True Martial World

Chapter 1288: Gold scale

After listening to Yi Yun’s words, the eyes of the sky are flashing, and Yi Yun seems to have already calculated all this.

"Yi Yun, you don't want to tell me, the result of my entry into Long Ding is that you already have a good time!"

Yi Yun's faint smile, he really counted the sky will follow, he deliberately opened the Dinggai, let the sky pay attention, then he sealed the trip in a very short time, let the sky think that he was afraid.

Under such a tight time, the sky is too late to think about it. As a warrior, not everyone who is so ambitious, most people will let go before the danger and chance, otherwise they will talk about pursuing the martial arts.

"Interesting!" The sky looked at Yi Yun. "Your cultivation seems to have reached the Eighth Palace. It is so fast to improve, the law can't keep up, the foundation is unstable, it is harmful to you, you should not Innocently, can you kill me?"

"Try not to know, I just repaired as a leap, the energy in the body will overflow, I need an opponent, sharpen my strength, I picked it and picked it!"

Yi Yun talked, gently moved his wrist, on the back of his right hand, a golden pattern flashed away, feeling like a golden tattoo.

"I said the dying person..."

Yi Yun looked at the eyebrows, and the eyebrows were still immersed in the huge fear. The indifference of the sky to him made him completely chilling. Although he was unwilling to admit it, he gradually understood that Cang Oh, it really will kill him!

He never imagined that he was just playing a spirit, and he was soaking in the urine beside the dragon, and screaming for the public, but this urinary, but he had his own life.

It was called by Yi Yun, and he was panicked in his eyebrows. He also ignored Yi Yun and called him "a man who is dying."


Yi Yun just smiled slightly. Suddenly, his figure was shot like a ghost. His right hand shone with Jin Mang and pressed directly to the hanging eyebrow!

Yi Yun pressed this hand, such as Mount Taishan, the eyebrows of the eyebrows, and his body quickly retreated. At the same time, he opened up the body of the body and added a long sword in his hand to fully resist the attack of Yi Yun.

Even if he knew that he was a glass of water, he did not give up the dying struggle.

"The uncle of the sky saves me!"

The screaming of the eyebrows is desperate, but the attack of Yi Yun has arrived.


A burst of sound, the body of the eyebrows was like a thin paper, and it was easily worn by Yi Yun. Yi Yun directly caught the arm of the eyebrow.


Just listening to the sound of the fracture, the eyebrows screamed, his arm was directly crushed by Yi Yun, Yi Yun kicked in the chest of the eyebrows, the right hand, the sword hanging from the eyebrows, it fell on In the hands of Yi Yun.

"Your sword is for me!"

Yi Yun's magic snow sword was taken away by the ancestors of the gods. Now he has no weapons to pick up. The reason why he first attacked the eyebrows is to hang the sword in his eyebrows.

At this point, the eyebrows were kicked by Yi Yun, his sternum was completely collapsed, and the ribs did not know how many roots were broken. The lungs were originally shattered and inserted into the broken bones!

When I heard Yi Yun’s words, the blood of the hanging eyebrows spurted out. He just wanted to cry. He wanted his sword to speak directly. He didn’t dare not give it, but Yi Yun didn’t say a word, he started to do it. Kill him half a life directly!

The long sword is in the hand, but there is still a spiritual mark left by the eyebrows. Yi Yun can't use it for the first time.

At this time, the sky has appeared silently behind Yi Yun. He has a strange weapon in his hand. It is like a sword and a sword. The weapon itself is flawed, one side is a blade, and the other is a blade. Sawtooth, the edge of this weapon is dark and dull, as if it can devour light, directly puncturing the back of Yiyun!


The blade trembles. With this weapon, there are countless gray ripples in the space. This ripple resonates with the sawtooth in the weapon, and the void seems to be cut!

"Well? Is this?"

Looking at the gray ripples, Yi Yun’s pupils shrank slightly. From this gray ripple, he felt terrible lethality.

Yi Yun's figure flew back, and this blade edge still wiped his body.


Yi Yun's body protection was directly torn open by a huge mouth. A powerful tearing force invaded his body along the Yi Yun's broken body, and went straight into the meridians, madly raging!

This force is like a myriad of otters that bite in the body of Yi Yun, as if to tear his body apart.

Yi Yun's face changed, and these moves are really different.

"Oh, the taste is not good!"

The sky was licking his lips. He had a look of fascination. After taking out the black blade, he was completely devoid of the majesty of the disciples and became more enchanting.

His long hair spread out and matched this strange weapon to make him look like a demon.

"You are really good, my weapon, called the sneaky scorpion, the average person in me, even if it only touches a little bit, it will instantly break the bones! You can still support it, it is really incredible, you only have a palace, eight times, once Breaking the realm of the Supreme, I am not your opponent, you have a promising future, but unfortunately too proud, I dare to design to kill me, too self-sufficient."

The sky touched the jaggedness of the sneaky scorpion, and said slowly.

"Cut... Strangle..."

Yi Yun feels the raging gray energy in the body. This is the law of the sky. It is permeated in his weapons. The opponents who fight with him, as long as they scratch a little bit, will be enrolled in this law. The body is tearing open.

The law of the sky is extremely rare, and he himself is the later master of the cult, and the support of this cultivation alone makes his cutting power unmatched.

If it wasn’t for Yi Yun’s service of the Dragon Emperor, the potential of life would be stimulated, and the flesh would be a thousand times stronger. He probably couldn’t bear the cutting rule.

"But this is the case. Although your law is very different, it is not the highest road. With these, it is impossible to become an ordinary god. It is impossible to integrate the gods and seals. It is no wonder that you are desperately trying to get the chance of the dragon. You probably also heard the ancestor mention "Dragon King", do you want to get this practice?"

Yi Yun said sarcastically, he intends to say this, he and the Cangwu fight, do not give up any opportunity to fight the heart of the Cangwu martial arts, the martial arts martial arts, can reach the Supreme, this step has almost their own chances, Having said that, the gap between good and bad is big.

Yi Yun suspects that his own practice is not good, but in fact his "Wan Yao Sheng Dian" residual page is already a top-level practice that can make people do not know how many people are jealous.

"Out of mouth!"

The sky was angry, but when he just opened his mouth, his voice froze. He clearly felt that the power of the gray rule in Yi Yun was quickly eliminated.

The body of Yi Yun is like a boiler that is endless. His blood is running, and the power of the law is constantly being burned. After all, it disappears into invisible.

This makes the heart of the sky, the blood of Yi Yun, this feature?

"You really are different! It seems that your flesh and blood itself is baby, no wonder the ancestors want to take your medicine, today I am killing you here, and turning your blood into a treasure!"

The sky screamed, the whole body was black and rippled, and the ghosts cut again.

Yi Yun was not in a hurry. He wiped his hand with a long sword and listened to the sound of "噗". After Yi Yun’s body, he had already screamed and screamed, and his spiritual mark on the sword. It was directly erased by Yi Yun.

"call out!"

A sword is thrown out, such as the dragon's tail.

Yi Yun, a sword, has no usage, but he has inspired his life potential and infused his powerful physical strength!


The roar of a metal impact, a lot of gray ripples were smashed in the void by Yi Yun!

However, Yi Yun also felt a huge anti-shock force, which shocked his body and blood.

"Too light!"

Yi Yunyi frowned, this sword is too light, after practicing "Dragon Emperor", unconsciously, Yi Yun's physical strength grew wildly, which made him have a thought, hope to have a heavier weapon.


Gray ripples gathered around the body of Yi Yun.


Yi Yun burst into a burst, the body of the Dragon King blood, this Dragon King blood, so that Yi Yun skin surface to form a golden pattern, these lines, like a golden carp.


Except for the Dragon King, which was born from chaos in the beginning of the heavens and the earth, the rest of the dragons were all acquired.

Longsheng nine sons, are not like dragons!

The descendants of the Dragon Emperor were born by the combination of the Dragon Emperor and the rest of the living beings. Although they have dragon blood in their bodies, the form is far from the dragon.

In order to finally turn the dragon, it is necessary to experience the disaster, experience the opportunity, and finally inspire the Dragon King blood, which is like the practitioner of "Dragon Emperor", and finally to make a dragon in the body!

Fish jump gantry, soaring in the sky!

Viper spit, billion years of dragon!

No matter whether it is the Yuelong Gate of the fish dragon, it is a dragon; it is still a very difficult process for the pirate dragon to swallow the aura of the heavens and the earth.

And as the Dragon Queens pass more and more, the blood is getting farther and farther apart, then the blood of the Dragon King will sleep more and more deep, and the Dragon will be even harder.

However, Yi Yunhualong is harder than this!

Because the blood concentration in his body is far less than the son of the dragon, he needs to use his heaven and earth to improve his blood. This is the process of practicing Dragon King.

The dragon and the dragon are the blood of the body, simulating the dragon's son, first stimulating the strength of the dragon in the body.

The golden scale, also known as the dragon, is one of the dragons.

The golden scales are the objects in the pool.

At this time, Yi Yun displayed the dragon-nine style, which is the blood of the dragon king in the body, simulating the power of the scales.

This is also the only one that Yi Yun learned in the current 亢龙九式.


Inspire the life potential of Yiyun, you can double your attack power in a short time, even if you burn blood, it is just like this!

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