True Martial World

Chapter 1305: What kind of polite?

"Moonsha, do you know?"

Between the eyes of the Net Moon Islander and the eyes of the disciples of the Red Yiu County, it is almost a spark.

"I realized that in a secret, I was almost killed by her."

Net Moon Sand bites a small silver tooth, hatefully said.

The owner of Hongyi County screamed coldly. "The original secret is to compete by strength. I don’t want to talk about life or death. I just brought a little danger to your side. You and I don’t know each other. Do you still expect me to sacrifice myself? You are thoughtful? Why don't you say that you grabbed something that belonged to me before?"

"You want to be shameless. That thing was originally an unowned thing. Why do you say it is yours?"

Jingyuesha and Hongyi County are the opposite of each other. It is difficult for women to get along with each other peacefully, not to mention the two have enmity.

Seeing these situations, Ming Xinxuan’s Su’s treasurer frowned slightly, and the Red Yi County’s owner and the people started a dispute. She naturally turned to the Hongyi County.

You must know that this Hongyi County is the jewel of the Prince of Yi, and the Prince is the heavyweight of the Izumo Empire. This Yunze City is the seal of the Prince of Yi, and Ming Xinxuan is on the site of the Prince of Yi, and How can you not be polite to the Hongyi County?

"What happened to these people?"

Three treasurers asked the beauty to entertain.

"Oh..." The beauty reception was a little nervous, and it felt like a disaster, causing the Hongyi County owner to be unhappy. She hurriedly explained: "Three treasurers, these people come to Mingxinxuan to book a room, but there is no place, order The VIP level was not enough, so I refused, but the girl wanted me to get through, so I dragged it to the present."

Beauty waits to say this, Jingyuesha has a blushing blood.

She was originally sent to the beauty to entertain, and the beauty reception was directly said, and she lost her face.

The people who are the Tianyuemen of Jingyue Island will be counted. The key is the owner of Hongyi County.

Sure enough, the owner of Hongyi County smiled: "Hehehehe! It turned out to be the case. I said early, the VIP level is not enough. I can’t book the room. Although the room has been booked by me, I don’t mind if you Eat a meal, Su Shi, you can add a few small tables in the corner of the room, put some food for them."

With such an opportunity, how can the Hongyi County owner not speak out?

After the red-eyed county owner finished speaking, as if to cooperate with the owner of Hongyi County, the kitchen began to serve. In fact, it is now close to the banquet time set by the owner of the Red County. Mingxinxuan usually puts dishes and invites guests. Into the seats.

The net moon has a straight grind, and she hates the red lord.

The elders behind her are in high positions in Jinghai. When have such experiences, it is all because of her, but she has no way.

"I am really sorry, this VIP, about the booking room, my Mingxinxuan is also stipulated. If your VIP level is not enough, I can't help. The birthday party of Hongyi County is about to start, if you If it’s convenient, please leave, I’m sorry...”

The young woman’s words were polite, but she had already gone down the order. I came here to the restaurant, but I was driven away. The depression in my heart can be imagined.

At this time, even Yi Yun, I feel that Jingyuesha is really too bad today. He can't stand it anymore. He doesn't feel bad about Jingyuesha. He just thinks she is a young girl who is eager to win.

What's more, their group was expelled, Yi Yun is also one of them. Although Yi Yun is not arrogant, he will not be bullied to his face and will not fight back.

He was thinking about how to tidy up the owner of Hongyi County. Suddenly, he noticed the dishes from Mingxinxuan’s kitchen, these dishes...

Yi Yun’s heart glimpsed, his eyes staring at the dishes all at once, and he couldn’t move away. In Ming Xinxuan's dishes, he had a discovery that surprised him...

At this time, in addition to the net moon sand, other young geniuses of Jingyue Island and Tianshumen have long been filled with indignation. Those who can come to the world of Tiannan are all talented disciples. When was this kind of temper?

"You are called Hong Yi? Are you attending the contest?"

Xia Zijian spoke up, his voice was cold and aggressive.

"What? You still want to challenge me? I am afraid that you will not be able to fight with me and you will be eliminated!"

The owner of Hongyi County glanced at Xia Zijian and dismissively said that she could not look at the genius from Jinghai.

Xia Zijian holds the hilt and the knuckles are pinched. When Xia Zijian was despised by such people: "I am afraid that you can't wait to fight with me. It's better to do this. Now we will fight one game, one point. !"

Xia Zijian can't stand it.

"Oh, today, if it is not the birthday party of the county, I will beat you up. But now the dishes have been put on the table, especially Yun Yinfeng asks for the phoenix. If you want to taste it in time, how can it be because of some soil buns? Broken Yaxing, violent things."

"I was kind enough to let you sit in the corner. I wanted to let you open your eyes. If you can see the world, even if you can't eat it, you can smell it. This Mingxinxuan dish has the effect of beauty and beauty. It is more able to nourish the soul of the gods. This kind of medicated diet is afraid that you have never heard of it."

The owner of Hongyi County proudly saw the eyes of Jingyuesha. Jingyuesha wanted to come to eat but could not eat. She said these words in order to ridicule the net moon sand.

As for the person like Xia Zijian, she did not look at it at all, and how could she condescend to play with him here.

"Hong Yi! It’s just a table of dishes. You are a rare girl!"

The net moon and sand are so small that the hand is constantly grasping, as if in the fantasy, the owner of Hongyi County is caught in the hand and kneaded hard.

Ming Xinxuan's dishes are even more famous, and they are all dishes. If it is normal, she can't care if she can't eat it. However, the owner of Hongyi County is constantly using it to humiliate her. This makes the net month sand that is victorious and victorious to die.

"Isn't it rare? Then you don't hurry to disappear from my eyes? Today is my birthday party. I have already included it. It is good to let you stay. It is common sense to let you leave. Now, please leave!" The narrow and narrow beauty of the Lord bent slightly and sneered to add a sentence.

"To Su Shi, you don't want anyone to send this VIP card."

Su smiled at the shopkeeper, she knew that the Hongyi County owner had let her express her position.

She was not willing to offend either side of the two parties, but Jingyuesha and his entourage came from Jinghai after all. After the Tiannan Summit, most of them left. If they offended, they would offend. Moreover, just as Jingyuesha’s words, they also devalued Mingxinxuan. It makes her very uncomfortable.

She shook her head slightly and walked to the front of Jingyuesha. She said, "This guest, my heart, this table of medicated food, has been in the world of Tiannan for tens of thousands of years. I have never seen many celebrities, but today, we This craft can't enter the girl's eyes. Since the girl is not so rare, please return your VIP card."

Jingyuesha was very angry and she took out the VIP card and threw it directly on the floor. "I don't want it yet!"

Her heart is also very angry, but here is the world of Tiannan, she can not do it, can only bear this tone.

Seeing Jingyuesha throwing away the VIP card, Su’s shopkeeper brows a glimpse. She also has some status in Yunze City. Both black and white give her a few faces. If Jingyuesha makes a good return to the VIP card, it will be fine. This is thrown on the ground, and she has a fire in her heart: "Girl, my Mingxinxuan VIP card is like my Mingxinxuan signboard. The people who hold this VIP card are all status people, if they know The VIP cards they hold are abandoned by you. What do you think? You don’t want this card, you can come back, and throwing it on the ground is equivalent to licking my Mingxuan’s signboard, and please pick it up.”

Su prophet said that reaching out, meaning that the net moon sand smashed up and handed it back to her hand. If the net moon is soft, this matter will be considered. Otherwise, her heart is not good bully.

The net moon has to be violently ruined. This sussing cabinet is simply deceiving people. It is also a rush to catch people. Is it a refund of the VIP card, and also requires a polite service?

Net Moon Sand is not a good provoked master. She lifted her foot directly and stepped on the VIP card.

"Old woman, is it good to bully when we look outside? It is obvious that you have to open the VIP card first, and want your grandmother to pick it up and dream!"

Jingyuesha said this sentence, Jingyue Yin and Jingyue Ping have already stood behind the net moon sand, and they are both deep and sea-like, and they are forced!

Jinghai is small, but Jingyue Island is not a good one. Mingxinxuan’s background in Yunze City is deep, but Jingyue Island is not afraid.

For a time, the atmosphere became dignified, and at this moment, a group of people appeared at the door.

These people are dressed in luxury, there are men and women, headed by a middle-aged man wearing a robe. He is calm and steady, and he walks in a long way. It is like stepping on the drums of everyone's heartbeat. .

The middle-aged man in the robes saw this situation, and the thick eyebrows picked it up and asked: "Hongyi, what is going on?"

Seeing the middle-aged man in the robes, the heart of Hongyi County was a joy. She had a birthday party and an elder. The middle-aged man was her six uncle, the grand prince of the Izumo Empire, and she was in a high position.

"Three uncles, you are coming right, there are people here in Mingxinxuan."

Hongyi County preemptive strikes, pointing to Jingyuesha. "It’s this little girl, throwing the Mingxinxuan VIP card on the ground, and using the foot, and my birthday party, she can’t order the place here. I don’t want to go."

The mouth of the owner of Hongyi County is also vicious, and Jingyuesha has no choice but to rush to tear Hongyi’s mouth away.

"Sue treasurer, is anyone really making trouble?" The middle-aged man in the robe asked the glamorous young woman.

The young woman smiled and gave a gift: "Cloud Master, this is not a big deal. The young people are young and full of enthusiasm. After a few words, I just want this little girl to pick up the VIP card, and then apologize. It is."

The young woman said, looking at the net moon sand.

At this point, the situation has escalated, and the net month sand is wronged, and the beauty is red. Although the net moon island is not afraid of Mingxinxuan, the ancestral elders also support themselves.

However, after all, Jingyue Island came to Tiannan World to participate in the Tiannan Summit. As the saying goes, the strong dragon does not press the head snake, and Jingyue Island just came to Yunze City, and for all reasons, the local forces here have been offended.

At this time, Jingyuesha was riding a tiger. She regretted it a bit. Did she just step on this foot and it was a little impulsive...

She didn't want to trouble her elders. As long as she endured it, she looked at the VIP card at her feet and her lips were white...

She almost wanted to reach out and pick up the VIP card, but at this moment, she suddenly had a foot and stepped on the VIP card!

Jingyuesha suddenly stopped, this foot is very solid, and Jingyuesha also stepped on her foot before, but she lacked the strength and only stepped on half of it, but this foot left directly on the VIP card. A big footprint.

She looked up and saw that the person who extended this foot was... Yi Yun?

Yi Yun said with a smile: "Mr. Shah Shah, you have to step on it and step on it. What are you polite?"

(3400 words)

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