True Martial World

Chapter 1388: Boundary stone

The tortoise was not hit, the anger was more prosperous, and the roar of it was deafening, and the whole sea was stirred up by it.

From the eyes of these people, it sees greed and desire, and it is going to kill these people.

The roar of the tortoise has a soul attack, which makes the hearers squeak in their minds, as if there are countless ghosts crying and wandering.

In the blink of an eye, Li’s family, who was eager to come, retraced under the attack of the tortoise, and fled.

"This **** beast, it's crazy!" Li Jiuyu is going to vomit blood, first Yi Yun, then this turtle!

It is Yi Yun who clearly provokes the tortoise, but this turtle is staring at them and it is simply unreasonable.

However, this animal is too strong and outrageous. It has been practiced for many thousand years. For example, Li Yunshang and others are not its opponents at all. Only Li Jiuyi can barely fight against it.

At this time, they had already suffered casualties. A Li family disciple could not escape. It was scraped by the edge of the claws of the tortoise. It suddenly became a **** fog. Even the screams did not come out, and the body was a little more. Do not stay.

Seeing such a scene, these elites of the Li family are chilling behind them.

At this time, the boundary stone on the back of the tortoise was once again screaming and squeaking, cracking a larger gap.

And a more concentrated scent of medicine also emerged from it.

The medicine garden has been completely opened!

Li Yunshang, who was hiding in the back, blinked and quickly shouted: "Uncle! Don't entangle with this beast, find a way to enter the medicine garden, it's too late to be late!"

"Good!" Li Jiuyi glanced at the tortoise with a gloomy look. After taking a shot, he quickly stepped back and pulled out a long whip from the space ring.

The long whip waved long whip with Li Jiu, and the surrounding space seemed to be torn.

"This is the **** whip, let your beast taste it today!"

Li Jiuqi screamed and pulled out.

The long whip made a sharp sound of breaking into the air, forming a horrible crack in the air and directly smashing into the tortoise.

The tortoise also made a loud roar, it stirred the sea, the whole sea in the inner sea seems to be rolled up from the sea, covering the entire sky, the entire night sky is like an inverted ocean, and then toward Li Jiuyi, etc. People are kneeling.

In the bang of the bang, the long whip and the ocean collided.

It was the horrible vibration of this horror that allowed the elites of Li’s family, including Li Yunshang, to bleed.

However, at this time, Li Yunshang showed a hint of gloom.

And Li Jiuyi also sneered: "The beast is a beast, you are fooled."

After the long whip collided with the sea water, it instantly turned into a group of blue-violet liquids, which were completely integrated into the sea water.

"You are so stupid, how can you think that the **** whip is not a weapon at all, but a kind of super poison that my Li family has made innumerable poisons." Li Yunshang also coldly.

Once the "death whip" was integrated into the sea, it immediately spread.

The tortoise immediately sensed the change of the sea. At the same time, a large number of sea fish and some low-level beasts floated to the surface with their white belly.

Their bodies have quickly rotted, showing violent toxicity.

The tortoise is so horrified that it feels its power is also quickly lost.

"Uncle, we are moving quickly." Li Yunshang said.

It is impossible to kill the turtle by the poison. The poison is stronger, and after so much dilution of the seawater, it will slowly fail.

However, they do not need to fight with this turtle to kill you, as long as they can enter the medicine garden.

As for the tortoise, as long as it is still in the inner sea, Li Yunshang has decided to secretly decide that he will come again with the Li family, dump it eight pieces, use it all over the body, and eat it. Meat, drink its blood!

There is Yi Yun, he will immediately go in and find Yi Yun, and then let him regret coming to this world!

At the thought of Yi Yun, both Li Yunshang and Li Jiuyi are full of killing. They are Wuling people, enjoy the privilege in Wucheng, and have never been turned around by a mortal.


Li Jiuyu stopped in front of the tortoise and shouted.

"Follow me!" Li Yunshang immediately took the lead and rushed to the front.

And those Li elites are close behind.


The tortoise once again made a roar, but Li Jiuyi took a shot, and it was paralyzed to avoid it, and the head slammed heavily.

The turtle suddenly whipped.

"Bee, you can't stop me now!" Li Jiuyu sneered.

The poison enters the water, and the turtle is the first to bear the brunt, and it takes time to recover.

Now it can only watch their group of people enter the ancient medicine garden.

And when you entered the ancient medicine garden, the turtles took them no way.

Seeing that the boundary stone is in front, Li Yunshang’s face is fascinating and directly rushes in.

"Come in!"

Li Yunshang and Li Jia elite, they finally entered the medicine garden.

"This is the ancient medicine garden..."

I heard the aroma of the medicinal herbs here, and I felt the richness of the heavens and the earth here. Li Yunshang’s face could not help but smile.

For this medicine garden, he is also a painstaking effort, and now he has finally got what he wants.

"Well... that is, Yi Yun?"

Li Yunshang saw a figure from afar.

In addition to them in this ancient medicine garden, naturally it is the Yi Yun!

"First take Yi Yun, I still have a lot of means, please ask him to taste it!"

Li Yunshang said coldly.

This Yi Yun thought that he would rush into the medicine garden, and he would be able to eat the tiger's mouth. I don't know if it is convenient for them to catch up.

At this time, Yi Yun also sensed the fluctuations in the space channel.

He went back and saw Li Yunshang and others coming towards him.

"You are coming in very fast. I thought you would play outside for a while, but or something, you seem to be playing a bit miserable."

Yi Yun's ridiculous voice was introduced into the ears of Li Yunshang and others.

Li Yunshang’s eyes were cold, and he snorted heavily: “When you can’t ask for a life, you can’t wait for it, you can’t be so sharp!”

He really can't wait to catch Yi Yun, and he can hate his heart.

However, at this moment, a scream came from the space channel at the rear.

Li Yunshang wrinkled his brow and quickly turned his head and looked at it.

A Lijia elite who had just been sent in, only sent half of the body, and the other half was torn into pieces in the space channel.

At the same time, the space around the passage suddenly came with a huge suction, and the entire space law became incomprehensible, and it continued to spread. Like the plague, it quickly spread to the entire medicine garden. .

Several weak Lijia elites immediately showed a terrified look. They were torn by the power of this space and soon screamed and was broken into pieces.

How is this going? !

Li Yunshang was shocked. He obviously felt that even he could not bear the drastic changes in this space, and this change is still getting more and more intense!

"It's a tortoise!"

At the other end of the passage, the voice of Li Jiuyong was faintly heard.

"螭龟?" Li Yunshang was shocked, was the animal not stopped?

Li Jiuyu was even more shocked at this time. He did not expect that after the turtles and Li Yunshang and others flew into the medicine garden, they suddenly made a resentful roar, violently turning their heads and biting down the stone.

"Damn! This animal is crazy!"

Li Jiuzhen did not expect this scene completely, and his expression changed greatly, trying to block the tortoise.

However, the tortoise did not pay any attention to his attack. Even if there were several wounds on his head, he still bite straight.

The power of the tortoise was so horrible. After it bit the stone, the runes on the surface of the stone trembled fiercely, and then an unbearable loud noise was heard in the huge power of the tortoise.


In the huge mouth of the tortoise, the boundary stone made an unbearable cracking sound.

The rune above also began to become flickering.

"Come out!" Li Jiuyi slammed his palm on the head of the tortoise.

The tortoise made a painful snoring and looked up, but still biting the stone.

Li Jiuyi screamed, and turned a huge palm into the space channel, grabbing Li Yunshang.

Just in the moment when Li Yunshang came out, the boundary stone collapsed and the space passage was also torn apart.

"Ah!" Li Yunshang screamed, his leg has not completely separated from the space channel, so that his half-legged leg was directly bitten off!


The tortoise has completely crushed the boundary stone.

Li Yunshang is extremely painful. He holds his broken leg and his heart is shaking. His shank has been thoroughly smashed. Even Li, it takes a huge price to make his legs reborn. It may make his leg return to the past level.

At this time, Li Jiuxiao refused to take care of Li Yunshang. He stood in the air and looked at this scene. There was no boundary stone. Even if he knew that the medicine garden was in the nearby space node, they could not find out.

They did not expect that the tortoise's character was so fierce that it would rather destroy the boundary stone and prevent them from entering the medicine garden.

The cooked duck is flying like this! They have all entered the medicine garden, but they still have a shortfall!

"Animals! Animals!" Li Jiuyi was also angry and shivering.

At the crucial moment, he only had time to rescue Li Yunshang. After all, Li Yunshang was the most eye-catching genius of the Li family's younger generation. It is a pity to die.

As for the Li family elites, they can only be killed in the medicine garden. They cannot stand the space storm caused by the collapse of this stone.

And that Yi Yun... He is naturally the same, anyway, the result is definitely dead.

At this time, the tortoise looked up at them coldly and then slowly sank into the sea.

Li Jiuyi hesitated for a moment, and eventually did not dare to chase, this sea water is the site of the tortoise.

Although the tortoise is poisoned, it is not deep, and now there is no boundary stone, and it is lost after chasing it.

But when she thought that the medicine garden had been destroyed, Li Jiuyi felt that her chest was very stuffy. A blood stasis was in the throat and almost spit it out. This is also because of the battle with the tortoise, he consumed too much.

He screamed a few times and madly shot several palms towards the surface of the sea.

The sea was violently surging, but the sound of the waves did not make Li Jiuyi feel vented, but instead seemed to mock him.

Li Jiuxiao was very expensive, so after a catharsis, there was not much energy left. He slammed his sleeves and said, "Let's go!"

This time, I really lost my wife and lost my soldiers. Li Jiuzhen really didn't want to stay here for a moment.

Li Yunshang’s expression was no better than him. He didn’t get anything at all. Instead, he let himself lose half of his calf, and the wolf was miserable, just barely saved his life.

In addition to failing to get the medicine garden, Li Yunshang’s most regrettable thing is that he did not have a hand to tie Yi Yun.

Let Yi Yun die in the space storm, it is really too cheap for him!

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