True Martial World

Chapter 142: Tiandu

Dozens of horned giant rhinoceros, running in the wild, this is the team led by Zhang Tan. ¥f. ¥f

This time, Jinlongwei entered the cloud shortage, and it was huge, with a total of 10,000 people. The team of Zhangtan is only one of them.

Yi Yun also knows the reason why Jinlongwei entered the cloud shortage. He said that it was a few months ago that the whole cloud was born and it was alarmed by the Tai A Shen Guo. This led to the search for the Great Wilderness and wanted to find treasures.

As a result, the treasure was not found, but it found an ancient mystery.

When Wen Yunwaits to visit the cloud, he wants to explore the secrets. Because some of the secrets can not be solved, he asked the Su to help.

The secret is too big, Wen Wen waiting for those people will not come out for a while.

Plus the treasures have been in search for several months, and even the shadows are not there. Jinlongwei has no reason to continue to stay in the cloud.

Therefore, from yesterday, the 10,000 Jinlongwei who entered the cloud shortage began to withdraw, and the team of Zhangtan was the first to leave.


The vast wilderness, vast and boundless, in the wilderness, the peak of 10,000 meters is endless, the peak of the mountain is snow all year round, and the glaciers are overwhelming!

Over the glaciers, there are also canyons, and there are vast rivers and rivers!

Yi Yun follows the team of Jinlongwei. This road has come and seen the magnificent mountains and rivers of the Great Wilderness. Everything here is rough and majestic, amazing!

If there is no army to accompany, there is no special mount, and it is too difficult and difficult to walk through the wilderness.

Legend has it that in the distant era, the cloud has once stood in the glory of the Kingdom of God, but in the end it has slowly declined. Many martial arts heritages have disappeared, leaving only a few small tribes to survive.

For more than a month, in addition to hurrying or hurrying.

In the process of rushing, Yi Yun did not slack off cultivation.

Lin Xinyi sent Yi Yun’s silver shirt, Yi Yun has been wearing it on his body. When riding a one-horned giant rhinoceros, Yi Yun will control the weight of the silver shirt to the lightest state because of the endurance problem of the one-horned giant rhinoceros. .

However, once the team stopped, Yi Yun himself practiced. Will immediately increase the weight and binding force of the silver shirt!

Yi Yun wore a silver shirt to practice the exercises.

In the past, with the strength of Yiyun, the dragon-bone tiger-bone boxing method can be played dozens of times in succession.

But now, because of the shackles of the silver shirt, it is only seven or eight times. He feels that the power is seriously consumed. In fact, the weight is still second. The shackles of the silver shirt are the most energy-consuming, whether it is punching or kicking. Stretch your body, vacate, and the speed is much slower than usual.

If the power is consumed, it must be added.

Before the easy cloud into the wilderness valley to kill the beasts accumulated bone relics quickly finished eating.

Later, in addition to relying on Amethyst to absorb the vitality of the heavens and the earth, Yi Yun also had to eat a lot of wild animal meat. Fortunately, there was a "swallowing technique" to support it, which made Yi Yun not appear to have no energy cultivation.

This also makes Yi Yun feel that the military is practicing and consuming resources. I really want to use terror to describe it.

However, such high-intensity cultivation is also very effective.

For more than a month, Yi Yun has been more and more adapted to the pressure brought by the silver shirt. If the silver shirt is adjusted to the minimum degree of restraint, then Yi Yun feels just wearing a tight dress, and there is no Too much influence his actions.

This is another month. They crossed the tens of thousands of miles of wilderness and went through a long-distance transmission to a border town.

I waited for three days in the border town and joined other Jinlongwei teams. Once again through a long distance transmission, finally, they arrived at the destination of the gods!

When Yi Yun followed a group of Jinlongwei, he came out from the transmission array. Seeing the sight in front of you, Yi Yun took a deep breath!

The location where everyone is now, a long and boundless cliff, under the cliff, is a cliff!

This cliff is sleek and amazing. It is as if the mountain was suddenly opened by a **** and the other half was taken away. The cut section is like a huge ruler lying here!

Under the cliff, far from the end of the field of vision, it is a more shocking scene.

There, there is a huge tower of gods, this tower is black, like a tree of the world, straight through the sky!

This tower is too thick, unbelievable, and around the tower is a huge city.

The city wall, the city walls are deep red, tall and heavy, looking far away, like the **** of heaven.

Above the city wall, there are hundreds of flying boats floating in the volley. Each flying boat can carry tens of thousands of people. There are various kinds of spirits and beasts between the flying boats. These beasts are covered with scales and are born. Long horns, some of them are covered in feathers, and they are colorful. Some of them have a dragon head that is fierce at first sight.

Each of the beasts exudes a strong breath, which is more than a hundred times stronger than the one-of-a-kind rhinoceros of Jinlongwei!

Across this distance, everyone can faintly see that these beasts are all riding.

It's hard to imagine what kind of realm should those who ride the ancient beasts?

“There are countless tribes, but there are countless tribes, but most of the people there can only sit and watch the sky...”

Yi Yun muttered to himself, although in the Great Wilderness, he heard more than once that the world is vast and profoundly aware that those large gates with deep roots and ancient kingdoms have unimaginable strength.

However, even if you are prepared, when you really see it, Yi Yun is still difficult to calm down the shock.

It’s too grand, and the picture in front of you is not enough to describe it!

Yi Yun has achieved remarkable results in the great wilderness, but it is placed in the ancient Tai A Shen Guo Kingdom, but it is nothing.

Yes, Tiandi Xuanhuang has four grades. He just judged a mysterious level, and in the mysterious level, it is not top-notch.

Yi Yun is better. Other Lien tribes who followed Yi Yun to come to China have been completely stunned. These scenes are completely beyond their understanding.

What is this place? God?

This world, can it still be like this?

When Yi Yun was shocked, he felt a soft hand on his palm. Yi Yun turned his head and looked at it. It was Jiang Xiaorou. "Yun, your road is still long."


Yi Yun nodded and smiled. Jiang Xiaorou always felt what he was thinking in the first place.

In Yi Yun’s heart, Jiang Xiaorou is a kind-hearted, kind-hearted girl.

Zhang Tan took a shot of Yi Yun’s shoulder and said: “This city. It’s called Tiandu, the Tai’s Kingdom is a total of one hundred and eight states, and the twenty-four wild places are the biggest in Jingzhou. One of the cities."

“Heavenly! One of the biggest cities in Jingzhou...”

Yi Yun eyebrows pick one. This level of city is also only one of the largest cities in Jingzhou under the Tai A Shen Kingdom.

The heritage of the Kingdom of God can be imagined!

"Let's go. We are in the city! Jinlongwei has a big camp in the sky, that is our own territory."

Zhang Tan said, shaking the reins, the one-horned giant rhinoceros ran along the cliff, and they ran for half an hour before they circumvented this huge cliff and came to the gate of Tiandu.

In the near future, the heavens are even more magnificent. The gate is like the door of the heavens in myths and legends. It is more than 30 feet high.

Before the gate. The two teams stood in a neat position. They wore bright silver armor and a four-footed sword with a waist and a cold face. It looked like an imposing manner, like a row of sinister beasts.

This kind of person, at first glance, is the iron-and-blood master who has really gone through the storm, not the kind that was chosen because of his mighty power.

The foundation of a city is not strong, and the sergeants who are guarding the gate can see that one or two of these guards are probably the soldiers of the peak of the purple blood.

Yi Yun thinks like this. Secretly screaming.

"Let's mount!" Zhang Tan waved his hand and everyone got off the mount.

Zhang Tan smiled and said: "Heavenly stipulates that civilians enter and exit the city gate. They must ride down, but ... people with the title of the national priest and the baron can ride the ride through the city gate without being restricted by this regulation. Going one step further, there are people with viscounts or above. You can ride a flying mount, fly over the city wall, and fly directly into the capital. In Tai’s Kingdom, the level is very clear and the order is very strict!”

"Oh? Level..." Yi Yun is slightly indulged. "The level is too clear, it is easy to arouse the dissatisfaction of the people?"

Zhang Tan stunned. "How can you be dissatisfied? In the Tai's Kingdom, all those who have the title of the title must fight on the battlefield to fight against the beasts and the beasts. It can be said that they are born and died. Ordinary people live and work in peace and contentment, the higher the number of people, the more they are fighting for strength! I don’t know how many people think about entering the hinterland of the Tai’s Kingdom of God and living in peace and contentment. They will only be grateful for the soldiers who protect them. Dissatisfied?"

After listening to the words of Zhang Tan, Yi Yun’s heart suddenly realized, yes, this world is not a peace of peace, the status and glory here are all earned by their own lives!

People will be dissatisfied with hereditary or the status of relationships. But with the glory of life, people will only respect and fear.

In this way, in the Kingdom of Tai A, the identity of the nobility not only means privilege, but also means unlimited glory!

Yi Yun thinks like this, looking up at the sky, in the sky, there are huge and luxurious floating boats, there are heroic spirits and spirits.

Taking note of Yi Yun’s gaze, Zhang Tan smiled. “What are you thinking about?”

Yi Yun did not hide his words: "I was thinking, one day, I will also sit on this floating boat, riding the flying spirit beast or the ancient relics, into the capital city!"

"Ha ha ha!" Zhang Tan laughed. "Yes, that's it! I am waiting for the martial arts person, it should be! The martial arts have no end, we should keep climbing up!"

Zhang Tan said, vigorously patted the shoulders of Yi Yun, he is more and more admiring Yi Yun this boy.

Yi Yun’s work in the Lien’s tribe, Sun Jingrui has all reported Zhang Tan, Zhang Tan listened, I feel that Yi Yun’s temper is very appetizing.

The warrior should be like this, happy and enmity, and clear grievances.

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... (to be continued.)

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