True Martial World

Chapter 1112: Ling Xieer

The little girl’s questioning at the beginning of the sentence almost affirmed Yi Yun’s speculation.

"You are a fire of evil spirits?" Yi Yun asked directly.

The little girl blinked and nodded.

On the many scrolls of the drug god, there is no mention of the evil spirits and the power of transformation. This little girl was successful after the death of the drug god.

The evil spirits gave birth to a sense of wisdom in the long years, and then formed the appearance of Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao is the only human appearance she sees in this underground world. However, now Ling Xiao is not seen, fearing that in this billions of years of time, the body has already become a fly ash.

Until the big battle failed, the vision was frequent, and the little girl was able to see the day together with this underground stone temple.

The evil spirits brought him here, what is it for?

"You have been in this underground world for hundreds of millions of years. If you can get out of here, I am afraid that I have already left. But you have been here, and I have specifically introduced this place. Why?" Road.

"I want to leave here, but I can't live without it..."

The little girl said, sitting down on the plate, the lotus-like legs swayed: "In that year, the master took advantage of the world and laid the ground, thinking that it would be successful, and when the owner died, Miss Yan could not Resurrection, the big array continued to work, I gradually changed shape during that long period of time, I also want to save Miss Yan, but ... until I exhausted all the power here, and finally just looked at the big array Gradually weakened."

"I was so sleepy because I was exhausted. I didn't know how long it was. After I woke up, I didn't expect that after hundreds of millions of years, the general trend here has formed a natural world, and with The array of masters left together."

"I was originally part of the big battle of the master. Now that the battle is in harmony with the world, I find that I can't live without it."

The little girl said that he had hanged his head: "The people who came before want to take me away, but when they tried to break, they were killed by this big bang."

Was someone killed before?

Yi Yun stunned a little. Before the birth of the burial visor in the sacred sun, there were few people who could enter this place. But there are terrible monsters outside the squad, and there are killings inside. Even if they come, they are afraid. Drink hate.

For example, the people of the Shenji business are positioned by the mother-in-law machine, and they can rely on the Jinyu jade clothes to get here. They are even more powerless.

The warrior is looking for opportunities, and there are too many deaths and injuries. Yi Yun thought about it and sighed.

Seeing Yi Yun's appearance, the little girl seems to be somewhat guilty.

She just wants to leave here. She has been alone for too long and has been trapped here for hundreds of millions of years.

"You don't have to be guilty. The people who come here are looking for treasure. It is a treasure hunt. It is naturally risky." Yi Yun saw the little girl's mind. He did not think that this little girl seemed to be very kind.

Isn't she called a fire of evil spirits?

In the impression of Yi Yun, the evil spirits, even if it is not incomparably evil, it is also indifferent to the lives and deaths of all beings.

But this little girl, the image is too inconsistent, right?

"Why are you called a fire of evil spirits?" Yi Yun could not help but ask.

The little girl shook her head and said, "I don't know. I was born with some broken memories. But after years of unsatisfactory years, these pieces of memory seem to be dusty. After that, I left the market and followed the owner. I grew up slowly, and it was very strong. After the death of my master, I spent about tens of millions of years to slowly shape it..."

Although the top heavens and earth treasures, heaven and earth spirits can be transformed into human figures, sometimes the more extraordinary treasures of the world, the more difficult it is.

The evil spirits are in the long years after the death of the drug god. In the big array, the pure air of the heavens and the earth is finally succeeded.

Yi Yun doesn't know if this little girl is a living creature. He can feel that the little girl has the power of blood that is almost indistinguishable from ordinary people. Even the soul in her body can be felt by Yi Yun.

For these reasons, Yi Yun first thought that the little girl is Ling Xiao, she is a living person, she never thought she was a fire of evil spirits.

"Do you have a name?" Yi Yun asked.

The little girl shook her head.

"Then I will give you a name. You are in this big squad, it is to save the scorpion. Although it is not successful, but after all, you will be transformed into a shape, and it will be born because of Ling Xiao. Let's go."

Ling evil child?

The little girl snorted and nodded. She thought about it with her head down and seemed to like the name very much.


Ling Xieer laughed. For a time, the coldness in the array was lighter, and it seemed to have a warmth.

Yi Yun feels incredible. As a fire of evil spirits, she has experienced hundreds of millions of years to breed life that is no different from human beings, but it is purely like paper.

She said that there were broken memories at the time of birth. So what are these memories, is it her past life?

Yi Yun feels that Ling Xieer may not be that simple.

Shaking his head, Yi Yun looked at the natural formation of the world. The evil spirit said that she was integrated with the big array and had merged. The lake and the big array should also be connected.

Although it is calm now, once I try to destroy the balance in this law, I am afraid that I will give birth to extremely dangerous changes.

Ling Xie Er looked up: "Do you want to break the world here?"

"Yeah. Try it anyway." Yi Yun said.

Ling Xieer shook his head. "But... you are too weak. People who were stronger than you did not succeed."

Having said that, she paused a little and said: "I will take you to the medicine, but I feel that I have been here for too long. I am looking for someone to talk, but I don't expect you to take me out."

Suddenly, a little girl said that she was too weak. Yi Yun’s touched her nose. In fact, Ling Xieer said it was good. He was a little weak.

However, he has his own advantages. Although he cultivated it as a shallow one, he condensed four nine-leaf fruit in his body. On the earth's general trend and the understanding of the pure-yang rule, Yi Yun was called the peak.

Breaking the world's general trend here is not to look at cultivation, but more to see the understanding of the law.

Thinking of this, Yi Yunfei took out the medicine **** Ding and found the black scrolls left by the drug god. Among these black scrolls, there are also records about the last big battle of the drug god.

Yi Yun is a ridiculous teacher. He knows a lot about the way of refining medicine. This is also a big advantage for him.

"You wait and see, maybe things that the ancestors didn't do, I can do it..."

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