True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 245 Three, two, one, start!

Looking at the aggressive Gui Gu Zan and Gui Gu Changyang opposite, Youfeng Waiters No. 9 and No. 8 were debating whether to fight, not to fight, or to escape.

"The disciples of Tiangui Sect these days are more arrogant than the others. It is said that those who come here for the trial are all the best among the elite disciples of Tiangui Sect. No. 13 and No. 14 both suffered their losses. Why don't we just Let’s go back and report what happened here to His Majesty,” Youfeng No. 9 said.

"His Holiness is in retreat, and no one is allowed to disturb him. Shall we run back and report the situation here to No. 1? Today is the 13th. No. 14, plus you and me, a total of four people are on duty to guard the mountain gate. No. 1 It’s not like you don’t know his temper. He knows that we were frightened by two cultivators in the true elixir realm and ran back, and also lost the lives of No. 13 and No. 14. It would be easy for us to peel off our skins. "No. 8. As he spoke, panic instinctively appeared in his eyes.

"Hey, cruel No. 1." Thinking of Youfeng Waiter No. 1, No. 9 couldn't help but tremble, remembering the deeds of the great No. 1.

It is not easy to become what the two of them call the number one servant of Youfeng.

At least the other Youfeng servants need to be defeated, and force will naturally do their part. Youfeng Waiter No. 1 is also the leader of many Youfeng Waiters. He is directly responsible to Lord Youfeng, the master of "Youfeng Mountain", and has the power of life and death over other Youfeng Waiters.

Just last month, Youfeng Waiters No. 4, No. 10 and No. 12 were all beaten to the point of vomiting blood by No. 1. The reason for the punishment was that the three of them did not stand straight while on duty. The poor three people were all a bit hunchbacked. Who could they ask for explanation?

"After all, these two people are only at the True Alchemy Realm. You and I are also at the Yuanhun Realm. We might as well fight them. If we can win, even better. If we can't win, we can also deal with them for a while. The "Youfeng Order Summoning" just now will definitely alarm other Youfeng Waiters. When they arrive, will we still be able to defeat them?" Youfeng Waiter No. 8 analyzed.

"When I heard what you said, sir, I was really enlightened. Fight! And we must fight to bring out the majesty of Youfeng Mountain! Fight to bring out the glorious tradition of Youfeng Mountain! Fight to bring out the great banner of Youfeng Mountain." Waiter No. 9 said, While stroking the goatee under his cheeks with his hand, he was full of confidence.

"That's right! Let's fight if you want! I'll deal with the blue-skinned one with a skeleton on his back, and you can deal with the other one with a knife on his waist."


The two encouraged each other and were determined to fight.

Gui Guzan crossed his hands on his chest and walked towards waiter No. 8 step by step. There was no weapon in his hand. The white skeleton lying on his shoulder was probably his weapon.

"Kaka ka ka." The skeleton's upper and lower jaws kept moving, as if they were looking forward to the next fight. It looked excited, but it clearly had no face, only bones.

Youfeng Waiter No. 8 saw Gui Gu Zan walking towards him, flipped his wrist, and held a mace in his hand. This mace is about ten feet long, with a thick front end and numerous protrusions as sharp as animal teeth. From time to time, balls of pitch-black aura roll out from it, making a slight "rustling" sound.

the other side.

Guigu Changyang held the handle of the demon sword "Rainy Night" at his waist with one hand and strode towards Youfeng Waiter No. 9. His expression was indifferent, and his blue-gray eyes were like the sea in the dark night, making it impossible to see any emotional fluctuations. Maybe a real swordsman remains calm before killing someone.

Before anyone arrived, a faint smell of sea water swept over me. The gray opals on the scabbard worn at the waist shone with strange brilliance from time to time, as if they were the greedy eyes of evil spirits lurking under the sea, making people shudder.

Youfeng Waiter No. 9 is always a cautious person. When choosing an opponent between Guigu Changyang and Xu Yang, he would rather choose Xu Yang. Because he always felt that the demon sword on Guigu Changyang's waist made him feel uneasy.

With a rush of magic power, a three-foot short fork was held in his palm. The short fork was completely black, with traces of purple arcs jumping out from the fork body, making a quick crackling sound. Just like the rapidly beating heart in his body at this moment, thump, thump. Both excited and nervous.

As the distance between the four people got closer and closer, the atmosphere became more and more tense. The surrounding air seemed to be frozen, and everything suddenly became very quiet, just like the calm before the storm.

"I'll count down to three, two, and one, and then we'll take action together. The one who kills his opponent first wins this competition, how about that?"

Guigu Zan said without turning his head. His tone was so light that no one could hear a trace of emotion in it. Although it broke the silence before, it seemed even more lifeless afterwards.

To Guigu Changyang's ears, these words sounded as relaxed as a childhood playmate asking to play games together.

But in the ears of Youfeng Waiters No. 8 and No. 9, it was like an invisible sharp knife piercing their hearts, and they both shuddered in unison.

Death is terrible, but what is more terrible than death is knowing that you are going to die soon. At this time, the fear rising in the hearts of No. 8 and No. 9 was like that of patients diagnosed with death by a doctor. This fear even made them dare not blink, fearing that the moment they closed their eyes, they would no longer be able to see the black sun in the sky.

Momentum, one sentence showed overwhelming momentum.

No. 8 and No. 9 were also puzzled. It was clear that the other party was a true elixir realm monk. How come one word made me lose confidence in my heart. Maybe the two people opposite are too scary. No, they are not people at all, but ghosts, scary ghosts that remind people of their lives.

At this time, Youfeng Waiters No. 8 and No. 9 didn't know what to say. Their aura suddenly became weak, like two weak chickens who met a hungry wolf, weak.

"Take action!"

Suddenly, the word hysteria was squeezed out of Youfeng Waiter No. 8's throat, and the sound was like iron scraping against the bottom of a pot.

He had to shout it out first because he didn't want to hear the blue-skinned weirdo across from him actually say three, two, one. It seemed that as long as he shouted out first, everything that was about to happen could be changed.

Following the shout from Ghost Wind Waiter No. 8, No. 8 and No. 9 struck preemptively. Coincidentally, the two of them directly displayed their soul realms without holding back.

The soul power of the withered body of Ghost Wind Waiter No. 9 exploded, his eyes were bloodshot, and circles of purple spiritual patterns spread out from the center of the body surface. There was a crackling sound wherever the spirit pattern passed, and the wisps of jumping purple lightning were like countless purple vicious snakes, which turned out to be the soul realm with the attribute of thunder. Everything he passed was scorched and blackened by the power of thunder and lightning.

At the same time, Youfeng Waiter No. 8 also burst out with huge soul power, even more powerful than No. 9. After all, he is at the second level of Yuanhun Realm, and No. 9 is only at the first level of Yuanhun Realm.

Circles of black soul power waves swayed outward from No. 8's body, rolling like black wind waves. Wherever the black soul domain passes, the black wind rolls back and makes a whining sound. The black wind blessed with soul power seemed to contain countless sharp knives. Wherever it passed, the vegetation was broken, the earth and rocks collapsed, and the momentum was extremely shocking.

At this time, Guigu Zan and Guigu Changyang on the opposite side were unmoved. They still stood coldly.

Gui Gu Changyang didn't move because he was waiting for Gui Gu Zan's countdown to start. Real swordsmen would abide by the rules of the competition when competing. The sword will not be unsheathed until the competition begins.

As expected, Guigu Zan was neither quick nor slow, and still said those three words without emotion.




The two of them took action simultaneously.

The skeleton Guigu Zan was carrying behind his back made a rattling noise and disappeared into a ray of white light. The next moment, white spiritual power ripples spread out from Guigu Zan's body.

This white spirit pattern quickly marked out the territory belonging to Gui Gu Zan. In the white field, a trace of gloomy ghostly energy was rolling around. Gray ghosts with long tails were moving back and forth in the white field, and they were making whining sounds, like ghosts weeping.

If Xu Yang was here, he would definitely recognize that the white domain used by Gui Gu Zan had the same attributes as the gray domain used by Mo Ling before. They should both come from the underworld.

As ghost monks, the disciples of Tiangui Sect practice ghost methods, and their fundamental source of power is the power of the netherworld. And the power of the underworld is the power unique to the underworld. Therefore, the Heavenly Ghost Sect will maintain a channel to communicate with the underworld in the land of ghost roars, and draw the power of the underworld from the underworld at any time to strengthen the foundation of the Heavenly Ghost Sect and allow the disciples of the Heavenly Ghost Sect to better practice ghost skills. .

At the moment, the ghost realm that Gui Gu Zan is using is the ghost realm that is unique to the ghosts in the underworld.

In the blink of an eye, the storm soul domain released by Youfeng Waiter No. 8 collided with the ghost domain unleashed by Gui Gu Zan.

The black storm stirred up blade-like energy, and the gray ghost ghosts blew up dark winds. The two completely different forces struggled together.

The void squeaked, and at the point of confrontation, the two energies burned at the same time. Wishes of flames were constantly moving, white for a while, black for a while, devouring each other.

"Soul Skill—Storm Wolf!"

Just listen to Youfeng Waiter No. 8 shout loudly, and throw out the black mace in his hand.

The pitch-black mace spun around and disappeared into the void.

The next moment, the black soul realm shook violently. At the same time, a terrifying black shadow emerged from the soul realm.

It was a black wolf, a giant wolf three feet in size, a giant wolf with countless gray wind blades all over its body. It actually wore a black crystal armor outside its body, which was dazzling and sparkling.

Fangs, claws, bloody mouth.

This black wolf was transformed by the combination of Waiter No. 8's mace and his soul power. It can be said that the soul power of Youfeng Waiter No. 8 injected life into the mace.


The black wolf raised its head and let out a roar that shook the world. It suddenly jumped out, leaving two clear traces of its claws on the ground under its feet. It was so fast that it left a trail of black whirlwind behind it.

Facing the fierce soul skills of Youfeng Waiter No. 8, Gui Gu Zan on the opposite side still behaved coldly and expressionlessly.

Perhaps he was too thin and his facial expression was missing, leaving only a coldness. Or he should be ruthless when accomplishing his goals.

His light blue skin was sprinkled with blue fluorescence, like countless fireflies flying around his body, which was extremely cool.

Suddenly, his pressure increased sharply, and in just a moment, it seemed to exceed the definition of a True Alchemy Realm monk.

"Ghost Escape—Hand of the Skeleton King!"

In the center of the white ghost realm, the soil on the ground suddenly rolled, like an earth dragon emerging from the ground, making a rumbling sound.

Suddenly, a dazzling white color was revealed in the rolling soil. In a blink of an eye, this white color broke out of the ground. It was a huge white skeleton palm, a ghost claw of the Skeleton King from hell.

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