True Martial World

Chapter 1464: Cooperation

Nanxuan’s moon fell in disbelief and looked at the **** demon bone. “This demon bone contains the power of horror...”

She has the blood of the ancient demon, and the feeling of this demon bone is as strong as Yi Yun.

At this time, Yi Yun noticed that there is a force of law around this blood demon bone. Obviously someone has laid the line here.

The reason why they did not find the blood demon bone before, is because of the reason of the formation.

"I found this blood demon bone when I came last time, but this blood demon bone power is too strong to be taken away by me. So I laid a battle of the treasure here. This array will distract its power. , continue to kill its power." Sword no name said.

"But in fact, this method can only kill a part. This abyss is full of blood and murderous, and this blood demon bone is infiltrated. The power of the formation here is very limited."

"What can we do?" asked a warrior.

"Help me to play the maximum power of the law. As long as I can completely separate the blood demon bones and the demon gods, I will have the opportunity to take away the blood demon bones. Please rest assured, I will definitely give them after the event. Everyone is rewarded enough, not only that, but I will also share some of this blood demon bone. This time, the danger in the abyss is beyond my expectations..." The sword sighed in nowhere.

"No name for the predecessors need to say, our brothers and sisters will definitely help. I think other people should also help each other?" Lie Jiaojiao stood up and said.

After the sword is named, it will be divided into bleeding bones, these warriors are all bright.

"I am willing, if there is no unknown friend, we can not get blood demon bones." A warrior began.

After thinking about the rest of the warriors, they all nodded.

They help the sword to be nameless, not only can get some blood demon bones, but also get paid, and what they do is just to help the sword unnamed to play the power of the array. When you go to take blood and demon, or the sword is unknown, they will not encounter any danger.

Needless to say, the fairy is not to say, Yue Wangjian immediately said: "I have no problem."

Said that he looked at Yi Yun: "Easy friends, what about you?"

The sword has no name and also looked at the past.

Yi Yun’s gaze lingered on the **** demon bone and observed the law.

Judging from the flow of energy in the array, there is indeed a strand of energy separated from the blood demon bone, and then discharged along the line.

These energized energy is almost nothing compared to the powerful atmosphere of the blood demon bone itself. This is because the array operation is very stagnation, and the law is affected by blood gas here.

It seems that there is no problem with the nameless sword, but Yi Yun still did not agree immediately. In everything normal on the surface, Yi Yun felt a trace of non-roundness. When Jiu Li Wu Guo cracked the drug gods, Yi Yun had already realized the formation and formed his own line.

At this time, he is using his own path to step by step.

"Easy little brother, now the manpower is not enough, please be sure to help." Sword no name and sincerely said, "With the strength of the easy brother, I will give you a **** demon bone."

Other people have no opinion when they hear this. After all, the strength of Yiyun has already been witnessed.

Lie Jiaojiao looked at Yi Yun, and the grievances in his eyes did not hide. Those who have harmed her can still get double benefits...

"Easy friends, if you don't want to, my uncle will not force you." You Ruo fairy said.

Everyone looked at Yi Yun, and after a dozen or so, Yi Yun finally spoke.

"In this case, of course, I have no reason to refuse." Yi Yun said.

"Thank you for helping the little brothers." The sword was anonymous and laughed.

Then, he took out a few flags and gave them to these people: "You will sculpt the flag into the body, and you can connect with the formation like me. But this method is arranged by me, there are many The subtleties, the whole body, because you listen to my words, do not mess up the array."

"What if I move the formation?" Huang Xuanyan asked with a flag.

The sword is unnamed and somewhat helpless: "Nature is a failure. Maybe it will be countered, I advise you not to try it."

Huang Xuanyan saw other people staring at him and immediately said: "I just ask, naturally know the importance."

"Then everyone will start refining. This place should not stay for a long time, the sooner we solve it, the sooner we go out." The sword is unknown.

Yi Yun took the flag, and the feeling of not being rounded did not disappear anyway. He promised the sword's nameless request, naturally because he also wants blood demon bones, and in this case he wants to win the blood demon bone, obviously it is impossible.

At this time, other people have already finished refining.

The sword's nameless sight swept over everyone, and then looked at Yi Yun. He saw Yi Yun empty-handed. He just opened his eyes from the plate and suddenly nodded to Yi Yun with a smile.

"The friends of that place, let's start. Please go to the different positions corresponding to the flag." The sword said nothing, and there was an extra battle in the hand.

These people have a flag in their bodies, which senses their position. They do not need to be named without a sword to go to their position.

Yi Yun finally walked out. He took seven steps to the left and went two steps forward, stopping on an inconspicuous stone.

Yi Yungang stopped and the energy of the road appeared among the people. A complicated array immediately appeared at the feet of everyone.

Seeing this scene, the sword nodded innocently and immediately started the battle.

The array of methods shines and is fully activated.

People immediately felt that they had a complete connection with the formation, as if they were one.

The vitality of their bodies began to be withdrawn, and the sorrowful fairy was indifferent, while other warriors were somewhat nervous.

"Don't worry, this is just to gather the power of everyone to fully mobilize the formation. Please don't resist the friends, otherwise it will only affect the formation." The sword said nothing, while the hand moved on the front.

"Now is the most crucial time, please be sure to cooperate with you, otherwise the blood demon bone is difficult to take out." Sword no name and solemnly said.

At this moment, Yi Yun suddenly went three steps forward.

When he left, the law was suddenly chaotic, the law was fluctuating, and everyone felt that the blood was overwhelming.

"Easy little brother, what are you doing?" The sword looked at Yi Yun with no name.

The sorrowful fairy looks at Yi Yun’s eyes and is full of doubts.

"Yi Yun, what are you doing! You are not enough for me. I want to harm all of us right? Are you not wanting us to take the bleeding bones? Do you want to be alone?" Lie Jiaojiao shouted sharply.

The fierce and delicate words made those who were puzzling, suddenly looked at Yi Yun with some bad eyes.

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