True Martial World

Chapter 1001: Extinction

When this girl appeared, Yi Yun immediately looked at it. He wanted to know who the other party was.

However, looking at the woman's appearance, Yi Yun did not know at all. She was wearing a water-green dress, ice muscle jade bones, and the five senses were like the characters coming out of the painting. Every move was like a cloud, and the wind was back. Snow, really is a peerless woman.

However, the silver-haired woman’s look is not calm now, which undermines her sense of ecstasy when she falls into the world.

"First time, come over!"

The silver-haired girl just finished talking -


A loud noise, the earth suddenly trembled, the mountains and rivers in the distance, bursting in this tremor, in the black swamp, set off a huge black mud wave, and another magma rose into the sky, flowing into it, burning black mud.


A black suffocating spurt out of the swamp and spread all around.

"Destroy the wolf smoke!? This situation happened only once in three hundred years, and now it is only over a hundred years!"

The silver-haired girl has changed her face, and the Aoki world is on the brink of destruction. Even though she is a descendant of the Shenmu Palace, she is powerless in the face of the destruction of the heavens and the earth. She can only avoid these natural dangers.

The remains of the Aoki Palace have been summarized in the past few years by observing the collapse rate of the Aoki World and the disasters that have arisen everywhere. Through these laws, silver-haired girls can move freely in the Aoki world, but there are always accidents. Just like this now.

"It’s a battle.... Those outsiders, some have destroyed the guardianship of the Shenmu Palace."

The silver-haired girl sighed and began to decline in the Shenmu Palace. When the Aoki World was on the verge of destruction, the Shenmu Palace insisted on the legacy of the Aoki World, and began to arrange these ancient arrays. But now, in the face of these alien gods, they have experienced thousands of How can we persist in the ancient array of winds and frosts?

However, in this case, even if it is expected, when the formation begins to collapse in a large area, the Aoki big world will not be safe anymore. Perhaps only the **** tree in the center of the Aoki Grand World can be destroyed after the world collapses. Still exist...

The silver-haired girl doesn't know where to go when the Aoki big world really collapses.

"Sister, I..."

When she was guilty of grievances and grievances, she knew the horror of the smoldering wolf. She did not expect this time to erupt. If she did not rush out, the silver-haired girl would not come to her, then it would be an outbreak of wolf smoke, they would hide. In the garden of the gods, it is still safe.

"We try to go out, this kind of thing, who can predict." Silver-haired girl shook her head.

At this time, in the air, Yi Yun is also surrounded by the world's wolf smoke.

This is a suffocating! ?

Yi Yun was shocked by the heart. It was only a matter of time, the whole sky became a fascination. This is not a general suffocation. This suffocating can shield the gods, and his perception cannot penetrate.

Yi Yun opened up the body to protect the body, and isolated the suffocating gas, but the next scene, but Yi Yun hearted a glimpse, his body strength, quickly eroded by the suffocating gas, this suffocating contains highly toxic, Even with his foundation, it is extremely difficult to support the body.

Yi Yun hesitated a moment, randomly took a small sword and threw it into the suffocating air, but saw that the small sword was surrounded by suffocating, suddenly lost spiritually, and soon it was eroded and dull.


Yi Yun was shocked. He could not imagine why the poisonous gas in the swamp was so strong.

Here, once you are exhausted, the results are hard to imagine.

"The air in the air is thicker. I landed on the ground first and then quickly left."

Yi Yun’s thoughts have already fallen.

Yi Yun saw the silver-haired girl not far away, and the silver-haired girl also looked at Yi Yun. The distance between the two was ten steps away. The figure of each other was lost in the smoke of the world, and some of them could not be cut.

The silver-haired girl also propped up the graceful body of the guard, and her look was very dignified.

"Is this suffocating?"

Yi Yun asked the silver hair girl, in the swamp, after the death of the monster and the demon tree, the body rots in the mud, it will form a poisonous corpse, this is the suffocating.

The more powerful the monsters that die, the more powerful the suffocating ones are.

However, suffocating is a dead thing after all. Just be careful not to **** in it, there will be nothing. Yi Yun has never heard of it. The swamp of the swamp is so powerful that it is overwhelming and even the sun is covered.

The silver-haired girl hesitated and replied: "It’s not suffocating. The suffocating temper is just the corpse of the rotten beast tree’s death. The black fog in front of us is called the dying wolf smoke. It is the corpse of the world’s dead and decaying. Than."

"What? The breath of the world after decay?"

Yi Yun was really taken aback. After the death of animals and plants, the body rotted and produced gas. I didn’t expect the world to decay and create a breath. The smell of a big world after the decay, how terrible it is, it’s hard to imagine, no wonder so overwhelming.

"How big is the area of ​​this smoldering smoke?"

"I don't know, maybe thousands of miles, maybe tens of thousands of miles, maybe even more than 100,000 miles. The Aoki world is on the verge of collapse. The decaying atmosphere of these worlds is being crushed in the depths of the big world. It is endless, now I don’t know how much it leaks."

The silver-haired girl said, sympathetic looked at Yi Yun, she knew, Yi Yun stayed here, almost dead.

Not to mention Yi Yun, a half-step condensed warrior, even if it is the warrior of the Seven-eighth Dojo Palace, in the smoldering wolf smoke, most of them will be turned into dead bones, and there is no place to die.

This is the power of heaven and earth, not your high talent, you can go out.

The silver-haired girl is somewhat intolerant. From the reaction of the young boy to save the first time, he is not a wicked person, but he is also very clever. With a half-step condensed state, he can see through the trap of the first lotus. It is commendable. Unfortunately, he is mostly dead.

The silver-haired woman said: "You are with us, maybe there is hope for more time."

Yi Yun hesitated for a moment, or came over.

The decaying atmosphere of the world really opened his eyes. When Yu Yujun warned himself, the Aoki world was extremely dangerous. Let Yi Yun come to think carefully before, but Yi Yun still came. He didn't want to let go of this only. opportunity.

But now it seems that even if it is time rain, his danger to the Aoki world is probably not enough.

In this world that is about to collapse, what will happen in it, and who can make it clear?

“Can you tell me who you are?”

Yi Yun asked the silver-haired girl, he felt that the silver-haired girl knew too many things, the world's rotten gas, afraid that it was time rain, I don't know about it.

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