True Martial World

Chapter 1145: Sneak attack

"Well? This secret was sealed." When he looked at the entrance to the secret, he found that the secret world was completely a closed world and it was difficult to break open.

The magic eye **** touched his chin and was thinking about how to enter this secret land. He knew that this secret is not ordinary, but after all, it has been hundreds of millions of years. Many arrays have lost their energy support and will weaken. Not necessarily can't get in.

"Time, magic eyes!"

When Yu Yujun saw this scene, his face sank. Before Yi Yun wanted to enter the secret, the two men questioned and obstructed. After they and the bronze giant killed, they also withdrew from the battlefield in advance. They did not contribute at all, but now, the bronze giant was re-established. Seal, after the crisis was lifted, the two men returned, and the purpose is self-evident. It is because Yi Yun broke through the condensed territory, and he used the enthusiasm of the glory to gather the fruit, which was seen by these two people!

The magic eyed priest smiled and said: "When it rains, what are you nervous? We are only worried about the situation of your apprentice. The thirty-three-day door is so strange. Your apprentice is so low that you can enter the secret land alone. What will happen, and if there is any danger, we can save him in time."

The magic eye did not put the heavy rain in the eyes.

At this moment, Bing Ning Xianjun spoke up: "The magic eye, I have seen shameless, I have never seen you so shameless, we can stand here safely and securely because of the efforts of Yi Yun and Shi Yu, Are you going to cross the river to break the bridge?"

The ice condensed Xianjun voice was cold, and she was angry when she was so brazen and shameful about the eyes of the gods and the time.

The magic eye **** looked at the ice condensed fairy, and said with a taste: "Ice condensed fairy, you also have injuries on your body? Don't be angry, be careful to be hurt."

Before the ice-cold fairy was joined with Shi Yujun, he was indeed injured. He heard the naked threat of the **** of the eye, and the ice-cold fairy was cold and cold: "The magic eye, do you want to start?"

"Hey, why are you so angry? Now we are still in the midst of difficulties. Let’s go to the dense place and look at the situation of Yiyun."

Between the eyes of the gods, they have ignored the ice condensate fairy, but began to study the export of this dense land.

After all, Shenjun is a figure standing on the top of the tens of thousands of empire. Their knowledge and means are extraordinary. Especially when he is, he is quite confident in his understanding of the martial arts.

This secret land, although very good, but the time has passed so long, the time is still a bit of an idea.


When he flew out of the stars on his hands, he was breaking hands.

He is not worried about Yi Yun. In the view of Shih, the process of destroying the bronze giants by Shenmu is destroying the earth, but Shenmu is Shenmu and Yiyun is Yiyun.

Although Yi Yun awakened Shenmu, the Shenmu Seal bronze giant should be its mission, and has nothing to do with Yiyun.


When Yu Yujun was angry, he was about to step forward, and at this moment, the magic eyed **** who had stood behind him suddenly turned and took a palm!


Tens of thousands of ghosts erupted from the eyes of the gods, and the palms of the gods of the gods turned into a huge ghost, and the claws caught the rain!

This blow, the momentum is overwhelming, the speed is fast to the extreme, obviously the magic eye **** has already been ready, to attack when the rain!

At this time, Shi Yujun was seriously injured and burned with blood. He saw that the magic eye of the heroic state was hit, and he was almost unable to resist.

"call out!"

Just in the midst of this millennium, a blue ribbon flew out and hit the ghost claws, and the ice condensed Xianjun shot!


The ghost claws collided with the blue silk ribbon, but one side was ready to go, the other side was rushed to deal with it, and the ice condensed fairy had injury. Under this shot, the blue ribbon was directly bounced. Ghosts are only a little stagnant, they are still caught in the rain!

"Get my life? Not so easy!"

When Yu Yujun’s eyes murdered, he was still less than 10% in the body, but he still had blood.

He burned a bit of blood again, and the long sword in his hand burst into a dazzling brilliance!

The power of this sword gathering time is like cutting off the years, and the thorns are on the claws.


The ghost claws were penetrated, but the Jianguang in the hands of Yujun also collapsed. He consumed too much after all, and the violent explosion smashed his body. He flew several tens of feet away, his face was white, and his mouth was again. Spilled blood.

Shi Yujun’s injury is even heavier. Injury to this step has already affected the future achievements of Shi Yujun!

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" The magic eye slaps his hand. "Great! Great! When you rain, you really have a reputation. You have already hurt this level. The remaining strength of the whole body is less than 10%. It can also block my attack." I thought this shot would kill you almost."

At this time, Shiyan stopped and broke, and he did not know that the **** of the eyes would suddenly attack. "Magic, are you too much!"

When I didn't want to rain, I died.

"Hey! Hey old ghost, you still remember when the rain can return to you, Xian Yuzong? Don't be naive! Today you have already offended him, fleeing, and playing his apprentice's idea. When the rain does not destroy you, Xian Yuzong It’s not bad! And Yi Yun’s kid, condensing four nine-leaf fruit, is unimaginable in the future. What we have done today is already hated by him. In order not to be retaliated in the future, we naturally have to deal with this aftermath. Rain is our obstacle!"

"When you are not squatting, the rain is seriously injured now, kill him. Is it waiting for him to recover and kill the door?"

When the words of the demon gods were spoken, the time was also silent. He knew that the eyes of the gods were very likely to happen.

He sighed: "When it rains, if you make a vow to heaven, you are willing to return to the fairy sect, and you will not betray the sect of the sect, then I can save you and your life. Of course, your apprentice will return to the fairy. Yuzong, and set a vow of heaven. As for the temperament that he received, he must make another distribution. This anger is falling on the hands of a conglomerate, and it is difficult to make the best use of it."

I don’t want to let the magic eye be a gun. If I can borrow the opportunity of today, it’s best to let the rain rain return. However, this kind of temperament must be obtained, which may even make him more further.

"Ha ha ha!" When Rain King laughed, "When you don't want to be a plaque, I am standing here today, you want to kill me, but I promise, even if I am now blood Losing money, but to kill me, I will definitely let you take off a layer of skin!"

When Shi Yujun spoke, his eyes showed a murderous murder. He was not afraid of death. His martial arts is like this!

When I heard the words of Yu Jun, my face suddenly gloomy.

"Hey, hey old ghost, you still do useless work here, what do I say, it is already endless, you should not be your hypocrite, take it!"

When the **** of the gods talked, they strode out and the black flames ignited.

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