True Immortal Fate

Volume 1 Five Elements Colored Ganoderma Lucidum Volume 2 Chapter 55 Evasion

The white light turned around Li Xiaoya a few times and then dissipated. Li Xiaoya moved slightly, groaned, sat up slowly, shook his dizzy head, and suddenly thought of something in his mind, and jumped up in surprise. : "What happened just now? What is that monster? It actually broke through the protective shield in one go?"

He had already remembered the situation when he had just been knocked unconscious by the monster. He hurriedly looked around and saw four of Huangling's five monsters lying around with their bodies and heads separated, and an unknown person who fainted on a pile of broken objects. Under the stone, I don't know whether it is dead or alive, but the most conspicuous thing is the huge clawed beast in the distance that has been torn apart.

"What the hell is going on? Why are you already dead?" Li Xiaoya scratched the back of his head in confusion and asked.

Just as he was about to walk over to see what the huge monster was doing, suddenly there was the faint sound of someone talking in the distance. Li Xiaoya suddenly panicked. He was still a little frightened by the scene of being chased by the five Huangling monsters just now. After looking around hurriedly, I realized that it was no time to rush up. Although there were quite a lot of rocks in this place, it was at a low place and if you looked down on the slope, you couldn't hide at all.

"That's right! Hide in the cave!" Li Xiaoya suddenly saw the huge monster rushing out of the cave. He felt happy and hurriedly ran towards the cave.

As soon as Li Xiaoya ran into the cave, the four Wang family friends appeared on the hillside and were shocked to see the mess below.

"Look! It's that guy!" Wang Ling suddenly jumped up, pointed at the body of the sharp-clawed beast and exclaimed.

"'s...that...animal!" Wang Ding also saw the body of the sharp-clawed beast and said through gritted teeth.

"Let's go! Let's pass!" Wang Feiyu suggested, taking the lead to walk forward.

"You clearly heard the sound of fighting just now, why is there suddenly no one there?" Wang Xuanyu said in confusion as he walked.

At this time, Li Xiaoya had already entered the cave. As a precaution, he did not dare to stay at the door for fear of being discovered by others, so he had to walk deeper into the cave.

The passage of this cave is very wide, and there are some small glowing stones on the four walls of the cave. They are not a rare thing. They are just fluorescent stones with no use. They emit a faint green light and illuminate the ground. It was quite dry, but there was an unpleasant fishy smell, which must have been the smell of the monster, which made Li Xiaoya hold his nose and move forward.

Not long after walking, Li Xiaoya discovered that the front was getting wider and wider, and there was a huge cave inside, with a large pool on the ground.

"Eh?! That's it?" Li Xiaoya suddenly screamed.

I saw small trees with short black leaves growing on the ground in the middle of the small pool. The trees were covered with small yellow fruits, emitting a faint yellow light. If you look carefully, the yellow Inside the small fruit, there was a trace of red blood-like liquid flowing slowly.

" this yellow blood fruit?? And there are so many of them?" Li Xiaoya shouted in surprise. As soon as he finished speaking, Li Xiaoya wanted to run over and pick the yellow blood fruit, but when he was still two or three feet away from the water pool, his heart couldn't help but have an extra thought. He stopped and thought to himself: "Then If the yellow blood fruit grows in such a place, will there be anything weird about the pool? "

Thinking like this, Li Xiaoya couldn't help but hesitate. I don’t know whether it’s better to pass or not.

Just when Li Xiaoya was hesitating, Wang's four friends had already arrived at the bottom of the small valley.

"That's right! It is indeed this beast!" Wang Ding looked at the corpse of the huge clawed beast and said through gritted teeth, his tone full of cruelty.

"Yeah! But who killed this beast? You must know that this guy is a third-level middle-level monster...but..." Wang Feiyu looked at the monster, stepped forward, and touched the sharp-clawed beast with his hand. The wound was extremely smooth. When he touched it, it felt as if he were touching a smooth stone. He said doubtfully: "It seems that he was killed by a single blow. Could it be that a monk at the golden elixir stage took action?" ? It’s actually been crystallized!”

"Eh!? Those monks who were killed don't seem to be disciples of our Tiandao Sect!" Wang Ling suddenly said in confusion.

"Huh? Let's check separately! Look who these people are, and they died here!" Wang Ding came to his senses and took the lead in walking towards the corpse.

The rest of the people also separated and walked away to inspect the scattered corpses. Although most people are taboo about dead bodies, these people are not ordinary people, and there is nothing terrible about them.

"This! This man is the second Ma Lao among Huangling's Five Fierce Men??" After looking at it for a while, Wang Xuanyu over there suddenly screamed.

"The five evil spirits of Huangling?!" Wang Ling over there said doubtfully, and looked at the corpse on the ground again. Suddenly he said in surprise: "Are they those Huangling Five Fiends who are notorious among casual cultivators?" After saying this, he couldn't help but take two steps back.

"This man is also the third among the five evil spirits in Huangling!" Wang Feiyu over there also shouted loudly.

"This is Mr. Li!" Wang Ding said loudly, with a look of disgust on his face, and kicked the head of the man who had fallen to the ground with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Ah! So...then this one here is the fifth? I heard that the boss of the Five Fierce Men in Huangling is a bald man. This must not be the case, right?" Wang Ling guessed uncertainly.

"Well! Where is their boss?" Wang Ding looked around, touched his chin and said doubtfully: "It is said that their boss is a cultivator at the ninth level of the cultivation stage. Is it possible that their boss escaped?"

"Look! There's a person under that rock!" Wang Xuanyu suddenly pointed at the pile of rocks and shouted loudly, and a hand appeared under the pile of rocks.


Everyone gathered around when they heard it.

At this time, Li Xiaoya was hiding on a big rock in the cave, sticking his head out to look at the pool. It was a pity for him to see such a large pile of excellent medicinal materials return empty-handed. That was not an ordinary medicinal material. It was the main material for refining third-grade elixirs, and it looked mature. No wonder the claw beast could advance to the third-grade monster beast. It was probably because it took a lot of yellow blood fruit to force a breakthrough.

Li Xiaoya hid behind the rocks and observed for a while. There was no movement at all. He heard the faint sound of conversation coming from outside. He gritted his teeth, touched a small stone from the ground, threw it into the pool, and shrank his head quickly without even looking at it. He didn't dare to breathe.

"Boom!" I only heard the sound of a stone falling into the water, and then there was silence, and there was no movement at all.

{Piaotian Literature

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