True Martial World

Chapter 1198: Eat Dan furnace

The flame herb power is not wasted a little bit. It has already won the ticket. It was originally the most common flame grass. It completely extracted the potency and there was nothing to be happy about. But when I thought of confessing the **** Lin Yun, the red girl felt Happy.

And just about to finish, the girl in red suddenly saw that Yi Yun’s mouth had a smug smile, and at the same time, he gently waved his hand.


From the palm of Yi Yun, it seems that a black ray of light emerged. Then Yi Yun made a fist, and the black light disappeared again. This happened too fast, and the red girl did not see it at all.

Even the sky fire sage that has been watching Yi Yun, did not understand the black light for the first time, he just as a Dan teacher's intuition, it feels like a flame!

Black flame?

The celestial hand of the sky fired a bit, this should be a different fire, but even with his knowledge, he could not see the origin of this fire.

The evil spirit fire has existed for too long. It was discovered by the drug **** hundreds of millions of years ago. Even if it is the drug god's knowledge, it does not recognize this kind of flame. It has no record of any classics.

Later, although the name of the drug **** was passed down for generations, the evil spirits were mysterious, and no one knew it. The evil spirits are put into the present, let alone the sacred hand of the sky fire, even some old monsters of the candle ding Tianfu, can not recognize.

What's more, after the evil spirits fired, they experienced the baptism of the essence of infinite heavens in the sacred sea of ​​sand and sea. The body changed and the brilliance was restrained. At the same time, its wisdom sublimated, derived from the wisdom, turned into Lingxie, followed by Ordinary fires are very different, and there is no such thing as a grade. Therefore, the Skyfire sage can only barely judge that it is a kind of flame.

At the moment when the evil spirits appeared and disappeared, the red girl suddenly lost her face, and she felt that the flame in her own furnace suddenly jumped out of control.

"What is going on?" The girl in the red dress was shocked. She had never had such an experience since refining the ice.

In the panic, the red-haired girl had to quickly wrap up this icy ice flame with her own strength.

But then, the extremely cold ice flame was completely out of control, it suddenly burned the energy of the red girl, and broke the connection with the red girl.


The flame grass in the Dan furnace was directly burned into the fly ash by the uncontrolled cold ice flame. These fly ash were frozen in the ice crystal and sprinkled.

Refining failed! !

The red girl felt like a big punch in her head, and when she saw those ice crystals falling, she was stunned.

But only in the next moment, the red girl was shocked and inexplicable. She felt like something had entered her Dan furnace, and then the extremely cold ice flame in her Dan furnace was rapidly weakening!


The girl in red has not reacted yet, and suddenly she feels that her connection with the extremely cold ice flame has been completely interrupted, as if the flame disappeared!

"My flame!"

The girl in red felt unbelievable. She suddenly caught the Dan furnace and opened the lid in desperation. In fact, the girl in red had already refining this Dan furnace. She and Dan furnace thought through it. What happened, she didn't have to look at it, but she still couldn't help but open it and look at it personally.

This look, the red girl's face is pale, the Dan furnace is empty, and only the ice crystals that have frozen the flame grass ash are gathered into a small group at the bottom of the Dan furnace. Where is the shadow of the ice?

"The cold ice flame... Where have you been..."

The red girl lost her soul and couldn't believe everything in front of her eyes.

Before, the Heavenly Fire sage allowed her to go all out, so she did not have any hands to keep the cold ice flames. All the flames were put into the Dan furnace, only for the flame grass. It has caused all the extremely cold ice flames in her body to be exhausted!

This extremely cold flame, although it is only a scorpion flame, but if the son flame is too much, the power of the mother flame will be greatly reduced, so Jiuding Danzong, not everyone can get the extreme cold flame.

The girl in red is also talented because of her talents. Once she loses the extreme ice flame, it is not only a blow to the strength of the red girl, but also a felony identified by Zongmen!

At this time, Yi Yun walked to the front of the red girl and looked at the Dan furnace full of ice slag. He smiled and said: "Hey, a flame grass has failed, I said your alchemy. How bad is the surgery?"

"Hey! What are you doing? Eat Dan furnace."

Yi Yun’s words are unrelenting. This red-haired girl is so mean and mean, how can Yi Yun have a kind heart for her?

"You... you got rid of my extreme ice flame!"

The girl in red suddenly reacted, and the black mans that Yi Yun’s hand flashed before must have problems!

After the loss of the cold ice flame, she cried, and in the eyes of the public, not only lost her face, but even the flames were lost.

Yi Yun's face is amazed: "What do you say? Why didn't I understand? I got rid of you? You refine a flame grass and make it into this virtue, still wandering around here? You just said eating Dan Furnace, don't you admit it now?"


The red-haired girl completely lost her momentum. She said that she was eating her own, but she could have such a big Dan furnace. How can she eat it?

She now understands that she was Yu Yunyin.

However, Yi Yun can do this step so easily, which means that he has a means far beyond his own imagination. Although she is proud and proud, she is not unassuming, but she knows that she is facing such an old man. Monster, she can't deal with it at all.

"Uncle Shi!"

The red girl asked for help from the Heavenly Fire.

Yi Yun shook his head. "You just said that you don't recognize the Dan furnace. You are right, you and your uncle are bloody, rumors."

Yi Yun talked and looked at the sacred hand of Tianhuo. "You just whispered aloud, how? Do you want to write a few more words?"

The face of the Skyfire sage has been ugly to the extreme. Just now he was a girl who was rumored to be red, and she had to go all out, so that the red girl used all the ice and ice flames, and now she has not recovered it!

This made the fire of the sky fire urgency, no matter whether it was before the rescue of Secretary Shaoyu, or just the red girl, the result of all these things, they are lifting their own feet.


"what happened?"

"The flame of the red girl was lost. The sky is so ugly, what happened?"

In the square, many Dan teachers talked a lot, and people looked at Yi Yun's gaze, and there was a slight change.

The extreme ice and ice flames, they have seen, they do not know what means Yiyun used, but now the red girl's flame grass has failed to refine, it is enough to prove that Yi Yun means the sky.

Although Yi Yun did not produce half a medicinal drug from beginning to end, but some people have guessed that Yi Yun's Dan Shu, I am afraid it is not weaker than Jiuding Danzong!

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