True Martial World

Chapter 1095: One hour

"How, you can't see the frost? You don't misunderstand, I am clearing the pool swordsmanship, but it is not for you to be a door-to-door son-in-law, Xiaoshuang is marrying you, you can take a small frost in the future, but after all, small Frost is the head of the future Qingchi Jianpai. Just look back and have a look. Would you like to give it an hour to consider? After all, it is a marriage event, and it should be considered carefully."

The sword is not easy to say "good and tempting".

An hour?

Yi Yun is crying and laughing. The time given by the deputy palace owner of the Seven Star Road Palace is also an hour. It is not easy for the sword to say an hour. Is this coincidence?

Yi Yun feels that this sword is not easy to be an old fox. He does not threaten himself or threaten himself. However, he reminds Yi Yun that the Qingchi Jianpai is still in the Seven Star Road Palace. Right, only gave a choice time for an hour.

In all fairness, the condition that the sword is not easy to put out is not a condition at all. It is simply the benefit to Yi Yun. Sending a naive and lovely beauty to be a wife, without any other constraints, normal men will agree.

Yi Yun is not a sorghum who is not close to a female color. Of course, he will not resist everything that the sword is not easy to say.

Only now, Lin Xinzhen is still alive and dead, Yi Yun has not found a clue about Lin Xinyi, in this case, he has the heart to find another woman.

Yi Yun said: "The predecessors did not know. When the younger generation first arrived in the 12th Emperor, the wife was separated from the younger generation. Now life and death are not clear. The younger generation believes that she is still alive. She should also be looking for a younger generation. If the younger generation is now squatting, then it is really embarrassing. To my wife."

Yi Yun said that the reason is reasonable, the sword is not easy to listen to, and he stunned. Although he has some small calculations, he is not unreasonable. In this case, it is hard to say that it will continue to be difficult.

"And, I think Xiaoshuang Shimei is innocent and simple, like a little girl with a white heart, I am afraid I don't know what I like, I don't understand the true meaning of being a Taoist..."

Yi Yun said that Jian Xiaoshuang did not like to listen to it. She bit her small silver teeth, and her big eyes were licking Yi Yun, like a raging kitten.

"Hey..." Yi Yunxiao touched his nose and didn't know what to say.

Sword Xiaoshuang said uncomfortably: "You are not married once, it seems to be much bigger than me. How do you know what I know, don't know anything, and then I have vowed."

The voice of Jian Xiaoshuang’s last sentence is very small. She vowed to pull out the Qingchi Zujian, and the person who inspired it is her own husband. Otherwise, she will not marry for life. For the Kendo warrior, the vow is about her own sword heart. It’s not a mess.

"In this case, my brother, I can see it."

The sword had no words to intervene. He had felt that the sword was not easy to do. It was just that it seemed to suffer from his own apprentice. He knew the spirit of Jian Xiaoshuang and would not really marry him for life.

"If I can, can I recognize Xiaoshuang as my sister?"

Yi Yun said, he knew in his heart that he refused to naturally have no problem, but Jian Xiaoshuang was a girl after all, and he was so blunt to reject it. It was too embarrassing.

Jian Xiaoshuang is pretty red, she hasn't had time to say anything, and the sword is not easy to agree.

"Sister, sister, hahaha."

It is not easy for a sword to be a Taoist or a younger sister. As long as there is a relationship, he feels that Yi Yun is also a must-see. In the future, if Yiyun becomes one of the strongest of the 12th Emperor Tian, ​​the head of the Qingchi Jianpai is Yi Yun’s sister. Isn’t it easy to keep the Chi Jian’s prosperity for millions of years?

Besides, between the younger sister and the lover, there was only a layer of window paper, and maybe it would be broken when it happened!

The sword is not easy to use the abacus in his heart, and he promises to come down.

The face of Jian Xiaoshuang is still red, and the sword is not easy for her to come down. Even if she has already vowed, she can’t say anything now.

"Then I will call you Yunge." Jian Xiaoshuang bit his teeth and said.

Yi Yun smiled slightly, this sword is as pure as snow, very real, can have such a sister, he is also very happy.

The sword is not easy to smile. "It's so good, very good."

However, at this time, his smile was slightly solidified. Then he looked at Yi Yun and said: "Since Yi Yun is already a brother of Xiaoshuang, then you will come out together."

Yi Yun did not know what happened, but he thought it should be related to the Seven Star Road Palace.

From Qingjianxuan, Yi Yun saw that many of the disciples of Jian Fenghong and Qingchi Jianpai were waiting in the front hall.

When I saw that the sword was not easy and Jian Wufeng and others came out, Jian Fenghong immediately stepped forward: "Master, head, I don't know how to deal with the Seven Star Road Palace?"

The time of an hour will soon pass, and many disciples, including Jian Fenghong, are worried and sorrowful, and everyone can be indifferent. What's more, Yi Yun, who has caused trouble, is an outsider.

Thinking of this, Jian Fenghong looked at Yi Yun.

Yi Yun talent is outstanding, but offended the Seven Star Road Palace, the growth of genius, destined tough.

The sword is not easy to look at his disciples, but sweeps to those disciples. Then he screams: "I am clearing the swords of the pool, paying attention to the nature of the sword, just right, the Seven Stars Palace is pressing the people, how can I give in?"

"And Yi Yun, he is now Xiaorui's righteous brother, the equivalent of my Qingchi Jianpai disciple. I Qingchi Jianpai never give up any disciples, there are hatreds to report, there are difficulties to be together. Today, how can Will Yi Yun surrender?"

Jian Fenghong’s heart was shocked and he quickly looked at Jian Xiaoshuang.

Jian Xiaoshuang became Yi Yun’s sister?

Jian Fenghong knows that this is probably not easy to sword and no sword, and Jian Xiaoshuang's own meaning, and the so-called Yimei, fear is not so simple.

Yi Yunjian’s talent is superb, he can’t match it. Thinking of this, Jianfeng Hong’s heart is bitter.

The sword's unsightly sight swept through the disciples, and many of the disciples were silent.

Yi Yun became the righteous brother of Jian Xiaoshuang, and he was inseparable from the Qingchi Jianpai. They were able to sell their own people and do the things of betrayal and betrayal.

"The big pool of the Qingchi swordsmanship is not so good. The Seven Star Road Palace wants to destroy my Qingchi Jianpai, and it will pay a heavy price!" Jian Wufeng said with a deep voice.

Only now, the Qingchi Jianpai can only defend the mountain gate!

At this time, Jian Wufeng suddenly looked up and looked into the air.

In his heart, a sword light was shot and the projection of the array was opened.

In the air, there was a figure of Liu Ruyi and other seven-star palaces. At this time, the time of an hour has arrived.

Liu Ruyi with a sneer, she aired Dan Tian, ​​Lang said: "It seems that you Qingchi Jianpai is determined to die, well, then I will fulfill you!"


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