True Martial World

Chapter 1109: Ling Xiao

"The seven-star palace people don't know the road, and there is no gold jade clothing. It takes a lot of time to catch up with me. I don't care about them for the time being." Yi Yun thought as he walked.

After walking in this underground world for a while, Yi Yun felt that the surrounding air was getting hotter and hotter, and the stones under the feet were all baked with high temperature and crystal clear, and there seemed to be red liquid flowing inside.

He compared the map in his mind and found that he had entered the core area that the old man marked him.

As soon as I entered the core area, the map was useless, and Yi Yun’s actions suddenly became more careful.

He slowly moved forward to find the position where Yang Jing was.

At this time, there was a rumbling sound from the front, and Yi Yun thought that something terrible appeared at the beginning, but the concealment was close to seeing, but it was stunned.

In front, it is a spectacular hot metal waterfall. The surging molten iron splashes with countless sparks, flying down from above, while the bottom of the waterfall is located in the deep underground.

Yi Yun stood on the edge of the waterfall and looked down. The bottom can only see the flash of fire faintly. It is estimated that the depth of the hundred feet, a horrible pure yang, constantly rushing from below.

"Where is this..." Yi Yun was amazed, and this underground world has such wonders.

At this time, Yi Yun suddenly glimpsed.

He saw that on the other side of the waterfall, a little girl stood up and looked at the waterfall just like him.

This little girl seems to be only about nine or ten years old, with two hairpins, her face round and touted, and her face is a beautiful man.

In this terrible underground world, the sudden appearance of such a very cute little girl is really a bit of a return.

When Yi Yun was watching her, the little girl seemed to feel the sight of someone. She looked up and looked at Yi Yun with a pair of big eyes. She looked awkward and seemed a little surprised.

I don't know why, this little girl didn't speak, but Yi Yun seems to have heard her voice.

"After the group of people came, this time there were a lot of people coming, but I didn't expect that the first of these people would come to you. Is there another person, isn't there a lot of people?"

The little girl's voice is thin, sweet, and very popular.

Yi Yun’s heart was moving, before the group of people?

This little girl said, it would not be a **** machine business, Ji Shuiyan's grandfather and his party? As for another person who has a lot of people, it should be the Seven Star Road Palace.

This little girl is very mysterious. She appears here and definitely has a great connection with this place.

"Little sister, who are you? The person you just said is..."

Yi Yun’s voice did not fall, the little girl suddenly gave a string of silver bell-like laughter, and in the laughter, she jumped forward, and the petite and cute body fell straight down the waterfall.


Yi Yun quickly went two steps forward and stretched out his head and looked down.

The hot air was thrown from below and blew the hair of Yi Yun. If there is a lack of strength, the military is like Yi Yun, and the eyes are burned, but the whole person is dying.

But in this heat wave, the little girl's figure was like a light swallow, and it fell to the bottom in the blink of an eye.

"This little girl is obviously familiar with this place." Yi Yun thought about it. He was looking around like a headless fly, and maybe he would hit into an unknown danger.

The people of the Seven Star Road Palace may eventually get rid of those humanoid monsters, catch up, and they must hurry up.

This little girl is very surprised, and the pure yang under the waterfall is more pure than other places...

"Go down." Yi Yun no longer hesitated, and also flew out and cast out.

As soon as he entered the waterfall range, Yi Yun immediately felt as if he was in the center of the furnace. He quickly strengthened the vitality shield, and the pure Yang body was completely excited and quickly fell down.


Yi Yun fell to the ground on a red boulders.

At the bottom of the waterfall is a deep pool of water, which is full of tumbling red hot metal. The living creatures fall in, and even the bones will not stay.

At this time, Yi Yun saw a pair of huge eyes appearing in the deep pool.

These eyes have the size of a bronze bell, and the indifference is incomparable. I saw Yi Yun’s cold sweat.

Fortunately, he was wearing a gold jade dress, and his eyes turned a blind eye to him, and he quietly returned to the deep pool.

Yi Yun watched the surrounding environment with vigilance and quickly searched for the trace of the little girl.

His eyes swept over the deep pool and saw a petite figure heading towards a huge cave.

Yi Yun immediately chased it up.

As soon as I came to the cave, Yi Yun was a glimpse.

There are two huge iron gates in the cave opening, and numerous iron swords are inserted in the doorway.

Yi Yun looked at it at first glance. The quality of these iron swords is not low, but most of them are crippled and there is no way to use them.

"How come there are so many broken iron swords here..."

These iron swords are extremely old, and the longest, have been turned into a piece of iron filings, the latest, but also rusty, between the old and the new, is afraid of hundreds of millions of years.

The legend of the burial sun sand sea, here is the place to fall, but now, Yi Yun is in the depths of the earth, seeing the traces of people.

"Where is this?" Yi Yun stood at the door, hesitated, and entered the hole.

As soon as he entered the hole, Yi Yun immediately felt a flower in front of him, and the space around him changed. Yi Yun was alert to Dasheng, and his hand had already put down the space ring.

In the blink of an eye, Yi Yun had already touched the cold feldspar at the foot of him. He looked at it and found himself in a large stone-built hall.

This hall is located in a deep underground cave. I don't know how many years have been dusty. Yi Yun stood here, and a desolate atmosphere seemed to be wrapped in the feldspar under his feet.

There is a statue standing in the main hall. Yi Yun walks over and looks at it. This statue is the little girl, and the words are engraved below.

"My love for a girl, Ling Xiao."

This font is vigorous and powerful, but it reveals a sad atmosphere that is indelible.

"There is someone living here. This little girl is called Ling Xiao. It is a loved one of her predecessors. How old is this little girl?" Yi Yun looked at the statue and rushed to the incredible. Didn't he just see the ghost?

Suddenly, Yi Yun suddenly looked up and looked up.

A pair of white little feet are shaking on a beam.

"You are Ling Xiao?" Yi Yun asked.

The little girl ran around here, and the stone temple was abandoned for a long time, fearing that the person who made the statue for her is no longer here.

The little girl smiled slightly, jumped down and turned and ran towards the hall.

Yi Yunyi, he felt that this little girl seems to be interested in guiding him into here, and intends to guide him.

He hesitated, but he followed.

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