True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 170 Killing Formation Showdown

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yang activated the Blood Soul Cutting Pulse Technique, and the domineering blood soul power surged out from the apex of his heart, and strands of bright red twisted and intertwined, turning into a blood dragon.

At the same time, the spiritual sea in his dantian exploded, and extremely pure spiritual power surged out like a turbulent wave.

The power of the blood soul in the shape of a blood dragon burns and boils, merging with the original mana, and the power of Vajra instantly fills the whole body.

The coercion comparable to that of a True Alchemy Realm monk surged out, his black hair fluttered, his clothes danced, and the void shook.

A'Zhu spread his wings in the Zifu space, and the power of the true flame of nirvana took off, turning into a wisp of red spiritual flame that kept circling up and down Xu Yangzhou's body, which was really beautiful.

On the opposite side, Ping Jing was dumbfounded when he saw this.

"This! This! Unbelievable!" He had never seen a monk in the Transformation Realm release pressure comparable to a monk in the True Alchemy Realm.

Without stopping for a moment, Xu Yang threw out the four-magic long stick in his hand, and the four colors of gold, earth gold, red and blue were sprinkled on it, like a divine weapon coming to the world.

"Fire Spirit Killing Formation—Nirvana Volcano!"

In the four-color glow, the long stick disappeared without a trace.

Immediately afterwards, a fiery and violent air rose from the ground, and red clouds suddenly appeared.

A moment later, a huge volcano fell from the sky. The mountain was rumbling and shaking, and streams of churning magma flowed down from it like tassels of red flames.

Beneath the beautiful appearance, wild energy comes out.

When Ning Jing saw this, he cursed in his heart: "The little thief is so hidden. Even an ordinary true elixir realm monk cannot control such a huge killing array."

Then I thought about it, no, the realm can be hidden, but once a true elixir realm monk releases his spiritual pressure with all his strength, it will be difficult for others to know the true elixir in his body. Just now, when he checked with his spiritual consciousness, he did not see the true elixir in Xu Yang's body. There is the Cultivation Yuandan.

Seeing this huge volcano killing formation reaching the top of Ningjing's head.

No longer caring about him, he didn't dare to underestimate the enemy. He outputted his magic power crazily and threw the wolf fire tassel upwards with all his strength.

"Spear Formation - Beacon Fire Lords!"

The star spots on the spear flickered continuously, and thousands of spear shadows appeared in an instant. Each spear shadow was extremely solid, twisting and turning into red gold spear dragons, swarming and thrusting through the air.

This style of "Beacon Fire Lords" is the only spear formation technique among the three sure-killing styles of "Thirteen Spears of Wolf Fire", and its power is not inferior to the Dan Killing Technique.

This move is also one of Ning Jing's trump cards. As the second move after the Dan Killing Technique, it can often take him by surprise and defeat monks of the same level in one fell swoop.

Normally, this move would only be used in desperate moments, but now facing Xu Yang's full-force Flame Spirit Killing Formation, Ning Jing truly felt that his life was seriously threatened.

The sound of "rumbling" was heard endlessly, and the huge underground palace was shaking. If it weren't for the strong defensive restrictions placed by Lu Qingyun in this underground palace, it would have collapsed long ago.

Countless red golden spear dragons bit and pounced on the volcano, and the huge mountain was resisted by the force of the attack and was unable to hover in mid-air.

Countless broken rocks peeled off and spattered, and the spiritual energy fluctuations from the collision rolled outward like an angry sea of ​​fire.

Under the constant violent shaking, the mountain seemed to be about to collapse in the next moment.

When Ning Jing saw this, he snorted softly, and a slightly proud smile finally appeared on his originally nervous face. He constantly releases powerful mental power and controls the spear array to attack continuously.

The next moment, with the sound of a divine bird singing in the sky, a huge red flame ignited on the crumbling mountain. The shape of the flame was a red bird with its head raised and flapping its wings.

The power of the volcano suddenly doubled.

The Flame Spear Dragon and the Suzaku Volcano are locked in a stalemate in mid-air, just like the legendary battle between mythical beasts. They are so powerful that they refuse to give in to each other.

After dozens of breaths of time, they finally exploded and turned into huge flame remnants that filled the entire space.


Extremely shocked!

Unparalleled shock!

Ning Jing couldn't believe that his own style of "Warring Lords" was evenly matched with Xu Yang's Flame Spirit Killing Formation on the opposite side.

In fact, Ning Jing was much more powerful than Xu Yang in terms of mana, but he had just used his Dan Killing Technique with all his strength to severely injure everyone before him, so he was temporarily short of mana and could not exert his strongest combat power.

"This Ningjing has superb marksmanship. Now that he has no gun in his hand, this should be his weakest moment and the best time to attack."

Thinking of this, before Ningjing could take back the Wolf Fire Changying, or before he could get back the Four Illusions Long Stick, Xu Yang saw a fierce roll of fire wings behind his back, and in the flash of fire, he rushed over despite the residual power of both sides' moves. Like an eagle striking the sky.

With a movement of his spiritual consciousness, he activated the wheel-turning flame spirit within his body and took advantage of the situation to take a palm shot.

A ghastly ghost claw about ten feet in size appeared out of thin air.

The five fingers of the earth-gold ghost claws are like sharp blades, and the short green ghost hairs on each finger are clearly visible.

An earth-gold colored ghost baby is only the size of a palm, with a pair of flaming bat wings on its back and a pair of sharp horns on its head, making it look like a grinning tooth. It drags a slender earth-gold flame tail behind it and swims on the surface of the huge ghost claws. Constantly moving.

"Good boy, you are so decisive. Are you going to spar with me? Is it possible that this general is afraid of you?"

Ning Jing clenched her iron fist tightly, injected her true energy, and punched out against the oncoming palm print. The shape of a wolf's head with Jin Hao's angry mouth was clearly visible above the fist wind.

Not only was Ning Jing's marksmanship unparalleled in the world, but his internal skills and boxing skills were also really good. At the age of twelve, he won the title of Xijun's No. 1 Martial Arts Scholar.


As soon as the two touched, the earth-gold ghost claws exploded in response, and the round-headed and round-headed Wheel Flame Spirit quickly circled around his arm along with Ning Jing's iron fist.

When he stuck out his butt, a sudden golden scorpion tail was revealed. The scorpion tail swayed and stung his arm like lightning.

Ning Jing suddenly felt a stinging pain in his right arm, like a needle pricking him. He shook violently, sending out a strong coercion and sending the Wheel Flame Spirit flying away.

The Wheel Flame Spirit flipped backwards and turned into a golden light and disappeared into Xu Yang's body.

"not good!"

Ning Jing secretly screamed, feeling waves of numbness on his stung arm, and suddenly felt that his entire arm was blocked.

It turns out that after the Chakravartin devoured part of the Nine-tailed Scorpion Flame Spirit, it evolved into a scorpion tail, and this scorpion tail contained the unique paralysis poison of the Nine-tailed Spirit Scorpion.

Although the poison is far less powerful than the Nine-tailed Spirit Scorpion, it is quite useful as a means of surprise.

The Flame Spirit Palm that Xu Yang shot just now was a feint attack. Seeing that Ning Jing was hit, the fire wings rolled up behind him again, and he charged forward like a fire bird piercing the air. He flipped his wrist and held the golden-winged flying knife tightly in his hand. .

The shadow of the three-legged golden crow flashed, and the power of the Buddha's flame spirit was injected into the golden-winged flying knife in his hand.

"Hundred-step Zen Kill!"

Above the tip of the knife, an extremely sharp golden light was spitting out, as if it was about to pierce the void. The whole person was like an arrow leaving the string, drawing a golden stream of light in the air.

In just a moment, the tip of the knife was in front of Ning Jing.

Ning Jing was worthy of being a battle-hardened warrior. With his true energy raised urgently, his body spun on the spot like a top, and circles of protective golden light spun around him.

This golden light seems to be nothing, but it contains the essence of Ningjing's three hundred years of cultivation. The magic power takes form outside the body, and the golden light acts as a shield.

"Stab" sound.

The two figures missed each other.

A streak of bright red flowed from the fingertips of Ning Jing's right hand.

For a long time, no one could make him hurt, let alone bleed.


Suddenly, a strong fighting spirit was ignited like a raging fire. .

With one move of his left hand, he retracted the spear, Langhuo Changying.

His right hand shook, but he could not make a fist. His entire right arm was still numb. The numbness was like a basin of cold water that extinguished the fighting spirit he had just burst out.

"I didn't expect this young man named Xu Yang to be so difficult to deal with. If the black cat goes to the other side to call Shangguan Aoyun and others, there will be a large number of people on the other side, and I will inevitably suffer a loss. Now Princess Xi and Linghu Xia have already Death, Xijun is under control."

Thinking of this, Ning Jing squeezed out a smile and said: "Chief Xu is indeed a heroic young man. He must have a bright future. I will learn from your clever tricks next time, General."

After saying that, he waved his left hand fiercely and threw out a powerful spear dragon, which went straight towards Xu Yang.

Xu Yang also took the opportunity to hold the Four Magic Long Stick in his hand, and A'Zhu returned in the form of a golden-feathered firebird about the size of a foot.

Facing the incoming spear dragon, he moved his long stick horizontally, and the golden flowers on it flowed, creating circles of purple spiritual patterns, quickly activating the power of Mount Tai's golden spirit on it.

A purple sacred mountain suddenly appeared out of thin air. It was solemn and sacred, towering and vast, and its meaning reached directly to heaven and earth.

There was a loud bang, and the originally violent gun power turned around and scattered golden light and disappeared without a trace.

When Xu Yang looked up, Ning Jing had already escaped into the passage, dragging a spear with one hand.

"Ning Jing, as the general of Xijun, actually took advantage of the chaos to harm others during this alliance event, and even injured Mu Hua and Mu Jin. His heart is ruthless, his thoughts are evil, and he deserves to be punished for his crime.

If the tiger is allowed to return to the mountain, not only will it be difficult to kill him, but he will definitely suffer revenge from him afterwards. I am afraid that even Qinghua Mountain City will suffer. "

Thinking of this, Xu Yang had murderous intent in his eyes.

Although Xu Yang is not a murderous person, he will never show mercy to those who deserve to be killed.

The fire wings curled up behind him, and he flew after him. In a blink of an eye, the figure disappeared into the passage.

In the passage, Ning Jing ran while using force to force out the toxins in his arms, and then tried to clench his fists. Although his fingers were close together, he was unable to gather all his strength for the time being. .

Outside the underground palace, in a dense forest not far from Beihuang Mountain.

The large blue mist converged, revealing the figures of the black cat Ye Tu and the injured Mu Jin, Mu Hua, Dong Lingjun, Gui Dazui, Yu Fozi, and Lu Qingyu.

Black Cat looked at the injuries of several people. Lu Qingyu and Bai Mujin were just unconscious, and their injuries were not serious.

With a flash of consciousness, two green lights in his eyes focused on the two of them.

After a while, the two woke up.

Dongling Jun, Gui Dazui, Jade Buddha, and Mu Hua were seriously injured and completely lost their combat effectiveness. Lu Qingyu and Bai Mujin helped the four people simply bandage them and took healing pills. The four people's lives were temporarily safe.

"Xu Yang will be in trouble if he deals with Ning Jing alone. I want to go back and take a look." Mu Jin said.

"I also want to go back to help. I don't know if my father has really been killed by Ning Jing." Lu Qingyu said, with a look of worry and anger on his face.

"With the limited combat power of the two of you, you may not be able to help if you go there. It might be self-defeating, so it's better not to act rashly. I have released the spirit breath ghost cat before, and Shang Gong Aoyun on the other side will catch up. I believe that the strength of the two of them is enough to defeat Ningjing."

With the previous lessons learned, the two could only stay where they were, waiting anxiously for news and helping the injured heal.

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