True Martial World

Chapter 133: karma

The sun is gradually sinking, and the villagers of the Lien clan have enough to eat and drink. This is a big meal they have never eaten in their lives. Plus hungry for so long, now they are open to the belly and eat, it’s so cool. .

When the meal is full, it is time to eat.

It is the best way to eliminate food when it comes out to exercise. What do the people of the Liberal tribe do? Now there is something waiting for them to do, that is to clear the old account.

Yi Yun’s return, let everyone know that they are being fooled into jade! Lian Chengyu, he drinks the blood of the people, eats the meat of the people, and everything he does is only planning for his own future.

The people will be so hungry, because they are even jade!

It’s ridiculous that they were so stupid before, pinning all their hopes on Lian Chengyu and singing a tribute to Lian Chengyu.

The hard-working people don't have to say it. They were originally connected to Yuping, and they hated Lianchengyu.

Now they rely on the benefits of Yiyun to eat, and even Cheng Yu is not only their enemy, but also the enemy of their savior Yi Yun, whether for their own sake or for Yi Yun, they can not be lightly connected. jade.

As for what Lian Chengyu has abolished, this will not extinguish the anger of their revenge. I haven’t revenged myself, and the enemy has hung up. Who can be willing?

Even the doglegs that were originally connected to jade hate Lianchengyu. If they are not even jade, how can they hate Yiyun?

If you don’t have a hatred, how can they not get the food today?

The thinking of the great wilderness is very special.

Yi Yun does not give them food, they will not hate Yi Yun, because Yi Yunqiang. The Great Wilderness believes that the strong should dominate the fate of the weak. They don't dare to hate, hate is useless.

But they are hungry. When you are hungry, you must have a punching bag to vent their anger. This punching bag can only be weak. Who is the weak now? It is obvious that even the jade, the former master who had been abolished, took them to get the food for the bones, and finally lost everything, and promised nothing to complete, and they are now hungry!

then. Regardless of the ordinary people, or even the dog legs of Cheng Yuyu, the spearheads turned to Lianchengyu, and even the jade provoked the public anger!

So that night, a group of angry villagers rushed into the old people's homes to find a way to revenge. The way the villagers vent their anger is straightforward and simple. They threw cow dung into the home of Lianchengyu!

They all think that Lian Chengyu has brought suffocation and ominousness to the Lien clan. If it is not even a jade, how can the villagers starve so much? Remove this hernia with cow dung. It is necessary!

In fact, the cattle in the village have long since disappeared, and the amount of cow dung storage is limited.

What if I don’t have enough? There are villagers who are smart, from the station of Jinlongwei. The manure of the one-horned giant rhinoceros was dug.

The one-horned giant rhinoceros can eat or not, or eat a big tree at a meal. The feces of the one-horned giant rhinoceros, that is called a spectacular! A oxcart can't fit!

Seven or eight villagers. The heat of the sky has brought the feces of the one-horned giant rhinoceros, which is cool. People think that the feces of the one-horned giant rhinoceros should be better than the cow dung. After all, it is a one-horned giant rhinoceros, one hundred times more powerful than farming cattle. more than!

Ever since, the one-horned giant rhinoceros was thrown to the old people's compound in the rain, and a group of old people frightened and fled.

The original patriarch of the Lien clan was already ill, and even Cheng Yu was abolished. After all his hopes were shattered, he fell ill.

When people sometimes, they must rely on spiritual support to survive, and spiritual support collapses, so the motivation for people to live will be lost.

No one can stop the angry crowd, and the old family of the Liberal tribe was quickly buried by cow dung.

Speaking of it... How can you reduce Liu Tie?

As a man who wants to be Yi Yun dog's leg, Liu Tie will never miss any opportunity to Yi Yun.

In fact, Liu Tie is one of the initiators of this siege plan. He is now the most popular group of people. He is also the most diligent to throw a single-horned giant rhinoceros. He took a shovel and specialized in shovel. The manure of the block was thrown at the old courtyard.

And this squatting hand is very dark, and one mind throws it into the window and piles it up inside the house.

Liancheng jade, lying in the house and lingering, was buried in the faeces.

Until this time, there was an old family who had a relationship with Lianchengyu. He dared to climb into the old people's compound and sneak into the old man's compound. He was dragged out of the manure pile.

The one-horned giant rhinoceros was thrown away, and Liu Tie felt that he was not addicted. He yelled at him. "Village, set fire!"

The people in the wilderness are blind, some take the lead, and they respond.

Then, a torch was ignited and thrown into the old courtyard. Soon, the courtyard ignited a raging fire.

The fire was shining, and the smoke was rolling into the clouds. It was ten times more than the fire that burned the Yiyun house.

Yi Yun stood in the mountains and looked at the fire from afar.

The same situation happened again after a few months...

At the beginning, it was connected to the jade, and now Yiyun divides the grain.

When the wicked had a big meal, the kind people were deceived; now the kind people are full of food and clothing, and the wicked are hungry.

At the beginning, Jiang Xiaorou was besieged, cow dung and flame destroyed the house, and now the old courtyard was besieged. The one-horned giant rhinoceros and the flame destroyed the old courtyard...

All this is like a causal reincarnation, planting cause and effect, and retribution.

Yi Yun suddenly felt that in fact, in this world, good people may not have good news, and wicked people may not have bad consequences.

If the world is unfair, then he will make the world fair and fair within the limits of his ability!

Yi Yun is not a saint, nor will he take the ideal of making the world fair. This kind of ideal is simply unrealistic.

However, Yi Yun hopes that at least in the future, in his fiefdom, he will not see unfair things happen.

Good people can get happiness, wicked people, and be punished.

This is the simple and beautiful wish of Yi Yun.


The sun completely fell, and it was dark, and Yi Yun came to the Donghe Waterfall.

A waterfall with a drop of water, the water is rumbling, and the eardrum is trembled.

After a lapse of half a month, Yi Yun returned to this familiar place. Yi Yun used to practice dragon dance here, and also met Lin Xinyi here.

Yi Yun closed his eyes and looked at the boxing. He had changed the flying fish suit and wore a dry linen dress. Every movement of his movement was pleasing to the eye, and it also contained a powerful explosive force.

After a set of punches, Yi Yun turned his head and felt that under the stars, a white girl stood on the ancient rock covered with hoarfrost, such as the fairy, the Tingting... (unfinished) to be continued……)

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