True Martial World

Chapter 1105: Desperate


In the underground world under the yellow sand, Yi Yun can feel a hot air blowing in the face, blowing his body as if to burn. .

You must know that Yi Yun is a pure-yang rule, but even so, he feels that it is not easy to bear, and it can be seen that the pure yang is tyrannical.

Yi Yun has been falling, falling tens of thousands of feet and not seeing the bottom of the hole.

Until about 100,000 feet deep, Yi Yun saw a vast underground lake.

There are lakes under the desert, which makes Yi Yun feel incredible.

However, when I saw the water in the lake, Yi Yun was taken aback. The water in the lake was all dark red, and a heat wave came from the surface.

Yi Yun fixed his eyes and found that the lake was not water, but like molten metal.

Looking at the river that is injected into the lake is also the same as the molten iron.

Such a river...the lake, if these molten iron evaporates, will it be the next iron sand rain?

Yi Yun’s mind flashed through these thoughts and deeply felt the wonders of the world.

At this moment, Yi Yun suddenly felt a sigh of relief, and felt that there was some coldness behind him. He looked back. In the dark river of molten iron, a skull suddenly came out silently, a pair of empty eyes without gods. Staring at yourself.

what! ?

Yi Yun is very worried. This head has the size of a washbasin. The five senses are burnt like iron water. Only one hole is left. It seems that how terrible and terrifying it is.


The skull leaped out of the dark river of molten iron, splashing with molten iron.

This is a humanoid creature with a height of three meters. The thick arm is almost as thick as Yiyun's thigh. It has muscles and muscles. It looks very majestic. He has a red chain on his body and a long one in his hand. The thick backed knife, walking along the way, the molten iron continued to roll down along its skin, and after landing, it formed a dark red steel ball.

Wicked beast or human?

Yi Yun did not expect that there would be such a ghost in the underground world.

boom! boom!

The humanoid creature is very horrible. When you fall down, you can step on a deep footprint. What makes Yi Yun feel terrified is that this humanoid creature is very powerful and more powerful than you.


The humanoid creature suddenly violently violently smashes the ground and smashes the earth with a knife. There is no law to understand, no knives, but what it has is the speed and power of horror!

Yi Yun Xinshen earthquake, this knife is too fast, the speed is more than several times the speed of his sword!

Three feet of time sword!

Speed ​​is not enough, usage is to make up!

Yi Yun Yi Jian twisted time and space, forming a cage of time and space, but this cage is too late to close, it was broken by powerful forces!

The attack of the warrior is the ultimate, it is possible to break the void, this is the knife of the humanoid creature!


The power of time and space is directly blasted, and Yi Yun has no choice but to break the sword with pure sun and the front crossbar.


Swords and swords, powerful impact swept the whole body of Yi Yun, Yi Yun only felt his arms numb, body shock, the tiger's mouth directly torn open.

He snorted and his mouth was bleeding.

What is this strange power! ?

Yi Yun was completely surprised. He didn't understand what the other party was, and he was attacked by a slap in the face, and its strength was so terrible!

The simple flat cut, when the speed and strength are both at the extreme, is so powerful.


Yi Yun has barely resisted this knife, and the chain of humanoid creatures has come to Yi Yunxiao!

The cable whistling, it seems that the space must be divided into two, Yi Yun 瞳 hole shrink, body shape collapse!

He knows that this iron can not be blocked with a sword, otherwise the iron rope will entangle the pure sun and the sword will be taken away.

Yi Yun retired a few dozen feet, this stabilized the pace, he clenched the pure sun to break the sword, his eyes dignified.

This humanoid creature does not need to say that the attack power is too strong. The defense is also very amazing. With it, Yi Yun simply does not dare to fight hard. In this dangerous and unknown underground world, the injury is not a joke.

He can only use his skill.

"The wisdom of this monster should not be high, I want to take it..."

Yi Yun did not leave a trace of the palm of his hand, a round of black small roulette was spinning in his palm, Yi Yun has decided to look for opportunities to enter the humanoid creature into the humanoid body, so that the other side is even more defense Strong is also useless.

However, when Yi Yun planned to act, he stopped, and the wheel of the eternal life that had just gathered in his hands also dissipated.

In the scene that happened in front of me, Yi Yun only felt that a trace of coldness rose from the soles of his feet and went straight into the sky.

Behind the chain of humanoid creatures, seven or eight skulls emerged in the slowly flowing river of molten iron.

Each skull is the size of the washbasin, and the five senses are empty, like they are burned.

Then, in the middle of the seven or eight heads, a bigger head emerged. This head is no longer a burnt look of the five senses, but a clear five senses. Some metal pieces, like a simple helmet.

This humanoid creature with a helmet has a stronger body and is clearly the leader of other humanoid creatures.

so much! ?

Yi Yun’s heart is suffering, and he may not be able to deal with it. He will come to seven or eight at a time, and there is a stronger leader!

This underground world has such a terrible existence. If there are more such terrible things, I am afraid that the Seven Stars Palace will be destroyed by them.

Originally, Yi Yun knew that the things buried in the sand of the burial sun were very good. Now it seems that he may still be underestimated.


I can't beat it, it is dead.

Yi Yun didn't want to, and turned and flew away. He took the speed to the extreme and used the law of time and space.


The humanoid creatures made a dull whisper and chased it to Yi Yun!

Their whole body muscles violently rushed, and they ran fast on the ground. The violent impact of the soles of the feet and the ground trembled on the ground, and the hot sand that was raised splashed into a long dragon.

Yi Yun speed is fully open, and he can't open these humanoid creatures. Instead, they are getting closer and closer.

Especially the first humanoid creature, it is four meters tall, and the speed is faster than Yiyun!

To be caught up!

Yi Yun’s heart is cold, once he is caught up, I am afraid that there will be no death!

However, at this moment, one thing that made Yi Yun feel desperate happened. He perceived the detection and found that he had already run to the end of the underground world!

Although the underground world is vast, but Yi Yun originally appeared, is one end of the underground world, and now naturally runs to nowhere to run!

Is it absolutely me?

Yi Yun thought of a sharp turn, seeking possible vitality in the dead!

However, just when he had nowhere in the sky and nowhere to enter the ground, a slightly old voice suddenly sounded in Yiyun’s ear, "Come to me!"


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