True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 199 One-on-one Contest

"Boom" a loud noise.

The silver-gray ghost hand and the red flame palm clap together.

The strong wind was raging, red sparks and silver arcs were intertwined, and the brilliance was enough to crush a small mountain.

But the two were only in a stalemate for a breath, and a large flame suddenly appeared on the ghost hand. The skin on it rolled up like burning paper, crackling and falling off.

Dongfang Ke yelled: "Ouch! It hurts!"

This ghostly claw was the result of years of hard training, ingesting the ghosts of zombie ghosts, and supplementing it with family secrets.

Its strength is comparable to the arm of a giant zombie ghost. The defensive power can be said to be invulnerable to water and fire. The attack power can be said to be enough to break apart mountains and rocks.

This move "Tearing Ghost Claws" is also one of Dongfang Ke's proud killing moves.

Unexpectedly, he was restrained by Xu Yang's Nirvana Flame Spirit. The Nirvana True Flame Spirit owned by A'Zhu is the Suzaku True Fire, a king-level true spirit in the flames.

At this time, Xu Yang used the flame spirit transformation technique. Although it was not as firey as the real Suzaku, the power it contained was by no means comparable to that of the big zombie ghost.

Dongfang Ke retracted his arm, but it was already too late.

With a "bang" sound, the skin on the gray ghost's claws shattered inch by inch, blood vessels burst, flesh residue flew out, and bones were shattered.

He kicked back three feet, and if Dongfang Zhi hadn't pulled him in time, he would have been knocked to the ground.

The ferocious gray ghost hand before had long since disappeared, leaving only a shriveled arm of flesh and blood, exuding a burnt odor, hanging feebly by the side like a dead fish. There were only two broken fingers left at the front of the arm, and three fingers were missing.

Dongfang Ke's whole body was shaking like chaff, his face was ashen, the corners of his mouth were twitching, and he couldn't say a word.

He quickly took out a dark green pill with his other hand, put it into his mouth, and swallowed it whole.

After a moment, the bones all over his body were creaking, and the muscles on his face were twisted, turning into a livid face with a bloody nose and mouth.

The strange switching back and forth between the livid grimace and the human face is terrifying and disgusting. Eventually his true colors were restored.

Miraculously, after all this hard work, his originally seemingly disabled arm grew back bones, blood vessels, and skin at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Dongfang Ke stretched out his newly grown arms, clenched his fists, and exhaled a long breath, his whole body's breath weakened a lot.

Seeing this, the other three people quickly stood in front of Dongfang Ke, each with their own weapons in hand, eager to try.

"Brothers, I'm fine. This guy named Xu Yang is really powerful. You should be careful." Dongfang Ke no longer had the arrogance he had before.

"What, do you three want to go together? Didn't you just vow to have a fair one-on-one competition?"

It would indeed be a shameful thing if there were rumors that three disciples from aristocratic families in the True Alchemy Realm were besieging a mortal disciple in the Transformation Void Realm.

The three of them looked at each other with hesitation on their faces.

At this time, Dongfang Zhi, who smelled of alcohol and had a red nose, took a step forward and stood up.

"Xu Yang, you were lucky enough to injure my brother Dongfang Ke just now. Don't be too arrogant. Let me, Dongfang Zhi, learn your clever tricks."

After saying that, Dongfang Zhi picked up the copper-skinned wine gourd that never left his hand, opened the cork, raised his head and took a sip of wine.

"What, do you want to have a drinking contest with me?"

Xu Yang also took out a purple wine gourd, raised his head and drank the wine in a sip.

Of course he wasn't trying to compete with Dongfang Zhi in drinking. The Flame Spirit Transformation blow just now seemed like Xu Yang had the upper hand, but it actually consumed a lot of mana in his body. At this time, the mana in Xu Yang's body was in a serious deficit.

The wine in this purple gourd is the spiritual wine that has been transformed by the nightmare beast. After taking a sip of spiritual wine, Xu Yang's lost mana was instantly replenished by 80%.

I saw Dongfang Zhi opposite me bulging his cheeks like a frog, and with a pop, wine spilled all over the sky. The strange thing is that these drinks did not fall, but squirmed in the air one after another, turning into strange silver runes in an instant.

Then, he threw the copper gourd in his hand into the air.

The runes in the air swarmed into the copper-skin gourd.

The green light on the copper-skin gourd, which was originally only the size of a palm, turned into a size of about ten feet and swayed back and forth like a giant roly-poly.

With a click, limbs and a head sprouted from the huge gourd, turning into a green-haired ghost in the blink of an eye.

This fierce ghost is covered in green hair, with a single horn on its head, thick lower limbs, slender upper limbs, sharp claws like hooks, a big belly, and a red nose that is exactly the same as Dongfang Zhi's on his face.


The green-haired fierce ghost raised its claws like hooks and pounced on Xu Yang.

But Dongfangzhi himself stood there with a proud smile on his face, waiting for an opportunity to make a move.

With a "hoo" sound, the sharp claws struck.

Xu Yang had quick eyes and quick hands. He flipped his wrist and placed the four magic long sticks in front of him. Purple gold flowed on the long sticks, and he swept out the sticks towards the fierce ghosts.

This fierce ghost is not afraid of death and does not hide or avoid it. Despite his big belly, his movements are weird and fast.

Somehow, with a flick of his arm, he caught the long stick that Xu Yang was attacking.

Xu Yang grasped the long stick with both hands and snatched it hard. He clearly felt an opposite huge force coming from the other side of the long stick, but the long stick did not move at all.

Without stopping for a moment, his consciousness moved, and he saw a trace of earth-golden spiritual flame moving forward along Xu Yang's arm and climbing up to the long stick.

In the blink of an eye, the other end of the long stick appeared.

The next moment, the earth-golden spiritual flame transformed into a ghost baby with a round head, two horns on its head, and two wings on its back.

I saw the ghost baby's butt sticking out, and a scorpion tail stabbed the back of the green-haired ghost's hand holding the long stick like lightning.

The ghost baby let out a weird laugh and turned into a wisp of spiritual flames that re-entered Xu Yang's body.

After all, Chakravartin is still in the process of repairing its illness and cannot fight for a long time.

Seeing that the Wheel Flame Spirit had succeeded, Xu Yang used both arms again.

What surprised Xu Yang was that the four magic sticks lay straight across their hands without moving at all.

On the contrary, the green-haired ghost clutched the long stick tightly in his huge palms, alternated his left and right palms, and came to Xu Yang's side with a snap.

Xu Yang screamed inwardly, but he didn't expect that the scorpion tail poison of Chakravartin was ineffective against this green-haired ghost. It stands to reason that the Chakravartin is naturally capable of restraining ghosts.

He glanced at the face of the green-skinned ghost across from him, and found that the eyes of the green-skinned ghost were hollow and lifeless.

"Why, this guy turns out to be a puppet!"

He quickly activated the power of the Nirvana Flame Spirit, and instantly a phantom of a Suzaku appeared on his body. Above the shadow, red flames rose, and Xu Yang's entire figure was hidden in it. The Suzaku spreads its wings, curls up its wings of heavenly fire, and is about to soar into the sky.

"It's not that easy to run away."

Dongfang Zhi on the opposite side shouted loudly, clasped his hands and pointed towards the green-haired ghost.

I saw the green-haired ghost with his mouth wide open.

The copper-skinned wine gourd actually came out of its mouth.

There was a "pop" sound.

The copper-skinned wine gourd sprayed out a large amount of wine mist, shrouding Xu Yang's transformed firebird.

In the mist of wine, green runes flickered.

The fire on Xu Yang's body suddenly dissipated. A green chain was seen tying Xu Yang up and down. Green snake-like runes swam on the chain from time to time.

The green-haired ghost took a step forward, grabbed Xu Yang's shoulder with one hand, and placed the sharp hook-like fingertips of the other hand on Xu Yang's cheek.

"Boy, if I move, I'll smash your head. You know how powerful my Dongfang family disciples are."

Seeing that he had succeeded, Dongfang Zhi also regained face for the Dongfang family. He laughed proudly and raised his red nose.

"Master Xu! Hey!" Wuchang Hongxue on the side looked at Xu Yang who was captured alive and sighed.

But the face of Hibiscus on the side showed no panic at all.

At this moment, Xu Yang's cold voice came from behind Dongfang Zhi.

"Dongfangzhi, you lose."

Dongfang Zhi's originally happy face seemed to have been slapped twenty times suddenly, and it became extremely distorted and ugly.

But at this time, he didn't dare to look back.

Because, a flying knife shining with golden light was already pressed against the back of his neck, and the coolness coming from the tip of the knife was like the cold of hell.

At this time, looking at "Xu Yang" captured by the green-haired ghost puppet, it turned into a wisp of green light and disappeared under the ground.

Without Dongfang Zhi's spiritual control, the green-haired ghost stood there blankly.

After shaking for a while, it turned into the shape of a gourd, gradually shrunk, and turned into the copper gourd and fell to the ground.

It was Xu Yang who discovered that the green-haired ghost was a puppet and promptly used Shenwa Dudou's body illusion technique to deceive Dongfang Zhi with the fake "Xu Yang". The main body took the opportunity to go around behind Dongfang Zhi.

"Hero, spare your life, I surrender." Dongfangzhi begged.

"I had no intention of killing you. If the remaining two still want to compete with me one-on-one, just come."

After saying that, Xu Yang dodged and returned to Mu Jin and Wuchang Hongxue.

Shangguan Feiyun, Shangguan Liang, Dongfang Ke and Dongfang Zhi gathered together and whispered.

"Xu Yang, you have some abilities. But today you hurt two of my brothers, and you have to avenge this. You still want to compete with us one-on-one, how childish! Let's do it together!"

As Shangguan Feiyun shouted loudly, the four of them each used their abilities and rushed over.

Seeing this, Hibiscus patted the golden cage on her waist, and three apes rolled out. In the blink of an eye, they turned into three silver-backed apes, a bone ape and a fire ape, about the size of three feet.

The spider poison in Guigu Hongxue's body was too difficult to deal with. At this time, she could only use two of her powers. She displayed the Spirit Snake Sword in her hand and decided to fight side by side with Xu Yang.

"Leave these two beauties to me and Dongfang Zhi. Let the two brothers deal with this boy Xu Yang." Dongfang Ke, who had recovered most of his skills, said with a lewd expression.

"Leave no one alive!" Shangguan Feiyun said sharply.

The four of them looked like crazy wild dogs, rushing towards them and biting them with all their might.

The edges of the cyan folding fan in Shangguan Feiyun's hand revealed sharp knife tips, just like the fangs of a beast. As the folding fan chops, the cutting void creaks.

The flying needle in Shangguan Liang's hand covered the sky and blocked out the sun. It was so fast and urgent that it was like a reaping locust, trying to engulf everything.

The four-magic long stick in Xu Yang's hand is sometimes like a dragon coming out of the sea, sometimes like a tiger descending from the mountain. The stick is so strong that it is difficult to separate the fight between the two.

On the other side, Guigu Hongxue and Dongfang Kedou are together, but Guigu Hongxue's body is restrained by spider toxins. The more he uses his skills, the more severe the poison will be.

Although Dongfang Ke had just been severely wounded in the arm by Xu Yang, he still recovered 70% to 80% of his combat power after taking the secret elixir.

Guigu Hongxue couldn't dodge and was kicked by Dongfang Ke on the arm. He staggered and almost fell down. Although Guigu Hongxue has a lot of advanced skills, he can't use them at this time.

Dongfang Ke's evil eyes revealed, and he used ghost hands to grab Gui Gu Hongxue's chest.

At the critical moment, a black cat with pointed ears and green eyes appeared in a flash. It was the black cat Ye Tu. As his ears moved, a black thunder ball roared out.

There was a roar and arcs of electricity flew.

Blocked Dongfang Ke's inevitable blow.

But after all, Black Cat Ye Tu is just a cat body and cannot exert its original fighting power. The two worked together to barely resist Dongfang Ke's offensive.

One remaining place.

Mu Jin led her three spiritual apes in a fierce battle with Dongfang Zhi and his green-haired ghost puppet.

The silver-backed ape and the fire ape surrounded the green-haired ghost puppet and attacked and defended each other. However, the green-haired ghost puppet was a dead thing, so even if it was hit a few times by the spiritual ape, it would not hurt. During the exchange, the monkey Silverback's right arm was scratched by him.

Bone Monkey II closely guarded Hibiscus's side, using his bone armor to block the opponent's attacks for her from time to time.

But after all, Mu Jin's cultivation is only at the Peiyuan realm, while Dongfang Zhi is a strong man at the True Pill realm. As time went by, the hibiscus gradually fell out of favor.

Xu Yang saw it in his eyes and felt anxious in his heart.

The chaotic battle situation became increasingly unfavorable to Xu Yang's side.

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