Xiaoya asked hurriedly after hearing this.

"Brother! This direction seems to be not far from the ten thousand feet sea, right?" Dong Santong looked at Li Xiaoya suspiciously and said.

"Really?" Li Xiaoya looked at Dong Santong in astonishment and said in surprise. The two of them did not deliberately walk in that direction, but followed the direction of the strong spiritual energy. Unexpectedly, they still walked in the direction of Wan Zhanghai? What surprised Li Xiaoya even more was, how did Dong Santong know that the direction was towards Wan Zhanghai? It actually made him a little shocked.

"It's indeed the right direction to the Ten Thousand Zhang Sea!" Dong Santong said hurriedly, and added after a pause: "I feel so!"

"Uh! Feeling?" Li Xiaoya was choked when he heard this, but he said jokingly: "Hey! I've only heard that women have intuition? Do you have it too?"

"Hey!! What? I'm serious!" Dong Santong said clearly after hearing this.



"Whoosh!!!!!!!!!" When Li Xiaoya didn't believe it and continued to fly forward for hundreds of miles! really! There was actually a large hurricane sea area dozens of miles ahead. I saw the rough sea and the howling wind. This sea area was actually full of tsunamis and strong winds, and there were countless rocks on the sea. Generally, ships and monks should You can't even fly from here!

Seeing this familiar scene, Li Xiaoya didn't know that this was the edge of the vast sea.

"Hey! It's really a vast sea!" Li Xiaoya said in confusion upon seeing this.

"Hey!! Bring it!!" Dong Santong smiled, stretched out his hand and said to Li Xiaoya. )

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