True Martial World

Chapter 1247: Duanmu Qingwen

"The son... is the son unhappy with me?"

Duanmu Qingwen asked cautiously.

Yi Yun did not answer Duanmu Qingwen, but closed his eyes and used the perception to scan the vicinity of Shen Yuelou, but did not see the trace of Zuo Xiaoxiao.

Zuo Yan Xiaoyu is gone!

There is a bad premonition in Yi Yun’s heart.

Duanmu Qingwen, Yi Yun naturally remembers, before Zuo Xiaoxiao said that Duanmu Qingwen and her are outside disciples who entered Wanshenling.

At that time, Duanmu Qingwen also wanted to come to the disciples to do the swearing, and even used some family relationships, but in the end, it was because Zuo Yan Xiaoyu's talent was a little better, and the errand fell on Zuo Xiaoxiao.

If it is said that the shift, it is not the turn of Duanmu Qingwen, she is not the embarrassment of the pro-disciplinary area.

Although I understand this, Yi Yun still holds a glimmer of hope, asking Duanmu Qingwen: "Do you want to work shifts? Didn't you serve Zuo Xiaoxiao before? Where did she go?"

"Xiaoyu? She was transferred away. It was the handicap department that let me take over her." Duanmu Qingwen replied.

"Tune away!?" Duanmu Qingwen's answer, let Yi Yun's heart sink, and sure enough, he guessed it!

There is no doubt about the reason because of the banquet four days ago.

Yi Yun is a pro-disciple, coupled with the strength, these people do not dare to move Yi Yun, but Zuo Yan Xiaoyu is not the same, she is a foreign disciple, neither strength nor origin, it can be described as free to knead!

In Wanshenling, although the rules do not allow disciples to kill each other, if there are really pro-disciples who have killed the outside disciples, they usually only compensate some spiritual jade, and there is no punishment at all!

That Song Bowen, as well as the tall and thin youth, is obviously not a broad-minded person. He has suffered a big loss here in Yiyun. Knowing that he can’t come back, he will take the left Yan Xiaoyu out!

Before the banquet, because of Yi Yun’s inspiration, Zuo Yan Xiaoyu played the face of Song Bowen and the tall and thin youth! As a result, Zuo Yan Xiaoyu's end, I am afraid it is extremely miserable!

After all, this is because Yi Yun himself.

Thinking of this, Yi Yun’s heart is full of self-blame, it is his negligence, so that Zuo Xiaoxiao is suffering! If he brought Zuo Xiaoxiaoyu to the closed room at the time, this would not happen.

"Zuo Yan Xiaoyu? Where did he go!?"

Yi Yun’s voice hurriedly asked, and his voice did not consciously contain murderousness, which shocked Duanmu Qingwen.

"I... I don't know..."

Duanmu Qingwen was really scared by Yi Yun. She only cultivated Yuan Yuanjing. Under the murderousness of Yi Yun, she was like a mortal who stood naked in the cold wind and shivered.

"You took over her position, but I don't know where she is?"

Yi Yun stepped forward and looked at Duanmu Qingwen.

Duanmu Qingwen's body has shrunk backwards, because Yiyun's momentum is too strong, she can't afford it, and she unconsciously stumbles on the chair. She looks at Yi Yun's eyes and has already had some horror.

She had already heard of Yi Yun from her sister. As a new introductory disciple, Yi Yun is not only temperamental, powerful, but also excellent for the next generation.

Originally, she transferred to Shen Yuelou. I don’t know how many girls are envious of death. She also thought that she could serve Yi Yun. She was blessed by several generations. She also used her heart to do her own affairs. Everything today is her. Spend a few hours of time and carefully prepared.

However, the result did not say that Yi Yun’s praise was changed. Instead, Yi Yun was replaced by a murderous question, which made Duanmu Qingwen really wronged.

"I... I really don't know."

When Duanmu Qingwen spoke, there was some sadness in his heart. When he was just getting started, he lost to Zuo Xiaoxiao, but after he had taken over the position of Zuo Xiaoxiao, he did so much, but at the sight of Yi Yun. Face, he is a fierce and evil question to ask left Yan Xiaoyu's place, which makes Duanmu Qingwen feel better in his heart.

Seeing Duanmu Qingwen's reaction, Yi Yun took a step back. Because of his self-blame and anger against Song Bowen, his emotions were somewhat out of control.


Yi Yun said, think carefully, Duanmu Qingwen probably has nothing to do with this matter, the original Duanmu family is a small family that the family has been repaired by the Seventh Road, they can not be related to the pro-disciple of Song Bowen. .

I am afraid that after Song Bowen and others transferred Zuo Yan Xiaoyu, the servant office randomly pulled a girl to replace Zuo Xiaoxiao, and Duanmu Qingwen’s family had already used some relationships before, and naturally it was her turn.

Thinking of this, Yi Yun took the hand of Duanmu Qingwen and lifted her up from the chair.

"I am not targeting you, just because I am nervous about Zuo Xiaoxiao. Some things are not clear. Xiaoyu is afraid of danger. Where is the commissar? You take me."

Yi Yunqiang suppressed the anger in his heart and tried to speak to Duanmu Qingwen in a gentle tone.

He knew in his heart that he was taken away from Zuo Xiaoxiao, and the time is not short.

If Song Bowen or a tall and thin youth revenge, then now Zuo Xiaoxiao is afraid that it is already fierce!

For so long, enough for them to do anything to Zuo Xiaoxiao.

Yi Yun has been practicing for so long, although he has killed countless people, but he has never harmed innocent people, because he has ruined a young girl in the flower season, he is uneasy.

"The chores... I have to be there tomorrow morning."

"Take me now." Yi Yun's tone is unquestionable.


Duanmu Qingwen didn't know what it was like. She didn't expect Yiyun to be so nervous. Xiaoyan Xiaoyu, as a disciple of Wanshenling, the emperor saw a person who was sincere and fearful, but he was nervous about a little girl with no background. Duanmu Qingwen suddenly envied Zuo Xiaoxiao. If Yi Yun is like this to her, she will be willing to let her go through the fire.

There are more than one place in the Wanshangling complex. In each area, there are chores to be handled, and the office of the handy office will be established.

Duanmu Qingwen brought Yi Yun to the secret service of the pro-disciplinary area.

At this point, the servant office was cold and clear, and only one thing was in rotation. This person looks like he is thirty or forty years old. He is leaning on his legs and comfortably lying on a recliner. Next to him, there is a sly look. The woman was kneeling on a futon and was squatting at this.

This is still pretty, but it is just a mortal.

Although Wanshenling will choose from a foreign disciple to choose a talented and good-looking virgin girl, she will only serve the pro-disciple.

To put it bluntly, it is the Wanshenling that considers that some of the cockroaches may be fortunate enough to be pro-disciplined by the pro-disciplinary disciples, and will strictly control the arrogance of the shackles, because the talented young girl, after the restoration of his yin and the cultivation of the pro-disciples, is helpful. of!

As for these management matters, of course, it is impossible to have such treatment. Most of the people around them are bought by themselves.

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