True Martial World

Chapter 122: Tao Yunqi also vomited blood

Tens of feet of high altitude, even if the warrior peaks will jump down, as for the purple blood warrior, although not dead, it must be extremely embarrassing.

However, this girl was actually stepping in the air, coming in, as if in the void, there was an invisible hand, and she gently supported her.

"This...this...she will fly!?"

The people in the wilderness were shocked. They had seen someone flying in the sky with a big eagle. This is already a great deal, but today, they actually saw someone flying in the air with their flesh.

What is this means! ?

It’s almost unheard of!

The eyes of ordinary people must be seen out, but the patriarchs and ethnic groups of the Tao tribes vaguely know this realm.

In this world, the martial arts have been repaired to a certain extent, and it is really possible to fly in the air. It is only this realm that has exceeded their understanding.

At least, purple blood is impossible to achieve.

This girl... has surpassed the purple blood?

But look at her age, only in my teens! ?

Teens surpass purple blood? How can this be! ?

The old tribes of the Dow tribes all stood up from the chairs. Although they vaguely knew these days, the Dow tribe came to two wealthy people, but they are completely unclear about what they are. Today, they actually saw this teenage girl, who can fly in the air! !

God, what is the identity of this girl! ?

In the face of this mysterious girl, the Taos tribes feel great pressure. For such people, their Dow tribe is really insignificant.

The girl fluttered in white and fell down.

The eyes of tens of thousands of people are concentrated on this girl, and people are shocked.

These days, their shock is too much. First, Yi Yun turned out to be born, and pressed down all the geniuses of their Dow tribe.

Then there is this girl. It looks like a teenager, but it can fly.

The girl’s body is slim and slim, just like a fairy from the sky.

There was a veil on her face. Covering her face, but even so, from the vague outline under the veil, people can guess that she is a stunning beauty!

In fact. Usually Lin Xinyi is not masked, but in front of tens of thousands of people, Lin Xinyi does not want to reveal his own appearance.

Lin Xinyi fell from the air, and stood still, did not look at Yi Yun, as if he did not know Yi Yun, Yi Yun touched the nose, some strange in his heart, what did Lin Xin kneel down? In the impression of Yi Yun, the arrogant woman like Lin Xinyi. Probably not willing to show up in the public, not to mention that this is still in the middle-class tribe of the cloud, surrounded by a group of people who have little knowledge of the people, such an occasion, for Lin Xinyi, it is really low-level.

In addition to Yi Yun, Tao Yunqi, who was almost seriously stunned by the original injury, also looked at Lin Xinyi, his eyes burning.

Although he was seriously injured, he did not lose consciousness. He was only hit hard by Yi Yun. The heart is as gray as it is, so he looks as if he is faint.

Now Lin Xinyi came down from the flying boat. Tao Yunqi naturally woke up, and his blood did not spit. There are also gods in the eyes, and the head is also strong, and even seeing Tao Yunyi still want to struggle to climb up.

Lin Xinyu is a goddess who has always admired the secret love! The goddess came, but he is like this now, it is really shameful in front of the goddess.

Tao Yunqi still doesn't know what Lin Xinzhen is doing, only to see Lin Xinyi gently touch the space wrist wheel on his left wrist. From the wrist wheel, a white jade vial was taken out.

Lin Xinyi didn't look at Yi Yun's eyes, and he wouldn't even look at Tao Yunxi. For Tao Yunqi, who has a heart for himself, Lin Xinyi naturally has no good feelings.

Her finger flicked, and the white jade vial was turned into a streamer and flew into the hands of Zhang Tan.

Zhang Tan stayed in this white jade vial, unknown.

Lin Xin’s lips moved slightly, and a few words were heard. Then her body floated up and flew up to the floating boat in midair!

Like the fire at sunset, her white figure is like an elf bathing in Hongxia, beautiful...

People are watching.

Is she a human? Still a fairy?

At this time, Zhang Tan still held the porcelain bottle in his hand, and he was in a daze.

He hesitated to open the bottle cap, two green medicinal herbs, naughty rolled out, the medicine is fragrant!

Zhang Tan swallowed a slobber, good guy, actually Bi Lingdan!

It is worthy of being the apprentice of the master of the Soviet Union, the pearl of the ancient forest family, and even the future may become the arrogant woman of the prince of the Taiji Kingdom.

One shot of two Bi Ling Dan, such a precious remedy, even used to cure some of the scars of the flesh and bones, it is a waste.

After the girl flew back to the floating boat, the attention of the people was of course transferred to the white jade bottle left by the girl. People had already guessed that the bottle contained the medicinal herbs, and it must be very precious!

According to the strength and identity of the girl, can the things that come out be normal? At this time, the expression of Zhang Tan has undoubtedly confirmed this point.

The value of Dan medicine that can make Jinlongwei thousands of households move, the value can be imagined!

The old people of the Dow tribe suddenly had some eyes.

Undoubtedly, Lin Xinyi specially flew down the floating boat at this time, leaving two medicinal herbs, which were naturally used by the injured.

They don't know why Lin Xinyi wants to do this, but now is not the time to consider these, the value of this drug is no doubt, if two medicinal herbs can give Tao Yunyi one, then the damage of Tao Yunxi will inevitably Healed quickly.

Even the blood he lost can be quickly remedied, so that the sequelae of Tao Yunzhen's injury will be minimized.

Whether it is the old patriarch or the elder, this time is full of expectations.

They still don't know how the medicinal herbs are distributed. It looks like one person.

Why do white girls send medicinal herbs to them? It stands to reason that Tao Yunqi does not know the white girl, and there is no reason for people to save.

However, Yi Yun was born worse. He was originally a muddy leg in a small tribe, and even less likely to know the arrogant woman of the day.

Therefore, the white girl is more likely to give Yi Yun the medicinal medicine.

The reason may be that the white girl is kind and kind, seeing the good seedlings cultivated by their tribes, and hurting the blood, which is specifically to leave the treasure to give them back to health.

It is even possible. In the final battle before, Tao Yunqi was defeated, but in order to win, he did not hesitate to consume his own blood and brave fighting spirit. It was infected with a white girl, so the white girl gave the drug.

These old people quickly thought of various explanations, but these are not important. The important thing is that the medicinal herbs are coming, and Tao Yunyi is saved.

Tao Yunxiao lying on the ground. There was hope in my heart. It turned out that this fairy came to save me.


With such a treasure medicine, I will be able to respond quickly. At that time, I will definitely work hard to cultivate. Within a few months, I will break through the purple blood realm and in turn defeat the little beast!

I want to let the kid pay the price!

Tao Yunxiao shouted in his heart, and this time. Zhang Tan took the medicinal herbs and walked toward the platform.

At this time, Zhang Tan felt very strange in my heart. What is the relationship between this kid and Lin Xianzi, can I get the fairness of the fairy? However, the hand was chopped with a sword. Although the wound was deep, it hurt the bones and tendons, but for the warrior, such a wound, the point of the golden sore medicine. Patience and nursed back to some time can also slowly recover, up to this period, can not cultivate.

Do some big things with Bilingen.

Could it be that Lin Xianzi has this kid?

This is unlikely. He is only a drug boy of a small tribe. Even if he encounters Lin Xianzi when he takes the medicine, he should not have too much negotiation.

After all, for Lin Xinyi, this level of characters, let alone Yi Yun, even if it is Zhang Tan himself, it is also an absolute small person. If it wasn't for this time that Zhang Tan happened to be carrying out a mission in the cloud, and he would send a letter to Wen Luo waiting for the Soviet Union, he would never have anything to do with Lin Xinyi.

I can't climb the relationship myself, let alone Yi Yun?

But in any case, Lin Xinyi can come up with Bi Lingdan to Yi Yun, which always proves that Yi Yun has an extraordinary significance for Lin Xinyi.

In that case, I have to pay more attention to Yi Yun!

Zhang Tan was thinking about it, getting closer and closer to the ring.

Tao Yunqi is on the edge of the ring, and Zhang Tan is heading for the ring, and naturally it is also toward Tao Yun.

Tao Yunxiao has been watching.

Zhang Tan went closer and closer, Tao Yun’s eyes stared at the small Dan bottle in the hands of Zhang Tan, and his breathing was a little short. He was excited.

He even smelled the scent of the spleen, and it seemed that he only smelled the medicinal herbs. He felt that the spirit was much better. It was better!

This kind of medicine, if you eat it, may not only make up the blood of the deficit, but may even go further!

Tao Yunqi was excited when he thought that he might even be blessed in disguise.

"God is always not thin, God's mysterious girl is the blessing that God gave me. I have to cherish it. Since I met such a goddess, I must hold it... she saved me this time, maybe It’s not for me, just for it, but in any case, I’m going to keep this in mind, and when I grow up, I must treat her well...”

Tao Yunxuan thought this way, feeling that he had been defeated by Yi Yun, and the loss and pain of his physical injury had been swept away.

In the surrounding area, the Taos tribes are full of expectations.

Two medicinal herbs, it is reasonable to say one person, but, Yi Yun is so hurt, where to use good medicine, and Tao Yunqi, hurt so heavy, and overdraft of blood, how to see these two remedies are The use of Tao Yunyu, Yi Yun, use Jinlongwei's gold sore medicine on the line.

The old people are thinking that Zhang Tan has come within five steps from Tao Yunyu, getting closer and closer.

Four steps... three steps... one step...

Because of the serious injury to the body, and the distorted Tao Yunyan, forcibly squeezed out a smile, he reached out with a difficult hand and greeted Zhang Tan, thinking of taking the white jade bottle in the hands of Zhang Tan.


Zhang Tan came to Tao Yunxuan, holding a Dan bottle in his hand, and he thought that he still thought about something. His head did not go down, and the step was not stopped.

That’s how he... It’s crossed from Tao Yun’s body.

Crossed over.

It’s gone.



Tao Yunqi’s outstretched hand was stiff in the air, and the ugly smile on his face was completely solidified.

At the moment, Tao Yunqi’s ears roared. At that moment, he felt that there were a hundred people, and he extended a hundred teachings, and with a hundred shoes, he stepped on his face!

The blood of his whole body has poured into his face! Originally seriously injured, the physical condition is extremely bad, and now suddenly because of shyness and blood vessels, Zhang almost did not mention it, and directly passed away!

However, Tao Yunxuan also hopes that Zhang Tan will only give one medicinal herb to Yi Yun, and the other will be sent back to him. He will endure anger and look at the back of Zhang Tan.

It’s too deceiving! Is it just because Yiyun's future is farther and bigger, you will treat it differently, first give Dan medicine to Yi Yun?

The old tribes of the Tao's tribes were equally ugly. When Zhang Tan completely ignored Tao Yunxuan and directly crossed the past, they all felt that their old face was sucked by a slap in the face!

They all realized that things might not be exactly what they thought! Are the two medicinal herbs prepared for Yi Yun? What is this? He is just a bruise and bone injury, where you need to use such a treasure! ?

Many ethnic groups, the people of the Tao's tribe, and Tao Yunqi, they watched Tao Yunqi walked to Yi Yun, and handed two medicinal herbs to Yi Yun. The original Zhang Ma, who was stern and unsmiling, At this time, his face had a friendly smile!

Zhang Tan's expression is kind, with an amiable tone that he has never had before, said to Yi Yun: "Easy little brother, this is Bi Lingdan, this is a good medicine! Lin girl smashed, two medicinal herbs, you eat One grain, the other one is ground with water and applied to the wound. Your injury will be fine without tomorrow. And the potency of this drug, you slowly digest it, it is also good for you to repair."

Zhang Tan’s words, like a curse, echoed over the ring, and the Tao’s old tribe’s ear was so good that it might not be heard.

Two medicinal herbs, one for one, the other with water, and applied to the wound! ! !

He is just a fist cut a sword, it is so extravagant, it is just that!


Not far from the ring, Tao Yunqi, who had been guilty of blood and blood, actually spit out a blood arrow!

His vision was blurred and his brain was roaring, so he fell so weakly.

Next to the cumbersome medicine box containing a bunch of Ganoderma lucidum Polygonum, was hit by Tao Yunqi, and a hundred years of medicinal herbs such as Polygonum multiflorum, ginseng, and Ganoderma lucidum were scattered.

In the mind of Tao Yunxuan, she also echoed the beautiful figure of Lin Xinyi, and her peerless figure, who was slow in shape and flew down from the spirit boat.

This time, Tao Yunzhen was really fainted.

He was very angry and directly fainted. He had become heavier because of the injury of blood and blood!

(Before the update time has been said very clearly, there may be books friends did not see, the silkworm cocoon update has not been delayed, 12 noon and 8 o'clock in the evening, this chapter four thousand words chapter, seeking a monthly pass.)



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