True Martial World

Chapter 1517: Serious injury

The branches are in the hand, and the Vulcan chain is blocked. For Yi Yun, this knife has been avoided!

Hong Meng Daojun's knife not only contains his terrible power as a market giant, but also has a power to swallow. This power of engulfing forms a swallowing vortex in this void, pulling Yi Yun's body directly. !


Hong Meng Dao Jun burst into a bang, his voice was astonishing, and when Hong Meng Daojun was about to squat in Yi Yun Tian Ling, Yi Yun extended his right index finger and **** to meet the unfavorable blade!

Shura refers to - double hair!

Yi Yun’s Shura from the Temple of God said that when he was in the temple of God, even if he just pointed out a finger, he would feel that he was drained most of his body, but now he is facing Hong Meng Daojun, Yi Yun index finger and the **** point out!


The heavy pressure of Hongmeng collapsed into the void, even in the hands of Hong Meng Daojun, like a black hole, which devours all the power, and the face of a heavy, like a star, can not be completely swallowed.

"call out!"

Black light shot, Hong Meng Daojun only feels that the blade suddenly sinks, as if pressed by thousands of mountains, so that his blade is difficult to move forward! He is visible to the naked eye, and a heavy sigh of anger, like a chain, blocks his blade! And Yi Yun’s Shura pointed out that he was still coming to him and directed his eyes directly!

"Give me broken!"

Hong Meng Daojun slammed his tongue and actually burned a trace of blood at this moment. As a market giant, Hong Meng Daojun has not been forced to this point for more than a few years, and how terrible his burning blood is!


A sigh of anger and anger is smashed by the sect of Hong Mengdao! Hong Meng Daojun's knife, and Yi Yun's **** hit the fancy without a fancy!

Yi Yun's fingertips of the power of Hong Meng, broke out before the point of Hong Meng Daojun, only to hear a bang, the long knife of Hong Meng Daojun, cracked a gap from the blade!

Seeing this crack appeared, Hong Meng Daojun’s face changed greatly. This is his magic weapon. He has been raised in the body for nearly 10,000 years. With his laws and power blessing, he is already indestructible. Now he has been split by Yi Yun. ! ?


The life of the magic weapon is damaged, Hong Meng Daojun directly spit out a blood, pale face.

"Kid! You changed my knife with one hand!"

The eyes of Hong Meng Daojun flashed in the eyes. He saw that the index finger and **** of Yi Yun’s right hand had been broken, and the palms were opened by the blade. This hand is almost abolished!

Although the heartache is incomparable, Yi Yun’s losses are even more devastating. In the face of the two major returning giants, the abolition of one hand is no different from death.

"It’s stupid to change the knife by hand!"

Huoyun Shenjun sneaked a sneer, he seized this opportunity, smashed from the side, a whip to Yi Yun's throat!


The long whip tore the void, Yi Yun snorted, the body flew directly out, and fell heavily on the ground!

One of his hands was drenched with blood by the Huoyun Shenjun, almost broken!

"Oh? When I was hanging on the line, I abandoned my right arm and blocked my whip, so that my neck was cut off and I lost my car. It was really a smart choice. Then I want to know, my whip, how are you? Block, do you use the left arm? You can try it, haha!"

The face of Huoyun Shenjun is full of a happy smile. He thinks that a peerless genius who is likely to succeed in the future will die in his own hands. He has a kind of inexplicable coolness.

When the fire cloud **** talks, his whip ignites a burning flame. This flame is different from the general flame shape, and like a colorful streamer, even if the flame burns in an enclosed space, it does not feel the slightest heat. Because the energy is already highly concentrated!


The second whip of the fire cloud **** Jun was drawn over, this whip contains the power of the law, more horrible than just a whip!

"Shu Luo refers!"

In the face of this whip, Yi Yun actually used the left index finger to point!

"Don't worry about the left hand? Good! I will fulfill you!"

Huoyun Shenjun long whip heavy pumping!


The energy burst, this closed Vulcan chain bursts wildly, like a storm that swept through it, Yi Yun was rushed out by this energy flow, and fell heavily on the edge of the Vulcan chain!


Yi Yun mouth spit blood, his internal organs and large earthquakes, the body does not have a pain!

He slipped from the edge of the enchantment, his right arm was abolished, his left hand shivered slightly, but his index finger was still saved!

In the final analysis, it is because Huoyun Shenjun saw the crack of the Hongmeng Daben's life magic weapon, and led him to suffer from it. He didn't want to repeat the same mistakes, so he left his hand in this whip.

Anyway, Yi Yun, who was abolished by one hand and locked in a large array, is already destined to die. He is not guilty of breaking the net with Yi Yunyu.

"Your hand is shaking..."

Huoyun Shenjun’s mouth smirked, and he saw that Yi Yun’s left hand was dropping blood down, a drop of blood dripping, leaving along the index finger, and the scorpion dripping on the ground.

Although the winner is in the grip, but the fire cloud God Jun did not take it lightly, Yi Yun is not simple, otherwise it will not force Hong Meng to that extent.

"You can really bear it. I always feel that you are waiting for an opportunity. Do you think that I am attacking you with all my strength? Don't think about it, I will retain some power, consume you little by little, and give you no chance!"

During the speech of the fire cloud god, the long whip in the hand ignited the five-color flame.

"Hong Meng! Are you watching a movie?"

Huoyun Shenjun looked at Hong Meng Daojun. After the damage of the Ming Fabao, Hong Meng Daojun did not take another shot.

"Hey! The strongest outbreak of this little beast is blocked by me. I have lost enough. Isn’t it enough to solve the rest?"

Hong Mengdao Jun said coldly, although he did not intend to shoot, but his perception has firmly locked Yi Yun, as long as Yi Yun has any chance to turn over, or reveals a real flaw, he will give Yi Yun Thunder hit!

"Hey! After all, you are still afraid that the power is much more consumed. I am licking your knife in the back, Hong Meng, you have too much heart!"

Huoyun Shenjun no longer used extra moves. He sang clear and the third whip came over. He expected that Yi Yun’s left hand had not recovered, and he could not stop this whip!

But at the moment when Huoyun Shenjun raised the whip, a strange scene happened. The colorful flames on his long whip quickly darkened, and it turned into a burning black fire, which burned directly from the whip.


The face of Huoyun Shenjun changed, what is going on! ? This black flame is not his power!

His whip is his magic weapon, which in turn focuses on the flame law of his peak, why is it suddenly invaded by evil fire?


The black fire burned directly into the hands of the fire cloud god, let him feel the pain of being burned by the flame! However, Huoyun Shenjun still firmly grasped his whip.

How long has it been, I don’t know how long it has, he has not felt the pain of being burned by the flame. Since he has repaired the law of fire to the extreme, no one can stand with him in the flame law, all the flames. Beside him, he saw the king as a courtier, and worshipped him.

But today, he suffered from the burning of black fire.

"What is this fire!? Can actually swallow my colorful feathers!"

Huoyun Shenjun suddenly looked at Yiyun, and his eyes showed a hint of fanaticism. "You still have this kind of opportunity. Where do you refine and refine this heaven and earth, it is a waste of you! I really didn't expect that God will treat me. Not thin, when I fell into the bottleneck, let me see this kind of flame, it should be in my hands, in order to play the strongest power, I may even have a chance, with this kind of fire to achieve the king of God, you are simply God gave me a gift, hahaha!"

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