True Martial World

Chapter 1270: Immersed in dreams

(4000 words)

Everyone fell on this piece of treasure, and I really felt the strong vitality of the fire. Here is the gathering point of the fire, the flame is sprayed, and it is endless!

Soon, people found that on this piece of treasure, they were also engraved with patterns, and the red boy boy separated the area with a big array of heaven and earth.

A world that was originally closed, together with the big array here, is really a wall of iron and can not be broken.

This is enough to see today's things, very important to the ancestors!

"I have finally started, I have been waiting too long."

The red boy said, there is an excitement in the voice.

During the talk, the red boy took out a space ring, and a seal was played out. This space ring flew a lot of heaven and earth!

The same heaven and earth are enshrined in jade boxes.

"Open it all."

With the words of the ancestors, the head of the gods and the old man opened the jade boxes one by one.

People have discovered that the treasures of the gods and ancestors are far more than the ones they are looking for. In fact, most of them are ten times more precious, even dozens of times more than they are motivated by the family.

The red boy boy carefully took a small white lotion and saw the white emulsion of the altar. Yi Yun's eyelid jumped.

"Long bone milk?"

Yi Yun read the classics of medicine, and recognized this small altar white lotion. This is in the gloom of the gloom of the land, buried with the bones of the dragon, the dragon corpse is corroded by the yin, leaving only the keel, after hundreds of millions The emulsion of the keel dissolved in the year.

This kind of lotion, which is a coincidence with a lot of chances, is hard to get into the sky, and even after that, after getting the keel lotion, it is too long in the yin and yin, so it contains yin, and the general warrior takes the keel. Milk, will immediately lose vitality, become a dry and cold body, want to get rid of sinister, there are special secrets, and there are very few people who know this secret law, even if it is a drug god, it is also found by chance in a monument. Its method.

This red boy, actually knows the secret of handling keel milk?

Yi Yun was shocked. Since the ancestors of the gods took out the keel milk, he must know how to refine it. Yi Yun does not expect such an old monster who has lived for so many years and will make such a stupid mistake and give himself poison.

In addition to Yiyun, the keel milk was not known, but then the second heaven and earth spirits that the red boy took out were recognized by a well-informed elder.

It is a blue fruit, only the size of a fist, the fruit is crystal clear, like a jade carving, exudes a seductive aroma.

"This is the fruit of the nine turns of Aoki? Nine turns to Aoki, the legend can live for more than a billion years. This kind of **** wood appeared when the sky was first opened. They grew very slowly, only a small one at the beginning. Seeds, rooting and sprouting in ordinary land, only one inch a year, but it has lived for too long, and it can grow into a towering tree with 10,000 years. The crown of a million-year-old tree grows like a mountain. The trunk is like the pillar of the sky, and after a billion years, its roots will run through the whole planet, deep into the star nucleus to capture the fire, fill the stars where it is, and the crown will tower into the universe, taking the essence of the sun, the moon and the stars!"

There is an elder exclaimed, this blue fruit is the fruit of the nine turn green wood, and it is wonderful to say, so the huge nine-turn green wood, the fruit is so small, but because it is small, it is highly concentrated nine turns. The essence of Aoki.

It contains a lot of vitality, the biggest effect is - longevity! !

You must know that Nine turns to Aoki, but you can live for more than a billion years!

It is rumored that it can bring the vitality of the nine turns to Aoki, and it will make people rejuvenate. Even if the Shenjun strong who has been repeatedly developed their life potential, they can enjoy a 10,000-year-old if they take the nine-turn greenwood. Dan medicine, the value is higher!

This nine-turn Aoki fruit alone has a long-lasting effect, which makes people rush.

I didn't expect that there was one in the red boy. He had nine turns of Aoki, and he should have taken it long ago. How could it be retained now? After all, the effect of life extension, but many old monsters dream of.

After the nine turns of Aoki, the red boy took out a crystal clear fruit. The fruit and the nine-turned aoki fruit are similar in size and shape, but the color is different. The nine-turned aoguo fruit is cyan, but the fruit is red. It looks like two fruits are like a pair.

"The fruit of the dragon tree!"

Some elders have recognized that the life of the dragon blood tree is shorter than that of the nine-turn green wood, but it can survive for more than 100 million years. The dragon blood tree is called the demon blood tree. This tree can eat people, eat monsters, and they entangle the demon with branches. Beast, melt it into blood, and swallow it with roots!

Although the average demon blood tree is precious, but for many elders present, it is not difficult to get a whole plant, but there is a kind of demon blood tree, which is too strong, because it grows too long, it can Hunting the dragon, it drinks the blood of the dragon, and the fruit that is formed is the dragon blood fruit!

Needless to say, the value of this kind of fruit can not only prolong life, but also cleanse the marrow, and there is no price!

Next -

Swallow the horns! Dragon Whale Oil! Red blood silk! Nine-winged Golden Dragon Claws!

These are precious, and they are much less valuable than the three heavenly and earth creatures.

Yi Yun looked gloomy at these heavenly and earthly objects. He discovered that these herbs can be basically divided into two types.

One is related to the dragon!

The other is life extension and vitality!

The first one is well understood. The ancestors of the gods want to activate the dragon dragon, and must have the blood of the dragon.

Anyone present in the field, their blood is not enough to activate the dragon dragon, including Yi Yun, although he sealed the amethyst in the body, but he is not sure whether he can wake up the dragon soul that sleeps in the dragon.

Therefore, the gods and ancestors need these heaven and earth gods to enhance the purity of dragon blood in the blood!

As for the second kind, the life extension and the vitality of things, this is not for young people, it can only be used by the gods and ancestors themselves!

The ancestors of the gods have lived for too long, but he does not want to greet his own limits. He wants to renew his life potential and make breakthroughs!

Once he breaks through, he can live at least for millions of years.

Thinking of this, Yi Yun gradually became chilling, and today, for him, it is almost Jedi.

The ancestors of the gods took out all the treasures of heaven and earth, and a total of thirty or forty kinds of heaven and earth gods flew in midair.

Then the gods and ancestors played the seal, with a loud bang.

The huge dragons and dragons were pressed down and pressed directly into the core of the intersection of nine huge cracks!

woo woo woo woo!

The magma is boiling, and the ground is roaring!

The fires of the world of this land have all been gathered together, and in the place where the dragons and dragons are suppressed, they set off the towering fire pillars!

The pillar burned for a long time, and slowly dwarfed, but Yi Yun could see that the shorter the pillar of fire, the more condensed the essence of its flame.

When the fire column was only one foot high, the flame was pure to an incredible degree, and the horrible heat wave made everyone in the room secretly scared!


The **** ancestors nodded. He spent tens of thousands of years preparing for this big battle. Now everything is going according to his original arrangement.

He is also a beckoning hand. The imitation of the dragon and dragon in his foot flies out. This imitation of the big tripod is suspended above the dragon dragon, and is burned by the fire of the world!

"Teacher... Master... these herbs... these herbs are not for me?"

Feng Yunyang was scared, and Rao was a high-spirited self-viewing fan. He saw this situation at the moment and he was a bit faint.

So many treasures are prepared for themselves, and I feel that it is impossible!

When I heard Feng Yunyang’s inquiry, the red boy’s boy showed a sly smile. “Of course it is prepared for you. These treasures are all carefully selected for you.”


Feng Yunyang can't believe it, but the ancestors said so, there is no need to deceive themselves.

Thinking of this, Feng Yunyang is excited.

With these Shenbao washes, my own cultivation is not leaps and bounds. When did Yi Yiyun get what? Even if it is ten, one hundred Yiyun, he is crushing at will!

"Thank you for your respect! Master respects the love of the child, and Yunyang has no idea!"

The wind and clouds are coming down and giving a gift to the gods.

However, this scene, but it seems that everyone in the field is different.

Some people envy the hurricane Yunyang. They have already determined that Feng Yunyang is the illegitimate son of the ancestors of the gods. The eternal life of the gods will be exhausted, and there will be no children. It is hard to have a son and naturally train him.

However, some people think that the ancestors of the gods are preparing for this. It is afraid that it took tens of thousands of years to spend a lot of resources and energy. Even if the ancestors of the gods valued the descendants so much, they would not spend such a big price. Right?

Just when Feng Yunyang thanked him, suddenly, a cold voice sounded: "An unrealistic dream is now difficult for you. I really don't know if you are stupid and hopeless, or immersed in a sweet dream. Even if you realize that this is a dream, you are not willing to wake up."

The strong sarcasm in this discourse makes Feng Yunyang feel a spirit.

"Who is talking nonsense!?"

Feng Yunyang jumped up from the ground like a cat stepping on his tail. His eyes swept away from the crowd and slowly fell on Yi Yun's body!

He figured out that it was just the voice of Yi Yun.

For the eyes of Feng Yunyang, Yi Yun is just a sneer, and nowadays, it is life and death to see all the fight, hiding is not hiding, he does not care.

"It turned out to be your sharpening stone!" Feng Yunyang stunned Yi Yun with a glance. "You also have to talk to me? When you are in prison for half a year, you still don't know your situation? You are just a teacher. Imprisoned, the beasts that I have prepared for me, just like the monsters that are kept in captivity and waiting for the young genius to be slaughtered. When I wash the body, it is your death, wait for me to kneel down your head, use you Blood, the road to my gods!"

"God king?" Yi Yun smiled. "It's really sad! I thought you were immersed in a sweet dream and didn't want to wake up. I didn't expect you to be stupid. You don't sneak into the urine to take care of yourself. He Dehe can I am able to enjoy the so many resources that the old and undead have given you. Just rely on your waste wood and dare to be a god. Today, I am in trouble. It is actually a fool with you, and it is ironic! ”

"You!" Feng Yunyang was touched against the scales, and his anger was unstoppable. However, the words spoken by Yi Yun really made him feel guilty. "Master respects..."

Feng Yunyang’s hopes at this time are all pinned on the red boy’s boy. Only the words of the red boy can make him feel good. “Master, these gods...”

The red boy smiled and nodded: "These are all prepared for you."

Feng Yunyang took a breath, and he has confirmed this sentence for the second time. It seems that this is the only way to make him feel a little more peace of mind.

"But why are there some drugs for life extension, I don't seem to need to extend life." Feng Yunyang asked with guilty conscience.

The red boy said: "Nine turns of greenwood is one of the four main medicines. It is not really prepared for you. Those who swallow the horns, the dragon whale oil, and the red blood silk are prepared for you. At that time, the teacher will put the medicine into the hidden dragon, and in this fire of the stars, you can wash the body in the liquid."

"I... enter the Ding wash?" Fengyun Yangshuo, he glanced at the burning fire of the stars at the core of the Kowloon Arch, and barely smiled: "Master, this fire, how can I bear?" ”

"Of course." The red boy still smiled. "There is no such fierce flame. I can't smash the useless flesh. I want to leave your bones, and swallow the horns, the dragon whale oil, the red. The combination of blood and silk and other medicines, together with the three main medicines of nine-turn greenwood, keel milk and dragon blood fruit, can finally be transformed into the perfect dragon emperor."

The red boy’s words are not too slow, but Feng Yunyang listens, but it’s like a hail! !

For a time, the smile on the face of the red boy's face became strange and creepy.

God ancestors, want to ... take him to refine medicine! ?

The so-called drug washing is to smelt together with the medicine! The so-called medicinal materials are prepared for him, because he himself is one of the four main medicines!

"No... no... Master, don't make a joke, how can I get medicine? I... I..."

Feng Yunyang was pale and his voice was shaking. Although he tried to calm himself down, he was more and more afraid. In his eyes, the old monster in front of this boy seemed to become the most terrible demon in the world. To swallow him!

"Apprentices, don't underestimate yourself. You have gone to the market for so many places. There are countless people in your life, but you have the most pure blood of the dragons."

The red boy was suspended in midair and gently patted the shoulders of Feng Yunyang. At the beginning, the gods and grandfathers thought that they only used the blood of the dragon's veins to inspire the dragon dragon and get the "Dragon Emperor". .

But later, as the red boy was getting more and more prepared, especially he explored the remains of the ancient dragons. When he saw the existence of the dragon emperor, he was no longer satisfied with just getting the dragon emperor. It is.

He wants to refine the dragon emperor, after swallowing, wash the marrow and exchange blood, relying on his own blood, activate the dragon dragon tripod, and even become the real master of the dragon dragon tripod! !


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