True Martial World

Chapter 118: Comprehension in battle

Seeing this scene, Yi Yun finally moved. 》. 》

Originally, he thought that it was not difficult to win over Tao Yunqi, but he did not expect that after Tao Yun’s blood sacrificed the evil sword, this change occurred.

Yi Yun even felt that the surrounding heaven and earth were fascinated by the sword and formed a weak black vortex.

"Teacher, this sword..."

In the sky, Lin Xinyi looked at the sword in Tao Yun's hand and wrinkled his eyebrows.

"Oh, weird... The sword of the Dow tribe, although the grade is very low, is not a treasure, but... the forging method of the sword, and the esoteric runes in which the tattoo is carved, are not like The means of the human race!"

"If it is the land of the human race, then there are some strange things forged by the aliens. But... this cloud shortage has always been the land of the human race. Other aliens are far away from the cloud, how can there be such a low level? The instruments are flowing to the cloud?"

Su’s old man is unknown, and at this time, Tao Yun’s momentum has begun to climb rapidly!

At this time, Tao Yunqi, the corner of his mouth is still stained with blood. Under the light of the female sword, his appearance is extremely embarrassing.

"Yi Yun, pick me up!"

Tao Yunqi’s body violently erupted. At this time, Tao Yunzhen, who inspired the strength of the ancients, is no longer the same!

The speed of the female sword is almost the fastest.


Yi Yun’s pupil shrinks, just for a moment, Tao Yun’s sword is in front of his eyes!

Tao Yunqi's sword trick is flawed, but often saying that there is no solution, when Tao Yunhao's speed is fast, even if he has flaws, Yi Yun is difficult to use!

Because of the speed, Yi Yun is not even as good as Tao Yunhao!

Yi Yun’s feeling is that Tao Yunyu, who uses the artifacts, has been demonized, and this sword has given him strength! Now Tao Yunqi uses it, not only the power of his own body. There is also the power of the evil sword.


Yi Yun has a flash, escaped the sword of Tao Yunzhen, but Ling Li Jianfeng, or cut the Yi Yun's linen!


A soft bang. Everyone can hear it clearly.

"The sword is in it!"

Some viewers shouted, they saw that a one-foot-long mouth appeared on Yi Yun’s arm, and the left sleeve was almost completely cut.

"No, it’s just Jianfeng. Yiyun is not injured."

Although Yi Yun was not smashed, but Tao Yunyi's sword was built, it still made the people of the Tao tribes extremely excited.

"The cloud will win!"

"Kill that kid!"

The people of the Great Wilderness are very barbaric. For the people of the Dow tribe, especially those who are hot-blooded, they don’t want their own tribes to be covered by Yi Yun. Secondly, they have a strong heart for Yi Yun.

At this point, they are very different from the minds of the Dow tribe girls.

For a barbaric world where all depends on strength to determine status, wealth, and women, social rules are similar to beasts in nature, between different ethnic groups. With a strong sense of territory, foreign males will be hated.

Tao Yunxiao is like a wolf in their herd.

Seeing the sleeves that were cut on the left side, Yi Yun’s eyes became dignified.

Tao Yunqi is indeed a lot stronger.

"Do you hide? Hey! Next time, cut off your arm!" Tao Yunxiao sneered, suddenly his right arm slammed, and a harsh scream rang.


The air was violently compressed by the female sword, and an explosion broke out. A blue wave of waves visible to the naked eye flew to Yiyun!


Around the ring. Some people exclaimed that yesterday, when Tao Yunqi Bai Yutai played Wu, he had sent out Jianqi. People are very impressed with this sword.

Today, Tao Yun’s swordsmanship is even visible to the naked eye. No matter the power or speed, it is a lot more than yesterday!

Yi Yun pupil shrinks. The body flashed out!


This sword, Yi Yun can be avoided, but at the same time, Tao Yunhao, has appeared in front of Yi Yun!

He came to the front of Yi Yun at the limit speed, like a teleport, his sly expression was reflected in the pupil of Yi Yun!

At this time, Yi Yun because of the previous escape from the sword, the body is volley, nowhere to borrow, want to dodge again, almost impossible!

Yi Yun, who was forced by the sword, sneaked into the flaws, and then came to Yi Yun in front of him, and issued a killing blow. Tao Yunqi’s serial attack, step by step, wonderful! Let all the audience see it!

How can you hide this kind of attack?

Yunxiao Gongzi wants to win! People have their eyes wide open, lest they miss the next wonderful scene.

The great elders of the Dow tribe are all tightening their minds. This battle is very important. Tao Yunyi is about to defeat Yi Yun. They are excited and nervous!

Even on the floating boat, Lin Xinyi, who had full confidence in Yiyun, was a hop! She subconsciously touched her space wrist wheel, ready to take out the medicine in the wrist wheel and rescue Yi Yun!

In the case of nowhere to borrow, Yi Yun can hardly dodge!


Tao Yun took out the sword! A sword slammed into the chest of Yi Yun, the female sword, only two feet long, the sword front is red and blood!

At that moment, time seemed to freeze. In Yi Yun’s Huanren, the bright red female sword, like a poisonous snake that came out of the hole, was getting closer and closer in his scorpion!

Yi Yun's spirit, unprecedented concentration, he seems to return to the night before, when playing with Lin Xinyi, Lin Xinyi repeatedly attacked himself, she suppressed the repair after the repair, although not faster than Tao Yunhao, but However, it has more charm than Tao Yunxuan. Lin Xinyi attacked Yi Yun, not only the attack of the fist but also the attack of momentum!


In the mind of Yi Yun, the flash of lightning like Lin Xinyu said to himself that night.

"This is a micro-method, you are an introduction, you can get started, and Xiaocheng, Xiaocheng's micro-method can use the 'potential' of the opponent's attack to avoid the attack. I can't understand it now. I have to rely on you slowly to understand..."

It’s just a blink of an eye. Yi Yun’s heart is enlightened. In the face of Tao Yun’s sword, Yi Yun’s hard life in the air reverses the body, and the bright red blood sword wipes the tip of Yi Yun’s nose. Distance, was avoided by Yi Yun!

Yiyun in the air, nowhere to borrow power, but he really did not escape, giving the impression that Yi Yun's body is like a wicker-like wicker, and was blown by the sword of Tao Yunhao.


Tao Yun lived, and in the Tao's tribe's podium, the patriarchs and elders of the Dow tribes were also shocked. How could Yi Yun escape without the opportunity to borrow?


Tao Yunqi does not believe in evil, and again sword!

Rainstorm pear flower!

Tao Yunqi, who inspires the strength of the female stock sword, displays the rainy pear flower. Every time of breathing has approached the hundred swords!

The speed of this sword, so that the sword of the female stock sword into the desert wind, I saw the sword wind not see the sword!

But something strange happened. Yi Yun’s body is like a feather without weight. When Tao Yun’s sword is thrown out, his body will retreat. The feeling is like Tao Yun’s waving is not a sword. It was a fan, and the fan fanned out the wind, blowing Yi Yun.

Tao Yunqi’s sword is so fierce, and Black Iron Rock can be cut. How can this sword wind push people away? But now it’s in front of everyone’s eyes, that’s it!

Yi Yun’s body is too strange, Tao Yun’s sword is extremely fast, but before Yi Yun’s body, it looks cumbersome!

It’s like, Tao Yunqi is attacking a feather with a fan. No matter how fanblading he is, it’s impossible to hit the feathers, because the faster he winds the fan, the bigger the wind, the faster the feathers fly!

After attacking hundreds of swords in a row, I couldn’t get into the clothes corner of Yi Yun. Tao Yunyu was already sweating.

How can this be! ?

On the rostrum, the patriarchs and elders of the Dow tribes were also horrified, and they sweated on their foreheads.

After all, they lived longer and watched more classics. The knowledge was far from what Tao Yunzhen could compare. They thought of what Yiyun was.

"Into the micro...this is the law!"

The patriarch of the Dow tribe trembled slightly.

First, the purple gas comes to the east, and then, it is the realm of the body!

How can all this happen to a 12-year-old child! ? (To be continued.)

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