True Martial World

Chapter 1086: Go to Qingchi

In the face of the sword without a front, Yan Tiancong did not dare to speak directly. He constantly rumored and encouraged those swaying masters who wanted to shoot for Yi Yun.

"The celestial disk is in the hands of Yi Yun. Once he is gone, the treasures of the burial sun sand sea are owned by Yi Yun! Killing Yi Yun, the treasures on his body are all owned by us, and then Yi Yun has already formed seven stars. How can he possibly be the enemy of the Taoist Palace?"

Yan Tiancong was passing around, but no one cares about him at all. At this time, Jian Xiaoshuang has entered the small tower.

After Jian Xiaoshuang, Ji Shuiyan also entered the Dongfu. Before entering the tower, she also shredded a jade, but this little action, no one noticed.

The last one is Yi Yun. He took a deep look at Yan Tiancong and Tian Xiaozi. He said slowly: "Yan Tiancong, Tian Xiaoyu, it is easy for me to visit Tianyan and Tianmen. You two souls refining the marrow, let the Tianyan business and the heavenly door fly away!"

Yi Yun’s words, like the death of the warning, scared Yan Tiancong a sly, only feel like falling hail.

And Tian Xiaozi, still shaking the fan, although he is also somewhat virtual, but still do the scene: "Hey! I don't know how many years of inheritance of the heavenly door, just because you want to destroy the door of the heavens? Funny!"

Yi Yun did not refute, his figure disappeared directly into the small tower. The sword had no wave and waved his hand. He received the small tower directly. The next moment, he flashed his body and turned into a sword light, and went to the horizon. !

Yuheng Taoist also wants to block, but the sword has no front, but it disappears in a blink of an eye. This speed makes the Yuheng Taoist absolutely catch up with the mind. The sword does not say strength, the speed alone is not what he can compare. of.

"Sword has no front!"

Yu Hengdao is a sullen face. He knows that he has a great responsibility for today's change. He will even be blamed by the Seven Star Palace. Of course, there is still one person who can't get away with it.

He turned to look at the elders, and the elders were shocked. He slammed into the ground: "Let the adults, the adults, the matter has nothing to do with the small."

"I asked you if someone would help Yi Yun before, and you promised me that Yi Yunchu came to Yuguang City and no one would help him. What happened?"

The Yuheng Dao people grabbed the elders, like the chickens, and the elders trembled, but they did not dare to resist.

"Yuguang City's seven-star auction house, you are not responsible, you go with me to the seven-star abyss to explain the crime!"

Yuheng Dao’s words were spoken, and the elders who were popular were scared to death. The Seven Stars Abyss was the place of punishment for the Seven Star Road Palace. He knew that he was finished and was driven into the Seven Stars Abyss. He must die.

What happened today, Yu Hengdao does not want to bear the main responsibility, then his little character has become a scapegoat.

Seeing that yesterday was still in high spirits, the elders who rushed to the rain in Yuguang City were taken away by Yuheng Taoist today. Yan Tiancong only felt the heart tremble. He knew that the elders were already fierce!

The elders who are popular are from the palm of their hands, and they fear the three-pointed big man, and they are so simple. All of this is because of Yi Yun.

When the elders are in the face of Yi Yun, one of them is unfavorable, and they will end up like this.

Then think of what Yi Yun said to himself before leaving. Yan Tiancong only felt top-heavy and felt tremendous pressure.


At this time, far away from a thousand miles away, a small tower turned into a sacred man, and swiftly passed through the sky. This tower is the portable cave house of Jian Wufeng.

The sword had no knees sitting on the knees, while driving the small tower, while meditating, as for Yi Yun, Jian Xiaoshuang, etc., but in the small tower, nothing was done.

Jian Xiaoshuang was sitting in front of Yi Yun, and a pair of big eyes stared at Yi Yun.

Yi Yun was seen for a quarter of an hour, and finally couldn't help but cough a few times. "Little Frost Girl, what do you think I do?"

"You said that I see what you do, what is your relationship with my teacher?"

Jian Xiaoshuang also saw that Master had risked such a big risk to save Yi Yun, not just because of Yi Yun, but more importantly, Yi Yun and his teacher came out the same door, even deeper, she did not Know the relationship.

Listening to Jian Xiaoshuang’s speech so straight and straight, Yi Yun also found it interesting. He said: “I have some origins with the Qingchi Jianpai...”

Yi Yun said here, Jian Wufeng also opened his eyes and looked at Yi Yun.

"There are no predecessors, and the younger generations have received a little inheritance from Qingyangjun's predecessors. They have seen the swordsmanship of Qingyangjun's predecessors in the filming of the front!"

Yi Yun said this sentence, let the sword have no sharp heart in the heart.

Qingyang Jun! Sure enough, Qingyang Jun! Although the sword has not been determined before, Yi Yun is related to the Qingchi Jianpai, but when the relationship can be traced back to what time, he is not sure, now he hears about Qingyangjun from Yiyunkou, how can he not be excited ?

Qingyang Jun has disappeared for tens of millions of years. In fact, even the disciples of the Qingjian Jianpai do not know that the ancestor of their martial art is Qingyangjun, because for a long time, Qingyangjun is already Zhongzhou Tianfu. The taboo, about the origin of the Qingchi Jianpai, has been concealed, only the heads of the past and the elders of the elders know.

Even Jian Xiaoshuang listened, and she was a bit stunned. She had only known that the Qingchi Jianpai had an unfortunate ancestor. Now she saw the excitement of Jian Wufeng. It has been faintly guessed, this ancestor, I am afraid that it is Qingyang Jun.

"Without the predecessors, Qingyang Jun was harmed by people in the same year. He chose to go to the lower bounds. He realized a stronger sword in the lower bounds. Although the cultivation of Qingyang predecessors was not as good as before, but the sword was meant to be more super When the seniors were in the God of Heaven, and this new sword, the younger generation also saw it."

"Well? Is there a stronger sword?"

Sword Wu Feng was shocked. He used martial arts in his life, only to pursue the ultimate sword. Originally, the Qingchi Jianpai’s inheritance of Qingyangjun was lacking. It has already made the sword no front regret. Now he listens to Yi Yun, saying that after Qingyang Jun entered the lower bound, there was a breakthrough in the kendo, which allowed him to Not excited?

The kendo is promising. He knows that he will not see the end of his life, but he always has to climb higher and see farther.

"Without the predecessors, the younger generation is willing to display the final swords left by Qingyang Jun, but the younger generation can only imitate some of the charms."

"Good! Great!" After listening to Yi Yun's words, Jian Wufeng's heart is ups and downs, and he can see the higher meaning of the sword, and he will be willing to live forever.

Yi Yun was able to display this sword. He did not say anything grateful. Although he and Yi Yun only met for the first time today, they had the same feeling of seeing each other, and those grateful words were superfluous. .

"This cave is inconvenient to display, we will soon go to the Qingchi Jianpai, when you show this sword, let me open my eyes!"

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