True Martial World

Chapter 1384: greedy

As the first big city of the Wuling people, Wucheng has countless people going here every day. At the entrances to the city, there are people from the Li family who are here, but now they have been in the past ten days. Now these Li The family has already had a loose attitude.

They are all martial arts martial arts people, they do not need to do things like guarding the gates, but now they are here to guard the door because of a daring mortal.

They heard the news that the mortal family had already escaped with luck on the same day. In this case, what is the point of keeping the door here?

So when Yi Yun walked in front of one of the Li family members, the Li family only looked at him and did not look at him again.

Wucheng has a vast area. There are more than a dozen entrances to the city. Yiyun entered Wucheng this time and took another entrance. After he entered the city, he came to another city.

Yi Yun didn't know how the ancestors of the gods discovered him, but when they wanted to come, only Long Long Ding was the most likely.

This time in the city, Yi Yun sealed the scent of 亢龙鼎 with Amethyst, and with the transfer of stars, he did not believe that he would be found by the gods.

"First go to Wang Mu to buy herbs."

Yi Yun wants to give Wang Mu refining the medicinal herbs, the medicinal materials needed are not expensive, but they are very rare, so some pharmacies of a certain size are needed to buy them.

He inquired many times on the road, and after knowing the name of a pharmacy, he went to the pharmacy.

"Huichun Pavilion, it is said that it is also a good pharmacy, but also has some relationship with the refining Tiange." Yi Yun stood at the door and glanced at it.

This spring pavilion is much smaller than the refining pavilion. There are only two buddies. There is a man in the shopkeeper sitting behind the counter.

Yi Yun went straight to the counter and placed a list on the stage: "I want to buy these herbs."

The shopkeeper first glanced at the list and then slowly looked up. He looked up and he stunned.

"It's you?"

Yi Yun saw the appearance of the shopkeeper, but also remembered the other party. This person turned out to be the thin middle-aged Dan teacher he met in the refining Tiange.

At the beginning, Yi Yun’s appearance was not seen by anyone in the Li family. The Li family did not know the mortal who bought the medicine but did not buy it. It was Yi Yun after Yi Rong, so Yi Yun then used this appearance. I did not expect to encounter this thin Dan teacher.

It is no wonder that this pharmacy has told his people that this Huichun Pavilion has some relationship with the refining Tiange. It was originally opened by him.

He is just a normal Dan teacher in the refining Tiange, but he is able to open his own pharmacy in the city with the name of the refining Tiange and Wuling.

Skinny Dan teacher looked at the list in his hand with some playfulness, and then looked at Yi Yun, his face showing a sly smile.

"Before I said something, you will find out sooner or later that in this Wucheng, the Wuling people are the heavens. If you want to buy medicine, but if you have such a rare one, you will not be able to circumvent the Wuling people."

"Hey, you don't immediately meet me again. How about signing a contract for my clan, or..."

The skinny Dan teacher held his head up and almost looked at Yi Yun with his nostrils. He could play Yi Yun's face in such a short time, and he naturally feels comfortable.

Yi Yun slightly frowned, "I have no interest in your contract! I want all the medicines on this list."

"Oh." Skinny Dan sneer, he slowly touched his character, "You still really do not eat and drink fine wine, you want to buy medicine, you can! You buy these medicines, especially this autumn Mingzi, only I am here, there is also a refining celestial cabinet. I will not circle you, these things, you want a **** king fairy, take it out!"

After that, the middle-aged Dan teacher leaned back and looked at Yi Yun with a smile.

What a precious thing is the king of the gods, not to mention a mortal family, even the martial arts master, not everyone has it.

His medicinal materials are not for sale at all, so it is only for the sake of leisure.

Although I can't see the prescription from the herbs listed on this list, this autumn Akiko may be used to cure the wounds and cure the wounds. It is a life-saving medicine. It is not procrastinating. He would like to see Yi Yun’s dilemma. Look like that.

"A **** king fairy?" Yi Yun sneered, these herbs do not say a **** king Xian, that is one tenth is worthless.

"How, can't afford it? If you can't afford it, let's go, don't delay me to do business." Middle-aged Dan Shi shook his fan and said.

Just then, the voice in his throat suddenly caught, like the neck was lived, and his eyes were wide.

A piece of god, the fairy, was thrown on the counter in front of him.

The middle-aged Dan teacher looked at Yi Yun with amazement. He did not expect that Yi Yun could actually come up with the **** of the gods.

"The money has been given to you, the medicinal herbs I want." Yi Yun cold and cold, he remembered this person.

At this time, the middle-aged Dan teacher looked at Yi Yun’s eyes differently. He thought that Yi Yun was poor, but now I’m looking at Yi Yun’s eyes is a bit weird.

I can use these gods to buy these low-value medicines. This kid is really a big deal.

He does not think that Yi Yun is a stupid person who buys bargains at a high price. This can only show that this Akiko is very important to Yi Yun, and most of them are waiting for life.

His eyes turned and he said: "I just said that a god, Wang Xian, is only the total price of these prescriptions, but the prescription has to increase taxes. Every time I sell a medicine, I have to give it to the Wuling people. This tax I want you to give it out, plus 50 million Chinese spirits."

The middle-aged Dan Shi smiled and extended his hand. He decided that Yi Yun was rich in family, and he urgently needed this Akiko Akiko. He did not take the opportunity to blackmail him, and it was too cheap for him.

Yi Yun’s eyes sank, and he took out five space rings from his hands and lined them up on the counter. “You want 50 million here.”

There is a gods old ancestor in Wucheng, he does not want to regenerate things, but this person has so touched his face, has touched his endurance limit.

"Hey, it's really there." The middle-aged Dan teacher looked at Yi Yun's eyes again. He just looked at a fat sheep. He touched his chin. Unconsciously, a spiritual mark fell on Yi Yun's body. .

Yi Yun felt this spiritual mark for the first time, this is the tracking mark!

He is quiet, pretending not to know.

"Go, take the medicine he wants." Middle-aged Dan said.

Soon, a few packets of herbs have been sent to Yi Yun.

Yi Yun took over the medicinal herbs, and even looked at the Dan teacher again, he turned and walked out of the Huichun Square.

With the medicinal herbs, Yi Yun directly out of Wucheng, it seems very anxious.

He quickly flew to a big wasteland, and it was already a thousand miles away from Wucheng. At this moment, Yi Yun suddenly stopped.

He sneered, turning his head in a hurry and looking at the few figures that suddenly appeared behind him.

There are a total of five people, four of whom are eight-nine-dollars, and the last one is a half-step.

"The high price of selling the medicine to me, but also the thought of robbery, you are really greedy."

The middle-aged Danshi who extorted Yiyun was one of five people, and the remaining few were strange faces.

Middle-aged Dan teacher haha ​​smiled: "It seems that you are not stupid, but you found it too late. You are a mortal, often offended me, I will let you know today, offending the Wulings!"

"In the broad day, robbery of their guests, this Wucheng's rules are really nothing." Yi Yun shook his head.

"Rules? Those rules are set for your mortal family. It is not a matter of death to have a mortal being here. Even if someone is suspicious, it will not be pursued for me." Middle-aged Danshi said disdainfully.

In fact, he is not easy to move this kind of mind. It is really that Yi Yun’s net worth is too rich. The gods and kings of the gods plus 50 million Chinese spirits and jade, the eyes are not stunned and they are taken out. How much is his net worth?

With such a rich wealth, he couldn’t stand it.

At this time, Yi Yun revealed a sinister smile: "Do you know why I found you until now?"

Seeing the reaction of Yi Yun, the middle-aged Dan Shi vaguely felt that something was wrong, and a helper he brought, also a Wuling man, said impatiently: "Where are the people who are going to die, where are they coming from?" More nonsense."


In an instant, all of them rushed to Yi Yun together.

In the eyes of Yi Yun, he blinked and smashed the machine. He reached out and touched the space ring. The sound also sounded: "Because I came all the way, I feel that this place is the most suitable for killing people."


A dazzling glory time illuminates from the hands of Yi Yun. This cold light breaks through time and space, suddenly appears, and disappears in an instant.

After the cold light, the first person who rushed to Yiyun seemed to be stiff and stopped at the same place.

His throat came out and a shallow sword mark appeared.


Blood flew, and the head of this person was directly washed away.


Middle-aged Dan Shi’s heart was shocked. He was just dead. He was a warrior of the Eight Diagrams Palace and was killed by Yi Yun! ?

And then.

Puff puff!

Several heads suddenly flew up and blood splashed!

Everyone he brought was killed by Yi Yun. Even the half-step sage, there is no exception. He just reacted and wanted to block the attack of Yi Yun, but his block was not there, he was already in the head. It’s a different place.

It's like stepping on a cockroach, just like stepping on an ant, there is no difference to Yi Yun.

The middle-aged Dan teacher stood in the same place, cold and he stood in the middle of these bodies.

These four people, even in an instant, were killed by Yi Yun...

His strength is even stronger than the ordinary sage.

" can you..." The middle-aged man suffocated. He clearly felt that Yiyun was very young. Why is there such a metamorphosis?

"Don't kill me... I am Dan Shi, I can help you to make alchemy, and I am the martyr of the Wuling white elders... I also return the gods and gods to you..." Middle-aged Dan teacher said intermittently.

His voice has not fallen, Yi Yun has suddenly come to him, and his sword is falling.


The sword fell, and the unwillingness and panic on the face of the middle-aged Dan teacher instantly solidified.

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