True Martial World

Chapter 1482: Sleeping in this huge life

This demon bone is huge and huge. It is integrated with the mountain. It contains the power of terror. Yi Yun is also clear. It is very difficult for him to get it. But since he has already arrived here, he always tries to take some blood. Power, success can be another matter, and you can’t go into Baoshan empty-handed.

Under the light of the fire of the evil spirits, the demon bones become transparent, and the red part inside is like flowing blood.

For a time, Yi Yun seemed to hear the heartbeat of "呯呯呯", which sounded like a morning bell and drums, shocking people!

I have died for a few years, but I still have the sound of heartbeat and blood pulse.

Yi Yun listened to the sound of this heartbeat and unknowingly sank into it. He seemed to go to the ancient times with the river of time, and saw a huge life, soaring among the magnificent world...

this is……

Yi Yun’s heart suddenly shocked, this powerful life gave him an inexplicable wonderful feeling...

"You better not try." At this moment, the sound of Bai Yuejun suddenly sounded.

Yi Yun’s heart glimpsed, and the original scenes that seemed to be illusory suddenly disappeared. He looked back at Baiyue, but he saw that Baiyue’s temperament had become more rosy.

However, Yi Yun can see that the poison in her body is only temporarily depressed, and it is not completely forced out. The law of the poisonous system that is known by the mysterious existence is too strong, even if it is a white moon, it is very suppressed. difficult.

"It is sleeping here, the remains of the flesh is turned into bloodstone, and it is integrated with this mountain. Its power is also sealed here. With your cultivation, it is impossible to get this power."

Bai Yuezhen walked silently to the side of the blood bones, looking up at the traces of giant bones buried in the mountains, his eyes flashing, and he did not know what he was thinking.

The flesh and the mountain are transformed into one, and the blood bone is buried in the mountain of God?

Yi Yun was slightly surprised. So, the cave that he is now set up is partly formed by this ancient beast.

"Listen to the predecessors, it seems that I know the origin of this demon bone?" Yi Yun asked.

Bai Yuejun nodded. "It was an enemy mount I used to be."

"Chouren?" Yi Yun hearted.

Bai Yuejun gently nodded: "We have fought for hundreds of thousands of years, but for some reason, I had to temporarily join forces with him. Later, he fell in the ancient battlefield, and his mount died here. The demon **** is in the middle..."

"It turned out to be like this!"

Yi Yun took a deep breath. Before he heard the rumors, he said that the demon **** is a graveyard of the ancient demon god. Now it seems that the rumor is not completely chaotic. This is indeed the tomb of the ancient beast, the name of the demon **** It's just right.

"The original so-called demon **** is this huge blood bone."

"Yes, the ancient battlefield has existed for a long time. People who don’t know how many days of history and wonders in history have once explored the demon gods. Most of them have failed to return. But some people have discovered this demon **** bone, including the already integrated Three gods and seals, almost masters of the gods, but as long as they try to gain the power of blood demon bones, all failed! Compared with the demon bones, their power is not enough, and even some people try hard, the result is demon Convergence, lost your life. If you are not careful, it may be a bad result."

"The predecessors, did the predecessors not try to live the power of it?" Yi Yun asked.

"It is hostile to me." Bai Yuexi shook his head. "I also thought about refining this demon bone, but there is consciousness left in the demon bone. If I force refining, it may untie the power seal. Self-destruction, then it will not pay for it."

It turned out to be the case.

Yi Yun nodded and could become the opponent of Bai Yuejun. The strength can be imagined, and this demon bone, that year is the fighting partner of that person, indeed it is not ordinary people can shake.

However, when Yi Yun saw the illusions, he had an inexplicable feeling in his heart. It was like something that was within reach and could not be grasped.

Despite the warnings of Baiyue, Yi Yun still couldn't help but figure out what it was.

He thanked Bai Yue, but he still went to the blood demon bone.

Seeing this scene, Bai Yue’s brow wrinkled, she has already warned Yi Yun, even since those days, even the gods who are close to the realm of the gods have failed, Yi Yun still does not give up, then she does not Will be in charge, life and death.

She closed her eyes and continued to meditate.

At this time, Yi Yun stood before the blood demon bone, his consciousness was completely immersed in the blood demon bone.

According to Bai Yuejun, this move is very dangerous! If you are not careful, Yi Yun’s consciousness may be lost in the blood demon bone, swallowed by the consciousness of the blood demon bone.

But Yi Yun still did this, he believed his feelings.


Yi Yun suddenly felt black in front of him. He felt a powerful suction coming from the blood demon bone. He was smashing toward the blood demon.

The next moment, Yi Yun's eyes were filled with blood red color. He looked around and couldn't see anything else, only a piece of red, including his feet. As for the sacred stone pool, the white moon, but it is gone.

Yi Yun suddenly realized that he should have been sucked away by the blood demon bones in front of him. Here, it is probably somewhere inside the blood demon bone, deep in the mountain wall.


The white moon in the meditation slammed openly, Yi Yun was sucked away by the blood demon bone, let her show her eyebrows tighter. She is a cold-hearted person. She does not care about the life and death of all beings, but she suddenly I thought that Yi Yun had the seeds of Aoki God Tree. If he grew up, it would be a big force. If it is an accident, it is a pity.

She gave a glimpse of the gods, wanted to invade the blood demon bones, and pursued Yi Yun. However, outside the blood demon bones, a layer of **** fog was formed, so that the gods of Bai Yueshen could not penetrate at all. When I was seriously injured, I wanted to forcibly break through, which was also a burden for her soul sea.


At this time, in the dark red mountain wall, Yi Yun’s consciousness has completely entered another world.

He once again saw the vast expanse of heaven and earth, and saw the huge life of the soaring universe, and this time his eyes focused on the back of this huge life, where there stood a distinct person.

He has a sword and a sword, and his figure is like a javelin. He stands between the heavens and the earth.

Seeing the whole person, Yi Yun’s heart was shocked, and a feeling of strong familiarity rushed into his heart. He remembered the seven killing swords and huge sword marks that he saw in the Pure Yang Jian Palace. He remembered that one. Under the sword, the bronze giant's head and the powerful figure in the corner of the world.

This person riding on a huge life is clearly the master of Chunyang Jiangong! It is also one of the ancient eight gods!

Originally, the owner of Chunyang Jiangong was the "enemy" mentioned in the White Moon Pass, and it was also the person who had to join forces with Baiyue.

The owner of the Pure Yang Jian Palace died in the battlefield of the ancients. The corner of the world he opened with a sword may be the corner of the ancient battlefield!

His mount was also here.

Yi Yun’s pure-yang broken sword was obtained from the Pure Yang Jian Palace. As for the pure Yang Jianjian, it was obtained by Qingyang Jun, but this sword tip later fell into the hands of Bai Yuejun...

Thinking of this, Yi Yun’s heart suddenly realized that it’s no wonder that Bai Yuejun put the pure Yang Jianjian in this cave to nourish. It turns out that the sleeping body in the cave is the remains of the owner of the pure Yang Jian Palace. The white moon can not be recognized by the ancient monster, but the pure Yang sword can be, it is placed here, can be nourished by the blood demon bone, slow Slow recovery power, this is why Bai Yuejun chose to cultivate here.

But there is still a little Yi Yun does not understand, why Bai Yueqi will be with Qingyang Jun, Qingyang Jun is only the seal of the gods, he is much worse than the characters of the pure Yang Jian Palace, Bai Yueqi and other levels. If Baiyueyu only wants to get a pure sun-broken sword, why can he just take such a big effort and take it away directly? How can Qingyangjun be the opponent of Baiyue?

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