True Martial World

Chapter 102: Purple gas is coming (below)

"This... what is going on?"

People looked at Bai Yutai, and saw Yi Yun closing his eyes. He doubled his eyebrows and pointed his fingertips. Then he slowly pressed down along the central axis of the body and pressed it to Dantian.

Regarding the receipt of work, Lin Xinyi also recorded in the annotations of "Dragons and Tigers". A set of exercises, the main body is not perfect enough, the action of receiving the work can not be slack, and the work is also deflated, with the help of The action, calming the mind, condensing the comprehension, such a set of exercises is considered complete.

Yi Yun completed the work, spit out a breath, this gas, gathered the energy of Yi Yun's body, like a gas sword, directly shot out, not in the air for a long time.

Yi Yun opened his eyes, his pair of scorpions, like two lightnings, sharp and sharp eyes!

"Just... the movement just now was made by the kid on the stage?"

Many of the surrounding audiences still felt incredible in the clouds.

"Should...should be..." Someone said uncertainly.

Looking up at the sky, the purple daisy in the sky is still faintly glowing and condensed together.

Another glance at the podium, a dozen broken cups, broken pieces of porcelain like a completely crushed egg shell, the largest piece is not the size of the fingernails, and even some pieces of porcelain simply become Powder, it is shocking.

"Yi Yun hits the boxing, condenses the Zixia, the bones of the dragon bones and the bones of the bones burst, and shattered the teacup?"

People can hardly believe this fact.

They are all dumbfounded, and the people of the Lien clan warriors reserve camps are even more stunned. Zixia does not understand them. Instead, the teacups let them see them. This is not what Yao Yuan said. "Lei Yun Jiuyunyun, scared bow What is the realm of falling birds?

The members of these warrior reserve camps were still waiting to see Yi Yun’s jokes, but now they can’t say a word, they are like petrochemicals.

From the beginning of this re-election, all the candidates used the method of attacking the rock to prove the power of their boxing. When they reached the jade, they broke the black iron rock of a grinding disc. Tao Yunqi, he was the first to jump out of the "Dragons and Tigers" and cast a set of "Tian Xuan Jiu Jian", it seems to be tall, but in the end, Tao Yunyi still uses attack power to prove the exercises. powerful.

Only when I arrived at Yiyun, he did not attack the Black Iron Rock from the beginning, but at the end, the body condensed the purple glow, and the bones smashed the sound of the teacup.

Tao Yunxuan issued a sword that almost no **** warriors could send out, and Yi Yun shot the light and shattered the teacup. What is the difference between the two?

The soldiers in the reserve camp can not be separated, but there is no doubt that their son, Jade, has been compared to two people!

It is hard to believe that such a thing will happen if members of the Warrior Reserve Camp headed by "Zhao Tiezhu Second".

At this time, Lian Chengyu has already been a face.

He didn't really know what Yiyun had done. Just look at that Xiaguang skyrocketed, and more than a dozen cups were shattered together. Even Yucheng was only confirmed. In this set of boxing methods of Yiyun, there are some things that are not allowed. !

Otherwise how can such a vision appear?

"Does he comprehend a certain kind of realm?" Lian Chengyu certainly does not know that the purple gas is coming, which is too far away for him, but it can also be roughly judged that it should be something of comprehension. .

Maybe, Yi Yun broke through the realm by practicing martial arts!

Lian Chengyu’s eyes flashed deep and cozy, and he was very angry. This feeling was like something originally belonging to him, and he was taken away!

The primary election and the re-election made a big splash. They were valued by the Jinlongwei officers and became members of the Jinlongwei elite group. This is what Lianchengyu thinks.

However, the first breakthrough in the failure of the purple blood, even Cheng Yu is still not clear why the failure. If you have broken the purple blood, it is generally easier to go to the Jinlongwei elite group through this election in the Kingdom of God. It has become much easier.

Now, he has to rely on his own strength to pass the election of the Kingdom of God. In the re-election, he has just emerged. He thought it would attract the attention of Zhang Tan, but in a flash, he was covered by Yi Yun!

In the Yi Yungong method, there is no broken rock, no big trees, just the same light, the bones of the dozens of tea cups shattered, and he will be crushed to death.

And this person will actually be a lower class poor of his tribe!

Lian Chengyu did not dream of dreaming, there will be such a day!

The most depressing thing for Lian Chengyu is that Lian Chengyu still did not see the strength of Yi Yun.

Yi Yun has no real shots, and his attacking power and destructive power are a mystery.

Yi Yun seems to be very powerful, and he has never fought in front of him. People don't know his details. Is he the peak of the meridians? Introducing the atmosphere? Even higher repairs?

Not far from the podium, Zhang Tan is still in shock.

It is incredible that a poor teenager of a great tribe can actually ignite the purple gas.

Purple gas is extravagant. Even in the legend, purple gas is the symbol of the founding of the Son of Heaven and the saint.

There will be such a legend, because it is because they can comprehend the martial arts of the purple qi, the future achievements will not be small, they really may become the founding emperor, become a martial sage.

Because the purple gas is rare in the east, these legends will become more and more bizarre in the circle of the upper-class warriors in the kingdom of God.

Those who are a little bit arrogant, even those who understand the purple gas, are recognized by the heavens and the earth, that is, those who have "the fate of the gods" are the stars of the fighting stars, and the fate is not expected to be ordinary.

It sounds outrageous. In fact, there are some truths. Because the purple gas is coming from the east, it is a person's spirit that comes out and merges with the heavens and the earth.

This actually means that this person has been recognized by the strength of heaven and earth!

The person recognized by the heavens and the earth is said to have been recognized by the heavens and the earth. Although there are exaggerated suspicions, it makes sense!

At this time, in the sky over the white jade, floating in the boat.

Lin Xinyi looked at the scene below, and a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

In the sky, you can appreciate the beauty of this piece of purple, it is like a group of purple flames, burning in the burning.

Under Zixia, the boy who wore linen, his posture has become outstanding, and there is a kind of mountain to the top of my taste.

Purple gas is coming, this is a surprise!

"Heart ah..."

Su old man suddenly said.

"Well? Teacher, what?"

Lin Xinyi reacted and looked at the old man, but he saw Su’s head frowning.

"You said that I don't know what's going on, there is a thought in my mind. The purple cloud of the cloud shortage a few months ago was born. Is it possible that it is also 'Ziqi Donglai'?"

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