True Martial World

Chapter 1056: Red woman

"This old woman..."

Yi Yun’s perception looked at the red-haired old man, and he clearly felt that the old man was surrounded by a layer of ghosts.

And the sale of this old woman is also quite horrible, just like the dead from the grave.

Look at Ji Shuiyan. After she heard the old lady's voice, she carefully walked outside the old woman's room and whipped up several times of courage before pushing the door open.

For a time, a dead air escaped from the room, it felt like an ancient tomb was opened.

Seeing the old man's white face like a paper man, Ji Shuiyan's lips are pale, but she still went to the old body with a hard scalp.

"The smoke has seen you."

"Oh! Oh!" The old man’s throat made an unpleasant laughter, and he paused with a laugh. It sounded creepy. "Have you seen it? You know how to meet me? You thought that during the days of my retreat, I I don't know what you are doing?"

"You just saved a man at the cost of the desert. Why did you save him? Tell me about it?"

When I heard the old man in the red, Ji Shuiyan was eclipsed, but she still insisted on calmness: "The encounter is also the fate. The smoke is only because of some fate, so I will save it... ah!"

Ji Shuiyan suddenly screamed, and the red-haired old man suddenly stretched out the palm of his skin like a chicken, and slaps the jade smoke out!


A fragile sound, Ji Shuiyan's entire body slammed into the door, her veil was directly torn open, leaving three **** wounds on her face, which was left by the nails of the red old man.

Soon, the wound on Ji Shuiyan's face began to blacken, and the blood flowing out seemed to be corroded.

Pain, the pain of the heart!

There is a corpse poison in the nails of the red robes. This corpse is poisonous and enters the body, so that Ji Shui smokes to death.

However, Ji Shuiyan just licked his face and endured it without a word.

Seeing all this Yi Yun, I realized that what was the scar on the face of Ji Shuiyan before.

No wonder when he first saw Ji Shuiyan, the other side was covered with a scarf to cover the scar, and her young lady as a big business, could not cure this scar.

If it is really the scar left by the corpse poison, let's not talk about the difficulty of healing. After the cure alone, it will be left a new scar by the old woman, and it will make Ji Shuiyan desperate, thus eliminating the healing mind!

"The pain is still not snoring, the bones are very hard! I know what you are thinking about this little shovel. You think of the kid as a senior who is a high-level person. I want him to owe you a favor. Then you turn to you. He, let him take the shot for you, solve the old man?"

"It’s just that the practice of the kid’s practice is the power of the right way. When you see the grass in the desert sprouting from him, I want to use his life to make the ghosts of the old man?”

"It's a pity! Unfortunately! You count the game well, but he is really a junior! You are desperate, and I am afraid of revenge, so I want him to leave the caravan quickly?"

In a few words, the old woman broke all the things that Ji Shuiqi thought before.

There are more and more black blood on the face of Ji Shuiyan, but she does not care about wiping. She just licks her cheek and bites her silver teeth.

In the face of this old man who is not a person, a ghost or a ghost, Ji Shuiyan has no resistance at all. Originally, the old woman was retired, and Ji Shuiyan saved Yiyun, but then her vision was empty, and all of this was still I was noticed by the red woman.

Thinking of this, Ji Shuiyan raised a trace of despair.

It’s not enough to die, but the **** machine chamber left by Grandpa really wants to decline step by step because of his incompetence.

"This is the last time, smoke, you follow me, help me find medicine, you will not treat you badly, if you move some more thoughts, your beautiful face, it will be completely destroyed next time, Maybe you can’t lose your energy and become like you.”

The voice of the old woman in red was suddenly softened. She gently stroked the cheek of Ji Shui, the movement seemed to be soft, but the nails intentionally crossed the wound of Ji Shuiyan, which made Ji Shuiyan more painful, her face pale, lips Trembling, but can only endure.

"Hey, how beautiful a face is, unfortunately, you don't have to pay for these careful thoughts. The person you saved is looking at the eye. I have a heart here, and it is more than enough for you to deal with the junior. You Go kill him."

When the old woman in the red dress spoke, the thin palm of her hand turned over, and a small beetle appeared in her palm.

Seeing this little beetle, Ji Shuiyan shuddered and her heart shrank. She knew that this was the punishment of the red woman for her. She was kind and let her kill the person she had saved. It is definitely a kind of devastating heart.

"Hey, let go of the boy, he is innocent, and the hookah has already let him leave the caravan before, and now he has gone far."

Ji Shuiyan only hoped that Yi Yun would leave as far as possible, but the red woman would let Ji Shuiyan chill in the cold: "Leave? Unfortunately, he hasn't gone yet, see you so delicate. The beautiful woman saved him, how can he be willing to go? He is following the sand boat, sitting in a green collar right away!"

Did not go?

Ji Shuiyan suddenly seems to have been pumped out of the body, this Yi Yun, let him go, he will not go, this he must not live, she understands the heart of the red woman, she can raise a ghost, can eyes What is it worth to kill a mortal city and kill a young man?


Everything that happened in the sand boat, Yi Yun can see clearly, he did not think that the seemingly full-fledged Sha Zhou shack in his daughter actually hides such an old monster.

What is your heart?

Yi Yun did not care about this locust. He is indeed a condensed person. He has only practiced for a hundred years. However, among the condensed warriors, his strength is far beyond anyone's imagination, even including Yi Yun himself.

Yi Yun did not know that he had condensed four nine-leaf fruit, and there was also a big destruction of the fruit, plus the Shenmu seed that had not entered his own Dantian. What strength can he reach?

Now, I can give it a try. This old woman is a high-profile woman, but she can see clearly after the cloud is merged with Yimu.

The other side is a four-way palace, and there is more than one big realm.

This is an excellent touchstone.

However, the seeds of Shenmu in Yiyun now occupy part of his meridians.

Yi Yun has a hunch that as this Shenmu seed slowly sprouts, it will need to absorb more and more essence of heaven and earth. If it is insufficiently supplied, it may happen before, and he will be occupied by Shenmu seeds. The meridians, so that they can not move.


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