True Martial World

Chapter 1330: Group of wolves

Thinking of this, Yi Yun’s heart sneered, and the Emperor Scorpio had already had a hatred with himself. I wish I could die. This kind of downfall, how can I miss out on the benefits? He didn't want to approach himself so suddenly, and this was related to Ren Yun. This group of people completely regards themselves as fat.

"Easy to head, the people are not good, you carefully consider."

Net month hidden reminder, she has rich experience, and saw the problem, this Pingyun is not like a good person.

“Thank you, the net predecessors warned that the younger generation has its own size.”

Yi Yun said, the net month nodded, she waited to see Yi Yun's response.

Buddhism cultivation, light talent and opportunity is not enough, must have a human mind, if it is too impulsive or too stupid, it will often die very badly.

Now, in this case, Yi Yun said that the situation is terrible, and there are Dan Xin Zonghu’s eyes on it. Inside, there are forces surrounded by the robbers. If one is not handled well, people will eat bones. There is no left.

Net Moon Hidden to see, Yi Yun in this desperate situation, whether it can still advance and retreat, in fact, the net month hidden feel that even if you changed your position in Yi Yun, you can not ask!

"Easy to open the door, if necessary, the opportunity on your body will be put away, leaving the green hills not afraid of burning wood."

Net Moon implicitly gives advice. She feels that with Yi Yun’s talent, as long as she lives, there will be an infinite future.

"The younger generation knows."

Yi Yun smiled slightly and hugged the fists of Qi Pingyun. He said, "Where is the brother of the two brothers, I can't accept them, and I can't accept the life of Yi, I have saved them by my brother, Yimou has been extremely grateful, how I can also accept the **** of the gods."

Yi Yun’s words are sincere, and the net month is a little bit stunned. Yi Yun said what this means. He really counted on the robbery to send him to leave the world of Tiannan.

Although she warned Yi Yun, don't be too obsessed with the opportunity, but did not let Yi Yun hand over all the opportunities to the road to rob the building, this is to seek the skin with the tiger, want to be cheaper on the road robbery, it is simply an idiotic dream.

Even Yan Pingyun suddenly stunned, Yi Yun so good to talk? This is just the beginning of his own opening. He put it on the pole and agreed to his own conditions. Even the two gods and gods are not needed. How fearful it is to die!

"This kid, because Dan Xinzong was afraid that he would have been sleepy, I thought he would not know what to do, and asked me for a price. I didn't expect it to be useless. I promised it. I have no choice but to ask for help. He is."

Seeing that Yi Yun is so rude, Yu Pingyun reveals a smug color to Yi Yun. Yi Yun was investigated before the robbery of the building. The evaluation of Yi Yun is not low. What is the "juvenile hero"? "St." Now, it seems that Yiyun is a straw bag that is greedy and fearful of death.

"Scorpio Prince, have you been vengeful with this person before?"

Yan Pingyun passed the sound of the emperor's temperament, and Yi Yun's words and deeds made him disdain, but for the sake of profit, he had to continue with Yi Yun and succumb to the snake.

"Don't compare me to him. This Yi Yun is just a chance. It is a waste. It is useless to get treasures. A Dan Xinzong is already afraid of this. Pingyun brother, before you and I agreed, that respect God will return to you, Lingyu will return to me, and inheritance will take me through watching for half a year, you must not forget!"

"Of course!" Yan Pingyun nodded. "As long as things are at hand, we will abolish Yiyun's Dantian. When I send him to the House of the Highness, I will kill him and listen to His Royal Highness."

After the completion of the voice of Ping Pingyun, he looked at Yi Yun again. He still smiled and said: "Yi Gongzi is not polite. I said that I have to give two gods and gods to the two, so I will not treat Yi Gongzi."

Looking at the exchange of Yi Jianyun with a knife in the pocket of Xiao Ping, the net month hidden has not been able to go on. What is Yi Yun going to do, really believe this Ping Pingyun?

"Where is the brother, it is often said that the treasure has the ability to live in it. Although Yimou got the inheritance of the ancients, but he did not have the strength to keep it, and gave it to the road to the building, but also made the best use of it, this brother helped me. I can leave a few tens of millions of Lingyu to spend a little, and I am satisfied, right, the things in this ring should also be given to my brother."

Yi Yun said, handed a space ring to Yu Pingyun.

This space ring looks very simple, and I am going to give myself something.

This Yiyun is too stupid!

He has been doing a lot of things in killing people for more than eight hundred and nine hundred years, but it is the first time to encounter such stupid prey!

褚 Pingyun’s unmoving look at the space ring, the gods swept away, the rings were all kinds of scrolls. It’s like watching these scrolls as if they had experienced many years, and the arrays in many reels have been broken, so that you can see them. I have a big shock in my heart.

Rao is his ordinary mood and not in color, this time is also overjoyed, is this the hand?

He explored some reels with a little knowledge of God, but felt that the surface of these reels seemed to be shrouded in an ancient and sinuous atmosphere, which is the breath of the peerless powerhouse!

Because of this breath, the spirit of Yan Pingyun can not fully see the contents of the scroll, only that there is a dense old text inside, Yunshan fog cover, like magic.

Yan Pingyun really wants to laugh three times. I didn’t expect that these reels could still retain the breath of the ancient strong, and it’s really extraordinary.

He can't wait to explore the scrolls now, of course, before he can kill Yi Yun.

I just didn't expect that Yi Yun would hand over something so easily, so that his plan to deal with Yi Yun was disrupted.

"Yi Zhangmen, do you really hand over the inheritance to this Pingpingyun?"

Seeing Yi Yun handing over the space ring, the net month is a little anxious. She sees Yi Yun not like a reckless generation. How to make such a thing?

"Predecessors are relieved, and the younger generation knows."

Yi Yun said, at this time, Jingyue Yin did not know what to say, she suddenly found that many people around the gods have been swept here intentionally or unintentionally.

What Yi Yun just said, the act of surrendering the space ring was still noticed by many people.

At the meeting of the South Summit, there are no shortage of masters!

The net month is a wrinkle. If Yi Yun wants to hand over everything to the road to the building, let Dan Xinzong go to the road to rob the building, and he can stay out of it, it would be too naive.

Whether it is Dan Xinzong, or the road to robbery, will not let Yi Yun!

In fact, this will only be cheaper to rob the building. The road robbery building is not afraid of Dan Xinzong. They have made it clear that they are coming to the tiger to eat. This is why Mu Pingyun is not afraid of being noticed. They all decided to grab the treasure. How can it be hidden?

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