True Martial World

Chapter 1084: Life and death crisis

Yu Heng made a sense of his own space ring, step by step to Ji Shuiyan.

Yuheng Shangzhi is one of the seven masters of the Seven Star Road Palace. The gap between his strength and Ji Shuiyan is as great as the mountain peak and the dust. The other party just walks over. Ji Shuiyan has a chest suffocation, breathing stagnation, mouth corner and even Spilled blood.

With Yu Heng on such a strength, there is no need to shoot, just breathe out to kill!

At this time, the atmosphere has been arrogant, and Ji Shui’s life is on the eve!

Yi Yun has already touched the pure sun and broke the sword. He knows that it is only the pressure of Yu Heng’s imperialism that Ji Jishui’s body meridians are on the verge of collapse. As long as he walks a few more steps, Ji Shuiyan will probably be fragrant and jade!

In this regard, Yi Yun certainly can't sit idly by.

Yi Yun knows that the strength of Yu Heng is terrible. Once he fights, he can hardly win.

However, he has no choice. If he surrenders the sub-day disk, he will be able to save himself and Ji Shuiqi. Yi Yun will of course hand over the sub-day machine.

However, just now, Yi Yun clearly felt that there was a murder from Yu Heng, that is to say, even if he surrendered the sub-machine disk, he must face this battle.

Yi Yun’s outstanding talent has already been destined to make Yu Heng’s ambassador never let him go, otherwise he will endless troubles.

Many people have seen these situations and voluntarily quit. Although they have handed over Yiyun before, they are embarrassed about the genius of Yiyun. Now they see Yiyun falling, they are naturally happy to stand by and many people even have their hearts. Have a sense of gloating.

The response to everyone, Yi Yun simply ignored, his heart is extremely calm, the body is running, the four nine-leaf fruit drenched in the vitality, ready to break out.

Yi Yun is clear, Yu Heng on the seemingly oppressed Ji Hookah, in fact, forced to shoot himself, and then hit and kill! The perception of Yu Heng’s ambassador has always locked himself, as long as he moves, it is the attack of violent storms.

He only has one chance to shoot!

At this moment, the time seems to have slowed down, the helplessness of Ji Shuiyan, the coldness of Yu Heng, the playfulness of Tian Xiaozi, and the sneer of Yan Tiancong, as if they were all blurred, Yi Yun’s heart only has a pure Yang broken sword. The icy sword body, came a clear touch, and passed to the heart of Yi Yun. At this moment, a sudden sound, in the heart of Yi Yun -

"Take him left!"

Yi Yun's spirit is highly concentrated. This sound does not know where it came from, but Yi Yun has no doubt at all. He shot directly and attacked the left chest of Yu Heng!

Bang! !

Yi Yun’s vitality suddenly broke out, and the pure Yang broke the sword and took out the sword. It brought the power of the heavens and the earth to form a black roulette. This black roulette was filled with the shadow of the demon god, the demon **** roared, and the heaven and earth changed, as if the world Everything will be destroyed by this roulette!

this is……

Even if it was repaired by Yu Heng, who was far more than Yi Yun, and was surprised by this sword, the law contained in this sword, even he had a sense of tremor, what kind of fruit did this junior condense?

This is also more determined that Yu Heng’s determination to kill Yi Yun will not be left!

He immediately gave up Ji Shuiyan and took a shot to Yi Yun!

This palm, like a mountain collapse, with unmatched power, ushered in the cloud of life and death of Yi Yun!


Wan Mosheng's life and death wheel trembled, the huge palm was slightly blocked, and finally it was hard pressed! Although the rule of Yi Yun is strong, it is an insurmountable scorpio that is limited to repairing. Only the cultivation of the condensate is impossible to resist!

Seeing this huge palm, when I want to engulf Yiyun, there is a sudden emergence of swordsmanship, as if from the ancients of nothingness!

This sword, no trace can be found, it is like breaking through the long night light rainbow, directly stabbed to Yu Heng!

Who! ?

Yu Heng made a big surprise in his heart. He just blocked a sword from Yi Yun, but there was a sword attacking. Yi Yun attacked the left road, but this sword was on the right, when his defense center was On the left, the right road has already revealed flaws!

court death!

Yu Heng made a bang, and he forcibly recovered the move, and his right hand slammed and pulled out a dust.

This floating dust broke out thousands of silver filaments and twisted the sudden emergence of a sword.

However, the dust and the sword intersected, and Yu Heng found that he far underestimated the power of the sword. He did not expect that there would be such a kendo master here, and his rushed defense could not resist.


Thousands of silver wire was directly smashed by the sword, and the sword light was not lost. A sword turned from the right to the left, and the heart of the jade was smashed!

Yu Heng put the cold hair upside down, his body flew away quickly, at the same time, his chest flew out of a round heart mirror, directly greeted Jianguang.


The heart guard was shot and the Jianguang was changed in direction. It could still penetrate the shoulders of Yuheng and bring out a **** rain!


The dust fell, and Yu Heng put his shoulders on his shoulders. He even stepped back and his face was pale. His scorpion, like an eagle, swept the crowd and eventually locked in a person.

Sword no front!

"It's you! You actually shot me?"

Yu Heng was shocked by the heart. The Qingchi Jianpai, where Jian Wufeng is located, is far less powerful than the Seven Star Road Palace. The sword has no front but is on his own. Is he crazy?

Not only is Yu Heng on the ambassador, but some people in the place can see it, how does Jian Wufeng think?

"Qingchimen, you know what you are doing? Today, my Seven Star Road Palace, just to get back to the heavenly machine door, to prepare for the funeral sand sand treasure hunting, you are on my jade balance?"

The elders are very anxious to say that when he informed Yu Heng on the ambassador, he said that Yi Yun has nothing to do with all the masters present. It is not difficult to kill Yi Yun. Who knows that Jian Wufeng will risk being The danger of destroying the door, intervene in this matter?

This sword is not stupid, he and Yi Yuncai met for the first time, even if his apprentice and Yi Yun have learned a lot, so that Jian Wufeng has some appreciation for Yi Yun, but that is just appreciation, he Why do you put on the life of the Qingchi Jianpai up and down, and save the cloud? This kind of reckless practice, where is the thing that a swordsman should do?

"What do I do, without you to gesticulate!"

When the sword was not talking, the sword in the hand suddenly flew out, and the elders were shocked. He didn't want to, and the body threw it backwards and continually rolled on the ground to avoid the sword!

He believes that Jian Wufeng is a sword to kill himself. In the hands of Jian Wufeng, he has no chance of being spared. However, after the elders continue to fight, he sees that this sword is not directed at him. Come. The long sword flew to the backyard of the seven-star auction house, like a long eye, a sword stabbed in the transmission line in the center of the backyard.


A loud explosion, the high-cost long-distance transmission array, completely burst open!

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