True Martial World

Chapter 1275: Unlock the seal

(4000 words)

"Evil child, you protect the snake girl, but don't do it too clearly, and alleviate her heat damage."

"Okay!" The evil child nodded quickly. "Yi Yun brother, what do you do, break through the seal?"

Although Yi Yun is now awakened, he can't move at all. His meridians and Dantian are all locked up by the red boy's vitality.

It is not a simple matter to break this seal. Even if there is a way to break it, it must be energetic and energetic. It can be sealed with energy. The energy in Dantian cannot be mobilized at all. This is in an infinite loop.

Yi Yun's time is very limited. If the body can't move, then nothing can be done.

"Evil child, do you see a red dragonfly floating in the big tripod outside? It is a dragon fruit, I can't move now, you bring it to me, feed me!!"

He must first control the body, and then rely on the power of Amethyst!

Amethyst and Ling Xie Er are definitely the existence of thousands of ancestors.

"Good Yi Yun brother, you wait."

Ling Xieer looked at it and saw the dragon fruit flying in the flame of the stars. It was like a red little sun, burning and burning, but the flames could not burn through the skin.

"It's it!"

Such a beautiful fruit, Ling Xinger saw it is also very fond of, she split a small fire of the evil spirits flying over, and rolled this fruit over.

Then, Ling Xie Er looked at the snake girl again, the snake girl was struggling, Ling Xieer flexed a finger, and a small black flame flew out and flew into the snake girl's Dantian.

The snake woman exclaimed, she felt something flew into her body, but she did not know what it was.

what happened.

The snake woman opened her eyes in pain and looked around in vain.

However, the scene she saw made her stunned. She actually saw a little girl floating in the air around Yi Yun. The little girl was very stunned and looked like she was eleven or two years old. She was very cute.

She was barefoot, and her toes were crystal-clear like pearls, but it was such a pair of delicate feet, but she walked dexterously in the flame of horror, and she was not burned at all.

This is... what is your own eye?

The snake girl is a little stupid. What is going on? Where did the little girl come out? How is she like a flame elf, completely ignoring the burning fire of this star?

"Miss Sister doesn't need to be surprised. My name is Ling Xinger. I have been following Yi Yun's brother. I just didn't see you. I planted a small flame in your body. Don't be nervous. This little flame will make You are a lot more comfortable."

Ling Xieer said with a smile, at the same time, in the snake female body, the small flame of the evil spirit fire spread out, a warm and melting force, flowing through the body of the snake girl.

It is very amazing that in the snake girl, the fire of the stars that boiled the blood of the snake girl, after encountering this inconspicuous little flame, was swallowed up!


The snake girl is stunned. What is this fire?

The burning sensation that had already entered the bone marrow disappeared and was replaced by the warmth of sitting on the edge of the fire.

This feeling is just like heaven in comparison to the steamer hell.

How is this little girl so powerful?

She just said that she has been following Yi Yun, saying that Yi Yun is his brother, Yi Yun, he... Actually... Is there such a bad sister?

"Miss sister feels much better." Ling Xieer smiled happily, noting that the snake girl was very surprised and unbelievable. Ling smiled and said: "I have been playing with fire since I was a child, so I have a snack."

On the fire, it is the evil spirit of the line!

But the word "playing fire" fell in the ears of the snake girl, but completely made her speechless, this is more than playing with fire!

"Don't tell you, I still have something to do."

Ling Xie Er holds the dragon blood fruit in both hands. At this time, Yi Yun still looks like a closed-eyed coma. Although his consciousness has awakened, he can't control his body and his eyes can't open.

Ling Xie Er separates the mouth of Yi Yun. The red fruit is the size of a man's fist. The evil child needs to hold both hands. She finds that it is completely stuck in Yi Yun's mouth.

Ling Xinger was a bit guilty, thinking about it, she used her teeth to bite the dragon's blood fruit and sent it to Yi Yun's mouth.

This dragon blood fruit is also wonderful, although it is extremely slow to refine its essence with the inflammation of the stars, but it is broken with a bite of teeth, and the dragon fruit is all red and aromatic juice, and the entrance is instant.

Ling Xie Er couldn't help but also ate a small amount. This is the best fruit in the world. After eating it, the lips are fragrant.

Of course, this is Ling Xinger. She is a **** of heaven and earth. It is a body formed by the evil spirits. The fire of the evil spirits is not as strong as the fire of the stars. The refining of a little dragon fruit is not a problem.

If other people just eat the dragon's blood fruit, it is tantamount to eating the poison of the intestines.

The **** sap of the dragon's blood fruit has flowed into the mouth of Yi Yun, passing through the throat and into the stomach.

Seeing that the juice did not flow very much, Ling Xieer took the mouth decisively and took a small bite and fed it to Yi Yun.

Ling Xieer licks his small mouth and licks his small tongue. The juice of this fruit is really sweet!

She couldn't help but bite a sip for a while, and then fed a lot of juice to Yi Yun. These juices continued to flow into Yi Yun's body, and a fist-sized dragon blood fruit was eaten in a blink of an eye.

After Ling Xinger fed the last fruit to Yi Yun, he still loved his fingers.

Originally, Yi Yun could not digest the dragon blood fruit, but he had the origin of amethyst in his body.

There was no control of Yiyun before. The original Amethyst was only passively protecting the body of Yiyun. Now, with Yiyun’s soul control, the original Amethyst starts to work.

The essence of life that exists in the dragon blood fruit is slowly absorbed by Yi Yun's body!

However, the dragon blood fruit is unusual, and the original ancestor of the gods refining with the fire of stars, supplemented by the super-matrix hosted by the Wanshenling strong, also needs 981 days to succeed.

Now that Yi Yun is in a tight time, he must complete refining as soon as possible!

Amethyst alone, the speed is not enough.

Ling Xie Er discovered this point, she thought of a move, a sacred fire of fire flew into the body of Yi Yun, along with Yi Yun refining the dragon blood fruit.

The quality of the evil spirits is far beyond the fire of the stars!

It cooperates with Amethyst, and the dragon fruit in Yiyun is quickly digested.

When this energy was transferred to Yiyun Dantian, a sapphire wood slowly woke up in the middle of Yiyun Dantian!

This **** tree stands in the sky, its endless roots, wrapped in the juice of dragon blood fruit, absorbed together!

With such a three-pronged approach, the dragon fruit was slowly dissolved.

The enormous life essence contained in it is all integrated into the meridians of Yiyun.


The blockade in the Yiyun meridian has been opened up by this huge energy!

However, the seal left by the ancestors of the gods is too strong, and the life essence of the dragon blood fruit is still blocked without the support of the law.

However, as this meridian blockade was opened up, it was enough for Yi Yun, and he finally took control of the body's strength!

It is not easy for these seals to be cracked. Yiyun calls all the energy that he can call, and with the help of Dragon Blood Fruit, he immediately pinches the destruction of the seal!

Vortex vortex!

One after another, the small magical life and death wheel rotates and goes to the depths of Yiyun's meridians!

The law of great destruction destroys everything, and the law of destruction is easy to destroy these meridian seals!

Faster! Hurry up!

Yi Yun yells in his heart!

It is simply unimaginable that a five-strong warrior in the palace will open the energy seal of the ancestors of the gods.

However, with the Dragon Blood Fruit and the Law of Great Destruction, Yi Yun did it.

Finally, as the last seal was broken, Yi Yun’s whole body was smashed!

At this moment, he has returned to the peak state! Even better than ever before, because his blood is combined with all the essence of dragon fruit.

But it takes time to completely absorb these essences and transform them into their own strengths.

Don't say that Yi Yun doesn't have time now. Even if there is time to transform, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the old monsters outside.

Anyway, finally restored strength!

Yi Yun looked around and looked like electricity. At this moment, the only surviving person in the dragon dragon, except for him and the snake girl, was only Feng Yunyang.

Feng Yunyang is located in the center of Yao Ding, and he has suffered the most burning of the stars. He is extremely painful and his heart is gray.

How arrogant his heart is, death by refining medicine, how painful and humiliating!

But where the ancestors of the gods can resist, he can only die in unwillingness.

However, just as he had hope for a lifetime, he saw a scene that made him unbelievable.

He saw Yi Yun flying to himself with the help of a cute little girl.


Fengyun Yang had big eyes and wanted to talk, but his body meridians were sealed, and his mouth could not be said. No word could be said.

why! ? Why is Yi Yun able to move! ? How did he break free?

Feng Yunyang is dumbfounded.

"Wind brother, are you on a barbecue? You are doing it slowly, I am going out, picking up something, not bothering you."

A small tower appeared in the hands of Yi Yun’s speech, and it was spinning.

Yi Yun space ring was received, the only space magic is this tower of the gods, this medicine tripod, a lot of elixir, he has spent a quarter of an hour to absorb a dragon fruit, and the drug is too late to be converted into strength.

It is impossible to absorb many other drugs.

Of course, letting him see and drop these treasures is impossible.

He is also welcome, with a big hand, what is the turn of Aoki, keel milk, red blood silk, nine wings, golden dragon claws and so on!

All income down the tower!

Fengyun Yangyan looked at Yiyun to clean up these Lingbao, his eyes were red.

He knows the value of these spiritual treasures! And the key ancestor is outside, what is the use of Yi Yun to clean up Lingbao, has he found a way to leave?

"Uh uh uh……"

Feng Yunyang had a hoarse syllable from the scorpion. He wanted to ask if Yi Yun had a way to leave, but he could not ask.

He actually wants to say that now he and Yi Yun are both grasshoppers on the rope. If they join hands, they may have a greater chance of surviving. He thinks Yi Yun knows how to unlock his vitality seal and wants Yi Yunbang. He also resumed his ability to act. As long as he can escape, he will repay Yi Yun.

But all this, he thought about it in his mind, just can't say it.

Seeing that Yi Yun has finished cleaning up things, Feng Yunyang is in a hurry! As the only living person in Yao Ding, Feng Yunyang knows that if he misses this opportunity, he will have no way to live. He must ask for Yi Yun!

Because I wanted to talk too much, the Fengyunyang eyeballs were a little bulged, the mouth was ambiguous, the tongue spit out, and the mouth was drooling.

“Well?” Yi Yun seems to find out that Feng Yunyang wants to talk. “What do you want to say to me?”

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Feng Yunyang's eyes were so big, because he was too anxious, his voice was so fast that it sounded very funny.

"Hungry? Hungry? Hungry? Are you hungry? Oh, I understand, you are too slow to barbecue, you can't eat for a while. Would you like me to ignite?"

Yi Yun said, he waved at the evil spirits. "Evil child, did you hear it? Give him an ignition."

Ling Xie Er is also unambiguous, she waved her hand, like a small chicken, and called the fire around the stars.

Ling Xieer also saw that this guy and her Yi Yun brother did not deal with it, Ling Xie Er did not care what Feng Yunyang did, anyway, Yi Yun brother is a good person, with Yi Yun brother has hatred are bad guys!

So, the fire of these stars screamed to the wind Yunyang!

Feng Yunyang called a sour, he tried to open his mouth, but even the screams were released. His blood was quickly evaporated and the whole person was miserable.

"Uh uh uh……"

Feng Yunyang screamed, his heart hated, he understood, Yi Yun is playing him!

"You are slowly roasting, I am not going to accompany you."

Yi Yun has no time to play with the wind Yunyang, he is brewing, waiting to rush out of this Jedi!

At this time, he had packed up all the herbs and mobilized the whole body. At this time, Yi Yun’s heart sank, and he felt that a cold **** seemed to have entered the hidden dragon!

This knowledge makes him numb!

Gods ancestors! !


At this time, in addition to Hidden Dragon, many of the elders of the Wanshenling, the pro-disciples, injected all their energy into the big array, maintaining the burning of the fire of the stars.

The ancestor of the gods in the center of the big array, although he has done everything infallible, but he will occasionally explore the internal situation of the hidden dragon.

In fact, because of the large array of squadrons, the spirit of the gods and ancestors is very expensive, and the soul of the soul is deep into the fire of the stars, and occasionally a rough exploration is already his limit.

What he can pay attention to is the death of these drugs, and whether the refining of drugs is smooth. But just in the beginning, very inexplicable, the feelings of the ancestors of the gods flashed a sense of uneasiness.

He immediately explored the gods into the hidden dragons!

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