True Martial World

Chapter 1016: Heaven and earth

"Call - call -"

The wind blew gently, it seemed weak and weak, and in the sky, the sun became more and more sinister, just like the tenth day! Even the warrior felt a little bit of heat.

Yi Yun's spirit is highly concentrated. He looks at the gravel scattered around. These seemingly dead stones, when Yi Yun looked through the amethyst, felt that there was a twisted pattern in the stone, like burning. Small flames in general.

“What happened?” Someone in the crowd asked, many people are still very cautious in the face of the thirty-three days.

"Don't it be that the sun is a little bigger? Even in the days of the Emperor, the weather is changing, and this is a world that wants to be cracked. The sun is suddenly poisonous, and there is something strange."

The young man who had talked with the hidden mother-in-law before said that she did not care. The vamped woman’s face was gloomy to the extreme. She really wanted to kill this unknown guy.

"You give me a shut up!" The hidden mother-in-law suddenly shot, and the dry palm grabbed the young man!

"What are you doing!" The young man’s master stood up and grabbed the hand of the hidden mother.


The two old men played against each other, and the two sides did not use any strength. In this strange blood desert, they did not dare to fight.

At this time, the hidden mother-in-law is like an old violent beast. She screams: "Blood desert is the ancient battlefield. There are a lot of Taikoo creatures dead here. There may also be ancient blood and broken magic weapons. These annihilation are here. Let blood desert become a Jedi, countless broken rules, blood, after hundreds of millions of years, evolve into heaven and earth, and die into it!"

"The fragmentation law itself evolved into a large array?" The young man smiled disdainfully, and he did not believe it at all.

He also followed the teacher's method of respecting the squad. Although he did not know much about the martial arts, he was very clear about the wonders of the tactics. Even if the masters of the martial arts could not be arranged successfully, how could they form naturally, it would be too clever. .

"Let me go." The young woman was nervous, and the young woman was a little nervous. The cold-haired girl’s eyes flashed, and she loosened her hand.

The young man took a few steps back and pulled away from the hidden mother-in-law. He sorted out his clothes and suddenly wanted to feel something wrong when he wanted to say something.

He pulled the clothes, and his armored robes on his body were torn apart by his randomness. The treasure on his body was not invaded by water, enough to withstand the full blow of the condensed warrior, so he was just like this. Ripped open?

He looked down and the clothes that he had torn open became hot, but it was burning, but melting, like metal into the stove!

Not only the fabric on the hand, but the clothes on his body are melting.

Then his flesh, hair, and skin!


The young man realized the huge crisis of life and death and made a scream.

pain! The pain of burning into the bone marrow makes him almost crazy!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the whole place was shocked, including Yi Yun, and this change came too suddenly! I just felt a little hot before, but how can someone expect to melt directly?

"Master, save me!"

The young man shouted for help, but at this time, his whole body was melting, and a lot of blood and corpse oil slid down from him. His eyes were already lost in his eyes, leaving only the empty eye sockets, hands and feet. Only the bones are left, and the flesh and blood are clean.

He walked to his master, his body was bloody, and in his heart, Master was his last straw, but at this time, the purple robes as his master were full of horror, although he knew three The danger in the thirteen-day gate is very high, but I have seen such a horror scene.

A person melts out of thin air. What is going on?

Seeing that the apprentice was about to pounce on himself, the purple robe old man had a huge sense of crisis in his heart. He suddenly slammed a palm, and the powerful vitality blew out and directly hit the young man’s chest.


A loud explosion, the young people were directly blasted out, the blood of the corpse was flying!

The vowed mother-in-law violently screamed, propped up the vitality shield, and blocked all the blood and water. She always felt that if she was stained with these blood, it was absolutely dangerous.


Only a young man with a skeleton left, he fell heavily on the ground, and his blood was overflowing.

Then, the bones seemed to be baked by the extremely high temperature, giving a sizzling sound, and then the bones melted, and some of them melted into blood and then evaporated.

Finally, there is only one human figure on the ground, a bit dark red, and nothing else.


People are sucking up a cold breath, and this method of death is really amazing.

Yi Yun also felt terrified. He had seen the eggs of the sleeping insects before, but it was still a living thing. Even if it was bitten, it would make people rot and it would be acceptable.

But now, this young man is simply inexplicably dead.

"Everyone should not move. In this Jedi, one step is wrong, and there is no place to die! Before he died, it was because he stepped back and stepped on the Jedi."

The hoarse voice of the hidden mother-in-law sounded, although the dead young man had been arguing with her, but his death did not let the hidden mother-in-law have the feeling of deflation, but only felt the back of the cold.

Is the interior of the thirty-three-day gate so dangerous? Feelings are more than what was described in the previous books!

"What do we do now?"

"We will return the original road." The hidden mother's forehead pulled out a trace of sweat, and took out the road of the Great Heaven Compass.

This time, no one has any opinions. The death of the young man has already made everyone chilling. This **** desert is too strange.

And what makes people wonder is that there are no living creatures here. Why do some people suddenly die suddenly, and where does the danger come from?

And just then, suddenly -


The screams also sounded. People turned their heads and looked at them. These screams came from the ancestral veins of Xian Yuzong. The gatekeepers of these Xianyu Zong, who had been following the Shenmu Zong, had nothing to do. Now they suddenly entered the dangerous place and set fire to the body. .

Yi Yun looked at it. Under the scorching sun, two people were burned into blood and blood, and even the bones quickly melted.

The other people of Xianyuzong, like a dead woman, are more ugly and ugly.

Among them, Yi Yun saw Wu Yunhou. Before this horrible blood desert, Wu Yunhou’s strength is better than other people, and he is not necessarily able to give him more opportunities to survive.

This trip to Aoki's big world, I am afraid that for most of the forces entering here, it is undoubtedly a disaster, and it is not a chance at all. Even the strong combination of Xian Yuzong has become so miserable.

The people of Xianyu Zong were completely trapped, and they went in and out.

At this time, Yi Yun was concentrating on observing the sandstone around the disciple of Xian Yuzong. He found the same, like a flame-like texture.

After watching for a long time, Yi Yun finally confirmed that this is not a fire pattern, but... a line!

As the hidden mother-in-law said, this is the natural trend of the world, after hundreds of millions of years of accumulation, the natural pattern formed naturally in the blood desert!

This blood desert is originally a big battle of heaven and earth, and it is also the most terrible killing.

Blood desert does not know how big it is. I think it is shocking. The formation of the heavens and the earth is experiencing hundreds of millions of years. What kind of wonderful power does nature have?

The more martial arts, the more glimps into the secrets of the universe.

Yi Yun has been watching the blood in the desert, and his vision has been extended. Perhaps because of his revision, even if there is the energy vision of Amethyst, he can't see every trace, and a little further away, it is completely blurred.

Yi Yun is only certain that these lines are condensed with various rules and are ever-changing. The flame pattern he sees is actually only one of them. The former people were evaporated and feared to be related to this pattern. Among them, Yi Yun has not fully understood.


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