True Martial World

Chapter 1034: Fusion


At the moment of entering the hole, Yi Yun felt that everything around him was gone. All the fierce battles, the fierce turbulence, disappeared, and the distance of a hole made Yi Yun feel like he came. A completely isolated world.

Here, it is the dense land recorded in the Shen Muzong classics.

Yi Yun took a breath and he didn't have much time. He had to wake up Shenmu as soon as possible. His master, Yu Jun, was still fighting the bronze giant outside.

However, whether or not he can wake up Shenmu, Yi Yun’s heart is not fully grasped. Although he activated the painting axis left by the Shenmu woman, this plant has a billion-year-old Shenmu, and its energy is obviously more than that of the scroll axis. Powerful thousand times.

In this tree hole, it is a small world that has been opened up. On a meadow, there is a small stream flowing. Next to the stream, a small stone house is built. There is a stone table in front of the stone house. There are scattered leaves on the table.

There is a very long time in this world, but this scene seems to be fixed in time.

For many years, Yi Yun Xiwu has seen that there are not many small worlds in Dongfu. For example, in the Shenshen Tower and the Pure Yang Jian Palace, a small world has been established, but there is no such a small world. The cloud is a very special feeling.

As if he stood in this small world, he felt the peace of mind. It seems that his knowledge can be extended infinitely. Through this small world, it extends to the Aoki world and then through the Aoki world. Two emperors.

"Well, there is a skeleton!"

Yi Yun suddenly saw that next to the small stream in front of the stone house, there was a white bone next to a small earthen bag.

The owner of this white bone does not know how long it has died, but the cheekbone is crystal-clear like a jade. It is like a treasurer carefully polished by the master of the refining. On the bones, it also lingers on the law, so that Yi Yun feels deeply, this bone The extraordinary before the Lord's life.

This must be a generation of peerless powerhouses.

Who is it?

Yi Yun does not think that this bone is left by the woman in black. The level of the woman in black is too high. Although the owner of the bone is not very ordinary, it is obviously far from the woman in black.

At this moment, Yue Yingsha seems to have noticed something. She went to the bones and went deep.

"Yi Yun, I feel a familiar atmosphere on this pair of bones. This breath, I used to feel in many books and inheritance of Shen Muzong, I am afraid that this dead predecessor was the one who left those books. People, that is, the saints who awakened Shenmu a hundred years ago."

"The saint, I have come to this secret place..."

Yue Yingsha was surprised to speak.

"Well? Is it strange?" Yi Yun asked inexplicably. Since the records of the secrets of this secret land are all left by the saint, it is normal for her to come here.

Yue Yingsha shook his head and said: "You don't know. When the Holy Virgin was born, the door of thirty-three days has already been closed. It is reasonable to say that she can't come here. She can't even enter the gate of thirty-three days. ""

"Oh? It's like this..." Yi Yun slightly frowned, "Maybe... entering this secret land, you don't have to pass the thirty-three-day gate, you said the saints, she has the ability to communicate with Shenmu. I can probably enter this secret land through other passages..."

"Yeah." Yue Yingsha nodded. After she visited the widow of the saint, she got up and looked around. "How do you wake up the gods in this small world?"

There is not much time, they can't delay here. The saint had once awakened the gods, but she had already gone, and could not come to tell them.

Yi Yun is slowly walking in this small world, sensing the atmosphere here.

The small world is so quiet, walking here, Yi Yun’s mood is unconsciously calmed down.

Gradually, the moon Yingsha, the Virgin's widow, everything outside, seems to be far away, leaving only Yi Yun and this small world.

Yi Yun walked slowly, and he came to the stone house.

This stone house has been vacant for countless years.

After crossing this long time, Yi Yun came to the door.

The door is gently closed, giving the impression that there are people living inside.

Yi Yun reached out and was about to open the door. However, just in the moment when his hand was put on the door, Yi Yun’s heart suddenly came the agitation of Amethyst!

As the Amethyst was pulled, the whole stone house suddenly filled with a strange atmosphere.

"It is amethyst chaotic stone..." Yi Yun's heart vibrates.

In the ancient Emperor Tianluo Temple, Yi Yun once saw the amethyst chaotic stone in the original space!

Twelve ancient demon gods - sun candlelight, Taiyin glory, post-earth tree, dragon emperor, colorful phoenix... People only know about it, but they don't know, Amethyst is also one of the twelve demon gods, and Amethyst chaos Stone, which is the beginning of the formation of the universe, was born directly from chaos, inscribed the **** stone of the Amethyst rule!

At that time, in the Rock family, no one could comprehend the amethyst chaotic stone. Yi Yun’s chance of realizing the magical life and death wheel, he did not expect that in this Aoki big world, there was actually a chaos by Amethyst. Stone house built of stone!

How is the chaotic stone so strong that it was used to sculpt into a stone house, what a handwriting!

Originally Yi Yun thought that this stone house may have been built by the saints of Shen Muzong. Now he confirms that this stone house must have been left by the mysterious woman. No one but her has such a means of heaven! This stone house has been here for hundreds of millions of years, and it is even possible that this small world is the residence of the woman in black!

In an instant, Yi Yun’s consciousness entered the stone house.

"Good space..."

Yi Yun’s perception, relying on the stone house, seems to slowly blend into the land, with the roots of Shenmu extending.

Yi Yun saw the battle outside, and then saw the Styx that was constantly coming to the bronze giants in the distance, and saw some of the warriors in the gates of the thirty-three days. They all died in desperate escape.

All of this fell into the eyes of Yi Yun, and his ancient wells did not wave, like this **** wood.

The roots of Shenmu are spread throughout the entire world of Aoki.

Yi Yun’s consciousness passed through the abandoned relics and passed through the mountains and the vast land.

Suddenly, he heard a voice.

Like a heartbeat, it sounds like a river flowing.

What is the sound? Yi Yun thought about it, and suddenly his consciousness sank down, entered the ground, and then entered the center of the earth.


In the dark ground, a faint glow appeared.

In the light, it is a huge root system, and in the middle of these roots, it is wrapped in a heart-like stone.

This stone, already covered with cracks, such as the old man, is breathing hard.

Yi Yun stared at it silently. In his unconscious consciousness, the appearance of this stone made him feel a kind of dead air and heavy sorrow.


In front of Yi Yun, the stone cracked a gap gently.

Although it was only a thin crack, at the moment, with the roots of Shenmu roots spreading over the earth, it immediately saw the smoldering from all over the earth, the mountains collapsed, and the river dried up.

This boulder is fragmented, and the Aoki world seems to have died with its fragmentation.

It turns out that this is the boundary stone that carries the world of Aoki...

Some small worlds are opened up by the power, carrying a weight of a stone, which is the boundary stone.

However, Yi Yun has never heard of it. A grand world like the Aoki World can also carry weights with boundary stones. There is no stone that can be carried.

Perhaps for this reason, the woman in black, who planted this tree in the boundary stone, fixed the boundary stone with the roots of the **** tree, lest it collapse, what a magical power!

Yi Yun thought of a move, he seems to be in order to envelop the huge roots of the boundary stone, the riddled stone, just in front of his eyes.

The mortal life is only a hundred years old, and all the experiences experienced have turned into a cloud of smoke at the time of death. The warrior seeks the heavens and the life is prolonged, but it is still not eternal life.

Even the world will die, but the heavens will not be destroyed.

Yi Yun involuntarily extended his hand. He sensed this boundary stone and sensed the sadness of this world.

Silent and uninteresting, Yi Yun's body seems to burst into a dazzling light.

This is a colorful light that will cover the stone cage.

At the moment when this colorful light appeared, Yi Yun lived.

He saw the familiar figure, slowly stepping out from the colorful light...

"Yi Yun?"

In the small world of Shenmu’s tree hole, Yueyingsha saw Yiyun walking, and suddenly stopped in front of the stone house. He reached out and wanted to open the door, but after hitting the door, he paused and stood quietly. There.

When she was wondering if Yi Yun had discovered something, Yue Yingsha suddenly felt that from Yi Yun’s body, she had a very ancient atmosphere.

This breath, connected with the **** wood, as if Yi Yun at the moment, is the embodiment of this **** wood.


A figure suddenly fell out, and one fell to the ground, and his face was buried in the soil.

Moon Yingsha was shocked and subconsciously went to touch the space ring, but she fixed her eyes and found that the person who fell out was actually the first charge.

"Sister, how am I..." The first load was a little worried. She licked her head and climbed up. She was suddenly thrown out and thought it was attacked.

"Well? Where is this?" Chuhe turned around and looked around, completely confused.

"The first load, this is the dense land recorded in the Zongmen classics." The surprised look on the face of Yueyingsha slowly disappeared. She looked at Yiyun, and her eyes showed an indescribable fascination. She said faintly: "Yi Yun, it seems to be merged with Shenmu, and you can't, so I was actively thrown by the spirit of Shenmu..."

"Shenmu? Fusion?" The first day of the United States and the United States, the incredible look of Yiyun, this is actually the secret place recorded in the Zongmen classics, can it be said that Yi Yun is awakening Shenmu?

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